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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology


Bumblebee Therapist
  • The humans have finally caught on to the existence of vampires and werewolves and with the evolution of technology they have for the first time in centuries been able to fight back. And they've been putting quite the dent in the vampire/werewolf population. Even though vampires and werewolves have been at each other's throats for what seems like forever, the humans are doing more damage than either of them have done to each other. So reluctantly the vampires and werewolves are teaming up to fight.
    Humans have ultraviolet guns, silver bullets, holy water, and even "supernatural" sensors, or if you choose a human whatever weapon you want, nothing seriously over the top though.
    I was asked for a more detailed setting and explanation of plot so I shall oblige. I will of course be making the first post when the rp is ready to start but as of right now we still need some more people. So for the setting this will take place at Raven Manor, a Victorian style mansion owned by the vampires. The meeting will be during a "ball", a masquerade one specifically so as not to be so obvious that a meeting is strictly the only thing occurring.
    Basic plot, since this is very flexible. And if anyone has anything they'd like to add or change PM me. The humans goal is to hunt the leaders down, at having control of the head vampire and alpha werewolf they control their coven/pack. How they achieve this is still a work in progress and if anyone has any ideas just PM me.
    Head Vampire-
    Lady Luna Ravenswood- Victoria

[*]2nd in command-

  • OPEN


  • xx0mittens0xx- Tobias Theopolese

  • Werewolf
    xx0mittens0xx-Lupa Garou

[*]2nd in command-

  • Beowulf - Conner McKinley


  • Sugar and Spice- Vivian “Citrine” Dupont
  • MasterWarlockTyr- Lucas Bastien

  • Human
    Head werewolf hunter-
    Divyansh- Tyrone Black

[*]Head vampire hunter-


  • CleverFox101- Alice Marigold (Vampire sector)
  • Akio- Marcus Areali and Mari Soma


  • Xarnuth Oreta Crena - Shartheth "The Phantom" Shadowbane.

    (Available for play. PM Xarnuth Oreta Crena for details and permission. See CS for details as well)

    Farcus "The Whisper" Voldrin
  • Volcanos "The Implacable"
  • Magora "Dragon's Breath"
  • Faranor "Judgement" Harthren
  • Nervoro "The Tainted" Farlask
  • Kranos "The Feral"
  • Valen "The Dredge" Gandro
  • Zengram "Plague" Nortom
  • Rogthar "Dragon Slayer" Deathgate
  • Mourdrin "The Lost" Deruem
  • Gunthra "The Savage" Maxum
  • Muldrin "The Machinist" Gudreg
  • Morgar "The Knowing" Isladel

  • Same as the site.

  • Violence, love triangles, romance, etc... is encouraged. (But fade to back in terms of romance)

  • No one-liners, please don't be lazy about your rping.

  • No mary-sues or godmodding

  • If things get a little hot and heavy, fade to black please.

  • No ignoring of other characters.

  • Message me if you have any questions/concerns/etc...
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Lupa was standing in the shadows of the large ballroom at Raven Manor, leaning against a door frame of a hallway as she watched the others dance. She had only arrived not quite an hour previously and wasn't quite ready to mingle. She was one to observe from afar before diving into these kind of things. She let her gaze fall on the people in the room before the grandeur of the room itself. One thing the vampires never lacked was taste she mentally noted as she admired the gothic but in no way out-dated decor. She let her gaze fall on the large grandfather clock against one of the nearby walls. It was just after 10 and were still a few hours until midnight and the meeting with the coven leader of the vampires. She looks down at her glass of red wine for a moment, holding it delicately with a gloved hand and swirling it idly before taking a small sip of it. Her golden eyes peer out of the black fox mask she wore, finding a masquerade ball to be a perfect fit for tonight. Though the vampires and werewolves could smell the difference of each other, from a distance it was difficult. Which kept the tension down several levels and that was always a good when the undertone of this ball was a tense subject to begin with.

She adjusts the black faux fur muff that acted as part of her ensemble, a black fox was her chosen theme. She wore a long black lacey dress that seemed to not leave much to the imagination but she still managed to keep an air of class about it and herself. She could be pretty brutish at times but she had been to plenty of these types of "parties" to keep an air of sophistication about her when need be. The muff may seem to have been of a nuisance but it hid a dagger just in case the occasion would arise for her to need it. Though she was sure her second in command would be on before she even had the faintest idea something was about to go down. She hadn't made him her second in command for just any reason.



Tobias was moving through the crowd, dancing with a girl here and there. He held a wine glass in his hand of a substance that could have been mistaken for red wine but the substance was thicker and was most certainly blood. He'd let out a small barely audible hiss whenever a werewolf would "grace" his presence. He felt that vampires and werewolves joining forces just proved to the humans that they were winning and their forces were weakening. However, he would not let that thought ruin his night, after all balls were meant to have fun and socialize, not dwell on ugly facts. He took a long drink from his glass, one thing that was for sure. The best blood was always offered at balls, so there was another fact to keep his mood uplifted for tonight.

