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Fandom Fandom Character Archives

Madoushi "Kiri" Bakyume


Artwork/Design © ShotoNemar @ Deviantart

[♂ | 14 | Amekagure | Genin]

♦{Personal Information}♦

Madoushi is the lazy type, as he doesn't seem to want to get out of bed to do anything that bores him specifically. He will still get up to do the things he loves or enjoys, or in other words he is capable of just about anything he sets his mind to. This is to say that he's really good at fooling those that his laziness makes it impossible for him to do anything he doesn't want to do. Another note to this is that he almost is completely willing to put himself in the line of fire for what he wants, although the things he wants is very little. He will show up eventually to his missions, and he studies just enough to pass, but his abilities in doing so tend to make those question whether or not he should be a ninja.[

Despite his lack of ability to do anything, he is extremely passionate about the things he loves. Granted this passion has never truly been shown to a degree of fan-boy levels, but it is clear that what he focus's on he loves dearly. For example, the justsu he enjoys to do, he does the most. while he isn't ecstatic or smiling, it is obvious what abilities, actions, and hobbies he likes, and what things he doesn't like even if he doesn't directly tell you. While his passions are great, his will isn't as strong. He is easily twisted between what is right and what is wrong, and generally can't decide what should be the right answer in any situation..

While sleeping, or drawing with his fingers in the sky seems to be his main activities he's caught doing, there is one more thing he is often caught doing as well- helping others. He has a soft spot for doing things that others can't seem to do. From small things like helping an old lady, to huge things such as helping a stranger not get hurt from an attack. He seems extremely selfless, and takes great gratitude from helping others, be it a good or bad thing that he is following. [/SIZE]


Nothing ever significant popped out in Madoushi's past, while him, and his family seemed to easily get wounded, unlike other ninja, it never seemed to change the fact that Madoushi, Aura, and there parents were an average ninja family. This was almost to the point where you could consider them not ninja's at all, but it was always known that there was always one member of the family earning money buy doing very basic missions. Even Madoushi's sister, Aura, eventually got a job as a genin to help support the family when madoushi was causing the family to require more money. After all, boy's eat a lot so they can grow, and Madoushi was no exception to the causing trouble and hurting himself department.

One of the days, before Aura could even apply for the Chunin exams to gain more money. Madoushi severely hurt himself while trying to play ninja with the other kids. This didn't fair well at all, as that meant someone had to stay home to take care of him. Aura quit her ninja career to do this, and even though she hated the violence it took to be a ninja, even Madoushi could see that there was something about being a ninja that his sister missed. So when Madoushi recovered, he decided to replace Aura, since his sister apparently felt that she couldn't go back.

♦{Bingo Book}♦

Nothing to see here
No seriously there's nothing

♦{Combat Summary}♦


Ninjutsu: 2

Taijutsu: 0.5

Genjutsu: 1.5

Intelligence: 2

Perception: 1

Stealth: 3

Total: 10

Specialization: Best at hiding from the enemy. His goal is to attack enemies without harming himself or letting them know there even there.

Chakra Nature: lightning

*While his family focuses usually on water chakra, he wants to focus on lightning, but till he learns anything he only knows the required jutsu

Kekkei Genkai/Hiden: n/a


[Standard Weapons]

Throwing stars x7

Explosive tag x3

Flash bomb x2

[Unique Weapons]

Unique Weapons Name: Oikomu 追い込む

A short blade, the length of a shoto, his father gave it to him, and it is unused to this day- Madoushi named it. It's original purpose of this type of blade is the same as a Wakizashi (as a shoto is a type of Wakizashi), but Madoushi would never rely on the blade in such a way, and will probably never be used unless absolutely necessary as close combat is extremely dangerous for him.

[Summons Contracts]

In the Future at some point

Hidden Red Bamboo - Red Panda's [only those related to the Unique summon given]

Proficiency: It seems only when the Red Panda wants to show up. so it works 50% of the time.

