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Fantasy Fantasy Prison


Dante Craine










Dante is usually the first to make a joke and will rarely shy away from a joke, sarcastic comment, insult or jokes about someone's physical or mental faults. He is usually very jokerish and will never take anything seriously unless he's needed to when he will struggle to even stay concentrated on not making a joke about the current situation.


Mass Murder



Back story:

Dante grew up a quiet life without much to do and was usually getting caught up in his brother's mischievous acts of vandalism, graffiti and some occasional pickpocketing when he was really desperate. This large amount of criminal and illegal activity that Dante was involved in lead to him becoming more experimental with different things and soon drifted away from his brother, who had now been given a job in the police force after he righted his wrongs, due to his constant involvement with illegal jobs such as full on vandalism at a higher level such as breaking into a school and then wrecking a whole class room for the fun of it. As Dante drifted further and further into his criminal activity he began to break into houses and apartments before stealing any valuables that were not nailed down, unfortunately Dante was almost caught once and in an attempt to escape he broke a man's neck and then drowned his brother who were in the house at the time. From then on he avoided any criminal activity but was soon caught up to by the police.


Combat Clairvoyance

The user can interpret and predict enemy attacks and react to the incoming attack, brush off or avoid the incoming attacks even from dead angle.

Umbrakinetic Constructs

Users can turn darkness into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.


The user can teleport, or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behaviour.


(While the Combat Clairvoyance may seem OP Dante can only block an attack from someone if he's been in combat with them for long periods of time)


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Shinjirou Keita





Reason for working at the prison:

He wants to see the supernatural suffer because they killed his family and made them suffer,He doesn't actually care about the crimes the supernatural commited he just wants to see them scream in pain

Job within the prison:



Intuitive Aptitude:

The power to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, and even powers without the need of long-term or special education.

Intuitive Replication:

The power to copy the powers of others and intuitively know how to use them


Gifted Human




Will be revealed in the Rp


Shinji is a kind young male who always cares about the prisoners and doesn't like punishing them with any kind of violence,Shinji is always smiling and doesn't get angry He's always smiling He is never seen with a frown or anything just a smile...

Shinji is a whole new person when he is inside the prison the only thing same about him is he still has that smile,That smile which sends chills down anyone's spine,Shinji loves to punish And he loves violence!


"If you hate the life you're given then change it with the power you've gained"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d915c5b4dd8bd85c56cbaa486a66901e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d915c5b4dd8bd85c56cbaa486a66901e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Raygou Nehiro Samaysune (Also called Scar)

Race: Demon-Wolf Hybrid


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-5.jpeg.39cbcdb90cfb19d1e90f585e55b284f3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-5.jpeg.39cbcdb90cfb19d1e90f585e55b284f3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(He has Black hairs now, they aren't white anymore)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Everytime annoyed and don't give a fuck. The time in the prison changed his Personality. Once he was friendly and only raged out if you hurt one of his friends, but now he doesn't rages out, he kills if he want to kill, even if this causes that he has to sit here much longer.

Crime: Mass Murderer.

Backstory: He killed thousand peoples in one hour. He's also known as Scar or The One hour killer. Every last Sunday in the months, he called the police and said: "I will unwrap my bandages" and after an hour, thousand people died. As he get caught and was sent to the prison, he met a girl named Niko. She became his girlfriend and they were kind of happy. One day, Raygou stopped to speak and his hairs slowly got Black. One of the Side Effects of his immortality he got.

Powers: once he was able to control Scarlet Red Flames and move in Light speed. But hus Flames changed to Blood Red and Everytime when he uses his powers, he get 15 tails that are surrounded by Blood Red Flames and Demon horns. His Ears, Hairs, arms and lower legs start to burn, too. He don't used his Light Speed since he stopped to speak.




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Rayischo said:
((Sorry that I signed up this late
no prob!!


