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Fandom Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War


King of Heroes


1. Maintain civility please, offensive language is fine when in character but anything beyond is a no-no.

2. All RPN rules apply, as they are comprehensive and necessary anyway.

3. Please post OOC in the OOC and not in the IC tab.

4. Killing other players can happen and might happen, so negotiate with other players first before agreeing to kill someone off.

5. Literacy. I do not expect some grand and awing prose, but endeavor to provide at least one or tow detailed paragraphs.

6. If you are to have an absence, please notify me beforehand so that I may store away your character(s) in safety. If no warning is provided, then a five day waiting period is established. If you do not participate after the five days, your character will either be killed of or taken by me.

7. Understand that your character is not the supreme master of all creation that utterly destroys everyone. In the case of servants this can happen as some servants are simply inherently stronger than others, but please do not abuse this. Additionally I will be banning servants I deem too powerful in the first place or at least placing restrictions on them.

8. Adhere to the above rules please. One infraction equates to a warning, another equates to a second warning, a third equates to being booted.

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Location: Fuyuki Church

Vars, the official church mediator of this fifth holy grail war, stood outside Fuyuki church, admiring the day. Songbirds fluttered about and let loose their melodies while the radiant sun shone with mellow and gentle streams of heavenly light. The white marble of Fuyuki church reflected back this show of light, appearing to be bathed in divine splendor. Vars was no regular priest. He was an executor, a trained killer of the church that sought out dead apostles and demons to slaughter. He had been so since the age of fourteen, but had retired early at the age of thirty to a more quiet location to live out his life as a regular priest. Thus he was now at Fuyuki City, but lo and behold it seemed that trouble followed him everywhere. Upon becoming the official priest of Fuyuki Church, he was notified that he was now the mediator of any grail wars that came about. With slight annoyance, Vars had accepted the task with little complaint.

And now the grail war had started two days ago. Command seals formed on the original members of the founding families, though the Matou were a dubious prospect due to their declining family strength. Outside magi were inducted, and still others like mercenaries or freelancers came. All for a single wish. Vars personally believed such a dubious claim of a wish granting cup to be utterly preposterous. In the first place, nobody even knew if this damned cup in Japan was the real deal. It was the 726th report of a possible holy grail, so the chances seemed awfully low. Nevertheless, Vars was now in charge of registering all the masters as participants in the war. He unrolled his right sleeve, revealing a scarred and muscular arm completely wrapped in command seals. Reserve ones just in case to maintain order in the grail war by using the seals as incentives to follow the war.

Vars stepped back into his church and waited in his small office, reading a handheld bible as he waited for the masters to register themselves.


{Your first post should be you just registering for the war, greet the priest, etc. I'm going to assume everyone comes in at different times so as to not cause any confusion even if everyone posts at the same time in real time.}​
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There was no point in hesitating anymore. The moment the command seals appeared on her hand, she was destined for bloodshed.

Aura was walking out in public, making her way to the far end of the city where she learned the Grail Overseer was going to be stationed. If was pretty far from where Aura lived, and she hated that- it meant more distance for her to cover to and from. Even though she had not summoned her servant, she was cautious of being watched or, worse, targeted. As she had walked here, she had taken precautions. Mundane precautions, but she hoped that it was all that was needed.

The first was by taking a bus part of the way and, on the bus, changing jackets into a black hood, rather than the white one she had been wearing before hand. Hopefully that would fool anyone tracking her. She got off at a random stop and put on a simple mask , keeping her head down as she walked. She decided to take a back way, although that put her off by half an hour or so. Most would consider her a little too paranoid about all of this... but it was a battle to the death, after all. In a game where she was most likely the weakest player, she had to play to her wits. Instinct, acting while keeping an eye out for those who might observe you, moving when nessacary, and seeking the truth. Without a combination of these traits, she never would have learned the truth of her bloodline.

She still seethed about that deception. Her entire life had been a lie... a simple deception compared to her sister. She was younger, so she hadn't been afforded the same rights, the same knowledge... how was that fair? It simply wasn't! But she had done what she wasn't supposed to ever do, learn what she was not supposed to learn. She may not have a true magic crest, but she was a magus now... and the three symbols on her wrist proved it.

She walked up to the door, and creaked it open, she did a quick look around to make sure no one else was present except for the priest, then lowered her hood and removed her mask as she walked forward. “I am Aura Tohsaka. I am here to register.” She said She figured if the priest was the correct one, she wouldn't have to elaborate on what she was registering for. She kept the hand bearing the command seals out, the other one in hood pocker, fingering the magnum it held. If things turned messy, this was her only escape option. Explosive Shot, Earth Shot, Explosive Shot, Wind Shot. She had to keep the order present in her mind. These were her only tools to survive should the worse happen.

Vars stepped out of his small office and plastered a fake smile on his lips. His wild and fiercely dark hair lay in spiked droves spiraling down to his shoulders. As he walked, his hair danced about, giving the impression that it was a living, observing being. He had sensed a master had come from the magic field that bounded the church which detected all foreign mana signatures above a certain threshold. The first master to come register, even though the grail manifested two days ago. Vars had expected the Einzbern homonculus to have come first, but it seemed that one of the members of the three founding families, the Tohsaka, had come. But how strange, Vars had not maintained contact with the Tohsaka, but the woman before him was not the heir to the family's secrets.

Of course, as church mediator, Vars was to remain neutral and not pry into the pasts of his masters. Vars respected rules and order, but yet he also relished witnessing the destruction of law and anarchy grasp the fickle minds of man. Vars stepped closer to the Tohsaka family member, his coal black eyes glimmering no life, as if they were pits to an endless void. Vars immediately noted the command seals the woman held up, and memorized the name.

