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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

NightCasterZ said:
Name: Lily Unknown
Race: Archangel / Arch-demon / Fairy Hybrid

Appearance: (picture preferred)

Fairy Form


Archangel Form

View attachment 162694

Arch-demon Form


Age: Varied

Gender: Female

Personality: (dot-points or paragraph)

Depends / TBR

Crime: Destruction of a whole town

Backstory: (optional) TBR

Powers: (max of 3) Depends on her form.

Archangel: Heaven's Light, has the ability to heal and break harmful God Spells

Fairy: Mini Me, allows the user to make copies of themselves and shrink

Archdemon: Unknown, ability to destory entire cities

Other: (optional) Spilt personality


- @TheHappyPikachu (female)

- @NightCasterZ (female)

- @Ashaficent (female)

- @Blarg222 (male)

- @CelestialBunny (female)

- @hitman654 (male)

- @Kamasive Nionnova (male)

- @Mr Swiftshots (female)



Lee Hwaryun

Name: Lee Hwaryun

Race: Half-Angel



Lee has pink hair, normally tied up in a loose bun. Let down, it reaches to half her back. She wears comfortable clothing and occasionally wears weights on her feet. Her normal attire consists of a matching red and yellow-trimmed tracksuit, the pants reaching down just past her knees and paired with the same-colored rubber shoes (see spoiler).


Inside her upper tracksuit is a tank top, may be short or long.



Age: 19

Gender: Female


  • Fiercely loyal and protective of her friends
  • Straightforward person and carefree
  • Very observant of people and situations
  • Determined and Passionate fighter
  • She used to be loud and rambunctious in nature but a turning point in her life changed her into a reserved person, only showing her true self to people she trust
  • Other than that, she's actually kind as long as no one threatens her or her friends and family


  • Murder - Beat someone to death in a ring
  • Assault - Hurt the referee


Lee Hwaryun Kills Opponent During A Match

Lee Hwaryun, a well known MMA fighter in her area and current defending champion of a small local league was faced with Josh Ashford in the semi finals. The fight was in Lee's favor. It was all going smoothly until the third round. It was seen that Josh taunted her before the round. She responded in kind, threatening him by grabbing him by the collar. Apparently, the two exchange words but up to now, no one knows what transpired between them during this short time.


Lee grabbing Josh by the collar after being taunted.

When the round started, she started beating Josh relentlessly, also using attacks that were against the rules. The referee attempted to stop them but she attacked him as well, temporarily disabling the official. Josh's coach, as well as other staff and audience, climbed into the ring, attempting to stop the raging woman but even with them outnumbering her, they still found it hard to restrain her. It was too late when they finally pushed her down, taking a total of ten men to keep her down.


Shot taken by an amateur photographer

In the previous years, she had successfully defended her title, not one person coming close to even stealing it from her but people ask: What could have brought her to kill someone during the semifinals? Critiques say that she has lost it and she was sick in the mind but what was the real story behind this murder? The media has yet to interview Lee, who is now serving her time in jail.

Lee Hwaryun is a daughter of an angel and a human female. However, her father left their family before she turned three but she held no bitterness towards him. Naturally, she only had her mother to look up to, who was a boxer before she retired to take care of her. As Lee grew up, she had an interest in martial arts and so her mother taught her how to box and a few of other styles and through this, she learnt about her bloodline.

In High School, she met her best friend who shared the same interest in martial arts as she did and they just clicked. But one day, a bunch of bullies, with Josh Ashford as the leader, beat up her best friend, leaving her close to death and fall into a coma. She was enraged but her mother prevented her from taking any reckless actions. Even with the warning, she chose to do her revenge in the ring, during the semifinals of a league. However, she decided to restrain herself until the third round when he enraged her by mocking her friend and laughing at her current condition. She beat him up, hoping that he would feel what her best friend felt. She ended up killing him, but she can't say she regretted it.

Often times, she ask herself why she was the one imprisoned and not those who were in the wrong. She cursed the justice system but at the end of the day, the only feelings remaining was worry for her friend and her mother.


Powers: As an angel, she inherited some powers from her father but since she's not a full angel, the abilities are greatly weakened.

  • Greatly enhanced strength, stamina, speed and senses (sight and smell)
  • Telekinesis - ability to move objects to her will
  • Quick regeneration/healing

Other: Lee is an MMA Fighter who specializes in boxing. Before getting thrown in jail, her mother's code of conduct ruled over her fighting life: "Never fight outside the ring, unless it's your last resort", especially since she was different from humans. She did not always agree to this but she followed anyway, only breaking it in certain cases. But now that she was in prison, she felt less restrained by that rule.

