Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

Well, already burning down the church. That's . . . Quite unexpected, but in a good way.
Russian Orthodox 4 lyfe

Also technically just the parish hall, which would be a separate building from the church.
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We have a master that doesn't know how to summon a servant, and a master that, out of the gate, directly attacks the mediator of the entire war.

Oh my.
Okay, in a shellnut. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Two main factions in universe, the Church, and the Mages Association. They both hate each other, they fight all the time.

Three Family from Mage's Assoc. make the holy grail war, to find the 'root' of the universe. Thing is, they don't trust other mages to oversee the war, so they ask the church to do it, who agree because the Holy Grail is a supposed religious artifact.

The Priest is arguably one of the more powerful people in the war, as the mediator. He has multitudes of command spells that he can distribute amongst masters, and generally /everyone/ listens to him.

Firebombing the church might make the priest pretty much issue a Magical APB sort of thing on you, promising command spells to the master/servant combo that kills you. And if you've read the lore, Command Spells are very valuable in the war.

Now, I'm actually not sure about the Ruler servant situation, but he defends the grail and the war's neutrality. So you also most likely made an enemy of /him/ as well. Before even summoning a servant.
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Sounds neat.

I should make more mistakes like that. On the upside even if I get killed I'll be retroactively justified when he summons Gilgamesh using a bunch of boxed dead children.
What the hell is Nasuland's church, anyways? I always see to it referred to just as "The Church", singular, proper. Is there only one branch of Christianity or something? Do Catholics and Protestants and Calvanists and Mormons and Deists and the like not exist in this setting?

Because, if so, I'm not sure what I'm doing since my guys' whole motivation for doing that was based on a 16th-century religious schism.
So it's a horrible mishmash of all the Orthodox branches basically.

Except for, you know:

1. They spill blood regularly

2. They kill regularly

3. They dabble in sorcery

4. They actively enable violence

5. They apparently acknowledge the Buddha and hold him in the same reverence as Jesus Christ

6. Apparently allow nuns to marry

7. Many, many more things that are so out of line I can't even wrap my head around them.

There is absolutely no way "The Church" has not been exocommunicated because this stuff is blasphemous as all hell. My guy wouldn't be a proper religious zealot if he didn't hate these people.
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Everything about the church is related to magic. Baptismal rites can kill servants when used as a spiritual weapon, and items such as saint relics hold divine mystery to them which make them powerful magical artifacts. Any average priest is actually a very very sub par magus whether the priest knows it or not. The church also basically only kills dead apostles, rarely, if ever, any humans. They don't event kill most demons since demons are, in nasuverse, naturally manifested thoughts of humanity, so killing demons is like killing a part of nature. They target dead apostles since they are distinctly unnatural in their eyes.
Even if I took all that at face value it still leaves enabling and encouraging bloodshed and worshiping false idols at the very least.

That's pretty serious shit mang, Like the seriousest.

I mean apparently my guy can do whatever with no retaliation because he is neither a demon nor a vampire but he can't not crusade against these people. That'd be going against everything my dude stands for.
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Zaskille said:
Even if I took all that at face value it still leaves enabling and encouraging bloodshed and worshiping false idols at the very least.
That's pretty serious shit mang, Like the seriousest.

I mean apparently my guy can do whatever with no retaliation because he is neither a demon nor a vampire but he can't not crusade against these people. That'd be going against everything my dude stands for.
So serious that two separate kingdoms were destroyed entirely by God for doing it. In fact, the kingdom that got destroyed for idol worship made an idol to worship God by proxy, not a separate god entirely.
eh, youre waiting on me?

oh right, I have two masters, huh

i didn't see a 2 there, so i guess two is mine?

if not, just give me whatever
Should be everyone now. Except Archer of course. Should be interesting to see the results. Very . . . Interesting . . .
So we're about to do the drawing?

Ya know we could just use the dice feature and roll each servants number. That way it'll be perfectly random
Yes, but then people would accidentally roll the already taken numbers, which would just take more time.
Huntrey said:
Yes, but then people would accidentally roll the already taken numbers, which would just take more time.
If you roll an already taken number, you just have to roll again. Come on this is simple.
We've already got a system. Archer has a thing with the servants that all have #'s assoc. to them. When everyone's got a number he'll give us the pairings.
ComradeSenpai said:
If you roll an already taken number, you just have to roll again. Come on this is simple.
Plus, the chance for two masters to get the same number is pretty small. When the pool of servants gets too small, we can simply update the pool so that it goes from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 to 1,2,3,etc.

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