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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Ansom chuckled. The markings on his chest glowed purple before disappearing. "Nice try." Purple tendrils rose from the ground and grabbed the man. Ansom tilted his head. "I won't kill you because Blue seems to have a certain fondness towards you and I have a fondness for her." He smiled and dropped the boy. "Your turn."

@Daniel reaver
My shirt burst into flames revealing the blackened markings around the heart as I put my hand to his chest again this time spreading the balck ones instead of the white ones
Ansom sighed, the same thing happening as last time. Once the markings disappeared Ansom spoke, "I am a god. If you think that you can beat me, you are sadly mistaken. Now, unless you want your whole life to be filled with chaorruption, I suggest you yield." Giant crystal shards began to float around Ansom. "There is no shame in yielding to the god of chaos."

@Daniel reaver
"My world is already filled with chaos!!" I screamed as I grew into a fifty foot dragon "you don't know what it's like to be outcasted by the Angels because I'm both angel and dragon" I roared as I picked the man up and spread the markings over the sword destroying it instantly "the only thing that's happy in my life is blue and you've hurt her beyond comprehension"I said as I stared into the mans eyes with a look that struck fear into any thing and every thing
Ansom disappeared and appeared back down on the ground. He brushed himself off. "Nice move." He smiled as the omni-sword reappeared in his hand. He charged and sliced the dragon's tail off. He sheathed the blade and stepped back. "Yield." He said as a ball of chaorruption appeared in his hand.
blue sighed and slamed a box down and yanked Daniel back from Ansom" thank you for trying to protect me but I dont need it " she says to Daniel and then turned to Ansom" and you who claims to have a fondness toward me yet you destroy my cabin full of happy memories of my friends and my mother . you contradict your self now both of you stop . let me pack what is left of my belongings in peace " she said with grey eyes

blue sighed and slamed a box down and yanked Daniel back from Ansom" thank you for trying to protect me but I dont need it " she says to Daniel and then turned to Ansom" and you who claims to have a fondness toward me yet you destroy my cabin full of happy memories of my friends and my mother . you contradict your self now both of you stop . let me pack what is left of my belongings in peace " she said with grey eyes

blue sighed and slamed a box down and yanked Daniel back from Ansom" thank you for trying to protect me but I dont need it " she says to Daniel and then turned to Ansom" and you who claims to have a fondness toward me yet you destroy my cabin full of happy memories of my friends and my mother . you contradict your self now both of you stop . let me pack what is left of my belongings in peace " she said with grey eyes
My tail quickly grew back as I started radiating a white energy "why would I yeild to the one that hurt blue" I said as the markings turned gold and balls of golden power started to form in my hands "the amount of power a dragon has is defined by how much he's willing to do for the ones he cares about" I mumbled as the aura grew bigger
Ansom sighed and completely ignored the dragon. "I do have a fondness towards you, Blue. I seem to like you more than I have ever liked anyone, including Sansa." He sighed as the ball of chaos disappeared. "I will leave you guys alone. I'll just rebuild your cabin and then leave forever." He snapped his fingers and the cabin began to reform by chaotic tendrils. "Goodbye." He prepared to leave.

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I stared at him with rage but did nothing more "I'll grow strong enough to beat him if he ever comes back" I wispered to my self. I slowly turned around to blue as the aura faded

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...♅Akira watch Heaven being devoured. He soon looked back over to Luna, Layla and Soulis. He waited for them to read the note♅...
Moriko tries to find somewhere quiet to relax and think and decides that the tree across from her would suffice. She climbed up with ease and sat. Maybe I don't really belong here she thought. From what she had seen today everyone was strong and powerful with their powers and weapons, she wasn't used to confrontation and certainly wouldn't do well if stuck in one.

you here a snore from a near by tree, under it, in the shade lies Draco sleeping. when he breaths out smoke lightly trails out of his nose.
Blue smiled softly at ansom" i owe you dessert "she said softly dorm 247 come by soon ok? She said into his mind
Hearing the noise moriko glances down and smiles to herself. She found it amusing how he blew out smoke as he snored she thought it almost looked cartoon like.
i slowly shrunk back to normal and fell to my hands and knees coughing up blood "I'm an idiot arent I blue" I said not looking up at her and coughing up some more blood

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Ansom smiled and stepped through a portal. He appeared back in his dorm. Sansa was watching TV when she saw Ansom appear. She smiled at him and turned back to the TV. He sat down on the couch and watched TV as well. "I am going to get dessert from a friend later on." Ansom said. Sansa simply nodded as she leaned back on the chair.
Yoruichi cursed, watching the sky around heaven darken she sped off, talking to Soi Fon. She nodded to her and she returned the nod. Yoruichi grabbed Mitsurugi and Soi Fon Grabbed Raphael and they both sped out of Heaven before it was fully devoured.
The Watcher appears in purgatory, sitting on a throne made from shadows. "Perfect, now all that's left to do is wait a while, then destroy the rest of Hell!" He says to himself, smiling. "I'm going to draw it out as much as possible while destroying hell..."
Draco yawned a big and loud yawn, his teeth shining in the light.

The yawn shook the tree and an apple fell on his head. He looked up and seemed vary angry with the tree. He looked at the apple and ate it.

He looked around and didn't see you.

He put his head down and liked his eyes.
Moriko held tightly onto the branch she was on so she wouldn't fall and let out a small gasp. She was hoping his yawns wouldn't get any louder than that in fear of falling.
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