I tried my best >__<

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[QUOTE="Aeri Rosevier]

Lee Hwaryun

Name: Lee Hwaryun

Race: Half-Angel



Lee has pink hair, normally tied up in a loose bun. Let down, it reaches to half her back. She wears comfortable clothing and occasionally wears weights on her feet. Her normal attire consists of a matching red and yellow-trimmed tracksuit, the pants reaching down just past her knees and paired with the same-colored rubber shoes (see spoiler).


Inside her upper tracksuit is a tank top, may be short or long.



Age: 19

Gender: Female


  • Fiercely loyal and protective of her friends
  • Straightforward person and carefree
  • Very observant of people and situations
  • Determined and Passionate fighter
  • She used to be loud and rambunctious in nature but a turning point in her life changed her into a reserved person, only showing her true self to people she trust
  • Other than that, she's actually kind as long as no one threatens her or her friends and family


  • Murder - Beat someone to death in a ring
  • Assault - Hurt the referee


Lee Hwaryun Kills Opponent During A Match

Lee Hwaryun, a well known MMA fighter in her area and current defending champion of a small local league was faced with Josh Ashford in the semi finals. The fight was in Lee's favor. It was all going smoothly until the third round. It was seen that Josh taunted her before the round. She responded in kind, threatening him by grabbing him on the collar. Apparently, the two exchange words but up to now, no one knows what transpired between them during this short time.


Lee grabbing Josh by the color after being taunted.

When the round started, she started beating Josh relentlessly, also using attacks that were against the rules. The referee attempted to stop them but she attacked him as well, temporarily disabling the official. Josh's coach as well as other staff and audience climbed into the ring, attempting to stop the raging woman but even with them outnumbering her, they still found it hard to restrain her. It was too late when they finally pushed her down, taking a total of ten men to keep her down.


Shot taken by an amateur photographer

In the previous years, she had successfully defended her title, not one person coming close to even stealing it from her but people ask: What could have brought her to kill someone during the semifinals? Critiques say that she has lost it and she was sick in the mind but what was the real story behind this murder? The media has yet to interview Lee, who is now serving her time in jail.

Lee Hwaryun is a daughter of an angel and a human female. However, her father left their family before she turned three but she held no bitterness towards him. Naturally, she only had her mother to look up to, who was a boxer before she retired to take care of her. As Lee grew up, she had an interest in martial arts and so her mother taught her how to box and a few of other styles and through this, she learnt about her bloodline.

In High School, she met her best friend who shared the same interest in martial arts as she did and they just clicked. But one day, a bunch of bullies, with Josh Ashford as the leader, beat up her best friend, leaving her close to death and fall into a coma. She was enraged but her mother prevented her from taking any reckless actions. Even with the warning, she chose to do her revenge in the ring, during the semifinals of a league. She beat him up, hoping that he would feel what her best friend felt. She ended up killing him, but she can't say she regretted it.

Often times, she ask herself why she was the one imprisoned and not those who were in the wrong. She cursed the justice system but at the end of the day, the only feelings remaining was worry for her friend and her mother.


Powers: As an angel, she inherited some powers from her father but since she's not a full angel, the abilities are greatly weakened.

  • Greatly enhanced strength, stamina, speed and senses (sight and smell)
  • Telekinesis - ability to move objects to her will
  • Quick regeneration/healing

Other: Lee is an MMA Fighter who specializes in boxing. Before getting thrown in jail, her mother's code of conduct ruled over her fighting life: "Never fight outside the ring, unless it's your last resort", especially since she was different from humans. She did not always agree to this but she followed anyway, only breaking it in certain cases. But now that she was in prison, she felt less restrained by that rule.

I tried my best >__<


[QUOTE="Aeri Rosevier]

Lee Hwaryun

Name: Lee Hwaryun

Race: Half-Angel



Lee has pink hair, normally tied up in a loose bun. Let down, it reaches to half her back. She wears comfortable clothing and occasionally wears weights on her feet. Her normal attire consists of a matching red and yellow-trimmed tracksuit, the pants reaching down just past her knees and paired with the same-colored rubber shoes (see spoiler).


Inside her upper tracksuit is a tank top, may be short or long.



