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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC Chat) - Chapter Seven

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Yeah, I remember that, Sil! I can't stand it when folks ghost and here you are doing the exact opposite! I think it's a great idea to post on your Status (at least, it worked for me!). =)

That's one of the reasons I want this side story with Psychie/Toph and the main story with everyone having a chance to post something fun and solid.

Thanks for checking in! =)
I've had some computer issues myself this week, which I hope are now all resolved. I hope yours are over as soon as mine were!
At what point should I be able to post for Mario, since he is currently otherwise occupied?
After my next post, please. I will have a side scene going with Psychie, and the rest of the group will be able the post with the whole team together.

I'm not sure when this post will be up, because Real Life is quite busy (I was hoping to already have the post up, but... c'est la vie!).
Ok. Just didn't want you to wonder if I was ghosting the game or not.
Apologies in advance - I wrote my most recent post while falling asleep at the keyboard. Forgive me if I screwed something up. Stay safe, Gang! =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Hey! I changed up Professor Stein's question for Hercules (after almost getting enough sleep last night, I woke this morning and came to the conclusion the original question wasn't quite in-character, nor was it really a fair question). Professor Stein I think is realizing he and Hercules have not had much time to get to know one another and this is a good opportunity - hence his new query. Also, I think this is the first game I've had where Professor Stein has had to look up to meet another human being's gaze instead of the other way around - his neck thanks Hercules for his height. =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Heya Gang! In these upcoming recordings for your Characters' families and friends, I leave it to you to whether you want to roleplay your messages or not. Show or tell or whatever your heart desires.

By "show," I mean: "Trouble looks into the camera. 'Meeeeew!' He exclaims while strutting about with his medal showing proudly,"

"Tell" is also fine. "Trouble informs his family and friends that he has had many exciting adventures and they have every reason to worry about him, because he has found the Planet of Feeesh. He then tells his people not to expect him home anytime soon. If they intend to follow him, they should bring along lots and lots of malt vinegar and tartar sauce."

However you want to express it, go for it!
Should we go ahead and wait for Hitomi to be free before we post these, or can we write them up anytime?
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Should we go ahead and wait for Hitomi to be free before we post these, or can we write them up anytime?

I was going to mention this back when I had a brain (today is starting out rough, but I'm going to make it a good day - you wait and see):

I recommend writing them up now or at your earliest convenience. That way we don't have to slow the game down. Right now seems to be a busy time for some of us.
Sherwood Sherwood Go ahead and post as Mario. I'll work things out.

Silanon Silanon Sil, you're welcome to post too. Sorry if I haven't had anything specific for Ylva. Ylva might chat with Mack, Elinor, Piper, Cera, Iris, or whomever she is inclined to.
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No worries - the science ethics feels plenty specific for Ylva already, I'll see if I can find the time and creativity to chime in on that.
Short question - the latest post is a good read, but I'm stumbling over two things right now. Can someone help me sort these out, please?

Firstly, I'm confused about the passing of time. Mario's posts suggest that he's spent quite some time with Sheesa (and he spent it damn well, I'd say). The discussion we're having might have taken some time, but likely not that long. So - how much time has passed for the group, at this point? Or in other words: Is this just a way to get Sherwood back into the action (which I'd approve of, obviously), or do we have a time machine aboard? Are jokes about how long he lasted appropriate, or not?

Secondly: Toph's presence. Sheesa sees her, right now, but Ylva just stared at the place where Toph sat previously, because I assumed she was still gone. Did I miss something, previously? Shall I adjust it, now that I know better? Hitomi's still not present, right? Likely waiting in some dark room after the side scene between Toph and her ends, waiting for the next one to finally show up...

So, I get that you probably meant to get us all back together (other than Herc, who might rejoin us shortly?), but right now, I'm a little lost.
Might be part of the magic DM handwaving?

But I think the scene with Toph and Hitomi is supposed to have occurred while Mario's gone (however long that was), and now Dann and Psychie are playing through it in a sort of time bubble so that the rejoined group (including Toph and Mario, but not Hercules) can RP together.
Silanon Silanon Sorry for the confusion! Kaerri's got the right of it (that happens when you live in the same place as your GM. Funny that, huh? =) ).

That's part of the GM-magic I'm weaving that I mentioned earlier. Yes, that's just me pulling everyone together while sharing a side scene with Toph and Hitomi. Hercules can rejoin you (or rather, unless Cap'n has something else, I think Hercules will rejoin everyone in the Mess Hall in my next scene).

For the next few scenes, please throw time out of the window as I get us back together and on track. Unlike Sharseya, our Pathfinder-playbox, Broadsword is my story-driven game and while I certainly don't mind folks enjoying solo time with their Characters, there are things in this story I want you to see and experience - and that's best done as a whole (something I think everyone here agrees with - hence my time-weaving for lack of a better word). =)
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Aww... no hidden time machine on the Broadsword to spend time with your loved ones? Now that would've been a discovery, with all the mess we're likely getting into...

Already assumed it was just to move things forward in a decent manner, thanks for clarifying, both of you. So - ignore the passing of time, Toph teleported in instead of using the door, and Hitomi and the Professor are elsewhere for now - got it, I think, should be able to work with that.
Aww... no hidden time machine on the Broadsword to spend time with your loved ones? Now that would've been a discovery, with all the mess we're likely getting into...

Oh wow. I can imagine the waiting line if there were! =)

Or in other words: Is this just a way to get Sherwood back into the action (which I'd approve of, obviously), or do we have a time machine aboard? Are jokes about how long he lasted appropriate, or not?

That's hilarious! I think Sherwood has a thick enough skin to roll and have fun with jokes like those. He is also witty enough to turn those kinds of jokes around on you too, but you probably knew that already. =)
Don't worry guys. Mario will have an IC post up soon enough.
Yaaaaay! =)
Sorry if my posts are off - I am under the effects of a heavier than normal migraine (now headache or I wouldn't be at the keyboard typing). I've posted in one of Sherwood's games - I hope to post in the rest of my games I'm in tonight. But if my word choices or whatnot are off, apologies in advance, Gang! Love you guys and gals!

-Dann =)
Take your time, my friend. We've been with you for this long; we're not going anywhere anytime soon.
Thanks, you two! =) I've got a Kaerri so it's just a matter of time before I'm back on my feet again! =)
Yeah, for some strange, sick, twisted reason, we do like Dannigan. Get that noggin fixed up right, ok?
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