Rayischo said:
Name: Raygou Nehiro Samaysune (Also called Scar)
Race: Demon-Wolf Hybrid


View attachment 163871

(He has Black hairs now, they aren't white anymore)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Everytime annoyed and don't give a fuck. The time in the prison changed his Personality. Once he was friendly and only raged out if you hurt one of his friends, but now he doesn't rages out, he kills if he want to kill, even if this causes that he has to sit here much longer.

Crime: Mass Murderer.

Backstory: He killed thousand peoples in one hour. He's also known as Scar or The One hour killer. Every last Sunday in the months, he called the police and said: "I will unwrap my bandages" and after an hour, thousand people died. As he get caught and was sent to the prison, he met a girl named Niko. She became his girlfriend and they were kind of happy. One day, Raygou stopped to speak and his hairs slowly got Black. One of the Side Effects of his immortality he got.

Powers: once he was able to control Scarlet Red Flames and move in Light speed. But hus Flames changed to Blood Red and Everytime when he uses his powers, he get 15 tails that are surrounded by Blood Red Flames and Demon horns. His Ears, Hairs, arms and lower legs start to burn, too. He don't used his Light Speed since he stopped to speak.


TheBigBladeWolf said:
Shinjirou Keita





Reason for working at the prison:

He wants to see the supernatural suffer because they killed his family and made them suffer,He doesn't actually care about the crimes the supernatural commited he just wants to see them scream in pain

Job within the prison:



Intuitive Aptitude:

The power to
instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, and even powers without the need of long-term or special education.

Intuitive Replication:

The power to
copy the powers of others and intuitively know how to use them


Gifted Human




Will be revealed in the Rp


Shinji is a kind young male who always cares about the prisoners and doesn't like punishing them with any kind of violence,Shinji is always smiling and doesn't get angry He's always smiling He is never seen with a frown or anything just a smile...

Shinji is a whole new person when he is inside the prison the only thing same about him is he still has that smile,That smile which sends chills down anyone's spine,Shinji loves to punish And he loves violence!


"If you hate the life you're given then change it with the power you've gained"

View attachment 163867





CallSign said:
You seem to be in need of guards. Please, allow me to help out.
Name: Yuki Oto

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Reason for working at the prison:

Recruited at a high price due to her uniquely useful ability to keep supernatural abilities in check.

Job within the prison:

Keeper of Peace and Discipline


Level the Field: All opponents are temporarily stripped of all but one of their powers. Yuki gains a copy of the power her enemy is left with, putting her on equal ground with the target. Against multiple enemies, Yuki gains multiple powers - one from each target. Once used, the ability cannot add targets, and requires a recharging period after use. (Note: the target decides which power is kept)

Trigger Discipline: Yuki is skilled with all weapons used by guards (no firearms), but prefers to use her fists. She has basic training with pistols from joint training with law enforcement.

????: Fly with the Black Swan.

Race: Human




As a child, Yuki was always the weak one. She was bullied endlessly by her classmates, but never once looked at her bullies with hatred - her parents knew about the bullying and would reward her for noble actions. Either by the grace of some higher power or through sheer force of will, Yuki was blessed with a power of her own to place her on a level footing with her bullies.

When Yuki graduated from high school, she was recruited by the prison for her unique ability to handle those with extreme power. Her price was high, but the product was well worth the investment. She has seen many wayward prisoners over her years on duty, and has prevented many a breakout. She has also accepted many a bribe.

During a mishap during a planned activity, Yuki disappeared and was presumed dead. Six years later she reappeared in the exact location where she'd gone missing and adamantly refused to answer any questions about her disappearance. However, those who knew her before the incident may have noticed a subtle change in her.


Strict, dedicated, and devoted - to the highest bidder (presently the penitentiary). As someone who believes she has seen it all and, through her powers, done it all, she is difficult to impress. When on-the-job, she can be downright cruel.

Other: Hates robots.
Name: Thaddeus

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Reason for working at the prison: To earn money for his daily life

Job within the prison: Janitor....(what I have no Choice)


Enhanced Senses


he can undo a specific action or event at the cost of his own lifeforce

(will be revealed)

Race: Human (he also has a low stamina)



Backstory: He lives an average guy nothing special maybe there is.....

