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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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blue sat on the ground with her mouth covered with tears running down her face . she knew her mother would appear there but she was in shock Blue's mother Abigal , got off the bed and walked slowly over to blue kneeling down infront of her daughter and slowly hugs her , blue sobs against her mother and hugs her

(@Han Alister )
Layla looked at the entrance of her domain, a small groan escaping her lips. Pure laziness was being coursed through her veins, thus she dropped herself to her hands and knees, and crawled over to the door, regardless of the attire she was wearing. Slowly, she raised her hand up and opened the door, sitting back on her legs once the door swung open. "Yes?"

(Look back for attire.)
Han smiled at the reunion of mother and daughter. "You have one full day, abigal." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Make the most of it."
Abigal looked at him with tears running down her face " thank you so much Han" she stoood and walked over and hugged him as well "there isnt a way in this world that i can ever repay you for this"
Han laughed. "Owe me?" He shook his head. "You will never need to give me anything. Angels don't hold debts." He smiled and returned the hug. "But, lunch is always nice." He chuckled.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...†Akira's body then started to glow and suddenly, it changed. This was unusual, as Akira's only transformation was from his Demon Form to his Human Form. This new form seemed to be a mix between the two. Akira then sat up quickly and looked around, noticing a male watching him, however Akira looked down and noticed his form had changed, however he shrugged it off. Akira then spoke as he looked up at the male, a slight smile shone through†...
" Sorry for the trouble. I hope I wasn't too much trouble for you. My name is Sa-no. I'll give you my real name, as thanks for saving me. My name is Akira. Akira Fukushima. And what's yours? If you don't mind my asking. "

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((( I'm heading off as well. I have some paperwork to attend to and I have to pick up my little brother from school soon as it's 3:33PM where I am (Tokyo). Anyway, I'll see you guys later! )))

Vex continued to stare at him for a moment before smiling, "Vex and Cerin. It's nice to meet you Mr.Fukushima, but it was Layla who saved you." He pointed a claw in her direction as he spoke, "I just carried you for her."



Blue got up andd hugged him as hard as her little body could " let me make you guys some breakfast " she said wipeing away happy tears
Han laughed. "Go ahead." He nodded and stood up. "I could use some food." He rubbed his stomach and chuckled. "Heaven food is great and all, but nothing beats homemade."
Blue gose off into the kitchen and starts makeing omelets and hash browns " do you guys want pancakes or waffles too? " blue called out, she was shapeshifter, she had to eat all the calories

Abigail stood next to Han smileing " she's all grown up isnt she?" she thought about it how she had watched blue " ill take one waffle if its no trouble "

(ill be on here for a long while im not going to school today my sister is having a baby :D )

(@Han Alister )
("If you burst into my home I'll light you on fire" DO IT I DARE YOU)
Han nodded. "Neither for me." He called out before resting his arm on Abigal's shoulder. "You are allowed to return once every month if you like. It may get me in trouble but anything for Blue's happiness." He smiled.

(Fight. Do it.)
Blues mother looked at him with amazment " you really care about her dont you " she smiled happy to know that her daughter had someone looking out for her. " but you said i wasnt allowed "

blue made 3 omelets with cheese and meats and veggies 4 waffles ,a ton of hash browns with a small side of sauteed onions and started working on home made orange juice
(I'm in Layla's room asleep and I'll fight you later I have class..)
Han shrugged. "It's up to you." He smiled. "I can handle God's anger. He won't stay mad for long." He laughed.
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