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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(Oh gawd anyone? Did @Metaphysics is it ok if Vanoss interacts with your new charactee Eve cause Vanoss is an angel and Eve is god Vanoss will become Eves butler)

Evangel looked at the academy she had been enrolled to. "Wow, it's very big." She said in awe as she gazed at the structure.
Morgan tried to fix a broken window instead of fixing it he covered it with his own bones "that will do it" Morgan said and tried to relax and enters the school.
Metaphysics said:
Evangel looked at the academy she had been enrolled to. "Wow, it's very big." She said in awe as she gazed at the structure.
Vanoss was flying around looking around the school and then he saw light coming from a girl That girl......She is a god Vanoss went to the girl and said Hello my lady
PixelScoreMC said:
((*Sigh* I'm stepping in for Aria-sama here, for the good of the morale of this Roleplay.
Lonelyassassin, shut up and take his word for it. If he gets involved again, I'll have Takeia here beat him to a pulp.

Akira, shut up. Go eat or something.

Takeia, You need some sleep.

Everyone else, Stop arguing. The ark is almost over anyways.

If you want to continue this argument, please take it to the OOC section. Normal RP'ers can't do what they want because we're spamming chat.

Thank me later Aria-sama.))

(Thank you.)
(So. I'll post now.

Sorry I didn't post last night.)

Layla's gaze found Akira's , and just as she was about to say something, her father interrupted.

"So who are you a reincarnation of?" Soulis had no sense of holding back with his ideas and commentary. He simply had enough of seeing his daughter so broken. It was his fault mostly, but also Zero and Akira's faults. With a grit of his teeth, a subtle motion, Soulis shifted his gaze to look at his now standing daughter.

"Father, enough." Layla shook her head in disapproval. Akira was the father of one of her two children. She couldn't merely avoid him fully, not without something happening as always. With a reluctant blow of her breath, Layla allowed the hand of which she had placed over her heart to fall. "I dont know....who you are, or what youll end up being. Zero, turned out to be my father. Which surely explains a lot." Taking a miment to concentrate her thoughts, Layla took in a breath and continued. "You have a right to your son....but you can leave me alone now. I wouldnt know what you are, or who. If I die, take care of Kuroh...I'll have my father take on Kaname." She shot her father a stern look after speaking.

Soulis was just about to refuse, up until he was shot that one, "special", look that Layla would give him. Staring at her for a few momemts, Soulis finally blew his breath and rubbed at the back of his head with his left hand while shifting his gaze sideways. "Fine."
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((Hi is there anyway of joining in? I'm finding it very difficult to do :D ))
(An argument about Sanctums and me philosophizing omnipotence)

"Uhmmm...Hello?" Evangel said slowly, looking at the strange man. "Who are you?" She asked him as she felt a small level of familiarity with the man.
Oh my lady you dont remember me i was your.......Vanoss hesitated for a moment If she doesnt remember me.....and if i tell her now....no this must be too much for her Vanoss looked at her and grinned and said May i show you around the school,My lady

Metaphysics said:
(An argument about Sanctums and me philosophizing omnipotence)
"Uhmmm...Hello?" Evangel said slowly, looking at the strange man. "Who are you?" She asked him as she felt a small level of familiarity with the man.

"Okay!" Eve said as she gave the man a bright smile. The sun seemed to shine brighter and flowers bloomed when she did so. "My name is Evangel, Evangel Gott."
((Actually where even is everybody, are they in the school?))
Vanoss knew everything a god would do I need to keep her happy Vanoss roamed around the school showing her things and stuff Vanoss then asked when they got to the dormroom hallway Which Dorm are you?,My Lady

Moriko had been at this school for a number of days now. She didn't really make any friends but that didn't really bother her much, she was normally on her own anyways. She was curled up under the tree in the school courtyard she had healed a few days before. Growing flowers then pinning up her hair with them. She hummed to herself as she placed the small white flowers in her hair.
Morgan tries to change his gender into male but it failed and let out a sigh "I guess I'm stuck in this girly gender for now" she said and opens a map of the school just to find a place to rest "I think the courtyard will be fine" she goes to the courtyard.
(hey guys im srry i kinda knoked out on ya i was sssoooo tired i fell asleep at like 5 pm my time and woke up 7am sooo yeah i needed sleep , eeply or tag me of i missed anything @RomanTheFireGod @Daniel reaver )
Moriko is still humming to herself and fixing her hair with the little white flowers, everything she used her powers on grew white flowers on them. The tree she sat under included it bloomed beautifully with these tiny white flowers. This was the spot she always sat at.

As the new person arrived, moriko turned her head and Gabe a small smile.
Morgan sees the girl she gives back a smile and she goes near the girl "how long have you been here in this courtyard" she asked the girl.
"Uhhm" she looked at her watch "most of the morning" she said with a smile.

"Are you new?" She asked as she picked flowers.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex groaned looking over at the wall," I don't like to drink b-"
"Because he's actually extremely childish when he drinks." Cerin finished his statement, knowing Vex would make up some excuse. "C'mon kitty kitty kitty."

Vex hissed under his breath. Rolling amber optics before staring at Mahiro,"fine, but you have to drink too."
Mahiro raised his hands, "Of course. Of course. So who is gonna go get the booze? Vex, go, I'm gonna keep your brother company till you get back."
*back in Kuroh's room, Add decides to do some experiments*

''and if i drink this...''

*a smoke then explodes on him and he gets a new appearance*

''.....fuck...oh well. it only lasts 48 hours...''

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21066183_ElswordGenderbendAT1.png.5e0ee555565cb8e604ead1f4d9af795f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21066183_ElswordGenderbendAT1.png.5e0ee555565cb8e604ead1f4d9af795f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Add in his new appearance then goes to the library to find some more books*

*Himeragi and Emiko, i think their still with Diel*

*Shiroh and Ciella found the student's bag and gave it back to her. they then go to the library and they see Add*

''Hey...Add what happened to you?''

''Dont ask...''

''you were doing experiments werent you?''




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"My name is Moriko." She replied, holding out her hand for the girl to shake it. "Nice to meet you!" She chimed.
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