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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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I have done a lot wrong you just can't see it - he unlocks his car and opens the door for you helping you inside the car - You can't see it because its all in a place you can't go... I think
"Oh? So you like her?" Giggling, Layla gently poked at his arm, winked her right eye as she did so. She couldn't blame him. Vampires needed blood, and she provided it. Simple as that. "Hope it works well for you." Layla shrugged her shoulders just before shifting her gaze elsewhere.

She shurgs " no biggy im not worried about it " she rubs her little belly and sighed closeing her eyes as her climbed into the car. After a few minutes of driving she fell asleep rubbing her belly

"She already agreed to donate her blood to me again, so in that respect I like her. If you mean sexually or romantically, I like her the same way that I do you. You're a beautiful girl, as such I find you physically attractive" Logan admitted, not bashful about it in the slightest. It was merely a statement of fact. As for love? Well he wasn't capable of such childish things.
- he parks the car and sees you and smiles - Zoey? - he says softly - Zoey do you want to go back or do you want me to do the shopping?
SorenDarrah said:
|| Ok, if you want, but don't expect too much effort. I'm doing homework and stuff.... @Asphyxiated ||
I love you, man. You never say no to me.))
Zoey moaned and woke up " no no i , i wanna go " she says opening her eyes and smiles looking at him " we gotta by baby stuff" she said yawning

"Hm? I suppose I should be honest." Shrugging her shoulders, Layla shifted her gaze back to his figure. She wasn't one to blatantly speak about things, or even ignore things, so she simply felt, you get some, you give some. "You are handsome if I do say so myself, so I'm not surprised she did such. But there could possibly be the reason she is simply that kind." Layla shrugged her shoulders to her own conclusion. It was an inference, thus she wasn't sure if it was anywhere near correct.

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Okay - he shrugged and got out then opened your door for you and helped you out carefully holding your hand and walking to the store
"I don't particularly care what her motivation is as long as she continues to allow me to feed" Logan shrugged, for the moment Serine was his only willing source of blood. The only one nearby anyway. He needed to find others that would allow him to do the same, preferably humans but he wasn't fussy when he couldn't afford to be. "In addition, I'm glad to hear you find me attractive" he smirked
" i feel fat" she says looking up at him with a sigh . " so do i move in or something ?" she says still in a sleepy daze " i mean i sleep there almost every night and haveing your kid " she says smirking

Your not fat and I think you already moved speaking of I bought some clothes and you got your clothes in my room and you sleeping in my bed so yea you can move in - he puts his hand on your stomach and smiles giggling then wraps his arm around you as we go in the store and people look at us and smile
"Are you? Its hard to believe, based off the fact you don't feel." Raising her brow, Layla inspected him carefully. He seemed to be one too stick with a single thing. His thirst for blood. Blowing her breath in a sense of disappointment, Layla shifted her gaze away from him as time passed ,gazing at the small twinkling stars above.
( Halp me think of a name for Slaxt's evil side instead of blank c: )
"Fine. It's not unpleasant to hear you call me attractive?" Logan tried rephrasing it to better suited him, he wasn't sure he was successful. "Being attractive can only be an advantage, after all" he was fairly certain that a lot of his feeds had been as a result of his physical appearance.
Zoey sighs and kisses him " you know in a week ill really be showing and ill have to wear jogging shorts and lose tank tops and after that ill be huge " she sees a little onesy with a fox on it and smiles " this is perfect"

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K... go get the things you want I'm going to read my book, I have to study - he sits on a bench and a social studies book appears on his lap as he starts reading pulling his knees to his chest
"You're asking me?" Giggling, Layla shook her head in disbelief. "Not always. Sometimes it only brings unwanted attention." Layla said these words only due to her own experience. Not that it was the same for Logan, but she simply stated her own point of view on the matter of which he brought up.
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