Age: 19

Gender: Female


  • Fiercely loyal and protective of her friends
  • Straightforward person and carefree
  • Very observant of people and situations
  • Determined and Passionate fighter
  • She used to be loud and rambunctious in nature but a turning point in her life changed her into a reserved person, only showing her true self to people she trust
  • Other than that, she's actually kind as long as no one threatens her or her friends and family


  • Murder - Beat someone to death in a ring
  • Assault - Hurt the referee


Lee Hwaryun Kills Opponent During A Match

Lee Hwaryun, a well known MMA fighter in her area and current defending champion of a small local league was faced with Josh Ashford in the semi finals. The fight was in Lee's favor. It was all going smoothly until the third round. It was seen that Josh taunted her before the round. She responded in kind, threatening him by grabbing him on the collar. Apparently, the two exchange words but up to now, no one knows what transpired between them during this short time.


Lee grabbing Josh by the color after being taunted.

When the round started, she started beating Josh relentlessly, also using attacks that were against the rules. The referee attempted to stop them but she attacked him as well, temporarily disabling the official. Josh's coach as well as other staff and audience climbed into the ring, attempting to stop the raging woman but even with them outnumbering her, they still found it hard to restrain her. It was too late when they finally pushed her down, taking a total of ten men to keep her down.


Shot taken by an amateur photographer

In the previous years, she had successfully defended her title, not one person coming close to even stealing it from her but people ask: What could have brought her to kill someone during the semifinals? Critiques say that she has lost it and she was sick in the mind but what was the real story behind this murder? The media has yet to interview Lee, who is now serving her time in jail.

Lee Hwaryun is a daughter of an angel and a human female. However, her father left their family before she turned three but she held no bitterness towards him. Naturally, she only had her mother to look up to, who was a boxer before she retired to take care of her. As Lee grew up, she had an interest in martial arts and so her mother taught her how to box and a few of other styles and through this, she learnt about her bloodline.

In High School, she met her best friend who shared the same interest in martial arts as she did and they just clicked. But one day, a bunch of bullies, with Josh Ashford as the leader, beat up her best friend, leaving her close to death and fall into a coma. She was enraged but her mother prevented her from taking any reckless actions. Even with the warning, she chose to do her revenge in the ring, during the semifinals of a league. She beat him up, hoping that he would feel what her best friend felt. She ended up killing him, but she can't say she regretted it.

Often times, she ask herself why she was the one imprisoned and not those who were in the wrong. She cursed the justice system but at the end of the day, the only feelings remaining was worry for her friend and her mother.


Powers: As an angel, she inherited some powers from her father but since she's not a full angel, the abilities are greatly weakened.

  • Greatly enhanced strength, stamina, speed and senses (sight and smell)
  • Telekinesis - ability to move objects to her will
  • Quick regeneration/healing

Other: Lee is an MMA Fighter who specializes in boxing. Before getting thrown in jail, her mother's code of conduct ruled over her fighting life: "Never fight outside the ring, unless it's your last resort", especially since she was different from humans. She did not always agree to this but she followed anyway, only breaking it in certain cases. But now that she was in prison, she felt less restrained by that rule.

I tried my best >__<


hitman654 said:
Can I suggest we limit the number of people in the RP because if we have too many people it'll get a bit ridiculous :P
yup!! I agree...
Name: Tsugi Lucifer

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Reason for working at the prison: Although he has hidden his true reasons very well Tsugi had taken the job at a young age to test his abilities against the unnatural developing a hobby to toy with these reckless beings.

Job within the prison: Head of Security


Aura Specialist: As a gifted human he has inherited the ability to shape, mold & transform his aura into useful abilities creating two special abilities, the natural nature of this Aura control is supernatural strength, endurance & speed, he can alter alter his appearance slightly by stretching and altering the color of his aura.

Bungee Gum-

Tsugi can alter his aura's consistency into an incredibly sticky substance somewhat akin to bubble gum, albeit much stronger. It can be used to pull opponents within punching range for a flurry of rebound pummels. Bungee Gum can both stretch and contract, depending on what Tsugi desires. It can be attached either by pointing at his target or through direct physical contact. Additionally, Bungee Gum can also be used to cover a greater area by molding it into a sheet rather than a string. It is so reliable and durable that it can act as a shield against attacks or as a means to return them to their original caster, it is still almost impossible to avoid, as Tsugi can simply attach Bungee Gum on his fist while hitting his opponent.

Eleven Black Children-

Tsugi is able to control doll-like soldiers by emitting his Nen into balloons, expanding them into life-sized creations. Since this move requires a lot of aura, Tocino must be nearby and can only control a maximum of eleven men.

Race: Gifted Human


"I'm letting you live until you become strong enough to be worth killing"


Backstory: Not much is known about his history although if asked he will tell.

