Fantasy Highschool Life


Powers: The ability to inflict influence upon others against their will

Personality : As she changes in mood, the shades of her hues do so as well. Kayla has the tendency to keep to herself to avoid committing the same crime she committed when she was younger . She has both a dark, and light side, causing her to come across as weird.
Name: Zero

Nickname(If Applies): Zero

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Unknown

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Unknown

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: A man made of shadows, and of darkness.

Powers/gifts: Able to merge with shadows, can summon balls of darkness which when cast, can suck anything in, and throw it back out at will,

can shadow travel, and moves completely silently. Also, he can change his size because he's made of darkness.

Likes: Dark places, cemeteries, scary movies, etc.

Dislikes: Bright places, churches, and cute things.

Personality: He's a very chill person, typically doesn't start fights, however if you try anything with him it will end badly for you. Isn't shy, and seems like a bad person, but he's actually very nice.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Leave it to fate.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: Always wears a mysterious black hood, and when wearing it you can't see his face at all.
PixelScoreMC said:
Name: Zero
Nickname(If Applies): Zero

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Unknown

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Unknown

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: A man made of shadows, and of darkness.

Powers/gifts: Able to merge with shadows, can summon balls of darkness which when cast, can suck anything in, and throw it back out at will,

can shadow travel, and moves completely silently. Also, he can change his size because he's made of darkness.

Likes: Dark places, cemeteries, scary movies, etc.

Dislikes: Bright places, churches, and cute things.

Personality: He's a very chill person, typically doesn't start fights, however if you try anything with him it will end badly for you. Isn't shy, and seems like a bad person, but he's actually very nice.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Leave it to fate.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: Always wears a mysterious black hood, and when wearing it you can't see his face at all.
Name: Karan Vladimir Zyther

Nickname(If Applies): Vengeance

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human, Demon (If too much rage that he can't control himself)

Powers/gifts: Berserk,Summoning,Fencing,

Likes: Helping,Friends,

Dislikes: Bullying,Betrayal,Weakness

Personality: He's calm and doesn't talk that much because of his past and expect that he has a bad side due to his rage but sometimes he is seen with his smile

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Since his childhood all he wants is friends but got bullied he has only one friend and got betrayed as he can't control his rage he almost killed everyone around him so he become isolated never showing his feelings and emotions.

Dating/lover/crush: none
AriaTheWatcher said:
Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are:





Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Anything else:
Name: Christina Jane Jacobs

Nickname: Chrissy Jane or Chris

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Good/Evil/Neutural: Good

Where you live: small house

What year if school you're in: junior

What kind of being you are: ???

Powers/Gifts: Shapeshifting & Sorcery

Likes: reading, writing, singing, playing guitar, saving people's eyes.

Dislikes: The Evils, small spaces, high pitched noises.

Personality: quite and self kept around new people. Extremely protective of those she loves. Modest.

Appearance: (can't find a picture) black hair with bright purple in the front, just past shoulder length. Usually kept up by pins and pony tails. Grey eyes that sparkle when she's around those she loves and change colour when she shapeshifts. Built like a female sports model. Broad shoulders and semi wide set hips. Wears make-up. (The basic stuff) always wears a leather jacket and best up black lether combat boots with dark pants and shirts, usually contacts.

Bio: woke up in the forest and realized she has powers, she isn't able to control them yet so she enrolled in the supernatural academy to harness her powers and become more piwerful.

Dating/lover/crush: you can set me up with someone. I was thinking she could secretly fall for an evil.
This is still open, right?




Rikuma (Frost's name for her which means "Evil Wolf")





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:

Dorm (Roomate open)

What Year of high school your in:

Junior (Third year)

What kind of being you are:



Ability to speak to animals and shapeshifting. (Small magical abilities can be used depending on her form.)


She enjoys: Annoying others, playing tricks, animals (especially wolves), weapons, dark places, being alone.


Crowds, nice people, bright areas, animal cruelty.


