Family Counts [Inactive]

Delilah June

Professional Lurker
PandaaPopsiclee submitted a new role play:

Family Counts - A family roleplay that describes a basic family life.

You are part of the Steinson family, or you are a neighbor. The Steinson family is a family of teens, children and foster children. When the mother and the father of the family get divorced, the mother decides to get married and start a new family. She adopts children/teens and has her own children. They move into a 3 story house and have enough rooms for everyone. (please make a character sign-up sheet and wait for me to Accept.)
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Anabeth Steinson

Anabeth was downstairs in the living room which contained many old boxes filled with many things. "In the living room!" She didn't really like to raise her voice and she definitely did't like her children to scream through the house but what could she do? They were teenagers. The women brushed back her hair with her fingers as she pulled a long strip of tape off a box. "What do you need Abby?" More people were joining her family today, Anabeth was so excited and jumping on the inside but on the outside she was cool and calm. Most of them..well all of them were teenagers so it wouldn't be easy for them to accept her, at least that's what she read about in 'Foster Child Weekly'.
Abby came in the living room, seeing her mom. "Oh, hi Mom. I was wondering if I could go to the beach today..." sOrry I forgot to mention they live in Florida!"
Anabeth turned her head slightly over to her daughter. She looked the girl up and down then turned her body around and folded her arms pursing her lips slightly. "No." Before her child could whine and complain for an answer, Anabeth spoke very clearly and a bit frustrated. "Today is a special day, You and ALL of your siblings should be HERE at the house when your new foster brothers and sisters come." Anabeth took a breath to calm herself then continued. "You need to welcome them nicely like when Jeffery and Evan joined our little family~."

[[ Jeffery and Evan have been adopted in the family for a few years now. Thought I should make them since there are SO many foster children. ]]
But!-" She was about to whine, but then she remembered how important this was to her mom. "Hmm..Okay. Can I go outside for a little bit? I'll be back in soon." She said, smoothing her hair into a ponytail.
Jake sat at his porch, his nose dug deep into a book. "Muuum~ The new neighbours have arrived!" His eyes didn't leave the lines of the book, and his fingers tightened at the edges of the book as the story intensified. Despite knowing this fact, never interrupt Jake when he was reading, his mother did it anyway. "Go talk to the new neighbours! I'm sure it'll be fun." Jake didn't even put the book down. He just let out a annoyd groan in response and continued to
She didn't know what to do. A new family. "Ugh." She groaned. She got out of the car and went up to the Steinson's front door. She knocked hoping she could go back to the car. She knocked again. "Hello?"
Blythe sat in Angelina's room to practice the guitar while Angie painted on the canvas; its a picture of a field with a sunset, Blythe knew that once Angie finished painting it that it would look amazing.

"Let's go downstairs, our new siblings should be here," Blythe spoke and even though she wasn't to keen on having others live in her home, she didn't mind since its a humane thing to do.

Both Blythe and Angelina walked downstairs just to hear a knock on the door and for a moment the both of them paused before Angie made her way to the door to see a girl standing there.

"Hi! You must be one of the foster kids right? I'm Angelina and this is Blythe," Angelina introduced with a smile on her face.
"Yes, thats me." She tried to smile. "I guess I'm your new sister." She paused. "I'm Allison." She held out her hand as she blew a bubble from her gum.
Jake jumped backwards on his chair, startled as the book he was reading escaped from his tight grasp. It was his mother, a holding a stern look on her face as she gestured to the Steinson's house. His lips pushed up into a pout as he gave her the best puppy dog eyes he could get. However, his mother just laughed and went back into the house, taking his book with her. I guess he was forced to do something; maybe visiting the neighbours wouldn't be so boring. "Damnit." He muttered, kicking away a nearby pebble. He stayed sitting on the porch, observing the girl that was talking to the door. Or- at least, so it seemed. He couldn't really see anyone in the doorway.
"So how many people live here again?" She asked. looking at the house. "Must be a lot." She looked at the ground, "Also where's my new mother? If you don't mind me asking?"
Angelina shook her hand and Blythe did as well, she had left her guitar up in Angie's room and had to remind herself not to leave it in there all night.

"Ah, she's in the living room I think. Yea, there are a lot of people here but it doesn't really matter since we're all family even though some of use aren't really related by blood... I'll show you to mom," Blythe answered before motioning for her new sister to follow her.
Anabeth Steinson

Anabeth frowned at her daughter, Abby, as her other two lovely daughters came downstairs; one of them going to answer the door. "Well there starting to get here so~...No." She chirped as she turned and continued to rummage through the old boxes. "Honestly, why would you want to leave when your adopted siblings are finally moving in." She sighed softly as she set her hands on her hips and looked up at the ceiling. "Jeffery!..Evan! are you dressed yet!?" Her two adopted sons had a habit of sleeping during the day; they both had bad sleeping habits. She rested her hand on her forehead. "One of you please wake up your brothers..please~."
Jake watched with small intent as he saw a hand come out of the doorway. "Oh. So she is talking to somebody." His mother came back out of the house, holding a tray of about a dozen cookies in her hands. She swiftly handed them to Jake. "Take them to the neighbours, and don't stay there too long!" He took the still hot tray of cookies and walked over to the house. He longed to eat a few, his mother's cookies were heavenly, but he knew he would get scolded if he didn't let the neighbours try them first.
"I'll go wake them up!" Blythe said excitedly, she couldn't wait to jump on them while they were asleep... maybe she could give them a wet-willy?

Angelina walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pack of cinnamon pop-tart, making her way back into the living room she ran a hand through her hair before quietly and waiting for what anyone else had to say.
She followed her new sister, "Cazzo ci sono un sacco di persone qui." She mumbled. Her origins came from Italy but moved to the USA.
"Sorry, I didn't notice.." Abby mumbled, going outside. "Hi! I'm Abby. You must be the new fosters. Come in." She said, gesturing to the door. She felt the family dog, Sia, a golden retriever, lay down beside her. "This is Sia our family dog."
Jake knocked on the door of the neighbour's house, whistling his own merry tune. Even though he wasn't that merry on the inside, how he longed to continue reading his book, he was capable of putting on a fake smile, as if he didn't want to do something else at the moment. He tapped his foot against the ground, creating a steady beat as the sounds of his whistling got louder and more lively.
Abby ran over to the wide open door again. "Hello..I'm Abby. Idont think we've met, but I can see you're the neighbor. Come in.' She said, holding the door open.
She followed to see her new mother. "Umm a person's at la porta, Oh I see you got it." She smiled at the boy who walked in.
Abby smiled and walked back over to her mom. "Mom, the fosters are here." She said. "This is my mom, well, your mom now.."
Anabeth Steinson

The women lowered her hand and turned around to see a bunch of her children roaming around..well only three but that was still a lot. She drew her eyes over to the first foster child that had come today. "Hello sweetie. My names Anabeth but you may call me whatever you wish. I know the house seems full but we have plenty of room here~." She wrapped her arms around the girl and gave a quick hug then pulled back with a smile. "Sorry hun, I just couldn't help myself."

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