Aura. Aura. I've never heard of it. Yes this woman is definitely not the heir. Judging by her use of a firearm, I surmise she is merely a relative. How interesting...

Vars nodded agreeably, plastering an obviously fake smile on his lips with a practiced motion, as if he never needed to deceive a person with more than a simple half rate spurious smile.

"Of course. You are registered in the Holy Grail War, the fifth I believe. Rejoice, Aura Tohsaka, for the greatest battle of your life has come. Another note, please do not bring in any weapons into the church. I pose no harm, but I understand your caution."

Vars's deathly eyes narrowed as he stared at Aura's hood pocket. From his extreme experience as an Executor of the highest class, Vars could easily make out the caution that was imbued within the woman's voice, and could subsequently deduce that the woman had a weapon within her hood pocket. Finishing his sentence, Vars performed a courteous bow and turned back again, his depressing black priestly vestments fluttering with the sudden movement. Vars simply opened his handheld bible and began reading without facing Aura, indicating for her to leave.​
The sun's tender rays had just fallen past the horizon, sheathing the graveyard in a shroud of light, the wrought-iron gate glinting in the new found moonlight. As if prompted by a wind, the gate slowly slid open, a loud screech emanating throughout the yard. A second later, a man slid into view, seemingly appearing out of the very air - the magical cloak he hid behind reluctant to release their bonds.

A faint crack could be heard, and pieces of stone crumbled from the man's hand, the faint red glint of a command seal visible upon the back, stretched taught across his dark skin. Other than the dispelled concealing spell, the man made no attempt to hide his features, nor his presence. Short and matted blue hair adorned his head, a fierce expression was hidden in his features. He wore a long sleeved shirt, ragged jeans and boots, with a single-strap backpack slung over his back, a long, shrouded object sticking out from the top.

He walked with the smallest of limps, proceeding quickly through the courtyard to the large, wooden doors of the church. Fuyuki city's church. The heart of the unseen war to come. He pushed the door open with a firm shove, walking inside, his branded hand held aloft.

"Priest! I, Takeshi, have been selected for this war!"
His words were loud, almost confrontational. He didn't speak so much as he did spit the statement out, putting all the thinly-veiled contempt he could muster into every word. He held no high opinion of the church, it was clear. Yet, he lusted for the Grail. Lusted for the revenge it would grant him. So he would follow their rule, albeit grudgingly.

Vars awoke from his light slumber as he sensed the foreign presence entering the magical field of the church. The third master to enter it seemed. The second had been Kana Tohsaka, the true heir to the Tohsaka family. Vars had felt deeply touched when he saw that the sisters were to fight in this likely lethal quest against each other, but touched in what way Vars would never specify. All one can say is that the matter stayed in Vars's mind as a memorable event.

Vars immediately began to analyze the man as he had done so to the previous masters that had registered. He noted the man's physique to the finest of details and his slight limp. The cloak he realized was under the effects of magic from what little information he could secretly glean from the church's identification field. If Vars was to be asked as to why he noted the masters' general capacities, he would simply reply that he was moderating the war, which was quite believable. And yet untrue. In what way, only Vars knows.

Vars turned around and stood tall, reaching a height of two hundred and ten centimeters. He took long, unbroken strides towards the new master. When Vars had stepped down from the altar of the church, the man made his proclamation of his identity as a master and further verified it by bearing his command seals. Vars noted them and nodded before replying with a solemn but quaintly eager voice,

"Of course. You are now registered in the fifth holy grail war. Rejoice, for your struggles shall culminate but the rewards you shall reap will far exceed the toils you endure."

Vars nodded again as if to confirm the end of his sentence before sitting down at the front pew before pulling out his hand held bible to read once more. Atleast, it appeared to be a handheld bible with it's blackened and dusty covering made likely out of leather. The pages were yellowed with age and emanated a faint glow to them, though this glow was so weak that it was near unnoticeable. A connoisseur of aged artifacts could instantly tell that the bible was over three hundred years old but remarkably well preserved.​
Theta trudged through the dimly lit halls of his families base deep underground. Other members glared at him as he passed. Some made snide comments towards him and spat. He was used to it by now. These idiots didn't understand anything. He ignored them and continued down the hall to a large door at the end. It was ornamented with obsidian and lined with silver.

There were three people standing in front of the door. He walked up to the center one, who then spoke to him. "You're late Theta, you should have more respect. You are the heir to our family." He said the word "heir" with obvious sarcasm and disappointment. Theta pushed him aside without a glance. "And you should mind your own business. This does not concern you."

He pushed the doors open and walked through. A man wearing a black hood was sitting at the end of the room. "Theta. You are finally here I see. Have a seat, there are things we need to discuss." Theta closed the door behind him. He snapped his fingers and dark energy took the form of a couch. Then an actual couch appeared which Theta then sat in. The man smiled when he saw this. "You're control of Chaos energy is improving still I see. It has already surpassed even my elite guard." Theta looked unaffected by the compliments. "I know you didn't call me here to compliment me. What do you want." The mans red eyes gleamed for a second. "Well let's cut to the chase then. I've heard that the Grail has chosen you and you now have your command seals. I would like you to reconsider learning my death magic. It would make the war a breeze. I am too.... Handicapped to fight and you are the only one that can learn it." Theta's face scrunched up in anger. "Are you serious! Even after what happened! Have you learned absolutely nothing!" He heard murmuring outside the door and calmed down so he would make a scene.

