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Realistic or Modern Family Role-play

"Hey dad!" Vice said happily giving his father a hug. "I missed you." He says hugging him still. He loved his new dad so much, he did not know the capacity of it. @MrPotato

Michael sighed. He wondered how he could stop Vice from going to nightclubs. At the same time, he didn't want to stop Vice showcasing his talents.

"Tell you what. How would you prefer to compose music and be a DJ at fancier places? I could always arrange for such things." Michael said.
"Weeeeell. I always hated the women who get up close to me after wardsYES!" Vice said to his dad with his hand closed. "I've always wanted to DJ at a fancy place. I'll might have to slow down the music though." he says waking to his room. "Tell me when it's dinner!" He yells in his room getting a start of his slow music CD. @Ayuna Kusado

Michael smiled. Guess that's one way to stop Vice from going to the nightclubs. At least in a fancy and proper party, who knows, a record agent could be there, interested in Vice's talents. It's worth a shot.

Michael texted his agent to find out when's the next event would be.

"Who was that?" Lena asked as she came out of the kitchen, wiping her hand off with a towel. When she came out of the kitchen a soft aroma of herbs and tomato sauce followed her. "Is Violet home?"
Lena was surprised to see Alexis but happy none the less as she smiled. "Pasta and I made two sauces, one with meat and one without cause I can never seem to keep track of who likes what." She said placing her dish towel down before looking back up at her daughter. "So what have you been up to today hun?"
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Chris shuffled inside the house, his bookbag slumped over his shoulders. As he entered the living room he kicked off his shoes, threw his bag in the corner and collapsed on the couch.

Practice has been torturous, and right now all he wanted to do was lay down. With a sigh, he yelled out from his position on the couch.

"I'm home, mom!!" He was too tired to actually go out to the kitchen and greet her in person.
Lena went back into the kitchen to put the sauce on simmer before going into the living room to see Chris. "Hey hey hey sweaty! Not on the couch it'll take forever to get that smell out." She wasn't to stern with him, smiling when she told him to get off the couch but she was serious about the smell. "Make sure you greet your father. He's taken leave from work just to be with you guys." Of course she didn't mean his actually father wanting him out of the picture as much as possible though sooner or later she would have to tell Chris about his real father moving in across the street.
Chris groaned as his mother shooed him from the couch, he obeyed her though, albeit a little reluctantly.

He stood, his shoulders slumped and sighed, "Remind me to never play football."

When his mother mentioned his step father, his head snapped up and a scowl overtook his exhausted expression. He didn't like his real dad, but that didn't mean he liked his new dad. The kids liked him though, and he didn't bother him, so he usually tolerated him.

His scowl turned into a frown, he could never stay mad at his mom. He also didn't like making her mad, so he smiled and nodded at her.

"I will," He motioned towards his grass stained clothes, "Just as soon as I take a shower."
Lena smiled, chuckling softly. "I'll remind you at your next game." Lena went on her tippie toes and kissed his sweaty forehead before squeezing his arm lightly, always wanting to make sure that her kids knew she loved them. "Dinner should be ready when you get out so if you could make sure all the kids are at the table by then that be a big help." She turned around and walked back to the kitchen to finish supper.
Chris nodded before grabbing his discarded bag and ambling up the stairs. His clothes were starting stick, and it was getting increasingly uncomfortable.

He made a pit stop at his room and dropped off his bag, raced to the bathroom showered, and got dressed all in twenty minutes.

After washing up, he marched down the stairs eager to fill his stomach with spaghetti. He was halfway near the kitchen when remembered something. His mom had told him to get the kids.

"Brats!!" He shouted, "Get you're butts down here before I cut off the wifi."
Vice heard the demonic yell of evil. "Darn it. HE'S home." He says angrily. He opens his door to his room, and heads downstairs. "Yo Chrispy! Need some new workout beats?" He says walking down the stairs and entering the kitchen. @CocoForRealz
Chris folds his arms and rolls his eyes, after he yelled the threat, Vice immediately reacted. Vice was well Vice. He was laid back and was very into the DJ stuff he did, Chris though didn't care too much about music.

Vice stomped down the stairs, ran into the kitchen, and asked if he wanted some new workout beats.

Chris groaned not wanting to think about anything sports or exercise related. "I'd rather you give me a massage. I'm spent. Besides the workout mix you made me last year is still sick."

He circled around him, and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket. He took a bite and turned towards Vice, "Do me a favor, and go round up the little brats." @ghost of past
Chris smiled when Nikki walked in the kitchen. Out of all his siblings he liked Nikki the most. He pulled him in a hug and tousled his hair.

"Hey there, little dude." He let go of him and grinned. "Wassup?"
Chris laughed at his remark, "No problem, little bro."

He pointed at the bathroom, "Go wash up and if you can round up the others. We're having dinner any moment now."
"Sure. After all I did get some good tips from you about how to workout properly." Vice said as he went upstairs and got the twins nicely. "Girls! Dinner is readyyyy!"

@Ayuna Kusado @CelestialBunny

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