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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(Btw I'm not in dragon form)

Logan opens the door to the school before walking in. He stood out a lot but that wasn't what was bothering him. He was much of a social person because he was always scared if he would hurt his new friends.
(I know but in your picture your character still has his wings and is a bit scaly)

Shoou keeps drawing and is almost done. He makes the dogs head a hawk instead of a dog head just to feel artsy.
Aqua smiled,"Okay from where we are to the beach fasting one there wins. The winner owns the loser for a few hours."

Aqua on the tip of Aqua's blue tail a little blue flame appeared.
Logan scanned the hallway before turning around and running through the door. He stops before opening his 50 ft wings and taking off and flying up to the top of the school and landing.
Aero watched Aqua and Jerhico, now guessing what they might be doing and walks to the beach tossing a knife in his hands.
//Sorry didn't see this

Aqua said her eyes glowing in determination,"On your get set go!"

Aqua speed of looking like a blur of blue. She jumped out of a open window sprinting off of the school campus.
I scan the area once more to see if anyone noticed that I was up here, honestly I didn't see anyone. I open my wings and I fly back down hoping no one saw me come down.
Aero sees a blue blur speeding towards him from the school and tries to get a better look of it "Kinda looks like the girl from before."
Aqua turned to the alley and yelled back,"Demons are faster than any animal too you know!"

Aqua was now jumping on the roofs disappearing from sight.
Logan sighs before taking off into the air, it was the perfect time of day for a flight but he was too nervous to go into the school. That was the hard part was to go inside the school and actually go to a class or make some friend. "What kind of person am I that cant even stay in a school longer than only a few seconds" He asked himself as he flew above the town.
Aero sees two blue blurs rushing straight towards him in incredible speed "Interesting. Two of them."
The blue fire surrounded her giving her a boost She made twists and turns,"You do need you can go any way in this race you know that right?"

She speed ahead turning as it lead to a brick wall. She some how vanished.
I shape shift into a vampire; a fast demon that can fly and fly over the wall past aqua and smile.
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