The man stood up and walked over to Theta. "Theta.... Son.... You have the largest magic crest we've ever had. Even larger than one of the three original families. Why hold yourself back. After all, you know if you fail you're mother will..." Theta snapped his fingers, getting rid of his couch. He stood up and walked over to the door. "Shut up. I don't need your petty Death Magic. I'll take it back by my own power. No one else needs to be hurt because of that power. Also.... after what you did, if I ever hear you speak of mother again, I'll kill you myself."

Theta shook his head. Now was not the time for daydreams. He had come a long way and now it was time get what he came for. He walked into the church, announcing his presence as he did.
The sun was burning her, but she ignored it with a smile on her face. She was dressed in dark clothing with a hood over her head, so the only bits of sun that was actually burning her with her hands and a small portion of her face, but Rosette didn't really care about that.

Why did she have to go to a stupid church, anyway? It reminded her of the Burial Agency. Rosette could handle those fools, she knew, but they had still been annoying to deal with. This is what Rosette thought as she walked up the hill leading to the church. She had left her vampire familiars at home- they wouldn't be needed on a simple quest like that. Her familiars- Magi she had enslaved, would sit there quietly, or even better, bring back a nice virgin or two for her to snack on.

She was almost to the church, she knew. She had this area memorized. In the event of a problem, she had five different escape routes back to the bounded field that marked her territory. There had been some territory issues with the local vampire, but that struggle didn't last too long, and Rosette was always happy to put a patheic dog in their place.

She reached the door to the church and bashed it open. With the annoying sun out of the way, she flipped off her hood and surveyed the place with crimson eyes. She hadn't bothered to put in contacts today... they just didn't seem all that necessary. She smelled the human priest before she saw him, and thus didn't bother to look for him- Human blood was a strong smell, after all. “Good Day to you.” She said, walking forward with a confident yet dazzling smile. “I am here to register for the Holy Grail War.” She said. Normally, a human alone like this was too good an oppurtunity to waste... but oh well, apparently this guy needed to be alive.

She half wondered how the Einzberns or the Tohsaka's tasted. Maybe once she killed them both, she'd mix their blood together and make a delicious wine.
@Kuru Kishi

Vars was once more poring through his quaint bible. His eyes moved rapidly across the page lengths, with the distinct golden glimmer emanating from the pages reflecting in a tainted shade through his void like eyes. He closed the bible between his thumb and fingers, immediately cutting off the ethereal light that burst forth from the pages. Another master had come, as indicated by the chilling sensation that ran down his spine when a foreign mana signature entered the church's area. Vars stood up and turned towards the church door, poising himself to greet the likely new master. In the case that visitors were not masters, Vars had of course prepared for his own well being, with ten black keys tied around his waist and under his priestly vestments. His mystic code was also supremely powerful in most cases, one of the oldest and most dangerous treasures of the church that Vars kept a secret unknown to any of his superiors and authorities.

Vars donned his spurious and hardly accommodating smile as he faced the master, identifying the man he encountered as such through the command seals. A brooding man it seemed, dressed in depressing garb much like Vars. Yet the eyes held a momentum and strength behind them that belied his cool aura.

"I see. You are then registered in the fifth holy grail war. Rejoice, for the chance to obtain your wish has come."

Vars turned around, ignoring the master, indicating him to leave. This new master was obviously a magus that had a refined and experienced air about him, but nothing that Vars could not crush should he so desire.



Vars opened his eyes in animal instinct as the ever so slight sensation of a foreign mana signature indicated another visitor. One of the last masters to register it seemed. His bible lay resting on his right palm, a rectangular bundle of eerie parchment bound by a thick spine and wrapped taut with what appeared to be faded away leather. Purple symbols littered the front of bible to form an amalgamation of scrawly and archaic symbols, giving the bible a mysterious air to it.

Vars stepped out of his office and walked calmly out towards the visitor, but instantly froze when he realized his visitor was a dead apostle. The presence was all too familiar as Vars had slaughtered thousands of such beings in his life in duty to the church as a prime Executor. Instinctively Vars pulled out a black key from under his garment, gripping it in his left hand tightly. He was ready to materialize the sword that emerged from what appeared to be an oversized black cross in his left hand and strike down the dead apostle. He did not stop to think on why such a being would enter a church so willingly as battle experience and superb instinct drove Vars to an unquenchable blood lust that horrified even the monsters he slew. His eyes widened and his pitch black irises lighted up in anticipation of blood, as if the prospect of putting down the filthy monster invigorated his very being.

Of course, Vars realized that the dead apostle before him was a master in this war. Quite possibly the strongest considering the natural strength of dead apostles, but in the grand scale of things, master based strength rarely mattered. Vars slid the black key back into the folds of his garment and was about to reply to the dead apostle when he realized that his bible was in full view of the woman. Vars quickly hid the bible from the dead apostle's view by placing it behind his back. Should the dead apostle have seen the bible, she would have witnessed a scene of unimaginable carnage: the view of the world at it's end, ravaged with unspeakable horror and blood shed. The scene would have imposed itself powerfully upon her mind, attempting to burn away all the memories she had to render her incapable of processing all thought except that which represented horror on a global scale that no mortal could withstand. Of course, Vars was courteous and had hid his bible as soon as possible before the dead apostle could get a firm glimpse of the book, but even then simply gazing at a blur would be enough to show a simple flash of the destroyed world, which would at most unnerve her.

"My apologies. You have now been registered in the fifth holy grail war. Rejoice, for though your life be timeless your wish shall nonetheless be a pivotal goal to work towards."

