Fantasy Highschool Life

Name: Oshoku Sasaki

Nickname(If Applies): Osho

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: Wherever Midori Goes

What Year of highschool your in: Not in High School

What kind of being you are: Neko

Powers/gifts: Oshoku has the ability to manipulate the feelings and emotions of others slightly. She tends to use this to calm any fighting going on by making everybody become friendly with each other, and the more scared she is, the stronger the power becomes. The power tends to not work on those she loves, as she can't stand to do anything her beloved friends wouldn't want her to do. Her powers also include a natural aura around her that makes it almost impossible to even think of hurting her, much less do so.

Likes: Midori, friends, nice people, and anything with sugar in it.

Dislikes: People who are mean or scary, anything spicy, and being without friends.

Personality: Oshoku is kind, friendly, and full of energy, while at the same time, can be shy and easily scared. If somebody she trusts a lot were to introduce her to somebody, she would still possibly be shy, but wouldn't be all that scared of them, as she trusts her friends to introduce her to nice people.


Bio: She was originally the corruption that had taken over Elizabeth, but was given a new body and fake memories. Her memories mostly include a peaceful life of being with few, but really good friends, including Midori. She has a few memories that are 'bad', but only in the sense of being a few things that went wrong, to make her life more than just her having everything she wants without having to try and get it.

Dating/lover/crush: Possible crush on Midori, though she can't actually confirm how deep the feelings are.

Anything else:
I have a few 'free' characters, but they're all going to be part of something in a little bit.
I can spare Mai or Kimura, seeing as those two have absolutely nothing specific to do.
You first, I'll have Mai and/or Kimura appear from nowhere, as they have the ability to do that.


Name: Ookami

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Nowhere

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Neko/Wolf

Powers/gifts: Ookami has manipulation of darkness. She also carries around a case with a weapon of which can take form of whatever the target hates or fears the most, and does one of the following based on what the best use of it would be; Merges with the target, merges with Ookami, or becomes a living being/physical object under the control of Ookami.

Likes: Very few things, if anything at all.

Dislikes: Perverts, most humans, and staying in the same area for too long.

Personality: Quiet and never talking, with the exception of two people. One goes by the name Kitsune, while the other, she



Bio: Ookami's past is of little importance according to her, so all she reveals is that she's been travelling around alone for most of it.


Anything else: Has a few secrets of which few know, though holds great importance as to who she is. Also, Kitsune is her sister.


Tell me if I should convert this CS into the format provided. Otherwise, here it is.

  • Name: Kitsune

    Age: 15


    Kitsune was born into the most skilled of Yokai hunting clans, daughter of the very heads of the family themselves. Since she was six, she was trained in the ways of hunting Yokai, taught various skills and powers. When she hit the age of ten, she was taught how to control various forms of combat, the first of her family to reach NineTails form for the first time in a thousand years, and the only to ever achieve Anti-Form.

That makes how many characters now...? Let's see... Nanami, Kitsune, Mai, Yoshino, Nekimi, Mayumi, Ookami, Midori... Am I missing any of my characters from that list? If not, so far, eight characters. Only forty-four more to go before I have all the characters I'll be playing~
Oh, I'm saying forty-four more characters because Elizabeth has fifty children because of my crazy twist in plot I threw in~
They're all from the future though, so she's not a mother of fifty at age sixteen~
UnwantedTruth said:
Do you have any free characters? If so, do you want to rp with me?
I've got a free one, if your still up for it. If you read my last post, you can see where she's at.
Name: Suzukaka

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Free range, but hopes to live with Taokaka

What Year of highschool your in: Not in Highschool

What kind of being you are: Cat Girl

Powers/gifts:Incredible speed and strength. Large, shape-shifting retractable claws (They can grow larger or turn into different forms, for example scissors if she really wanted to.)

Likes: Family, her daughters, her mother.

Dislikes: Her Ex-Husband

Personality: She is a very courageous and energetic lady, like her daughter. She would defend her family with her life. She is very quick tempered and hot headed.


Bio: Suzukaka is the mother of Taokaka and the others. She left because her husband began to become evil so she hunted him down to protect her family. She had their grandma tell the daughters she had died and the father abandoned them. She has finally returned to them.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: She is a very good fighter.
Name: Nanako

Nickname(If Applies): Nana

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Currently has no home.

What Year of highschool your in: Not in High School

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: She has no powers or gifts, as she's human.

Likes: Sweet things, warmth, nice people, and anything soft that she can cuddle up with.

Dislikes: Scary people, the cold, being alone, and the dark.

Personality: Nana's a shy, sweet girl. She's always trying to find a way to join in with everybody, but can never succeed. If one were to do something she could never forgive though, she would become strong and cold to them, and do whatever it took to make sure they pay for what they've done to her.



Bio: Nana's older sister and herself were killed when Nana was eight. It's been four years since then, and she's been living as a being made of darkness. She just recently got returned to her human state by Kitsune and The Watcher, allowing her to live as a normal human again. She still wants to kill The Watcher, so she plans to try and kill him over and over again.


Anything else: Despite four years going by since she was killed, she's aged two years.
They also have male counterparts from a separate layer of time and space, both sets of which have gathered in the same area, making for two of them to exist. The male counterparts tend to be mistaken for female at times though, due to their appearance.

(Please note both CS's are the same aside from gender-based words like he/she, his/hers, as well as appearance being changed.

  • Demonic Form Name: Kaguya Hiroshi

    Angelic Form Name: Hiroshi Kaguya

    Age: Unknown (Appears 14-19)

    Race: Reaper






  • Demonic Form Name: Kaguya Hiroshi

    Angelic Form Name: Hiroshi Kaguya

    Age: Unknown (Appears 14-19)

    Race: Reaper


    They both have faces that could make one mistake them for girls. Hiroshi's entire appearance makes it a little difficult to tell if male or female, though they're both quite obviously males, if you get an actual, good look at them, rather than just see their face for a few seconds. Hiroshi's appearance can actually make one mistake him for a girl, even after knowing him a long time, though he'll usually tell you his gender before it goes to far with the mistaking.





Name: Unknown

Nickname(If Applies): Mobius One

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): None

What Year of highschool your in: None

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Great at flying planes, especially in dogfights. Great against close combat too.

Likes: Flying, light, food

Dislikes: The dark

Personality: He is silent, usually only talks to John.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-18_22-14-15.jpeg.f8d59f469f7db713fdc6b62db7404044.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-18_22-14-15.jpeg.f8d59f469f7db713fdc6b62db7404044.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Doesn't really talk.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:



  • upload_2014-11-18_22-14-15.jpeg
    5.3 KB · Views: 76

Name: Haiiro

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: ??? (Shows no signs of affection towards anyone)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live: ???

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Evil Goddess

Powers/gifts: Ability to instantly destroy things in a variety of different ways, can cause people to go completely insane and can sort of control peoples minds.

Likes: Chaos, destruction, watching people go insane, killing people.

Dislikes: Order, long speeches, boredom

Personality: A complete wildcard who acts randomly at random times with no consistency.


Bio: The Goddess of Chaos, destruction, and insanity. She doesn't talk about the past unless it is a story of some famous event she claims to have made happen


Anything else: Almost always carries around her sword.

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