Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (Sign up)

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate

Welcome one and all! Join in and please have fun!

My name is (name). I am of (race) kin. I once worked as a (former occupation). Now i live here along with many old friends and rivals. You may know me from my achievements like (bio). I've lived here for (months, years, etc.). The villagers only know (what others know about you). Im looking for (goal) here in this village.

(If you don't think you can use this skelly then go a head list it instead. just make sure you have everything i wanted.)

My character

"My name is Lach Hunter. I am of Human kin. I once worked as a Hylion and a strategist for the Sol army. Now i live here along with many old friends and rivals. You may know me from my achievements like being the son of the devil. My mother died when i was young and my father took few glances in my direction. The Sol army took me in for reasons beyond my understanding. I've only a few gifts from my parents. None that i want. Im famous for being the strategist that almost conquered the world. Some may know of my time as a Hylion or, in other words, the Sol's special unit. Life has been bad but something is telling me to go further. To adapt and overcome. I've lived here for almost two years but i leave occasionally for a job on the mainland. The villagers only know that Im a retired Sol that has taken up a small farm. Im looking to become something better theny father. To no longer be looked at as the devil's son. To be something better." Lach Hunter, the son of Lite.

(TIME TO DO THINGS MY WAY! Sorry just not used to doing it this way... x3)

Name: Yuuki Ichihara (fandomend name...)

Race: human

Past Occupation: Soilder (note: my character is a girl.)

Bio: A high-ranking soilder, was almost to general...


The villagers only know she was a high-ranked soilder, excelling in combat and education.

Goal: To beat Lach Hunter, her enemy.


Age: 21

(No romantic twists... right... *please say no*)
xD that's fine, i was trying something a bit different.


don't worry haha, my character isn't a romantic.
My name is Natalia Myers. I am of human kin. I once worked as a ninja (My character was self employed xD ). Now I live here along with many old friends and rivals. You may know me from my achievements like expelling evil from my home village and helping those in need from all over, legal or illegally. I've lived here for 3 months. The villagers only know that I am described as the Ginger Thief. Im looking to be able to continue my good deeds and help the people around me but do it without sneaking around!



((This RP sounds so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
My name is Erin Vandervaal. I am of human kin. I once worked as a soldier. Now I live here along with many old friends and rivals. You probably have never heard of me or my achievements. I lived a small town, isolated and very far away from any of the major cities. We lived in peace until we caught wind that an army of mauranders were marching our way, intent of attacking any villiages they came across. I was sent to the capital to inform the king of the dissent and ask for help. He sent it in the form of the Hylions. After the maurauders were disposed of, I was praised for my part and given a place amongst their ranks. I was thrilled to have the chance of excitement and adventure, somethign I would never find in home villiage. My dreams did not last long though, even after the instense training I'd recieved, I was seriously injured in my very first battle. An enemy arrow lodged itself through the back of my knee, severing the largest ligament. It too months to heal, almost a year. The doctors said I was lucking it was healing at all, most injuries of this nature result in the loss of the limb, but I would never walk the same again, nor fight. Crippled, there was no place for me with the Hylions anymore and I was dismissed from service.

Back home though, it was as if I had saved the world. No one could hear enough about what I had done in the short time I was away. My leg kept me from my farming work as well. There was nothing for me to do except relive my failure again with each time I told the story to my peers, and I became bitter. I decided to leave. While away, I had heard of a peaceful island and decided to journey there.
I've only lived here for 6 months. The villagers only know that I was injured in battle and that I wish to forget. Im looking for a new start here in this village, and to forget how unattainable my dreams now are.

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(Please ignor that it is so obviously Cloud from FF- he doesn't wear that armour, nor is his hair as spikey)
haha well im guessing your human. you could just delete the unneeded things. For the most part as long as you put in the information that i want then its fine. soooo acceptededed Did you perhaps try to relate to my character when you mentioned Helions? or is that something of your own device?And if you did mean to relate to my character, its Hylions.Thank you for joining! have fun!
Yes, I did mean Hylions... oops. I wrote it really quickly this morning before I had to go out. So I'll amend it now.
Name: Kira Everwind

Age: 18

Race: Half Breed (Wolf)


Bio: Unknown, she is very secretive

Current Occupation: Shepherdess, which is a very easy job for her being half an animal that sheep fear.

I tried haha, I'm kind of unsure which direction I want my character to go (story wise) so I mostly left everything open. If there is something else that really needs to be added please let me know.
Acceptemtatededed. :3

if you want to make a better bio, you could just make something more along the lines of growing up on the island. Making more of a bio of living the need for wanting to know how long you lived there as well as past occupations.
Name: Gaap (He has no last name)

Age: 21

Gender: male

Race: He is of demon blood, although he is peaceful.