Vars simply stood still, staring at the dead apostle before him. The faint traces of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as his feral but dead eyes stared straight into her crimson ones.
A middle-aged female, looking to be about 25 walked under the trees to the church, dressed in a white wooly gown and a white hat, shielding her from the sunlight. She was walking with her eyes closed, whistling to herself as she walked along, occasionally looking at the male next to her. She was created ten years earlier and summoned her Servant, since the Einzberns expected the war to take place then. It was very difficult for her then and still was until now that she finally has the Grail's support, however, smiling at her Servant whom dressed in a formal suit, it would be hard to see that.

"So, we are going to a church?" Saber asked with interest. "Are we praying to God for victory?" he looked ahead at the church that was coming into sight. It seemed to be very tall and old. Probably since it has been here for at least a century.

"We could do that too." Isaviel replied with an upbeat tone. "But we are going there to register for the Grail War." she added. Saber nodded and looked up at the church that was now before them. She reached up with her hand and placed her hand on the doorknob, gently pushing it down and opening the door. She and Saber both walked into the church, looking around in awe.
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The Einzbern master. One of the three with the highest chance to win, hailing from a founding family of the Grail wars. Quite late to register it seemed, but there was a good reason why. Before Vars within the church stood two figures. A young woman with immaculate white hair and faded crimson eyes shrouded by pale and unblemished skin. The trademark qualities of an Einzbern homonculus. Why the Einzbern's would send a homonculus to be a master baffled Vars, especially considering that this same woman was the grail vessel. She had an astounding amount of circuits at qualities beyond what regular magus could muster, easily enough to support a servant without the grail's help. It would be no exaggeration to state that the Einzbern homonculus created for the grail war was more capable than all the other masters combined in sustaining a servant.

On top of that, the homonculus had broken the rules of the grail war and summoned a servant back in Europe, where it presumably received an immense power boost for being summoned in it's own cultural sphere. The servant might have gotten access to a powerful noble phantasm it would not have regularly received in Japan. Nevertheless, Vars could not impugn the Einzbern master for subverting the rules as she was a founding member, such was their privileges. Her servant stood steadfast beside her, a robust and noble knight clad in brilliant silver armor radiating with power.

"Einzbern master, you are registered. Rejoice, for your family may yet find solace in regaining their magic right."

Vars nodded his head complacently before stepping out of view back into his small and dusty office.
Dominic's slick, sexy red Ferrari zoomed down the streets on the way to the church, with seemingly no regard for anyone else on the road that day. Dominic was assaulted by honking and cursing as he drove, but he didn't hear shit. His music was too loud, and the bass was cranked up so damn high that not only did his car shake, but the earth under his wheels trembled.

As he pulled up to the church building, Still by Geto Boys blared all across the grounds as if Dominic was ringing the door bell with the lack of shits he gave. And then kicked that door in while shouting and waving his .9 at the occupants.

His car door slid up as the ground continued trembling from his music, and all of a sudden it stopped. There was dead silence except for the sound of Dominic's footfalls as he lumbered up the steps.

"Yo, parson Hooper," he shouted at the door to the church while banging on it with his fist, "Where you at, dawg!? We gon' get this registration shit down right 'bout now!"
Archer said:
The Einzbern master. One of the three with the highest chance to win, hailing from a founding family of the Grail wars. Quite late to register it seemed, but there was a good reason why. Before Vars within the church stood two figures. A young woman with immaculate white hair and faded crimson eyes shrouded by pale and unblemished skin......"Einzbern master, you are registered. Rejoice, for your family may yet find solace in regaining their magic right."

Vars nodded his head complacently before stepping out of view back into his small and dusty office.
Isaviel nodded a brief thanks and turned to Saber after the priest dismissed himself. Saber nodded, looking outside.
"You have the right to own that magic because it is of your family, I assume?" Saber inferred as the two made their way outside, discussing the homunculus' plans. Isaviel nodded, indicating that his deduction was the case. Saber nodded, but stopped when Isaviel turned to him.

"I suggest we start setting up fortitude, as we will essentially have free time in order to do such." she explained, of course referring to how her Servant became almost completely invulnerable during the day with the combination of two of his passive Noble Phantasms. Saber nodded in agreement.

"That would be a wise use of our time." he agreed as they vanished back into the forest.

Vars scrunched his eyes in minor confusion as he witnessed the flamboyant master burst into the church. His language seemed to be a modified English which quite amused Vars. Vars walked down the church aisle to meet the master and confirmed his status as a master.

"Registration merely requires that I witness your command seals, which you have. Rejoice and muster your vitality throughout the hardships you are to endure, for the rewards you shall reap are great."

Vars noted how strange this grail war's participants were. The last wars had all been conducted by prim and proper magus, all based in Europe and from noble stock. And now it seemed the only true noble stock magus here were those from the three founding families. Indeed, there was a master that did not even know how to summon a servant. Vars waved his hand, indicating the conversation over, nodding with an amiable gleam in his void filled eyes.


The night sky shadowed over Fuyuki church, which itself had no artificial lights to fight off the darkness of nature. The church was an antiquated relic, having not had any renovation to its interior and exterior. Of course basic upgrades like electricity and air conditioning were supplied so that church members could attend worship in comfort. However the church was closed for the grail wars, with an apparent need for extensive renovation being the excuse to drive away people seeking spiritual guidance. Vars was not in the most agreeable of moods as he had to expend a command seal to halt the fire that had erupted at the parish hall, putting up a powerful barrier of spiritual energy that created a vacuum inside to snuff out the flames. An obvious arson by, it seemed, the master that had immediately left the church after being registered. A supremely foolish decision.

