Fantasy's End (IC)

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate
The water was clear and calm. The wind blew slowly and steadily along the sky. The ocean was a beautiful thing. Small wrinkles in the water pushed and pulled gently against each other. Suddenly ruined by the heavy wakes of large ship cutting through the water. A simple trade ship slowly floated along the waters headed on a calm easy course to a small island. This ship had was looking for good trade on this island thanks to it being a very successful central of trade due to it being directly in between the two major continents. Among the crews men, merchants, and traders. Were a few retired adventurers. Headed back after completing some work on the mainland. Headed home. As the boat began to enter the docks the sound of cheerful music laughter and pure happiness could be heard all around. The ship was anchored down and many left ship to the island. This island that was home to all, welcomed all. Be at peace on the island of prosperity.

Yuuki Ichihara rubbed her neck as she did some farm work behind her hut. After a long day of training, would come harvesting crops or tending them to sell. She pulled some weeds out of the ground and sighed. "A long day of work should be paid off with a day to that hot spring I found." Yuuki took some carrots and used her dagger to cut some tomatoes off their stems. She pit the food into the basket and walked to the lively market. "Greetings Lady Icihara." A man said, bowing to her. "Hello Mr.____" She said smiling brightly. Sometimes she was respected, others hissed at her.

Yuuki walked to the normal stand she always sold to and handed the merchant her crops. "So, how much today?" she smiled slightly. She would do anything for money, because money was her thing. The merchant handed her a bag of coins, not identifying how many coins were in it. Yuuki weighed the bag by lifting it up and down. "Only fifthy coins? This was a good deal...Oh well." she said in disappointment.

The merchant nodded as she left. 'It was a good deal, but that man never paid enough.' she thought scratching her head. Yuuki headed back to her home to grab a towel and her sword, to go to the hot spring.

Once she got to the hot spring, she took off her clothes and dipped herself in. Yuuki sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She looked around; being wary of her surrondings and then closed her eyes, once she fel safe.

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]
Lach was one of the adventurers returning from a job on the mainland. Being back home felt amazing. He was hoping to relax some. Lach began to walk home. Residents of the village waved to him and greeted him. Children ran to him to ask about his trip hoping to hear another grand tale of adventure. Lach wasn't the type to tell stories nor did he intend to tell anyone of his job. Things seemed to be going as natural on the island. People went about there daily chores, played, gossiped, and lived there lives. This was something Lach wish he could've had. A family, A proper life of ease.

As Lach walked along he noticed Yuuki walking over to the hot springs. Lach remembered to consider herself his rival for reasons beyond him. Lach just ignored her most of the time but when the time came when she would offer a fight he didn't mind the sparring practice. Lach continued on his way. Lach lived near the edge of the village towards the mountain. He expected things to go as usual. Life would pick up right where it left off. "Welcome back..." He said to himself as he looked out to the sky. The world seemed mighty good today
Kira Everwind sat on a hilltop, letting the cool breeze blow what parts of her sienna hair protruded from under her hood. The cape she wore concealed her ears and tail, which showed her half-breed ancestry to anyone willing to look. However she kept them hidden away for the most part. While most half-breeds were socially accepted, wolves were generally not. Since wolves themselves were ravenous, predatory beasts, many townsfolk believed half-breeds could be no different. Kira had never been able to walk through town with her tail and ears showing without someone making a scene of it.

Further down the hillside, Kira's flock of sheep grazed on the perfectly green grass. They were at peace with the world so long as the wolf shepherdess guarded them. Nothing could harm them without getting past Kira first. Finally the young woman stood, ready to return her sheep and relax for the evening. She occasionally transported civilians' herds from one town to the next, but she hadn't had any customers in a week and her money satchel was suffering for it. However, as she returned her sheep home she knew of one relaxing place she could go to that was free, as well as hidden from the majority of the population: the hot springs.