Former Occupation: He was born a prince, and did not work.

Bio: Born a prince of the underworld he was respected, but not loved. His 'family' did not care for him, but then again no demon is loved, right? He was sent many times to watch over humans, and just cause mischeif, and occasionally he may have caused some people to die. Now that peace has settled over the land he is forced to behave. He is no longer treated like a prince, and his family has left to places farther away. They will never return. He resides in the village, and does his best to stay as good as possible.

Lived Here For: He is new to the town. He has lived here for only one week, but he has been here before to torment humans. Unfortunately he didn't take the time to become aquainted with the town itself.

Others Know: Not very much. It is hard to tell that he is a demon because of his appearance. He looks like any other human, but if you bother to look in his eyes you will be captivated by them (explained in the 'looks' category). People believe he is strange, keeps to himself, and a trouble maker. (Not anymore of course) They think he is planning something to do to the people, but even if he was he wouldn't dare do it during peace-time. They know for sure that he is a demon that worked for the 'darker sides' and that is why some people are weary of him.

Goal: His main goal is to keep his distance from humans right now. He doesn't have many plans for the future, but he likes to keep the humans guessing. "What is he thinking?" "What will he do to us?" Even though he really isn't planning to do anything to people.

Looks: He looks like a normal guy; pale skin, shaggy black hair, and about 6'0" in height. He wears black jeans, a long sleeve black shirt, and a red silk vest. He also wears, loosely, a red tie around his neck. He never takes it off because it brings out the color of his eyes, which are red. They are blood red, and when people look into them they almost always freeze because they are interesting. They seem to pull you in; captivate you. His black pupils almost seem like blackholes in outerspace - a blood-red space.

Sorry for not using your skelly. I would have liked to, I'm just not familiar with it. It was easier for me to use my own. :) Also: I hope making him a demon was okay with you. I won't let him interfere with the peace in the village. If anything, minor bouts between him and another of his age. Just like two teenagers fist-fighting in a parking lot, type of scenario. Nothing that could cause a war.
[MENTION=3228]TheWhistler[/MENTION] its all good, but by the way, Humans aren't the dominant race. almost all the races are equal in number. As well there are plenty of demons running around that her accepted. Angels as well. You could say that he is known for being a demon that served the more darker sides. As long as your retired like everyone else you wont be judged to badly. No matter what you hsould be accepted as long as your not a murderous rapist. haha anyhow ACCEPTEDEDEDED
Haha! Thank you! I will edit my 'known for' section a bit to match what you suggested. And of course I will keep him retired. :)
My name is Abel Stunner. I am of human kin. I once worked as a mercenary, though only for a year. Now i live here along with many old friends and rivals. You may know me from my achievements like constantly helping out around the island. My mother would constantly get sick, so my father and I would always be taking on odd jobs in addition to the farming that we already did. As I grew up, I always found an opportunity to help out the people around me, even when I knew that I wouldn't gain any reward. Eventually, I left and became a mercenary, though I did nothing to set myself apart from the myriad other adventurers in the world. I quickly returned, partly due to homesickness and partly due to not getting hired anymore. Since then, I have gone under the tutelage of a master, to increase my skills. I've lived here for most of my 17 years of life. The villagers only know that I am a friendly and, if absent-minded, person who is always willing to help out. They also know that I like to take opportunities to walk through the forest. Im looking for respect and a cure for my mother's sickness here in this village.

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Ignore the cat ears, please.
Name: Blake Felidea

Race: half-breed (cat)

Past Occupation: fighter/mercenary

Bio: Blake is a deep thinker. He is usually quiet unless around friends. He has very high flexibility, balance, and agility and can easily outmaneuver ordinary humans. He uses his tail as a third hand and can manipulate it without effort. He is aware of how much half-breeds are despised and acts naive and oblivious a lot of the time, but does not hesitate to drop his act should there be trouble.

Goal: He wants a life away from the tournaments, but not without its fun.

Appearance: Blake is average height and skinny because of the fighting he does. He wears an orange T-shirt and light brown pants. His hair, tail, and ears are all black, even though his skin is tan. the only cat-like attributes he has his his ears, tail, and green eyes.

Age: 23
all good but how does he use his tail as a third arm. cat tails arent that strong nor flexible. maybe a monkey tail would work better for that.
He trained himself to use it as a third arm. and besides, he's not 100% cat. It might work differently. (Also I don't want to make a half-monkey)

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