He makes his way over to the banquet table that housed wine and blood alike. Punch for those who didn't drink alcohol or blood. He refills his glass before leaning against the table, letting his eyes roam around the room to see who he would choose to be his next dance partner. He couldn't help but smile at a couple of the lycan females already having their share of wine. A tongue ran over his fangs as he wondered how their blood would taste. He sighs with a pout, probably as horrid as their smell.



(For humans. You may be having a meeting of your own or whatever you wish. Or at the ball yourselves. Just remember to have some kind of method for covering your scent as a human. If you need a setting PM me and I'll create one for you)
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Conner stood a distance from his alpha, almost a shadow. He had been to the occasional ball and masquerade in his life time. Occasionallu they were interesting, even fun. But others, they were filled with boredom. This one, this was one of the more interesting ones, as to be expected from a meeting between vampire and werewolf that didn't include bloodshed.

Adjusting his plain white mask with one hand, Conner takes a sip of his punch with the other, he may yet need a clear head. His attire was not fancy, just a simple tuxedo and tie. He saw no need to be fancy, a masquerade was a place to be something or someone else. What better way to be both then to be a blank slate? Even though his attire was rather plain, it allowed for rather decent movement, and was cheap so he wouldn't feel to bad if he had to morph in it. A small dagger hidden up the sleeve was also a rather comforting thing to have. He doubted many of these people didn't carry a secret weapon hidden up the sleave or in back of a boot.
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The room was quiet a bust for a typical mascaraed party, everyone looked happy and delighted to be there, so Alice faked a smile just to look like everyone else. Blending was the Key Element for this to work. Her theme was to dress up at a Red fox, The mask was painted in colors to symbolize The Animal she was portraying. Her dress wasn't to fancy ether. Just a plain dark red dress, with thick shoulder straps and rose on the waist, White and red gloves, and her shoes were red to match the dress. Her hair was curled nicely and she made sure to "over do" the perfume so the Vampires or Werewolves wouldn't smell her scent.

She stood in the farthest corner of the room sipping on a drink and munching on some type of desert. She could feel every now and the some eyes prying on her, and she would look away from the crowd every now and then to her glass of alcohol. She wasn't one to drink such liquids and had no idea why she was just holding it in her hand. 'Not this day.' She thought setting the glass on the floor next to her and sighed. Now just wait for orders.
Victoria stepped out of a side room. Balls were not her thing but, if this is how the coven wanted them to mingle so be it. She watched as people danced and talked. She put her mask on, tying it and letting her red hair flow down. She wasn't wearing the fancy attire that others were. She was wearing an outfit that was the nicest thing she owned. The meeting of the covens was to happen tonight, werewolves and vampires were sharing the same space. How nothing has happened yet confused her. She didn't hate werewolves like others did but, she didn't trust them.

"lets see who is here"

She spoke with a very heavy Romanian accent, she scanned the crowd. There were defiantly werewolves there, she could smell them. Looking over at the clock she saw that there were only two more hours to the meeting. She started to make her way through the crowd towards the refreshment table. She grabbed a glass of blood, and watched as people danced. She took a sip.

Quite good, I wonder why the coven didn't send me on the hunt.

Going on hunts was something she quite enjoyed, watching humans beg for their lives. A slight grin appeared on her face.

Such weak beings...

She was sure something might go down tonight so as a precaution she had her twin pistols strapped to her thighs. One filled with silver bullets the other, regular ammo.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/u2636-attachments38223d1311699027-coinbeltred1web.jpg.ff55a2eef95759cee35c4c91e6e4159e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/u2636-attachments38223d1311699027-coinbeltred1web.jpg.ff55a2eef95759cee35c4c91e6e4159e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Tyrone had entered the party a while ago. he wore a mask, a fox mask that was but it was not the only one he had on. A human in the party of these vile beings would be a fool to just walk in, he had come here prepared. Tyrone had a bunch of odors sprayed on him, the ones he had harvest from a vampire he slayed. Normally Tyrone would be seen hunting the dreaded werewolf which are rather immune to religious symbols making them hard to kill. His pale complexion was only a advantage to his disguise. He was here tonight not as the leader who was to march a attack but was here for a reconnaissance mission. He had heard rumors that the vampires and were-wolfs were planing on a merge against their common foe that was hunters like Tyrone and his crew. Well Tyrone could not possibly let this happen now could he? So he had devised a plan to turn this peaceful party into a bloody war but for that he had to wait for the right moment.

