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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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//*Aqua has disappeared no trace* Wait I thought shiftshaping was just taking the form of something.
Aqua was lying on the sidewalk Cover, what looked like blood. She stayed very still.
He was relived she wasn't hurt "oh, its not that bad. Here." He used a healing elixer on her head and it healed instantly
Aqua pouted,"I-I got hit with a red paint bucket."

Aqua looked at it embarrassed and looked like she wanted to crawl away.
That's ironic he thought "cmon, let's go get some ice cream." He stretched out his hand for her to grab
Aqua got up on her own,"I don't want you to touch me, I'm sticky so I'll need to clean up.
"Its fine let's go to the dorms so you can wash up." He picked her up and ran to her dorm. "Here you go"
Aqua ears perked and looking surprised at him.

When they reached to her dorm she went in and locked her door. 10 minutes later she came out nice and clean, smiling,"Okay we can go now."
Is sitting taking notes on simple calculus. 'Hey, can you get me some lead?" Immediately, the robot runs to his backpack, takes out the lead, and gives it to him. "Thanks." The robot turns back into a cube.

He stands up and begins to walk around. "No humans huh... That sucks. I should've stayed at my old school..."
Victoria hurried along the halls with her leather covered song book in her hand as she tried to look for the music room before the instrumental she was thinking in her head was gone.
John suddenly stops and starts to walk to the school. "I should practice my cello..."

I walk inside the school, and see Victoria looking for something. "Hello! Do you need help?"
Eisen walks through the halls searching for anything looking on his map, and spots the music room. "Might as well check there first." He thought to himself.
Eisen walks in the music room simply sits down, and grabs a violin out of thin air. It looks as if it was formed from the shadows, but solidifies into a regular violin.
Logan Thought for a moment and Turns around Flying back to the school, Just as one small Issue Logan had was his random shifting to his dragon form. Everything starts to get blurry and clear, He needed to land before things get bad. So Logan dives down as it went blurry and He Smacks the ground skidding across the ground near the school doors. Not his best landing but at least being on the ground helps him so that he cant Shift to his dragon form
"Im actually here to play cello..." For a brief moment, his eyes light up, and a cello seemingly made of pure light appears and he walks in, carrying the cello.* "By the way, are you human?
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