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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC Chat) - Chapter Eight

I am really glad to hear that! I guess I'll have to write some more to keep you busy. =)
Wouldn't mind more awesome stuff to read, naturally - enjoyed to prologue thus far, too. Meant to see if my brain can put a few decent sentences together in a bit, I'll see how that works out today.
=) In order for me to type, I'm going to need others to post, but I don't mind waiting my turn. I haven't kicked this COVID-19 yet so I'm not going anywhere in this here quarantine. =)
Something's in the works on my end, but it isn't really coming together at the moment. Kind of stuck trying to move things actually forward, the right inspiration hasn't come yet.
So if we go with this arrangement, we have a high speed flyer with the four heavyweight tanks and access to up to eight Cyclones. We will all just have to Traverse the tanks to make sure we can operate them.

Toothgnasher - Mario /
Toothgrinder - Hercules /
Freke - Cera / Mack
Gere - Toph /

Super Logan - Ylva

Since we have more than one kind of Cyclone available to us, which ones are we getting in the tanks? And will Toph have access to the twin laser pistols that she used last time out?
That arrangement of operators for the tanks works for me. If Ylva wants to leave the Logan behind, she is welcome to join me in Toothgnasher if she'd like.
Since we have more than one kind of Cyclone available to us, which ones are we getting in the tanks?
Maybe that's something you'd like Toph to ask in-character? =)

EDIT: I suggest this because it offers an opportunity for the reasoning to come with the answer. Instead of me here saying, "this NPC thinks it's a good idea to do y," you can hear it straight them from and form your own conclusions in an RP manner instead of meta-gaming it. =)

And will Toph have access to the twin laser pistols that she used last time out?
During your time, Toph has gotten the impression that she'll be able to take The Twins unless the mission specifically doesn't call for it. There hasn't been any mention of limiting your small arms, so it seems there's a green light. Perhaps, again, something worth asking in-game?
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Psychie Psychie Good posts, Psychie! Both here and in your own Army of Southern Cross game! =)
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uh oh ozzy GIF by The Next Step
Sons Of The Desert Quote GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time
I'll stop posting in-game to let our across-the-ponders Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Silanon Silanon an opportunity to catch up? Kaerri, Sherwood, and Psychie, you're free to post more if you and your characters have something to say! =)
Sounds like a plan.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

Ship's haunted.
Wouldn't mind more awesome stuff to read, naturally - enjoyed to prologue thus far, too. Meant to see if my brain can put a few decent sentences together in a bit, I'll see how that works out today.
There. A little more stuff to read! =)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

I am strongly considering raising the level cap of Characters from 15 to 20, or perhaps even 30 (by way of perhaps just repeating the experience level bonuses of the first 15 levels). Doing so adds to the longevity of the game, I'm thinking.

In more good news, you'll each be getting to Level 9 soon too so start thinking about where you'd like your Character Advancement bonuses to go!

Kaerri, yes, I'll include Eadric in that too as no one seems to have any problem with Eadric starting out the same level as the rest of you. Elinor could get raised to level 9 too in case you ever decide to swap back to her down the road. =)

What do all of you think about all that?
More levels can't be a bad thing.
To me reaching a level cap has generally felt like a kind of soft ending, where I have to stop exploring the character's growth (at least in system terms) even if the game continues on. Mind you, I've never hit cap in a tabletop game, just in a video game, so it may be different there. But for me, expanding out the possible levels makes me feel like I've got that much more room for the character to expand in the system as well.

Of course, I expect the challenges to likewise expand. ^;3^ But that's all part of the fun!
Psychie Psychie
I was thinking so. Perhaps provide a certain unique benefit (which I'm keeping close to my chest) for having reached level 15 and then starting 16 with level 1 bonuses, 17 with level 2, and so on. What do you think?
And by that I mean the Hand to Hand bonuses. Other bonuses would proceed like any other level with Hit Points and Skill increases moving up as they always have.
Thanks for sharing your mind on the subject! =)
Just for the record: I don't see why an arbitrary level cap should get in the way of a good story, and I like my characters to make progress, so I agree with the others - don't mind reaching level 16 and onward at some point. No idea what's the best way to do that, but hey - we'll figure out something that works, not like we're there quite yet.
So if we go with this arrangement, we have a high speed flyer with the four heavyweight tanks and access to up to eight Cyclones. We will all just have to Traverse the tanks to make sure we can operate them.