Vars had contemplated an announcement to the other masters to track down and eliminate this rogue master with command seals as awards as he had first suspected that this was noit a genuine master, but a fraud that was determined to undermine the ritual. However, such suspicions eased as the master was obviously working alone and could not muster any sizable damage to the ritual itself. Though to have rebellious masters at this stage was quite the nuisance for Vars, but yet a solution to these sorts of problems presented itself through the summoning of a Ruler class servant. But before that, Vars had to attend to his real ambitions and desires in this war. Mediator? Such a word was a farce to Vars, he was no mediator in nature and he would not be in this war to obtain a fake holy grail either.

Vars understood what had happened after the third holy grail war. How the Einzberns had attempted to summon a trump card and had miserably failed. How that trump card had severely altered the grail in ways that none of the founding families could imagine. And yet that altering would allow Vars to realize his ultimate ideal. Vars had already hijacked this war, having subverted security to the actual grail vessel under Ryuudou temple. From there he had "hacked" into the grail system, planting a direct copy of his bible, the long forgotten mystic code that heralded the events of the apocalypse, into the grail's core. The bible was essentially one of four catalysts required to witness Armageddon, and as such it was an extremely powerful mystic code that even servants would not be able to match in magical strength imbued with Vars's will. Once the grail system began absorbing the energy of deceased servants, it would also absorb the energies of the mystic code, and therefore also absorb Vars's wish. Thus no matter which master won the grail, their wish would be warped into a way so as to fit Vars's wish. All Vars needed to do know was to ensure the grail war was carried out and a master truly designated as a winner. If this grail war was subverted, then one of the three founding families would easily uncover what Vars had done and from then Vars was a dead man, so his plan had to work.

Did Vars feel any guilt about any of this? Of course not. The victorious master would still be able to obtain a wish, but at the same time the wish would be enacted in a way so as to accomplish Vars's wish as well. In fact, Vars considered his meddling a blessing for humanity itself. If a master truly won with the grail as it was now, then the being within would be able to materialize into this world, bringing forth immense amounts of death and destruction. At the very least, Vars's wish did not entail severe loss of life and damage to humanity. All Vars needed to do know was to ensure the rules were enforced and the war kept on, which a ruler class servant would aptly accomplish.

Vars currently stood in the basement of Fuyuki church. It was a desolate and barren place, surrounded by cold, rotting wood and filled with dusty coffins anchored firmly to the ground with heavy, menacing chains. Restraints and chains also lay on top of the coffins, as if to restrain people on them. On the center of the basement was a simple line of purple chalk rounding in the form of a circle. There were no arcane inscriptions or letters within the circle, as the grail summoned the Ruler class servant, not Vars. Vars provided the catalyst, which was a rusted plate of armor, and with one special marking at the circle's circumference, denoted that the summoning was to be performed by the grail to manifest a Ruler. Normally the grail would summon the Ruler class servant immediately, but a forced summoning like this one held different procedures.

Vars clasped his hands in front of him as he casually strolled back, witnessing the purple circle of chalk emanating a luminous glow. The catalyst at the center of the circle began to oscillate, as if being infused with immense amounts of energy. A blinding purple light began to emanate from the center of the circle, slowly expanding before rapidly exploding outwards, engulfing the entire basement instantaneously. Waves of energy rippled out from the summoning circle, causing the basement to shake violently as if an earthquake was assaulting the church. Vars stood calm amid the havoc, and an instant later the blinding light receded completely, leaving only darkness.

At the center of the circle was a knight clad in dark purple armor, gleaming with sinister intent. Darkness enveloped the knight, condensing in violent ripples that surged around him in a deathly aura, darker than the absolute darkness around the servant. The knight's face was fair, but completely emotionless, as if the knight was a mere automaton. The knight's left eye emitted a crimson red gleam that chilled Vars's spine and heightened all of his flight instincts. Truly Vars did not suspect that the Ruler class servant would appear like this, but he felt no real concern. The Ruler class servant did not seek to harm masters or servants normally, only making sure rules were followed. Harming masters and servants could lead to advantages for other servants and masters, so threats of violence were never issued. However, Vars was promptly proven wrong when he felt cold metal pierce his gut and slide through his organs before sliding cleanly out from Vars's back.

Vars's eyes widened in shock as blood began streaming from his closed mouth. The knight retracted the blade from Vars's body, a gruesome squelching sound following the metal of the blade sliding out. Blood gushed from the open wound in Vars's stomach in forceful bursts, splattering and pooling on the ground beneath him. Vars felt his legs weaken under him and fell face forward on the cold, rotting basement floor, his vision blurring from the fatal wound. Out of the corner of his eyes, he witnessed the Ruler class servant fading away into black mist, entering his spiritual form. A second later Vars felt the familiar signal of the church's bounded field indicating that Ruler had left the church boundaries.

But Vars was quite a tenacious one. He refused to die, and he would use any method to extend his fate. He would not allow his wish to fail him at any cost. Eyes focusing once more, Vars weakly regained control of his shaking right arm and used his fresh blood to draw upon the floor a red cross. Three command seals began glowing on Vars's arm, immediately being converted into raw energy for the healing spell Vars was to cast in order to survive.

"Fill. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Each repetition is complete, and soon torn asunder."

A quiet voice spoke, carefully shaping each word, speaking them so softly that he even had trouble hearing. The words weighed heavy upon his tongue, each one digging him deeper - closer. The small urge in the back of his mind told him to give up. To forgo the war, forgo his hate, and flee.

