Original Hylion
RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate
The water was clear and calm. The wind blew slowly and steadily along the sky. The ocean was a beautiful thing. Small wrinkles in the water pushed and pulled gently against each other. Suddenly ruined by the heavy wakes of large ship cutting through the water. A simple trade ship slowly floated along the waters headed on a calm easy course to a small island. This ship had was looking for good trade on this island thanks to it being a very successful central of trade due to it being directly in between the two major continents. Among the crews men, merchants, and traders. Were a few retired adventurers. Headed back after completing some work on the mainland. Headed home. As the boat began to enter the docks the sound of cheerful music laughter and pure happiness could be heard all around. The ship was anchored down and many left ship to the island. This island that was home to all, welcomed all. Be at peace on the island of prosperity.