Unique Summons Name: Akai Furu

History: Unknown

Abilities: Unknown



Canon Jutsu

| Clone Technique | Body Replacement Technique | Transformation Technique | Body Flicker Technique |

Custom Jutsu

Lightning Release: Shape Control | Lightning | D | Mid Range

Small Flashes of lightning fill the air where the chakra is released from the user. Causes minor harm, used more for distraction.


Canon Jutsu

Custom Jutsu

Lightning Release: Shape Control - Genjutsu | Yin | D | All Range

It gives the illusion of Lightning Release: Shape Control, but in a larger form, perhaps scaring the opponent, though most of the time doesn't work well.


Cannot Physically Fight due to his frail body- although is able to quickly attack and run away. This makes consecutive hits not available to him.

Canon Jutsu

| Dynamic Entry |

Custom Jutsu

[note that I didn't draw him yet, that will take some time. also provide whatever information you feel is needed you don't have to provide the same info I did.]

[Prince Mathew Crestelia | ♂ | Meowstic | 22]

[Physical Appearance]

From heel to the top of his head five foot two inches tall, but if you include the ears, folded down, that adds on another four inches. the prince is rather small in weight, as he is approximately around one hundred pounds or more.His skin is pale and Irish like in complexion, but his skin has obviously seen sun as it is darker in the cheeks, shoulders, knees, and so on. His eyes are round, and large, always appearing as if they were curious or always looking for something his iris being a bright and beautiful emerald. His eyebrows are thin and a dark blue. His hair is the same color, as well as short wavy and thick, but long enough to be able to put it into a really short ponytail if he wanted to, but for the most part he doesn't. He has two long fluffy blue tails that are a little longer then the length needed to touch the floor. He either drags them along or has them curled slightly up depending on his apparel. All of his Pokemon appearances have the same markings as the traditional Pokemon.

The Prince has several garments, in line with his occupation. The one he is most seen in is his royal outfit which is mostly blue in color, and lined with white. The rims of the white are lined with a very thin silver lacing, and there is intricate silver lacing designs a crossed certain sections of his outfit. The top of the outfit is split slightly to the right and monkey knots looped on the inside rather then a zipper to keep the outfit closed. The colar of the shirt is white, and goes up to the top of his neck. there is a blue ribbon there tied in a bow, that is almost in every outfit he wears. There is a white cloth belt that ties the shirt tight at the waist, and below that the shirt continues into tail ends in both the front and back. the front tails end half thigh, and the back tails end just below the knee. The sleeves of the shirt are usually folded way back up to just above mid bicep not bunched up, and just below the fold is the start of long white gloves. Half way on the outside of the gloves, embroidered in silver is more monkey knots. The pants are tight, the same blue color as the top, and are not decorated other then a small white strip just above where the boots start. The boots are tall, white and decorated heavily with a blue leather. The are folded over at the top, and end below mid thigh. The boots also have monkey knots instead of a zipper, or belts.

In any of his outfits, he is required to wear a small silver crown, that is usually mostly covered by his thick hair. It isn't detailed in any way, and is fairly thin and small, and a large purple hood-less cloak. The cloak is made with extremely soft short fur texture. It is a dark purple, and lined with lavender feather like border. There are silver bordered diamond shapes on the back of the cape, and it's clipped in the front with a silver emblem that is the simbol of the kingdom. He often tries not to wear the royal cloak, but often finds he's forced to.


Considered to be one of the most modest members of the kingdom, as well as the most well known members of the royal family. He is even more known then the King and Queen, yet he considers himself not special in any way shape or form. Being the middle child of his family, he finds a peace of not being heavily watched despite being the eldest male. While he is a physical figure to be seen by the public, the most responsibility he has hasn't ever stressed him out or made him feel important. In fact he finds everyone, even his little brother, more important then him.