Takeshi stood over a large magic circle, painstakingly inscribed into the stone tiles below him. The moonlight illuminated the area brightly, revealing bright red walls and pillars. It shone upon aging, tiled roofing. A shrine on the edge of Fuyuki city, it was a pitiful skeleton of what it once was. Yet, it was tranquil. Harmonic. Something of a bridge between man and nature. A canopy of stone and leaf both held up by pillars of wood and vine. In the middle stood a small, crumbling altar. At first glance, it supported nothing. But the moonlight shone upon a single, small strand of hair, withered with age. The hair of an ancient figure. The relics of his awakening. The key to Takeshi's desire.

"Silver and steel shalt bind." His voice was slowly increasing in volume. Increasing in intensity. "Laid upon a foundation of stone, held by the Archduke of Contracts."

The Matou master began to pace around the circle, his command-seal-bearing hand held forward, unwavering. His stance was dignified, stubborn, refusing to let the limp diminish his posture. A fire burned in his eyes. A fire of hate, anger, sorrow.

"Above them, I hold no ancestor in anything but contempt." His words were absolute. Unwavering. "Be a barrier to the coming storm. Bar the four gates - come forth from the crown, and strike through the winding road to the kingdom."

His pacing stopped - he was now standing directly opposite of the altar. A heavy gust of wind started to flow through the shrine, tearing vines and leaves, yet leaving the altar and circle untouched.

"I call to thee!" The rune began to glow - a deep dark blue - as the gale grew stronger. "Thy body, borne of my will! My fate, resting on thy shoulders!"

"Submit to the Grail, and if thy shalt bend to my creed, my moral, then heed my call, and answer!" The shrine was now shaking. The unsteady foundation threatening to collapse.

"I swear to thee - I will bring an end to cruel wickedness, an end to pain, an end to corruption!" Takeshi would destroy the Matou family. Their torturous methods. Their horrifying crest. He would destroy any mage that disregarded humanity in such a way.

"From the seventh heaven - restrained by three holy souls, cast aside thy bonds, creator of the true balance!" He was now shouting - he had to, if he was to be heard over the wind. However, as soon as the last, weighted word left his lips, the gale ceased. The glow ebbed. And Takeshi felt a strange harmony. Felt calm wash over him.

Then the rune erupted in a blinding flash of light as white noise filled his ears. The foundation of the shrine shook and creaked, the altar split in half with a resounding crack. And once it subsided, Takeshi could only stare towards the last wisps of smoke, barely concealing the figure ahead of him...
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Theta was on the roof of a building. It was the only place fit to summon the servant he planned on summoning. In the center of the magic circle was a box. A box that had been passed down in his family for generations. They were taught that it was the true Pandora's box. Many have tried to open it, however all have failed to do so. They always fell to some calamity before they could fufill their intentions. The clan was so afraid that they left it to the head of the family to take care of it. It was given to Theta once he became qualified to be the heir. Theta didn't mind having it, nor did he fear it. After all, Pandora's box was a body chaos, and that is the power that he draws from.

The magic circle was set, and as he began to say the words a bright light began to shine.

Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let red be the color I pay tribute to.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

Answer my call from the very depth of chaos itself

Come to your rightful place at the pinnacle of humanity

Let us spread both light and darkness as we see fit

Those who would stop us, we will destroy if it must be so.

After he had finished, there was a figure standing before him. He could not quite make out who it was but he felt a mixed feeling from it. A feeling of despair and..........something. A form of light he was not familiar with. He spoke out to the figure. "Hello, my servant. May I ask who you are?"
Aura was busy clearing off her apartment of any clutter. Soon, it would be time. According to the magic journals she read, and the tests she had preformed, her power was greatest at midnight. Once the room was clear of any clutter, the next step was the preparation of a summoning circle. She had never used anything on this big a scale, but according to the book she read on the subject, the Grail was the one doing most of the magic- she was only helping it along. She took a breath, making sure she had everything with her. The catalyst she stole from her sister- check. Gems she would melt for additional mana, check. Correct time, check.

'Silver and iron is the origin. Gems and the archduke of contracts is the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown,

Let the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate '

She took a deep breath, part of her still freaking out. Was she ready for this? Was she ready to fight in a contest of magi. She was certain that, among all the other Magi, she was at the biggest disadvantage. She had no magic crest, no real magical skill. Magis, she knew, considered themselves to be above simple humans and their rules. To that end, she was the most human.

Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill

Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

The circle began to emit a soft glow in response to her. It was too late to stop now, she felt. It was all or not... Fine! If she was the most human out of everyone... she'd show them the power of humans!

Here is my declaration: Your body will be under my command, and my fate will be under yours! In accordance with the law of the Holy Grail, if you agree with this, anwser my call! I vow to become all good in this dying world, and I command the evils in this dying worl. You, seven heavens clad in the three words of power, come forth from the ring of deterrance, Guardian of the Balance!

A shockwave of light of a pulse of magic. She had done it, she knew . Her eyes had closed at the force of magic but, slowly, she opened her eyes.


After leaving the church and that annoying man with the stupid smile, Rosette exited the church and walked away. She hated churchs, they were stupid to the extreme. Maybe when she got her wish, she would change it to 'destroy anything that annoys her'... but then again, that would probably be a little TOO destructive.

She went back to her bounded field, delighting in the sensation of being hidden in plain sight along these stupid mortals, the idiots would be none the wiser.

She went in the building where a one of her vampire servants were waiting for her... the oldest one, Her great great cousin. It always brought her a smile to see the family that betrayed her to become this monster now groveling at her feet, and Rosette almost licked her lips in a small sense of delight. “Is everything ready?

“Yes Mistress. We drew the summon circle to your specifications. It is completely perfect.”

“Good. And my meal?” She asked. She Had been in the sun after all, even if the annoying light hadn't reached her skin, she still felt slightly weaker. She was about to summon a servant, and it wouldn't do to be at anything less than her best.