Tyrone glared around the room, he could see a crowd that was a hideous mixture of his most hatted adversaries, vampires and werewolfs. He could only grunt as he walked in the crowd. Tyrone's movements were mostly near the sides of the grand room, he did not wish to gain any attention by moving towards the center. Tyrone could see many a vampires and werewolfs but could not recognize them as any of the notorious ones he knew, well it was not Tyrone's fault everyone did possess a mask the hide their faces. Maybe someone knew about Tyrone's plan or maybe he was just over thinking this.

Soon Tyrone's attention was stolen when a waiter offered him a glass of red wine. Tyrone checked well before picking it, not long ago he was asked to drink blood. It was a task that Tyrone surely did not enjoy, to him the taste of blood was always weird. Tyrion sighed as he drank the whole glass in one sip, he was indeed turning impatient with nothing to do. But as he placed the glass down his gaze fell upon a lady very fair, she stood at a corner. She seemed to have a little bulky looking man accompanying her. Maybe she as someone important, if so Tyrone was tempted to gain Intel from her.

Tyrone walked gently and slowly towards her but took long strides as he did. He grinned from below his fox mask as he reached the maiden. Tyrone greet her with a smile, one that even his mask had. " Bonjour Madam " he said, maybe trying to act as if he was not from this land, a good idea it was, no one would be suspicious on not recognizing him.
Lupa gazes over at him curiously as he approaches. "But sir it is night" She says with a coy smile, knowing bonjour meant good day rather than evening. However, she didn't find it suspicious just an attempt at some stranger to make an impression and engage in conversation with her. She let her eyes line him up from head to toe before her eyes resting on his face once more. Vampire, she presumed by his attire, his scent, and his forwardness. She found she could not place his face, not that she could see it fully anyways, but his mannerisms and way of speaking was not familiar of anyone she knew and assumed him to just another member of the vampire coven. She had dismissed many already for attempting to gain her company but his fox mask amused her since she had decided on the same theme. "Do you have a name?" She asks, her accent a thick mix of Persian and Russian. It tended to give away her age since it was an old-world mix of accents. She had tried to "Americanize" her accent but to no avail.

Tobias glances over at Victoria as she had reached the same table he was currently leaning up against. He recognized her as their leader's right hand woman, even with the mask. Her hair tended to give her away. It was a unique red and he admired how her outfit complemented it. He raised his glass in her direction with a grin. "Pretty damn good blood tonight. I have to say it's one of the best thing about these things"
Conner eyed the man up and down. And he was taller than Conner, most people weren't. Then there was the fact that he was trying to start a conversation with the Alpha. Over all though, he didn't like him. But she could handle ber own, and he might as well at least try to start a conversation with someone else. So, he went to the best place to do that, the refreshment table. Hopefully he didn't have to deal with any if those pompus vampires that thought they were better than him.
Victoria looked over at the young vampire. Her yellow eyes looking him over.He was wearing the true formal attire that was to be worn tonight.

"It is good blood, but"

She looked at the crowd. No issues yet, it seems the meeting was running smoothly.

"It is the only good part of these things."

She took a sip from the wine glass.

"Tell me, do you think this alliance will work out?"

She was rather curious to hear what he had to say about the matter. She thought it would, as did other people.
Tobias scans the crowd at Victoria's question, his gaze falling on the werewolf that had just arrived at the refreshment table. He stares for a moment, taking him a brief time to figure out he was werewolf before wrinkling his nose at this fact and turns his attention back to Victoria. "In all honesty. I don't know. Maybe.... but I don't like it. I think it makes us look weak. The fact we can't stand on our own just shows the humans they're making a dent on us and getting into our heads...."
A smirk appeared on her face, she turned her back to the crowd before speaking in a low voice.

"If you look at it that way yes, the humans have made us weak."

She lifted up her glass.

"But in reality we are playing a deadly game of chess against the humans and, we need as many playable pieces as possible. Besides, can you imagine the fear on humans faces when they see vampires and werewolves fighting together. It will be, delightful."

She took another sip from her glass and looked at the vampire. She was rather heartless but, she has been around for over 1100 years, she had to find something to look forward too.
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Conner saw the male vampire wrinkle his nose at him, and Conner nearly snarled back. But this was supposed to be peaceful, a making of allies, if not friends. So he tolerated how he acted, for the time being. And as they continued their conversation, it was obviously about their alliance. The man's answer was almost to be expected, but the woman's was different. Viewing it as a chess game, that was new. The only difference was that the loser of this game faced extinction. Deciding to perhaps get to know her better, and to drive a needle into the other's side, Conner walks up to her, and says "Would you care to dance?"
Victoria turned and faced the young werewolf that had asked her dance. She hated the idea of dancing but, she needed to be a model example for other vampires. She looked at the vampire she had been talking to.

"We will have to pick up this conversation another time."

She looked back at the werewolf, he must hate balls like her. His attire was rather plain and simple, she extended a hand out towards him.

