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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC Chat) - Chapter Eight


soon GIF

EDIT: Once that's done, I can advance. =)
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Meanwhile... here is some cool Asian 80s pop music to hang with. =)

"[온스테이지2.0] 이루리 - Dive" Korean Artist: Luli Lee a.k.a. Lulileela =)
Lyrics are available if you use the Subtitles/Closed Caption option and then open Settings to auto-translate to whichever language you're happiest with. =)

Or if you prefer... (I prefer this second video because it puts more of a human face on Lee if you follow my meaning.) =)"

EDIT: Oh, cool! I found this second video with decent English subtitles! I'll change it now. =)

"이루리(Luli Lee) - Dive (MV/English Subtitle)"
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Please list your Character level improvements for 9th level here! I'd like to know where you chose to put your Bonus Attribute Point and what you selected for your new Skill (or if you went Undecided).
Eadric put his into PP, for a total of 23, and wants to keep his new skill undecided for now.
Hey, Gang! Things are pretty busy on my end in Real Life. I will post when able. Just want to let you know! =)
Having missed my previous self-imposed deadline (sorry!) I am now going for a new one: tomorrow. That's my plan, at least.
O.K.. What I want to write and what I can write are just not coming together. Too much Real Life. Waaay too much Real Life. I think it's time for a vacation.

But in the meantime, I'll write what I can and keep our game going. Do pardon if my next post doesn't have... it's usual something (or whatever I'm trying to say here). Heh! =)

Who Knows Idk GIF
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

I know it's only been a couple of days, but I usually get a response from at least one of The Gang by now. Did any of you have any thoughts IC or OOC about the latest in-game post or should I just move on?
"Spoiler" Once the Wild Cards leave the Broadsword, you won't be back anytime soon. So if you have something you want to do or post something you want to post, save your game now best let me know so we can get it done!

I'm shaking off the stress that has clouded me these past few weeks. Sorry about the delay! =)
No worries - real life happens. Think I'm good, but I'll give the post another read tonight and see if there's anything that comes to mind.
I keep meaning to post both in Eadric's prologue and for Elinor's farewell, but I just haven't been in the right mental place for either one of them. I'll try to get at least one of them soon though. (I know, I keep saying that -- but I mean it each time!)
I keep meaning to post both in Eadric's prologue and for Elinor's farewell, but I just haven't been in the right mental place for either one of them. I'll try to get at least one of them soon though. (I know, I keep saying that -- but I mean it each time!)
Worse comes to worse, I'll simply change the story. One way or another Eadric will meet up with the Wild Cards and a good storyteller leaves more than one reasonable way to make that happen. =)

Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie
Your thoughts, friends?
Worse comes to worse, I'll simply change the story. One way or another Eadric will meet up with the Wild Cards and a good storyteller leaves more than one reasonable way to make that happen. =)
I trust that you'll come up with a good way for us to be introduced to Eadric. So no worries on my part.
Did any of you have any thoughts IC or OOC about the latest in-game post or should I just move on?
Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie My pardon. I meant in answer to this. Thank you for the vote of confidence, though! And welcome back? I take it you are home now? =)
Oh, and Sherwood Sherwood I forgot to mention - Re: Mario's request for Cobalt mines, given that those suckers weigh 5 pounds each (and I imagine they're about Claymore mine-sized), let's be generous and go with 6 of those babies for Mario's gear.

D-40 Cobalt Limpet Mine
This explosive mine is very compact, less than a foot long, and includes the explosives, detonator and timer. The timer is digital and can be set from 30 seconds to 60 minutes and can be stopped up to 5 seconds before detonation. The back is coated in a high-powered adhesive with a peel-off cover and will pretty much stick to anything.
Weight: 5 lbs
Mega Damage: 1d6x10 MD
Blast Radius: 20 feet
I keep meaning to post both in Eadric's prologue and for Elinor's farewell, but I just haven't been in the right mental place for either one of them. I'll try to get at least one of them soon though. (I know, I keep saying that -- but I mean it each time!)
We've all been there - take care of yourself, and we'll enjoy your posts when they come.
Cool music, Dann! Thanks for sharing. I added this to my list of music to add to my ipod.
Psychie Psychie I forgot to tell you! There's more where that came from; if you would like some more, just tell me! =)

Is there anything you would like Toph to do before you guys plunge head-first into the action?
I did a bit of searching for more songs of hers for my iPhone, and downloaded several songs. Thank you again for sharing.
Sure! Miss Lee can sure play a bass and sing, can't she?
Heya Gang!

I hope to post later today. Expect action. =)

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