Personality: Quiet and only does his job he rarely shows emotions and sometimes he can be really confident

Other: He has an unnatural presence and no one knows why....
[QUOTE="So Fahn]Name: Thaddeus
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Reason for working at the prison: To earn money for his daily life

Job within the prison: Janitor....(what I have no Choice)


Enhanced Senses


he can undo a specific action or event at the cost of his own lifeforce

(will be revealed)

Race: Human (he also has a low stamina)



Backstory: He lives an average guy nothing special maybe there is.....

Personality: Quiet and only does his job he rarely shows emotions and sometimes he can be really confident

Other: He has an unnatural presence and no one knows why....

Accepted!! (fell free to jump in whenever!!! :D )
Name: Yumi Koizawa

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Reason for working at the prison: A desire to help improve society by rehabilitating its less desirable members

Job within the prison: Rehabilitative psychologist

Powers: N/A

Race: Half kitsune



Backstory: Yumi is the half-breed spawn of a kitsune mother and a human father. According to her mother's stories, it was a night filled with passion and adventure that led to her birth. In any case, Yumi was born, and from there led a relatively standard life. She was born with a rather weak constitution, which led her to pursue indoor activities when she wasn't visiting the hospital. Between this and her financial situation, it's no surprise that Yumi actually doesn't have very many friends.

After a rough school life, Yumi decided that nobody should have to deal with the same ruffians as she did. As such, she decided to pursue a career of rehabilitation and reform, and is currently pursuing a criminal psychology degree. Recently, she landed a job as a rehabilitative psychologist, gaining regular sessions with each inmate. The intent is to change their mindset to something that can function in society.

Personality: A kind, yet soft spoken young girl, Yumi spends most of her time safely indoors. She has a naturally sweet disposition, but is also relatively sheltered. Due to her being raised by a single parent, she's knowledgeable in cooking and other household tasks.

Other: Has a pet rock.
Name: Theria.

Race: Succubus

Appearance: Can change but for the sake of rpn rules can't have a better image.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/succubus.jpg.00bc3dfda3958070f53f744100637486.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/succubus.jpg.00bc3dfda3958070f53f744100637486.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Depending on who she is talking to her personality differs to appeal to them. She is always trying to seduce who ever she can and when she finally does she usually discards them unless she wants to keep them. She is overconfident in her ability's and will try to seduce almost anyone she meets. She does not like to be dissed and will always react impulsively to it.

Crime: Several accounts of murder, Accused of being a prostitute, Owning slaves (Incubuses).

Backstory: To be discovered.



If she gets the targeted thing to kiss her they will be put under a spell that will let her have a great influence of what they should be doing or not. Though if you have a strong enough resolve and will then you can overturn this but it takes allot and cannot be simply over done on a whim it takes allot. (Comes at a toll to her endurance and she will become tired after awhile.)


If you get into bed with said Succubus you will become a Incubus and that makes you share in some of the seductive capabilities but of course she is immune to them and can't become all good at it. If this happens she will have chosen you among everyone and if she tells you to do something you would lay down your life to get it done. (Costs an huge toll on her and can only have around three at a time, Though the lifespan of a incubus is rather short for reasons unknown after a few years they seem to drop dead.)

Seductive aura

It is an ability that makes her very, very good looking to anyone that is around her not to mention that she can have this ability on at almost all times. When she sets her aura on one person in particular instead of to a group it makes an almost overwhelming attraction towards her for that selected target though this takes allot of focus. It is allot easier to get out of this state of mind than Kiss but it is still no easy task.