Kind and sweet, Mathew is always lending a hand to others, even when he has more important things to do. Always remembering to put the people in his village above him. He always remembers the little things, constantly thinking about what is the kind thing to say in the situation, even in a third party way. He also seems to see the good people, even people like his brother. Even if it seems like that person has nothing good about them at all, he finds a way to make them smile. To him, there isn't a good and bad, there's just a lot of different shades of grey to the point where people prefer to look at the lightest or darkest shade.


His father, is large in size, and rather overweight. He seems like a sweet fellow, always cherishing everything in his life. He especially takes pride in his children. He is very afraid of showing his face anymore however, and no one has seen him greatly ever since he's gotten married. This is because he is a Jellicent Gijinka, and his wife is a female Meowstic Gijinka. He does have a decent relationship with his son Mathew as his first son is required to learn how to be king one day. His full name is King Arcanic Crestelia.

His mother is the kindest and most gentle of the family. Way nicer then mathew could ever achieve, and it seems that her daughter has obtained this trait. She is often seen giving advice to the three children, or even scolding them. She is only considered a figure head compared to the king, but Queen Estel Crestelia does sway the king's decisions sometimes and has a huge role in the children's lives.

His older Sister Crystal Crestelia is just as nice and gentle as her mother. She is engaged to a very handsome duke of the kingdom. Although mathew has never seen this man, he has swarn to kill him if he treats her wrongly. She is a very strong willed Meowstic Gijinka. She doesn't spend a whole lot of time with mathew, but she does cheer him on.

His Younger brother Arc Crestelia is the most selfish frillish Gijinka you would ever meet. Always consumed in books, he seems to also be the smartest of the royal family. His mother often says Arc is the spitting image of his father, and how she used to act that way as a kid all the time. Arc is often following his older brother, he's younger then him by a total of five years after all.

[Pokemon Moves]

Helping hand | Norm/Stat | -- Pwr | ---% | 15 PP | Cool | ♥♥ appeal | / Jam

Helps power up another's move in one way or another (depends on the attack partner is using)

Psybeam | Psy/Special | 65 Pwr | 100% | 20 PP | Beautiful | ♥♥♥ appeal | / Jam

lifts up ears to reveal the psychic eyes. invisible rays shock the enemy in a traumatizing state. thus damaging the opponent, and why it's not easy to get away from. lasts for a good period of time compared to Confusion.

Disarming Voice | Fairy/Special | 40 Pwr | ---% | 15 PP | Cute | ♥♥ appeal| / Jam

Seemingly cries in a loud enough, threatening way. A responce from infliction of pain. A whine of sorts in other words. He uses it in such a way that the opponent feels hurt from causing harm- magically of coarse. Unless you cant hear anything at all, you will get hit by this attack.

Double Team | Norm/Stat | -- Pwr | ---% | 15 PP | Cool | ♥ appeal | / Jam

taught by his personal guard Crimson on silent days, and by mathew's request. He is able to confuse his enemies with slight speed of location. making them dizzy, or slightly off-set. has to have eye contact with the target.
Thomas Snow

Basic info
Fandom: Megaman Battle Network
Both game and anime

Name: Thomas acer Snow
Age: 14
can role play as older​
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Race: White / Asian

Occupation: High school / hacker
In his final year of school, as he was able to skip a couple of grades, he obtained the hobby of hacking into things just to look at them. it's a hobby rather than an occupation, but he has been paid for it in the past.

Netnavi: Akai.EXE [link]
P.E.T. BN 1​


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Female she/her ♠ Leader ♠ Homosexual
A Long Furred Lykoi black and white molly with amber eyes
Art by Swishy ; owned by me
As a chaotic teenager and child, She had a troubled history. Much don't know what it was or have much information of what happened, and she isn't one to share either. She seems like a closed book to many, and she guards those secrets with an iron claw. Her skill as a leader is that of a young one. She isn't the most talented, but seems to have a tight grip on what she has been given. Wolf has been known to give a hand of tough love to her clans mates. While she doesn't seem to spend much time with them, as her duties come first, it seems she puts the clan first in every way, even to the point in sacrificing her own needs.
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