Personality: Tsugi is both jestering often joking around and toying with others emotions but is often kind even to those who despise him. Throughout the prison he is known to be ruthless despite his light spirited nature and often shows signs of attraction towards power. He loves reading and most things humans would enjoy and can come off flirtatious to some he deems valuable but show no care towards those he doesn’t having a questionable stability. Although he might not seem it Tsugi is very intelligent and will often use manipulation to get what he desires and observes everyone he meets he is truly someone to be wary of.

Other: Tsugi has a unique form of what looks like martial arts using his enhanced abilities to create a wild and swift fighting style although he prefers to make no needless movements rather draw his opponent into their own defeat.

His stability is questionable and can often come of psychotic and sinister himself having very questionable methods when dealing with prisoners who step out of line.

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[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yeah I seen there was a big lack of them so I thought why not :P Thankyou!

no prob!! :D :P xD
Name: David Johnson

Race: Unknown?

Appearance: White hair

Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: Suicidal - Shy - Thoughtful - Friendly - Impatient

Crime: Murder

Backstory: May be discovered in the rp

Powers: Telekinesis, recoils though.

Other: He was diagnosed with schizophrenia 3 years ago.
Swagmeister said:
Name: David Johnson
Race: Unknown?

Appearance: White hair

Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: Suicidal - Shy - Thoughtful - Friendly - Impatient

Crime: Murder

Backstory: May be discovered in the rp

Powers: Telekinesis, recoils though.

Other: He was diagnosed with schizophrenia 3 years ago.
Name: "You can just call me Outbreak, no questions asked. That's what those government rats pegged me as. And I like it, hehe"

Race: American

Appearance: (Will add later)

Age: 20

Gender: Male







-absolutely despises those who try to exert authority over him

Crime: Mass Murder

Backstory: Outbreak controls disease. At a young age, the government took him into custody and placed him a high security, quarantined cell, to be study by scientists. They hoped to find a cure so that they could prevent him from being a danger to society. It was extremely detrimental to Oitbreak's mental health. He was isolated from society and faced various types of physical abuse. Eventually, Outbreak snapped and broke out of the prison. No survivors. All the scientists were nothing but decayed carcasses. Outbreak then ensued to go on a killing spree. Surprisingly, there were more dead cops than there were dead civilians. Nonetheless, Outbreak was finally brought to justice after several days. Outbreak was, without question, considered one of the most notorious killers brought to court. He received a life sentence that Outbreak had no intention to follow. He would gladly, escape and continue his killing spree the second he had the chance.

Powers: Controls disease, and can manipulate the disease to do various things. Outbreak is extremely hard to kill. Not like that would be anyone's goal, but a lot of the time, you'll have to 'kill' him in order to get him under control.

Other: Outbreak is impulsive and starting a fight is not advised........
TheWingedCrusader said:
Name: "You can just call me Outbreak, no questions asked. That's what those government rats pegged me as. And I like it, hehe"
Race: American

Appearance: (Will add later)

Age: 20

Gender: Male







-absolutely despises those who try to exert authority over him

Crime: Mass Murder

Backstory: Outbreak controls disease. At a young age, the government took him into custody and placed him a high security, quarantined cell, to be study by scientists. They hoped to find a cure so that they could prevent him from being a danger to society. It was extremely detrimental to Oitbreak's mental health. He was isolated from society and faced various types of physical abuse. Eventually, Outbreak snapped and broke out of the prison. No survivors. All the scientists were nothing but decayed carcasses. Outbreak then ensued to go on a killing spree. Surprisingly, there were more dead cops than there were dead civilians. Nonetheless, Outbreak was finally brought to justice after several days. Outbreak was, without question, considered one of the most notorious killers brought to court. He received a life sentence that Outbreak had no intention to follow. He would gladly, escape and continue his killing spree the second he had the chance.

Powers: Controls disease, and can manipulate the disease to do various things. Outbreak is extremely hard to kill. Not like that would be anyone's goal, but a lot of the time, you'll have to 'kill' him in order to get him under control.

Other: Outbreak is impulsive and starting a fight is not advised........
TheWingedCrusader said:
Awesome! Catch me up plez... Don't know what's happening now. I'll upload the picture later
Not much, end-ish of lunchtime. xD
Name: Ashes

Age: ????????

Gender: Male

Reason for working at the prison: Being an overall good person, and being a hero in his past five lives so far he thought he could spend his sixth one working at the prison to make up for his first life when he was a cat burglar ( ha ha puns .w. ) and even though he made up for it by joining the army and another 4 lives to back that up he still wants to give back to the community, his past lives had the powers of wind, light, fire, poison, earth, but Ashes nowadays had lost his ability to manipulate those elements and has instead replaced those with grass to which he trained himself to manipulate proficiently.