The vampire servant turned and motioned for someone to come out- a woman, rather shapely too. One sniff, and Rosette smile. “She's even a virgin. You always pick the best meals.” She says, walking up to the woman with a dark, malicious grin in her eyes

A few minutes later, she threw the woman aside, satisfied. She took out a napkin, dabbing at the blood she had spilled around her mouth. Now that she was feeling at her best, it was time to begin.

She walked up a floor, to where her servant had drawn out a summoning circle. IT was time to begin.

Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let red be the color I pay tribute to.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

You, being from ages long past, Heed my call and appear before me

Come from the place where chaos is eternal and time stands still

With my power and your fate, let us destroy the fools who dare oppose us.”

There was an immense surge of Prana, but Rosette didn't look away- she didn't have the need to. Red eyes, unflinching, gazed at the servant that appeared, her lips curling into a slight smile.
Dominic looked at the priest in silence for a couple of seconds before saying simply "You talk like kind of a jackass, dawg. Shit, I'll 'rejoice' when the ten other bastards tryin'a kill me is dead in the ground and I got my friggin wish. 'Til then I'm red goddamn alert ynaimean?"

Dominic then proceeded to flip off the church building, shout 'peace', and return to his badass car where he cranked the shit out of some Ludacris.

Mooove bitch

Get out da way

Get out da way bitch

Get out da way

Dominic floored it and got the hell out of there fast as he could. That priest kinda creeped him out, and he had to be summoning his servant soon before some bastard from out the history books tried to bust a cap in his ass.


The smell of alcohol and smoke punctuated the scene at the gang's cabaret club. Useless old salarymen tried to impress girls half their age with sales figures and sake when they were already paid to be interested in anything the geezers said. The girls giggled as married men poured drinks, and in the back room where the gang conducted a lot of its 'business' was Dominic. It had been cleared out today, and instead of whatever illegal goods were usually there was a magic circle.

Dominic looked around at all the supposedly 'magical' shit his father took off any of the magi he killed, and tried to determine what was legit. His sense for these things wasn't that good, and he considered just piling it all in there, but he didn't want to use up what he could pawn off for some big friggin money at a mysterious Chinese guy's place. Dominic selected a couple of gems because why not and threw a yew bow apparently wielded by old so-and-so in there for good measure. He added a salad to the mix for health, and prayed for the first time in his life. He wanted a hot mythological babe like he knew the grail liked to do.

He rubbed his hands together eagerly and began chanting.

"Darkness beyond twilight

Crimson beyond blood that flows

Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows

I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand

before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand

Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed

by the power you and I possess."

Dominic spread his arms out as the circle glowed vigorously, grinning from ear to ear.

"We in this, baby," he shouted as the ground trembled even more than his bass, startling the salarymen and hostesses at the storefront. Then, in a tremulous explosion of light, a figure appeared.

Dominic really hoped it was a chick.
A blinding light filled the room, then dissipated. In the distance, you could almost hear the sound of swords clashing. Almost.

In place of the light was a grungy, unwashed man dressed in a dingy gray kimono, lying on his side with his head in his hand, propped up on an elbow. A pair of Japanese swords lay in front of him. Behind him was a sign stuck in the ground, displaying the words "Number 1 Under the Sun"

One of his eyes cracked open, then looked up at his new Master, glancing around the room. He groaned, closing his eye, and reached behind himself to scratch his leg. The samurai pulled out a fan, whipping it open, and began to slowly fan himself.

"So.... you've summoned me. Good job. I hoped I'd be summoned in a nicer place. Somewhere less gloomy." he said in a bored voice.

"Hey, you got anything to eat? It's rude to greet a guest without food. You haven't given your name, either. Don't tell me I've received a master lacking in proper etiquette."
Houyi gazed upon the scene in front of him with disappointed eyes. He was in a relatively small room, which was dimly lit before, but Houyi's lantern made the room quite a bit brighter. There was a distinct smell of alcohol and smoke coming from outside of the room. Houyi himself wore his leather and cloth armor, his bow strung on his back beside his quiver.

Now Houyi looked with an uninterested glare at the person standing just in front of the summoning circle, who appeared to be his new Master. He seemed to shine almost as much as the sunbirds Houyi slaughtered long ago. Almost everything he wore was gold or some bright color, except for a... Houyi had no clue what all the feathery attire was around his back, but whatever it was, it was a light pink. The man had a smirk on his face, although the man had a somewhat disappointed air about him, as if he had expected someone prettier. Houyi noticed that the prana flow to him was not anything special - Houyi assumed this guy was somewhat of a new magus. However, to Houyi, the man looked like he led the men around him in the back room, who he assumed to be underlings. Houyi assumed this was some sort of gang.

"Well, let's get down to business," Houyi said after assessing the situation. Turning to his new Master, he said apathetically, "So, who are you, and why did you summon me, Archer?"
Rosette shrugged. “If you have time to be picky about the place you were summoned, you have time to get me the grail.” She said, eyeing the servant. “Food can be arranged. If that's what you want. I have a...slight suspicion you don't eat what I do, so I'll have a servant prepare you something.” She said, snapping her fingers. The vampire servant nearby bowed and walked out. “Let's see, judging from your attire and mannerisms I'd day... early fifteen hundreds. Surely it's more polite for the younger one to introduce himself?” She says with a smile.

“No matter. I am Rosette.” She said, turning around, and motioning him to follow into one of the nicer portions of the building, and sits. “I don't have anything fancy with me- my home is elsewhere... but if it really matters, I could take over a nicer part of town... but only if it's needed. Eat, and we'll hea out in a few hours, when the sun goes down.” She says. “There's a map and the like of the city we're in. I suggest you view those later.”