Kira pulled up her hood as she left home, concealing her wolf-like features as she made her way to the hot springs. She walked in and relaxed, tucked away in a corner. After about ten minutes another girl arrived to the hot springs, but Kira remained silent. If the girl wished to speak, she would. Kira had no business with the woman and therefore simply minded her own. She hoped the girl was not one who was against wolf half-breeds as so many people in this area were, but Kira couldn't help it if she was. She sighed and relaxed into the steamy water.
Yuuki looked up as she saw a half-breed enter. She nodded slightly and smiled, "Hello, I'm Yuuki Ichihara. I see you're a half-breed. That's rather intresting. The villagers have not scared you off?" She sounded rather rude, but she carelessly did not notice. Yuuki had nothing against the half-breeds, it's just that most were scared off.

Yuuki brushed her bangs off her eyes and looked at the wolf girl. "Shepardess right?" she asked.
Kira was so relaxed that she almost jumped when the other young woman spoke to her. She opened her eyes and looked over as Yuuki talked. "No," she said in the same tone Yuuki had used. "I haven't been 'scared off'..." she said. A lot of half breeds left this area because of all the rudeness and discrimination, but usually Kira could find more work here than in most of the surrounding towns.

"Yes," she answered when the girl asked if she was a shepherdess. She wondered how the girl knew that just by looking at her, but perhaps she had seen Kira out with her sheep at some point. "Kira Everwind." she introduced herself.
Yuuki nodded and smiled, "I'm- well used to be a soilder in the army, you know eventually got kicked out. For starting a couple of fights. But the past is the past." She twirled her fingers and yawned. She was a mysterious woman, but that was Yuuki, and she was herself. There was no changing her. "I'm a farmer now, trying to find my rival and defeat him." She didn't exactly hint who it was, but it was Lach, a person who took her area as a stragiest as she was demoted back to soilder.

She looked at the boiling water and said, "So, I haven't seen you around this area. Do you live here?" As a former 'advanced' thinker, she knew that Kira was probaly thinking how she knew. Judging by the fact she was a wolf, and the story 'The boy who cried wolf' kind of made her think of a shepard. It wasn't a complete full I-know-she-is thought, but simply a guess.
Kira nodded. "Yeah, I live on the far end of town, before the forest road." she said. She of course meant the long dangerous road that led to the next town, but she didn't mention the 'dangerous' part. She'd taken sheep through there many a time to transport them to new areas, and had never experienced the issues that humans often came across in those woods. The issues being the pack of wolves controlling that area, who attacked anyone who came meandering through their territory late at night. Kira, being half wolf, merely had to look at them to ward them off.

"I don't believe I've seen you around either," Kira said. "Maybe that's because I don't go into the town too often anymore." She began twirling a wet lock of hair around her long thin fingers.
Yuuki shook her head and said, "I don't live around here, down east perhaps? Down near the jungle-ish area. More isolated from society. I'm kind of known as a disgrace to most people." She chuckled as she thought of her own matters. "The jungle is more of my thing anyways. It seems like I'm crazy, but it's much easier to plant things down there." Yuuki contiuned to think of her own matters.

As she began to zone out, looking at the water she thought about Lach. 'That idiot, always taking the fame and glory from me. He won't ever be able to do that again after I-' her thoughts were only to be interupted by Kira.
"Of course it's easier to plant there. It's moist and has perfect soil." Kira said. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the edge of the hot spring for a few more minutes before deciding she better go. She got out of the water, drying off and putting her clothes on, followed by her hooded cape. She pulled the hood up to hide her ears and said farewell to Yuuki before leaving.