Other: All of these ability's take a toll on her and cannot be used all the time. When she has multiple people wrapped up in her powers it makes her very tired and overtime would kill her so yea. And when someone is in Kiss mode after awhile they will be out of it and set back to their right mind. I will stick to rpn rules :/ this is actually the first time I have tried to rp as a succubus so this should be interesting ^-^



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Name: Himitsu No

Race: Neko

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/anime-boy-cat-cute-kawaii-manga-neko-Favim.com-795647.png.80fbc2763e0fc40d874d2d4550ff06f3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/anime-boy-cat-cute-kawaii-manga-neko-Favim.com-795647.png.80fbc2763e0fc40d874d2d4550ff06f3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c46dd295a_ColorNeko.png.aa9daad4728aa9d10eccd668d3489a8c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c46dd295a_ColorNeko.png.aa9daad4728aa9d10eccd668d3489a8c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Age: 17

Gender: Male


- Nice

- Protective

- Colorful (Happy)

- Slightly Sarcastic

- Fun

- Cuddly


I was changing a spray paint on a side of a building when a police officer pulled me over and assumed I was the one who did the paint and put me in cuffs, so I changed the color of the officers outfit to pink and then turned into a puddle of paint and remerged into a neko and then made a paint monster slap around the officer and his friends who came killing about 15 to 20 officer until he let finally got caught and forced into the car with water.


- Color Swap: The ability to swap any color with any color of choice

- Color Monsters: The ability to create a monster or beast out of any color(s) around himself

- Paint Puddle: The ability to fall into a puddle of paint of mixed colors

Other: has a weakness to water



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Name: Emile Golgotha

Age: 25

Gender: Neutrois

Reason for working at the prison: Privately, Emile wishes to study the prisoners, and possibly experiment upon some of the more powerful ones. Logistically, however, their unique psionic talent makes them to perfect candidate to suppress any magical prisoners.

Job within the prison: EMT, Nurse

Powers: Mystokinesis- the capacity to mentally (as opposed to spiritually) manipulate mystical energies. Although they cannot shape the energies into a full spell, like a mage, they can peel the energy right out of any other spell without difficulty, effectively allowing them to neutralize any and all magic. Additionally, they can also manipulate the mystical energies inside of a person's soul, enabling them to remove them if need be.

Race: Human

Appearance: Emile is often seen wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a large, brocaded mantle, and a cotton skirt. They have a very large collar that covers most of their lower face, and a trifecta of spike-like piercings on each brow, from which a pair of tapestries hang down over their eyes, and lead back behind their jaw.

Personality: Enigmatic, Ambitious, Lonesome, Introverted
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Name: Vergil Nebuchadnezzar

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Reason for working at the prison: Vergil believes he can influence and heal the people imprisoned here by spreading the Gospel. Which Gospel, he refuses to say.

Job within the prison: Psychiatrist

Powers: Conjuration - is capable of creating matter and energy via magic (matter and energy created in this manner will slowly disappear from existence after the spell is cast). Alchemy - is capable of manipulate pre-existing matter and energy (effects are permanent).

Race: Human

Appearance: Vergil is often seen wearing a fine suit, so sliken and white it could have been spun from the contents of an oyster. Sanskrit ur-poems are embroidered down its seams, and at the hems of its sleeves and legs, the Bagua characters are circumscribed; on its back, a large Yantra glyph has been painted in ink. Vergil himself is a handsome man, of Semitic descent, his hair a cascade of midnight crests and locks, tipped in ivory.

Personality: Charismatic, Persuasive, Intelligent, Intuitive


Seiga Akira





Reason for working at the prison:

She thinks (or rather hopes) that the murder of her family is in the prison.

Job within the prison:


She has abnormal strength and abnormal Speed. She's able to summon a Weapon, but if she loses Concentration or took to much damage, the Weapon Disappears.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-66.jpeg.b43921f736419393f3534f761c1e3d4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-66.jpeg.b43921f736419393f3534f761c1e3d4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Neko/Arch Demon Hybrid


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-116.jpeg.0a0c5b06b1003cbd11f6d92e5c2ac34f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-116.jpeg.0a0c5b06b1003cbd11f6d92e5c2ac34f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


((To be revealed))


She's a Friendly Person, but if you don't know her, you wouldn't understand her Humor and than she seems to be a dumb ass. She's sarcastic very often and wouldn't use her powers, even if you threat her.


She loves cats



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