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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"So you're afraid of being hurting or hurt by a person then?" She paused, realising that question may be a tad to intrusive.

Nonalaka said:
"So you're afraid of being hurting or hurt by a person then?" She paused, realising that question may be a tad to intrusive.
Ansom was quiet for another moment. "Did you make that cake at your dorm?" He asked, changing the subject. "It was really good, you know." He smiled and rubbed the back of his head.
"Huh? Ah, yeah, thank you" she smiled at him. She knew he was trying to change the topic, but left it, he was clearly uncomfortable about it.

Suddenly Dakota appeared in front of them both, dropping the knife in front of Ansom. "Here, give it back to your roommate" with that, she turned on her heal to walk away.

Nonalaka said:
"Huh? Ah, yeah, thank you" she smiled at him. She knew he was trying to change the topic, but left it, he was clearly uncomfortable about it.
Suddenly Dakota appeared in front of them both, dropping the knife in front of Ansom. "Here, give it back to your roommate" with that, she turned on her heal to walk away.

Ansom looked at the knife. "Thanks, sweet lips!" He laughed as he picked up the blade, strapping it to his upper leg. "Well, I really need to get some work in, so..."
Shira had stared into Elizabeth's eyes as she used her powers on her to try to take her under her control. "She will be mine soon" shira though as she stared into her eyes

"Sorry" thana said inocently as she held onto watcher tightly

Dakota winced at the name, sweet lips, it just seemed so ugggh to her. She decided not to get involved with the god from this point, she didn't want to enjoy his company, being close to people isn't something she wanted, it was so complicated and it just caused her to blip.

Nonalaka said:
Dakota winced at the name, sweet lips, it just seemed so ugggh to her. She decided not to get involved with the god from this point, she didn't want to enjoy his company, being close to people isn't something she wanted, it was so complicated and it just caused her to blip.
Ansom walked away. "Let's see. How should I practice." He was thinking of ways he could train when he came upon Elizabeth and another girl. "Elizabeth!" He called out. Perhaps she could train with me.

@AriaTheWatcher @Daniel reaver
Shira quickly looked at a boy that called out Elizabeth's name. She looked at him while cursing him in her mind "that ass hole" she thought as she stood up and looked over at him with annoyance as her eyes turned normal

Ansom studied the girl. "Hmm...." He tilted his head. "Hello." He said before looking over at Elizabeth then back to this girl. "What is your name, young one?" He asked.

(I hopeyou know that Elizabeth is taken xD )
"It's shira" she said with a fake smile as she looked the boy up and down "he's cute" she thought as she looked at him then back to Elizabeth while wining in her mind

(I know but shira doesn't really care about if they are in a relation ship or not)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"It's shira" she said with a fake smile as she looked the boy up and down "he's cute" she thought as she looked at him then back to Elizabeth ehile wining in her mind
(I know but shira doesn't really care about if they are in a relation ship or not)

Ansom nodded. "Well, hello...Shira." He smiled. "My name is Anson." He bowed and pulled his dagger from the sheath, using it to clean in between his teeth. "You new here?"
"Yes I am" shira said to ansom while looking him over again "maybe just maybe" she thought as she smiled at him inocently and sloghtly curtsied back lifting the edges of her skirt slightly but high enough that some one would be able to catch a glimpse
Dakota sat on a bench and opened another book, after the episode from earlier she was more determined to keep a cool head and be able to not worry about her abilities, she nearly went too far today, she was glad it didn't end up like before when she went over the edge completely, she really didn't want hurt anymore.
Elizabeth frowns, she was more than a bit confused and was tempted to try and sneak away while she could, but was too tired to do so.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"Yes I am" shira said to ansom while looking him over again "maybe just maybe" she thought as she smiled at him inocently and sloghtly curtsied back lifting the edges of her skirt slightly but high enough that some one would be able to catch a glimpse

Ansom raised an eyebrow. One of these girls, eh? He smiled, pretending not to notice Shira's actions. "That is cool. I am relatively new." He shrugged. "New to Earth, in fact." He chuckled.
Dakota remembered back to what Ansom had said from before, about powers and training, he even helped her calm down....maybe I shouldn't shut him off... perhaps he could help me out with my powers...she shook her head. no no, why would he want to help? Besides, how would I even go about asking? He'd probably just laugh at me... Dakota became lost in her thoughts she didn't know what to think anymore, she glanced over in his direction.

Moriko just lay on the grass relaxing. She was almost asleep.
Ansom felt someone staring at him so he turned away from Shira and saw Dakota. He chuckled and waved. "Are you looking for something in particular or do you want all of me!" He called over to Dakota, laughing.

Dakota snapped out of her daze when she heard his voice, realising that she was staring. Her face turned pink as she averted her eyes looking to the ground. "N-no".

Nonalaka said:
Dakota snapped out of her daze when she heard his voice, realising that she was staring. Her face turned pink as she averted her eyes looking to the ground. "N-no".
Ansom laughed and waved goodbye to Shira. He walked over to Dakota. "You only stare when you are thinking. So, what were you thinking?" He smirked and tilted his head. "Pehaps I could help you with your problem?"
"Ah, its nothing... I just spaced out" she felt dumb asking. She hugged her knees to her chest as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. "I didn't mean to stare".

Lumina said:
((I don't think I ever replied, I'm so sorry @Himeragi Seiker ))
Lumina grinned at Suzano, then walked outside to stretch her wings. She closed her eyes, enjoying the outside air. She was definitely enjoying how lively things had gotten. Was this what family was like? Or even what lo- she shook her head. There was no way. She opened her eyes, her gold and amber eyes scanning over the beautiful landscape.
eh...its fine Lumina xD dont have to be sorry about anything. besides, even if i waited so long for you to reply, i could still have some fun causing some mischief with Add's Clones doe haha)))

*Himeragi then comes out of the cabin in a maid outfit, walking past Lumina*

''il be going to work, cya later Lumina'' ^.^

*Himeragi said waving at her*
Nonalaka said:
"Ah, its nothing... I just spaced out" she felt dumb asking. She hugged her knees to her chest as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. "I didn't mean to stare".
Ansom shrugged. "You only space out when you are in deep thought, you know." He laughed before sitting next to Dakota. "Sure, I will help you with your powers. When do you want to start?" He smiled. Being the god of chaos, he was able to read minds to find out what would cause the most chaos. Sure, he used the power incorrectly this time, but it was for a good cause.
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