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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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ChubbyPenguin said:
that picture xD )
Yuki shook his head before looking up to Cerin. His brows were scrunched upwards, and his face red from crying, "I-I'm sorry..you didn't do anything..I'm just sad..", He didn't let him go, covering his face into his shirt again though he had stopped crying. "I'm never going to be strong enough to protect myself.."
Cerin dropped his hands from the air when Yuki stopped crying, bringing them to pet the top of his head gently. "That's what you're upset about?"

LOL ))
them pictures...i gtg. if they start arguing again, let me know, phyxi.)

Yuki nodded and let him go, stepping backwards as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry for crying...I just haven't had anyone to talk to about it and its been building up in my head.." he didn't dare to look up at Cerin, feeling ashamed. "I need to go shower...Just continue whatever it was you were doing and don't worry about me..I'll come see you in a little while." he walked back into his room before Cerin could object and locked the door behind him.
Sixxx said:
Adam woke up the next morning and smiled when he saw haiiro sleeping next to him peacefully . he was never really much for careing about others but this girl, he wanted to be different for her. she thought he was kind and good and those were two things he wasnt she didnt seem like she would leave him at first fight. He pulled her closer, her back pressed against his stomach and he nuzzles into her neck , he falls back to sleep like this with a drowsy smile on his face
Haiiro frowns, starting to have a nightmare about Ragnarok. This was strange, as she normally never had nightmares unless something was wrong, very very wrong.
Serenity waddled around from wall to wall, falling backwards with a loud thud. "Oof," was the sound she made as her back came in contact with the ground. It didn't hurt much, with help from the cushioning of the blanket, but since her hands were trapped, it was kind of hard to stand up.
Cerin stared at the now closed door ahead of him and sighed. Yuki was confusing, and always a bit emotional. "Like a girl," he mumbled to himself before shaking his head as he went back to his dorm room.

There was nothing but silence when Cerin saw Khloe, his head cocking to the side.
The Watcher sighs, sitting down on top of the seal and thinking. If he failed he was throwing it all away, if he succeeded he would be all-mighty. It was a huge risk, with a 75% chance of failure, was he really going to go through with this? He frowns, wondering what had brought up this sudden unsureness. He was the one who had always stuck by Ragnarok's side, he owed it to Ragnarok to release him from his eternal slumber, but could he? Was he really going to do this? He didn't know anymore. If he did it, he would put Elizabeth and Haiiro in harms way, Ragnarok would probably consider them traitors after that incident. He sighed again, not sure of what to do anymore.
John woke up, strangely somewhere in hell. "That's right... I killed myself..." He laughed a little bit, and started to explore the place.
Serenity heard footsteps and could only move her head, which is exactly what she did, only to see Cerin watching her in confusion. "I'm a bit stuck in a burrito here," she explained, trying to wriggle herself out of the blanket, to no avail.
Elizabeth sighs, finding no evidence as to where The Watcher was by searching through the office and pulls a gun out of her pocket, sitting down in The Watcher's chair and holding it to her head before remembering that she was able to pass between hell and earth at will. She sighs, appearing in hell. "At least this place is less noisy then the school." She mumbles.
John looks around, and sees the ghosts of his past soldiers, almost going to tears. "I brought them into this... and left them..." He keeps on walking, trying not to notice them.
"shhhhhh calm down Tuffy " he whisperers in her ear sensing her stir squeezing her a bit " its just a dream" he muttered a bit exhausted and half asleep.
khloerose said:
Serenity heard footsteps and could only move her head, which is exactly what she did, only to see Cerin watching her in confusion. "I'm a bit stuck in a burrito here," she explained, trying to wriggle herself out of the blanket, to no avail.
Cerin stepped over to her and grabbed the edge of the blanket, pulling his arm backwards and unrolling her from it.
Haiiro seemed to be getting more and more distressed at her nightmare, wishing she could just wake up. What she was seeing was scaring her more than anything ever had before. Elizabeth wanders around Hell, noticing a few familiar faces. People she's killed, old friends she had to kill because they tried to kill her when they found out about her past, even a few people that she had known very well, but she walked right past them without a seconds thought. She didn't like looking back on her past, the only thing that mattered was the present.
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin stepped over to her and grabbed the edge of the blanket, pulling his arm backwards and unrolling her from it.
Serenity sighed a breath of relief and smiled up at Cerin as she stood up, picking up the blanket. "Thanks, Cer." Serenity said, oblivious to the fact that she had just called him Cer. She folded the blanket neatly, placing it on the back of the couch. "Where'd you go?" she asked Cerin, a bit curious.
"I went to check on a friend." Cerin dismissed the fact that he was called 'cer' and looked around,"he got attacked a day or two ago and was pretty badly wounded."
Serenity nodded. "You're a good friend," she said, smiling. "Was he okay?" Serenity asked, raising her eyebrows.
"I guess...?" Cerin seemed confused about it himself,"he said he was ok, but he started crying." He felt a bit awkward just thinking about Yuki crying, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand while the other rested on his hip. "I hate it when people cry."
Asphyxiated said:
"I guess...?" Cerin seemed confused about it himself,"he said he was ok, but he started crying." He felt a bit awkward just thinking about Yuki crying, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand while the other rested on his hip. "I hate it when people cry."
"I get uncomfortable when people cry," Serenity mumbled, more to herself than Cerin, thinking back on past events. She brought herself back, looking at Cerin. "He cried?" she asked.
Elizabeth stares at John for a second and shrugs, deciding that he probably didn't want to talk to her anyway, so she just continued walking in a straight line silently, staring straight ahead and ignoring everything around her.
Adam shook her gently " hey wake up " he could feel her fear and panic but for once he for once didnt enjoy someones fear he slowly leaned down and he kissed her temple drawing the nightmare out of her

Haiiro woke up, gasping for air, she hadn't been breathing for the duration of her nightmare. She quickly sits up, wondering what the hell she had just seen. She was still scared, that much was obvious.
khloerose said:
"I get uncomfortable when people cry," Serenity mumbled, more to herself than Cerin, thinking back on past events. She brought herself back, looking at Cerin. "He cried?" she asked.
Cerin nodded, dropping his other hand to his hip. "Yeah, he cried," he looked down at his shirt and lightly tugged at the material where there was small tear stains.
" you wont have that night mare anymore " she said rubbing her back "its ok ,its gone now " he flinched he pulled the dream out of her mind but now it was held in his
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