Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War


King of Heroes
OOC tab, please put all of your OOC comments on this tab to make things more manageable.

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Also any further questions should be directed here too, unless a Q and A tab becomes necessary.
Okay. Quick question. Given the description on the Assassin tab, I'm going to guess that this bypasses the typical main Wars rules of having the one of the Hassan-i-Sabah as Assassin?
Yes indeed, that would be much too restrictive and extremely burdensome for newer viewers as they would have to know the Hassans were wraiths, had no names, Zabaniya techniques, Shaytan's elemental status, etc.
Are we making our own pair of Master and Servant, or are we putting two players together, with one playing either role?

If the latter, then we should probably get a rough estimate of who's playing who before everyone makes their sheet. It would be a bummer if there are 8 servants and only two masters, and people would have to scrap their sheets.
The latter so people won't have so much work. I have a reserve of RPGuild members who may or may not help us foe the master slots and I myself and JusticeSword I'm sure will be willing to play more masters.

But you are right, it would be wise to get a rough estimate.
I was planning on going Servant, as I expect most people are, but I might be able to wing a Master if need be.
Maybe it might be better for people to coordinate both their masters and servants. I think it would be easier in my opinion, everyone gets to play the servant they want, (as I assume most people here are wanting to play the godlike, nigh-invincible superhuman beings) and it would also make the RP move a little faster.

Then again, it's just my opinion, and I'm still fine with whatever.
Hello everyone,

I would be fine in just roleplaying as a master ^.^

I'm still surprised that someone actually made a Fate/Zero/Stay-night rp
I've actually seen a fair number of Fate fans on here. Our numbers have certainly increased after Zero came out. The first anime was, uhhh, really kinda bad, putting it lightly. The VN was a work of art though. Currently looking at making a Saber (against my usual inclinations) but I'm flexible and I think my choice in HS can be any class with Rider being the iffiest.
I'll be apping a master and Justice sword will be acting as the Einzbern grail vessel along with a servant as well. I'll also be playing the Church mediator and Ruler too, so my hands are currently quite full, and as such, I do not believe I will be able to maintain additional masters by myself.
As a note to the disproportionate interest/sheets, I am in process of making mine. Life is pretty busy during peak season for me so it's taken a bit longer than expected. I'll try and have it up today or tomorrow at the latest.
I'll make a servant. If there are need for additional masters, then I'll make one as well. Right now, it seems we actually have a surplus of masters, though my count might be wrong. I'm only scouring this thread, and some people might be flipflopping more than I've accounted for.

No, wait, let me make a list:

Masters: 5

Xal of Lanterns Lost

Archer (Not counting his Church/Ruler Pair)




Servants: 3


Xal of Lanterns Lost


Also, it's finals week for those still in school. Give it 'till next week and a lot of the college-aged students on here, (and high school students, I'd wager as well) will be freed up.
JusticeSword is making a servant and master too, but that's won't change the proportion of the pairs. I knew there was a surplus of masters which is why I wasn't worrying all that much since servants will fill up anyway. However by today I suspect that list will even out a bit.
Jeez. If there's two things I hate about making characters, it's naming them and giving them a picture. Haha.

Some really unique servants so far. I'm quite impressed.
If your servant isn't the best servant this side of the universe . . . My hate for you will be unreal!

No pressure though!
The Headless horseman would be an ungodly powerful servant though, I'm pretty sure he's almost as well known as Hercules. And add in the fact that they're likely a divine/something something being...
Not really divine, more of damned or something similar. Also, his legend is connected to that of a Dullahan, a headless fairy who serves as the bringer of death.

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