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Fantasy Fantasy Freshman

Ashley stopped as she crawled her way up a tree. Ray was just a second after her and sat down in front of her. "What?" Ray asked. Ashley muttered something. "I can't hear you.." Ray said.

"I think I still love him!" She yelled, her voice echoing through the woods. She cried. "I still love him.... And now I find out that he doesn't love me anymore.... I feel like I made the wrong decision, I mean yeah he's a devil, but he's so sweet and he had cared so much... Castiel would have found someone else.. He hasn't.. He was devastated when I left him." She paused. "I made the wrong decision Ray.. What do I do?"

Ray smiled. She helped her sister to her feet, so that they were standing on the branches. "We tell him... We tell them..." She hugged her sister. "The only thing that will ease Castiel's suffering.. Is the truth..."

The girls hopped down and ran towards the school.
"Listen! Just calm down! You are having some sort of... I really don't know. But relax. Okay?" John returns his consciousness, and gets up. "I really can't do anything... He has to rest."
Ray stayed behind while Ashley ran. She stumbled upon Hell, John, and Alex as she entered the school and gasped. "Out of my way people! Let me treat him.." She snapped as she pushed her way towards Alex.

Ray hopped off the tree and went up to Hell. "Do you still like her?" She said, raising an eyebrow. She smirked. "Don't worry, I feel nothing for anyone, therefore, in this situation, I am neutral. So, do you like Ashley? Huh? DO you like my SISTER?"
"H-Hey! I didn't do this!" John tries to pick Alex up, but couldn't "So weak... And you want to treat him? Fine. I'm not a doctor."
Ashley sat down next to Alex. "Leave him.." She grew fangs and bit herself in the arm. "Werewolf blood, can heal any wound, anything.." She put her arm to Alex's mouth, not caring as he struggled to try to get away. Werewolf blood tasted foul.. She gave him just a little bit, just enough so he wouldn't turn, just heal, and took away her arm. "He should be fine now..." @BiohazardZERO @alex the fox

Ray lowered her head.. "I.... I thought so.." She cried a tear. "Why can't my sister ever be happy?.." She cried as she sat down on the ground, ttears streaming down her face. @IronDragon
sitting up he breathes in deep after he becomes consious he cusses for a bit before really talking " they tore me into the fight. thankyou i almost died " said the real alex
Ashley smiled and cried a tear. She hugged Alex tightly. "Thank god you made it!" She cried and cried, tears streaming down her face, tears of joy..
"Why?She is the one who chose Castiel"Hell said as he looked at ray who was crying Hell then lowered down and wiped her tears "Look, She cant take me you see i....i am not what you think i am i....i am a...."Hell stopped saying
(( Hehe sorry! @ZackIsDead ))

Ray looked up at Hell, her eyes filled with hurt and anger. "Don't you want to hear a true story? A story that happened long long ago.." She made Hell sit down and started the story. "It all started with me and Ashley.. We were young teenagers, looking for a home after being orphaned. A pack of wolves had killed mama and papa, and we were all alone.."

She sighed but her face was neutral. "We lived in a hunter's family. Ashley met a guy, his name was Jason..." She looked at Hell again, her eyes filled with rage. "They went out for a while and she thought it was true love... Until he broke her heart!" She shot up and growled. "Ever since that day... She has never had that look in her eyes, that cheery look she used to have before she met that scumbag.... Until today..." She crouched in front of Hell and smiled. "When she looks at you, I see her.."
"Me i am......J....ason I....have to forgive her"Hell then stood up and went to ash and says "Ash I.....I...I...I need to speak with you"
Ray just fell back and groaned. "Well what the hell.." She then giggled at the sarcasm..

Ashley turned to see Hell. She instantly cheered up and grinned. "Sure!" She led the way outside and sat down on the ground. "What's up?"
Ashley cried a tear as she hugged Hell. She buried her head in his neck. "I love you too Charming!" She wrapped her legs around his waist.

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