Kira walked into the small town to look around the marketplace. Very few people here knew her, unless she had done work for them at some point. None of her clients were out and about today, however.
Lach paced along the market place. Examining th people and the happenings. Listening to the conversations and the gossip. On this island, the world was small and simple. You live for your family and you work for money. Lach doesn't have an actual in town. He lives off the land and usually has enough coin from his jobs to pay for any other utilities or foods. He only needed to support himself so his house was small and cozy and only carried some trophies from the more glorious days. Lach would occasionally get visitors from children that want to learn how to use the sword or hear stories which occasionally Lach would do for them. Sometimes young adults who were more interested in learning then becoming farmers or continue a family business would come to him and ask for advice or learn of how to survive. Why they chose Lach out of the many retired adventures on the island was beyond him. Lach did indeed live closer into town then most others. Lach didn't realize that his reputation as the man who could've conquered the world was more widespread then he wanted it to be. Lach looked around the market. Many things were for sale. Since Lach had no crops on his field he would have to buy food instead of make his own. Lach bought some meant bread and milk. He carried in a large leather sack on his back and continued to his home. "Hello." He would simply say to whoever passed him bye with a large greeting.
Kira went to a vendor and bought herself dinner, a loaf of freshly baked bread and also picked up some apples to take to her house. The bread and apples would go great with the butter she already had at her home, and she paid the seller before stuffing the food into her bag. She thanked the man and turned to leave, bumping into a man as she turned around (Lach). "I'm sorry! I'm such a klutz." she said quickly, then turned to leave. As she walked, she ate one of the apples, her tail wagging happily under her cloak.
Lach staggered slightly when a young girl bumped into him. "It's fine." He said before she turned and began walking away. Lach, being male, let his eyes wonder to her curves. His eyes traced her waist and followed down her hips and admired her nice round... wait what's this. He noticed an odd puff that was moving behind her that Lach thought was a child. Lach has no idea what came over him or what stupid thought came to him but he quickly reached forward and took hold of the tail like thing and held it there feeling a slight tug against him when the lady walked forward. "What's this." He murmured to himself he stood there like an idiot holding on to whatever was under the ladies cloak. Lach looked at the lady realizing what an idiot he looked like.
Yuuki nodded as the woman left and quickly got out of the hot spring. She wrapped the towel around her and searched for her clothes. "Where are they?" she muttered. Soon enough, she found them and grabbed them to change. She changed and quickly began to walk down to the market place, to grab some food to prepare dinner.

Yuuki looked around and she kept walking. She looked at the lively market and smiled. "Isn't it a lovely day?" she said to a man nearby ([MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]) and she waved to a child, who loved her stories. Not many people liked her, but few loved to hear her, and reach out to her when she needed it.
Kira stopped suddenly when she was pulled back by something on her tail. She turned to see that it was the man she had bumped into before, holding onto her fluffy tail, which was still wrapped in the cloak. She looked at him. "Umm.... That hurts." she said softly. When he let go her tail wrapped around to the front of her body, visible now as she petted it and smoothed out the fur where he'd grasped it.
Lach stood there blankly. "I... uh" Then Yuuki came along suggesting that it was a nice day. That was odd, Yuuki usually was very hostile towards Lach. Maybe it was a very good day. "Yes it is." Lach nodded in agreement. He turned his attention back to the tailed girl. "I'm terribly sorry!" He really was. He just felt the urge to grab it. "I have no idea what came over me." He said as he backed up slightly. He was expecting to be slapped guessing that she thought he was aiming to squeeze her hind end but the tail got in the way. "Please don't be mad" Lach said as he tried to slowly scoot away. There was one girl that hated him for reasons he didn't know already, he didn't need even more people hating him because they think hes pervert. Lach bowed. "It was an accident i swear!" He had no idea that he was just repeating the same "I'm sorry" Over and over again. He felt very stupid.
Yuuki looked at the man and realized it was Lach. "Oh.... LACH?!" She shouted. She took out her sword and sighed. "This is the perfect day, for you to die." She chuckled. 'What a fool you are Ichihara. Not noticing that was your rival? You make me want to cry.' She mentally hit herself and said, "Well, long time no see." She stabbed her sword into the ground and yawned. "But it seems like you have your own matters right now with Kira." She smiled and muttered, "Pervert."
Kira was originally upset that he had grabbed her tail, thinking he must be an anti-wolf type person. Half breeds like her were occasionally harassed until they were forced to flee the city. But this person seemed sincerely apologetic. Kira's ears perked back up as he rambled incessantly. She dropped her tail and it fell behind her into it's place as the man greeted Yuuki, who must have just returned from the hot spring as well. "'s okay." she said. "I'd be curious, too..." Of course, she'd never be so curious as to grab someone's tail, but she kept that thought to herself.
Lach looked at Yuuki as she suddenly became hostile. He backed up now. He had no weapon with him and he honestly did not want to fight at the moment. Then she stopped and called him... "I'm not a pervert!" He called out. "I was uh, stretching and her ass just happen to be in the way." Now Lach was practically saying he was aiming for her butt. "I mean her tail!" He corrected himself as he began scratching his head angrily. "Come on, i just got back to the island why are you attacking me so much?" He whined. The girl had said that she forgave him though it didn't really sound like that. "I'm really sorry, i just um, lost control of myself." Lach continued to apologize.
Kira gave him an odd look. He had been apologizing moments ago, then might as well have said he was trying to grope her, and now was apologizing again. "Umm, okay." she said. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder. "Well intentional or not, I'll just pretend it didn't happen. I don't know what's going on here..." she looked between battle-ready Yuuki and defenceless pervert... Whatever his name was. Yuuki had said it a moment ago but Kira hadn't been listening. "But I should be going now." After making sure her wolf parts were concealed, she finished her apple and started her journey home again.