Toothgnasher - Mario /
Toothgrinder - Hercules /
Freke - Cera / Mack
Gere - Toph /

Super Logan - Ylva

Since we have more than one kind of Cyclone available to us, which ones are we getting in the tanks? And will Toph have access to the twin laser pistols that she used last time out?
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Hercules has already offered his opinion and Elinor is soon to be on her way to Brazil to help The Professor (while Eadric currently has his own troubles). =)

Is this the setup you guys and gals would like to go out with or something else?

Also, which kind of Cyclone would you like to take along and what kinds of personal weapons?

A standard compliment of Mjolnir 75 rounds will be provided unless you ask for it to be changed up:

"Note: Typical loadout for the Mjolnir Hover Tank is 24 APFSDS rounds, 24 HEAT rounds, 12 MPAT rounds, 10 Canister rounds, and 5 Plasma rounds."

M-325 120mm Smoothbore Cannon
The Mjolnir's main weapon is capable of firing several different types of ammunition for sustained periods. With a gunner with the M.E.C.T. Mjolnir skill, the weapon can fire up to once every three seconds (five times per round). Without a trained gunner (driver only), the use of the autoloader can provide cannon fire once every five seconds (three times per round). Use of the main cannon in Battloid mode is possible, but limited to three times per round. When firing in Battloid mode, the Mjolnir must be set in its firing stance (a Weaver-like stance which does not take an action but must be declared.) If the Mjolnir in Battloid makes use of the main gun without setting in this stance, the Strike is allowed with full bonuses, but the pilot must make a Piloting roll with a -15% penalty. Failure means the Battloid has lost its balance and falls (lose Initiative and one action), but the round is still fired normally.

Range: varies by ammunition as described below and is listed in direct-fire terms. With a spotter, the cannon can fire indirectly up to three times this listed (direct) range. For indirect fire in Robotech: Broadsword, see Dannigan's rules at the bottom of this page.
Mega-Damage: varies by ammunition. The cannon can fire the following types of rounds:

Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS). A round that uses a dart made of depleted uranium or tungsten to pierce enemy armor.
Range: 7 miles (11.2km)
Mega-Damage: 3d6x10+30 M.D.

High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT). A shell with a shaped charge warhead.
Range: 5 miles (8km)
Mega-Damage: 2d6x10+30 M.D.

Multi-Purpose Anti-Tank (MPAT). A HEAT round with an added proximity fuse to allow it to engage slow, low-flying aircraft such as helicopters and for air bursts over targets.
Range: 5 miles (8km)
Mega-Damage: 2d6x10+30 M.D. to a 50 foot (15.2m) radius

Canister. A shell filled with tungsten shot that acts like a giant shotgun shell for use against buildings, dug-in infantry, and thin-skinned vehicles.
Range: 3,000 feet (914m) (Cannot be fired indirectly with any hope of accuracy.)
Mega-Damage: 1d8x10+30 M.D. to everything within a 25 foot (7.62m) area up to half range, 1d4x10+15 M.D. to everything within 50 feet (15.24m) area at full range.

High Yield Incendiary (Plasma). An extremely lethal anti-personnel round filled with superheated plasma.
Range: 4 miles (6.4km)
Mega-Damage: 2d8x10+30 M.D. to everything in a 25 foot (7.6m) area from the initial blast. Sets all combustible substances ablaze and continues to burn, doing an additional 4d8 M.D. per minute for 1d6+1 minutes.

Rate of Fire: Five per round (with gunner) or three per melee round (without gunner). Three times per round in Battloid maximum (with or without a gunner).
Payload: 75 rounds
Note: Typical loadout for the Mjolnir Hover Tank is 24 APFSDS rounds, 24 HEAT rounds, 12 MPAT rounds, 10 Canister rounds, and 5 Plasma rounds.
Note: Instead of smoke rounds, the Mjolnir's rocket/missile pods are used instead.
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