"Shall we"

her yellowish eyes looking at him, her skin was very fair and cold to the touch. She hopped he was good dancer.
"Let's" Conner said as he took her arm in his and escorted her to the, for lack of a better term, dance floor. One of the hobbies he picked up in his life was dancing, so he knew enough to not trip over himself or step on her feet. Overall, his skills in dancing were wildly normal.

"Hope you are enjoying this little ball more than I am." Conner told her as he danced. "And your company seems to be thrilled to have us here." That last part said sarcastically.
She was quite pleased with the young werewolf's dancing. She could hear whispers from the other vampires on the dance floor. She glared at few.

"The last time I enjoyed a ball was when Dracula threw one before he was killed."

That was a ball, fire dancers, lavish decorations and, it didn't hurt that she was engaged to Dracula. Her love of balls went away after he was killed.

She smiled at his last comment.

"Then you don't understand vampires that well. We are very proud creatures, admitting we need help is considered a sign of weakness."

She was one of the few that saw the tactical advantage of this alliance.

"Now tell me werewolf, why did you come here if so obviously dislike balls."

She was curious about this, he obviously didn't like balls yet, he was here. The only thing she could think of was he was someone of importance like her who had been forced to come.
"I came because I had to. And a few werewolves feel the same about this... agreement." Guess both races were to proud to want an alliance. He didn't much care really, he had no say in the matter. "And if you haven't like balls since Dracula, heard that was something to see. Why did you come?"
She didn't realize werewolves were proud creatures as well, the two races had more in common then she thought. She also realized that she and the wolf had more in common as well.

"I am the second-in-command, so it was expected of me. If I had a say in the matter I would have just gone to the meeting tonight."

She would have liked to have a say in the matter, she would rather be watching the whole event from some dark balcony above the room. Watching for trouble which, has still not happened which, was a good thing.

"If you came because you had to can I assume that, you hold some rank within the pack I am meeting tonight?"

She wondered where her own commander was, she hadn't seen him all night.
"I am the second." was Conner's reply. What were the odds he decided to pick a dance with the coven's second? Well, she was a pleasent enough person. And she thought like him to. He would have much rather come in Lupa's place. If the second was here, where was their leader? Perhaps it was the fellow by the refreshments. A leader will do what he has to for his kind when the time comes, even if they don't like it.
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Tyrone could see well that the one he was suspecting to be a bodyguard was indeed one. He had checked Tyrone maybe trying to figure out if Tyrone was a ally or foe. Well Vampires are not famous for travelling in packs but werewolf are entirely a different matter, at this point it was safe to say that Tyrone had indeed found himself a werewolf and maybe a high ranked one too. Tyrone heard the masked woman's replay and then spoke, " Oh I am sorry, my mistake. I would be Tywin, it verily my pleasure meeting you " He spoke in a accent that seemed more or less a bled of french with Italian. Tyrone was known as a great spy in his younger days, one who could manipulate his throat well, once he had even sang for the grans Opera during one of his missions but still Tyrone was not sure if the lady would suspect him for making a small mistake like this.
Tobias watches as Victoria is escorted onto the dance floor. He eyes the pair, mostly Conner, suspiciously. Just because they were supposed to get along didn't mean he was going to trust the werewolves. He takes a drink of his blood and let's his gaze wander around the room when he decided Conner wasn't going to be a threat.

Lupa smiles and takes a sip of her wine. "It's a pleasure to meet you Tywin." She purposely avoided giving her name unless it was directly asked of her. "So Tywin. What do you think of this union? Everyone I've asked has some opinion of it" she let's her gaze move off of Tyrone briefly to scan the room, once finding Conner she returns her gaze back to Tyrone to await his answer. She was glad Conner was mingling with the vampires. Though it gave her a sense of security to know he was around, she could of course take care of herself but backup was always nice.
Tyrone was oblivious to the motives of this meeting. To him this might just be a truce in the feud that has been going on between the two species since maybe dawn of time. Tyrone's best path right now would be to change the course of the conversation. " Well maybe I am a fool to give my name out in a Masquerade ball. " Tyrone sighed with a glimpse of a smirk. " I think I shouldn't be expecting a name from you should I ? " he asked. Maybe Tyrone was trying to change the conversation and so increasing his chances of survival. Tyrone knew what might happen if they were to recognize him. The vampire would drink all the royal blood out of him and the werewolf would tear his body to shreds and then maybe play with his skull like a ball
Lupa eyes him as he evades the question but did not find it suspicious. After all he may not want to anger his coven leader by saying the wrong thing. "If you must have a name it is Lupa" she watched his reaction, curious if he knew who she was or not. She takes another drink of her glass and finds she empties it. A small pout appeared upon her lips of the idea of having to travel across the room for more since Conner was currently busy.

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