Shade is particularly perceptive, due to her animalistic forms. She's capable of sensing danger and emotions, something many animals are renown for. She's a very quiet female, often sitting along the sidelines and taking the time to observe what's going on, but once she's into the fray, she can be frightening. Shade is one that takes joy in bothering others, but she is a true animal lover. Like a wolf, protectiveness is a strong characteristic in Shade, and the thing she's most protective about is her best friend, a massive white wolf by the name of Frost, who she will do anything for. Beyond that, her loyalties are hard to win. But once you do have her loyalty, she can often be described as overprotective, and watchful. She is silver-tongued and can come up with a smart response in seconds. Shade is also a big liar, and pretty good at manipulating others.


Normal form: That girl's going to be a heartbreaker, was what Shade's father had prophicized when she was barely three, and already charming the little boys in the pack, and it's no surprise that this 'prophecy' came true considering how gorgeous her parents were. Shade has thick, dark hair, somewhere in between mocha brown and black. Faint freckles adorn soft porcelain skin draped across a face with a gentle bone structure. Freckles litter her face from cheek to cheek, crossing the bridge of her nose to remain connected. However, they are barely noticeable, considering her pale, almost white skin. Her eyes are a matter of debate. In some lights, they appear dark blue; in others, nearly silver. Still, in some light, her eyes are light blue specked with green. These eyes are large, bright and expressive. Pale pink colors her lips and cheeks, contrasting the light skin. They curve at the top in an elegant almond shape and are almost always covered in black makeup. Her ears are sharp and pointed at the tip. Four gold earrings hang from both ears. Shade is almost always wearing makeup. She is tall and well-built, feminine, yet muscular.
Sorry it's not anime, and really big.


They say a shifter isn't a human taking animal form. They're an animal that sometimes takes human form. Shade's family grew up in much that way. They saw themselves as the royal species of animals; smarter, more cunning, protectors of their cousins whom were only ever animal. Rarely did her family become they're elven forms. Only then was it to protect their kin and their cousins, or to mate with others like them. They found more power in their animals; they were faster, stronger, more deadly. Her father an wolf; her mother a deer. As animals, her parents avoided one another for they saw it unnatural for prey and predator to be together. Instead, her mother ran with a herd of deer and her father hunted in the mountainous woods, only meeting up as humans at specified times. When her mother became pregnant, both of her parents ceased to shift; her mother to allow the baby to develop in her womb as one species, and her father to tend to her mother's needs. When she was born, her species determined that she would stay with her mother. Months passed without seeing her father while Shade grew to manage her pup and toddler self. It was strange; She took the form of a wolf instead of a deer. Quite unusual as most took their mothers form. It was when she was four months that her mother finally introduced her to her father.

Her life continued in this way until she was six. Her animal had grown and so had she. As was the way of the shifters in her area, her parents no longer needed to raise her. Her mother was free to go off and have another child; her father had sired other children by other shifters. Her next six years were spent solely as her animal. Together they ventured the seaside, mountains, and plains. However, Shade changed when she met Frost, a huge white wolf that became her best friend. The elf took different forms, causing trouble in many places, and eventually killing others. Including her parents.



Anything else:

Nope. But sorry this was so long >.<

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Name: Jessica Demus

Nickname: Jessy

Age: 15

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live: dorm (roommate open)

What Year of highschool your in: sophomore

What kind of being you are: poltergeist.

Powers/gifts: moving things with her mind, turning invisible, walking through walls.

Likes: cooking, funny things.

Dislikes: other ghosts, not being seen.

Personality: funny, happy, bubbly, cheerful, when she tries to be creepy, she fails.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0aec9c9cf1d78b802fa561134bdeadff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0aec9c9cf1d78b802fa561134bdeadff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: She died at the age of 15. She doesn't remember much, she just remembers her leg condition.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet.

Anything else: she does have her wheelchair even though she's dead. Once she does her unfinished business, she'll go to heaven. She doesn't know what her unfinished business is.



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