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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Moriko was starting to get nervous, there was too many people. The flowers in her hair began to turn grey as she begins to pulls on the sleeves of her sweater.
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro got up and walked into the kitchen, kissing Vex on the cheek when he walked passed him. He sat down on the table and took his knife and fork into his hand, "Wow! that is a lot... but it looks so good."
Vex sighed," Yeah, glad you think so." He turned around and started cleaning the used dishes that didn't have food on them, occupying himself.

Cerin waddled into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets and let out a puff of smoke. Vex flicked him in the eye for it, but he only winced and sat down at the table. He looked at the food, not sure if he was hungry enough to eat the stuff.
“ He's lucky that's all I did. A mere Human attempting to harm a being like me, it's foolish. ”

...♅Akira looked over towards the male who was passed out. He returned his vision towards Lumina and spoke♅...

“ You've met my friend Hideki, right? He's new here as well. ”

...♅He soon noticed a female gripping on her sweater. He spoke over to her, his words being soothing and calming♅...

“ You don't have to worry. No one here is gonna harm you. ”
Nonalaka said:
Moriko was starting to get nervous, there was too many people. The flowers in her hair began to turn grey as she begins to pulls on the sleeves of her sweater.
(Really me naked again doesn't make you nervous BRB)
Thanos looked at a girl and waved childishly "hiiiiii!!!" He called out while sounding like a 9 year old before jumping off the roof and landing on his feet in front of her
"Why would I do something like that?" Asked Roman smirking. "Who are you anyways? " he asked quickly climbing from ledge to ledge.
"Ah! You know him?" Lumina looked at Akira. Well, they both had big personalities after all, so she supposed it made sense.
"Me oh my names thanos but most people call me the grim reaper" he said up to the boy while not taking his eyes off of the girl who was about 2 times taller than him
"Well..I think I should go find my dorm" Eshne blinked and averted her gaze from the naked guy. Weird. She started to walk past them, covering her peripheral vision with her hands as she walked into the school grounds towards the dorms.
“ I was the one who suggested he came here. He had a pretty rough upbringing, and due to being what I am, I was able to calm him. ”

...♅Akira said as he looked at the sky, manifesting a cool drink♅...
"Ah, i-i just don't do well with crowds.." she replied , she was thankful that the man was trying to help. The "naked" situation wasn't helping her anxiety either. She gave a nervous smile.
“ Would you like me to rid you of your anxiety? ”

...♅Akira said as he spoke over to the female♅...
"Oh, well that's good to hear then. He was nice." She gave a soft smile, the amber and gold in her eyes looking like melted ore.
Al gasped for breath as he sprung awake in a naked fighting pose "Come at me i'll take all 5 feet of ya!"
Asphyxiated said:
Vex sighed," Yeah, glad you think so." He turned around and started cleaning the used dishes that didn't have food on them, occupying himself.
Cerin waddled into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets and let out a puff of smoke. Vex flicked him in the eye for it, but he only winced and sat down at the table. He looked at the food, not sure if he was hungry enough to eat the stuff.
Mahiro start digging in to his food, piling a bunch of stuff onto toast before nomming it all, "It was really good, considering he didn't eat the stuff himself."
Aoimine appeared on the edge of the building, one foot an the building and the other leg just hanging off the edge, watching Al happily greet another new student." how can he be so nice to people?" he says to him self.
Lumina's face broke out into a full flush as she saw Al being completely naked nOw. She looked away, she couldn't handle seeing anymore.
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