She blinks, looking at her servant, bringing in a tray of food. “Enjoy, this servant has had afew centuries of cooking, so you'll like it.”

She paused...was she being too nice? She knew it was a good idea to have a good reltion with a servant, but still. She sighed. This was going to be a long war.
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"Close. Early Edo era." Musashi said, waving his fan around.

The swordsman sat up as the tray of food was brought in, and he took a better look around. Judging from the contents, this Master had ultra-refined tastes, or wanted to make a good impression. She wore fancy, Western styled clothes as well. He'd gotten a master used to wealth and luxury.

"My name is Miyamoto Musashi. Master, such food is too luxurious for my palate. I would like to request a bowl of rice."

He picked up the Fuyuki City map, scratching his chin as he read over it.

"Fuyuki City. In my travels.... I've never come across this city." he said, and looked over at one of Rosette's undead servants.

"Master, something seems off about the state of these men."
Dominic's smile slowly faded when he realized that what stood before him was not in fact a hot chick, but a dude. A dude of objectively high heat probably, but a dude nonetheless. Dominic lumbered over to an old couch that rested along the wall, and collapsed lazily upon it. He grabbed an already open bottle of beer that rested upon the floor and took a swig before lighting a cigarette.

"Shit, why couldn't you have been a chick? You want to know why I summoned you, man? I wanted me a historical hottie," he stated bluntly, "I wanted the grail to bequeath unto me a dynamite babe superior to all others with literally thousands of years of experience."

Dominic inhaled of his cigarette deeply and spat out a cloud of smoke that hung awkwardly in the air.

"Anyways, I'm Dominic. I'm your friggin master now I guess," he said, hiding none of his great disappointment, "Who are you, Archer? I need you to sell me right now, because your bod ain't doin' it. And honestly? Neither is your personality. I ain't entirely sure I'm feeling comfortable with my purchase."
“If it must be so . . .” The words that concluded the end of the ritual lingered in the air, bringing about a silent tension. A moment later, light burst forth from the magical markings drawn onto the roof of the building as the grail did its work. The sheer amount of energy being channeled through the area caused a brief, violent torrent of wind to kick up, creating a dazzling display of power for its one man audience. The air grew thick with the power of a being far beyond the likes of mortal men, signaling that the summoning had indeed been a success. As the light ebbed away and the winds slowly died to a more manageable level one could see a lone figure standing within the slight glow of the summoning circle.

Encircled by the fading summoning circle stood a slight, feminine figure. She was motionless, almost unbreathing. Only the cool night’s breeze gave her any semblance of life as it teased and ruffled ebony strands, almost invisible against the dark backdrop of the night. An inky-black substance swirled lethargically around the short girl, barely staying within the confines of the circle. It seemed to pulse out with an almost sentient notion, as if it wanted to touch, taste, feel, corrupt . . .

As the wind stilled and left the freshly summoned Servant’s hair in a disheveled styling, draped partially over her somewhat upturned face. The first glance at such a figure would leave some Master’s discouraged as she seemed to initially lack any qualities that would serve her or her Master well. From her diminutive stature to her pale, scar-free skin, to her serene expression. These are all admirable qualities in their own right, but they did not carry the same weight for a servant as a scar-stained wall of muscle standing at eight feet tall.

She heard a voice inquiring as to who she was and she slowly lowered her head and opened her eyes to gaze at the speaker with carnelian orbs. In that moment, as if reacting to her movement, the black ichor froze in the air before becoming more solid and engulfing the girl in blackness. A moment later she stood covered in plate armor. The air filled with a sense that could be described as little else other than 'wrong'. It was a feeling that would unsettle even capable magi and send simple humans scrambling to vacate the area. Beneath the uneasy feeling loomed a much softer one, one that despite the overbearing sense of wrong manage to be comforting. The combined effects left one with something akin to a lover whispering soothingly how everything would be okay while silently dragging a knife across the supple flesh of the neck. The malicious aura left a vastly different impression than her physical appearance. It was a much more accurate one as well.

The girl who gazed at her summoner already seemed far different then her previous calm stillness as she seemed to settle on how to answer.

"I am . . . Saber." She doubted it was the response he was looking for, but . . . 'What fun is it to simply tell anyways?' Her mind was tumbling through the new information and her reasoning for being here and she intended to make the most of it. With one fluid movement she held a black sword pointed at her summoner's throat and announced with a clearer voice than the first time. "I am Saber, your Servant in this war for Grails. YOU are a trifling magus who knows not the magics they wield, my Master." She turned her arm and pointed at him, the sword seeming to rejoin the armor itself. "I desire tea and cakes of the age. Bring them to me."
Houyi was more than a little pissed by his Master's attitude. The guy seemed to lack any and all ambition for the Grail - how and why was this guy chosen to be a Master? Houyi made a "tch" sound, and started to walk towards Dominic. "I know you did not summon a Servant just to gaze upon its body." Archer quickly pulled out his bow, and in a split second, unleashed an arrow at a poster across the room with a man's face on it. The arrow struck just in the middle of the man's face, in between his eyes. Houyi slung his bronze bow back over his shoulder, and turned back to the Master. "I am Houyi, an archer that surpasses all others. I am meant to kill other Servants, not to entertain your worthless tastes. As of now, I can see that you show no chance of winning this war, so prove to me that you have an ounce of resolve in winning this war. I will only follow you if you show that you are actually serious about the Grail. That is what the one thing I am here for - show me that is your interest as well." Houyi leaned back against the wall, staring at Dominic with a smirk on his face.

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