Yuuki growled and said, "Who cares? Aren't you supposed to be the damn devil son or something anyways? Spawn a pitchfork?" She snickered as he said his apologizes to the half-breed. "You were aiming for her ass, you pervert." She blew her bangs out of her eyes and said, "Now quit your whining and let's get fighting. This time, I will​ win!" Yuuki looked around as the people stopped doing their jigs. "Let's do this somewhere else..." she saud awkwardly.
Lach let out a heavy sigh. "I guess there is no winning against you two." The wolf girl left the scene which left Lach and Yuuki. Yuuki seemed to still be insisting on a fight which Lach had no way of getting out of. He shrugged and accepted. "Fine then..." He said with a long groan of annoyance. He lead her to a much more open park. Of course a small crowd gathered around to watch. Children began cheering, mother began gossiping, fathers began gambling, and other retirees began judging . Lach set his stuff to the side. Hoping that no one would bother with it. At this point he expected the milk to be spoiled anyhow. A young boy brought Lach a amateur built sword. Most likely a teen boy making money by selling crappy weapons to young kids. Lach took and thanked the boy. It was dull and heavy. Crooked and not very durable but it had to do for now. "Why do you always have to pick on me Yuuki?" Lach called out since this has happened plenty of times before. "I mean, i've never actually done anything to you." Lach said with his shit stick of a sword pointed at the young warrior girl. "We used to work together too!"
Yuuki smiled deviously and said, "You have a nice ape-shit sword." She looked at him and said, "You took my job! You haven't realized that yet? Strageist was MY job, and then your ass came in and took over! Getting me demoted!" She pulled her sword out of the ground and twirled it. "I've been practicing lately, to beat you from all those other times."
Lach sighed. "I didn't mean to take your job. I guess they didn't think you were doing well enough so they hired me instead. He shrugged. "I just went along with what i was told and they told me that i was good for the position. I had no choice if i wanted to be there or not." Lach tried to explain. He shook his head. "I'm sure you'll win." He said ignoring the fact that'd he'd usually find a way to end the battle before anyone got injured. "Well, come show me what you've learned." He adjusted his stance. A more focused look on his expression. He examined her movements. She seemed confident that she would win. Something Lach could use as an advantage. Not that Lach really even planned on winning. He just didn't want to make a fool of himself again. IT was bad news enough that now everyone would be calling him a town pervert. Lach began to lose focus again and wonder off in thought. "I'm never gonna get married." He sighed realizing how bad his reputation is seeing that now every girl on the island hated him.
Yuuki smiled and said, "Sure whatever." She thrusted her sword at him while she threw a jab at his forehead with her other arm, she did more combonations, as her sweat trickled down her forehead. Money was being passed amongest the gamblers and the woman gasped at every cut Lach or Yuuki had taken. The children cheered, even though they only cheered for Lach, Yuuki was confident to win. She knew that her overconfidence in herself was a total disadvantage, but she didn't care.

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