Job within the prison: He works all around, he's even been the cafeteria chef sometimes ( he's a good cook :D )

Powers: Ashes holds three types of seeds that grow at an exceptionally fast rate ( like in a few seconds fast ) his first seed is for-

1. Stump Turret: A small tree that shoots down foes with small bits of tree energy at people and big pinecones that explode on impact and do much more damage than the smaller bullets

2. Medic Shrub: Heals allies and produces new ammo for them at a fast rate

3. Teleport Roots: A pair of these will take you straight to the other root is so when placed far away from each other is when it's most useful.

Race: Magical Cat guy...dude o3o

Appearance: profile pic ._. but if u want a different pic then...

Backstory: Was summoned by whoever owns the Prison as he had been a hero for generations and was somewhat of a mascot for the town because of his weird appearance. He hopes that he can help the prisoners change their ways and may be able to release them early if they prove themselves :D He's got a love for nature and tends to animals, he's also a hopeless romantic as he's never had a love in his last life because of how he looks.

Personality: Overall relaxed and cool headed, very hard to make angry and even when he is he finds humor in the situation.

sgtmickey said:
Name: Ashes
Age: ????????

Gender: Male

Reason for working at the prison: Being an overall good person, and being a hero in his past five lives so far he thought he could spend his sixth one working at the prison to make up for his first life when he was a cat burglar ( ha ha puns .w. ) and even though he made up for it by joining the army and another 4 lives to back that up he still wants to give back to the community, his past lives had the powers of wind, light, fire, poison, earth, but Ashes nowadays had lost his ability to manipulate those elements and has instead replaced those with grass to which he trained himself to manipulate proficiently.

Job within the prison: He works all around, he's even been the cafeteria chef sometimes ( he's a good cook :D )

Powers: Ashes holds three types of seeds that grow at an exceptionally fast rate ( like in a few seconds fast ) his first seed is for-

1. Stump Turret: A small tree that shoots down foes with small bits of tree energy at people and big pinecones that explode on impact and do much more damage than the smaller bullets

2. Medic Shrub: Heals allies and produces new ammo for them at a fast rate

3. Teleport Roots: A pair of these will take you straight to the other root is so when placed far away from each other is when it's most useful.

Race: Magical Cat guy...dude o3o

Appearance: profile pic ._. but if u want a different pic then...

Backstory: Was summoned by whoever owns the Prison as he had been a hero for generations and was somewhat of a mascot for the town because of his weird appearance. He hopes that he can help the prisoners change their ways and may be able to release them early if they prove themselves :D He's got a love for nature and tends to animals, he's also a hopeless romantic as he's never had a love in his last life because of how he looks.

Personality: Overall relaxed and cool headed, very hard to make angry and even when he is he finds humor in the situation.

You seem to be in need of guards. Please, allow me to help out.

Name: Yuki Oto

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Reason for working at the prison:

Recruited at a high price due to her uniquely useful ability to keep supernatural abilities in check.

Job within the prison:

Keeper of Peace and Discipline


Level the Field: All opponents are temporarily stripped of all but one of their powers. Yuki gains a copy of the power her enemy is left with, putting her on equal ground with the target. Against multiple enemies, Yuki gains multiple powers - one from each target. Once used, the ability cannot add targets, and requires a recharging period after use. (Note: the target decides which power is kept)

Trigger Discipline: Yuki is skilled with all weapons used by guards (no firearms), but prefers to use her fists. She has basic training with pistols from joint training with law enforcement.

????: Fly with the Black Swan.

Race: Human




As a child, Yuki was always the weak one. She was bullied endlessly by her classmates, but never once looked at her bullies with hatred - her parents knew about the bullying and would reward her for noble actions. Either by the grace of some higher power or through sheer force of will, Yuki was blessed with a power of her own to place her on a level footing with her bullies.

When Yuki graduated from high school, she was recruited by the prison for her unique ability to handle those with extreme power. Her price was high, but the product was well worth the investment. She has seen many wayward prisoners over her years on duty, and has prevented many a breakout. She has also accepted many a bribe.

During a mishap during a planned activity, Yuki disappeared and was presumed dead. Six years later she reappeared in the exact location where she'd gone missing and adamantly refused to answer any questions about her disappearance. However, those who knew her before the incident may have noticed a subtle change in her.


Strict, dedicated, and devoted - to the highest bidder (presently the penitentiary). As someone who believes she has seen it all and, through her powers, done it all, she is difficult to impress. When on-the-job, she can be downright cruel.

Other: Hates robots.
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