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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro saluted and the ground collapsed underneath her. She was using her destruction powers to create a tunnel out of there that led back to the surface. "SEE YA LATER!" She yells mockingly.
Han appeared back in Elizabeth's home. Specks of blood plastered his face and he wiped his sword on his white shirt, leaving a streak of blood. He looked at the stain and shook his head. He threw the blade onto the table and sat down next to Elizabeth. He smiled. "Hiya."
[QUOTE="The awesome Timby]''I always love my raw meat." she purred happily just at the very thought of it before looking up at the male ''And are you a.... vampire? Considering simply had a bit of blood yesterday."

Christopher thought for a few moments. "You can say that...if you want. I'd say I'm simply a demon that feeds off blood and emotions is all."


Slaxt said:
Slaxt stares at Layla "you're very beautiful I'm surprised no one has fallen for you"
Layla blinked her irises, tilting her head to the side, before her once vibrant smile slowly faded at the mention of someone falling for her. She said nothing, but simply laid down on the couch, curling herself into a tight ball.
Elizabeth smiles. "Hey Han!" She says cheerfully, a bit perplexed as to why there was blood on Han's shirt and face. "Are you ok? She asks, thinking that it is Han's blood.
Han nodded. "I'm fine. Why do ask?" He glanced down at his shirt. "Oh! The blood?" He chuckled and shook his head. "As an archangel, one of my many jobs is to take care of the angels that go rouge." He shrugged his shoulder and leaned back into the couch. "Some come back without any problems, others aren't so willing." He turned his attention to the dimly glowing sword on the table.
Slaxt noticed Layla curled into a ball "Sorry I probably said something wrong.."
Elizabeth smiles, glad that it wasn't Han's blood. She started thinking of things to do, a few good ideas popping into her head. She grinned mischeviously, coming up with a great idea for a prank.
Layla peered out from her curled up form, shaking her head before speaking in a hushed tone. "One had. But things have happened. He returned once, and now he's left again." She slowly sat up on the sofa, bringing her knees to her chest. "I haven't seen him in days. But, you know, I don't even know if anything is still there. Plus, he attempted to force me to love a random person, and I wasn't willing to do that."
Nods a bit ''I generally do tend to think I'm the only one in places like these, probably because the others don't even care to show themselves to me at all."
Danny sighed as the stubborn girl left "This is indeed annoying"

Fluffy returned to regular size and jumped back onto his shoulder. "Alright, lets follow her closely, but don't let her notice us" he jumped down after her "I will figure out what's going on."
"Perhaps your existence isn't known. I don't blame them though, you aren't much to speak to." Christopher chuckled, joking with the girl. "Well. Some are hard to find, others stay busy, or don't want to be found."
Haiiro makes her way back to the surface just outside of the warehouse and starts walking to another nearby one, she was sure this one was the correct one.
Han let out a loud yawn, waking Michael up. The cat meowed and jumped onto Han's lap. He chuckled and began to pet the cat.
Elizabeth smiled, standing up for a second. She wanted to check out some of the street vendors she had seen earlier to see if they were selling anything good. "Hey Han, I'm gona go shopping. Want to come with?"
Slaxt hugs Layla "It must be rough.."

(Sorry was busy with stuff)
Danny still followed close behind the girl keeping his distance. When he saw the surface he quickly got his umbrella out and continued to follow her.
Han groaned and rolled his eyes. "Shopping?" He stood up which caused Michael to hiss and curl up on a pillow. "Fine. I'll go." He smiled and strapped his sword to his back.
Layla shrugged her shoulders. "It was...until I stopped thinking about it."

Christopher blew his breath, shifting his gaze skyward. "You aren't that bad."
Haiiro walked up to the correct warehouse, te one she'd been using, and bashed the doors down before entering. Elizabeth smiles, opening the front door and leaving the house, waiting for Han.
Han followed Elizabeth out of the door. Why does this world only have 3G connection to Heaven. I didn't write it in the blueprints. Well change to the family plan. I hear that they have 4G. It's also more expensive. Han laughed and grabbed Elizabeth's hand. "Lead the way, Lizzy."
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