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Fantasy Familiars



Legendary Golden Support
Redsea. A small, quaint kingdom where ally and familiar lived in harmony, emphasising on the peace and harmonious interaction between both parties. Across the world other kingdoms were less concerned over this whole business of familiars. Redsea prided themselves in their progress to building a nation of such kindness towards the sentient soul-animals known as Familiars.

Every chid - or almost every child - received a physical manifestation of their own soul energy on their fifteenth birthday. Their soul energy took on the shapes and forms of a variety of animals, and they would guide their person through life and protect them at all cost. That was the way it had been at first, at least. Lately, Redsea had taken a turn for the worse as Familiar trading became a rampant issue, but the vocal minority against this act of using Familiars as pets or tools were not enough to get the King's attention as he rolled around in the taxes he got from the people.

Alcyone Stolz was one such person amongst the minority of people who refused to have any part of this Familiar trading business. Her faithful companion and best friend was not a tool to be used by someone! And around her hand was her friend, Atyx. A small, common tree snake he was, but those eyes shone with brilliance and intelligence. And together they were riding on her father's Familiar - a white horse named Seldric - into the town from their little hunting cabin at the outskirts of the kingdom. Strapped to Seldric was a bag full of fresh leather she was to sell to the leatherworkers.

"Al, do we really have to ride so fast?" Atyx called out in his small voice. It could barely be heard over the thunder of hooves on stone as she galloped into the market. From there, she could see several families making their way up to the castle. She smiled. She too had made that journey just a year ago to receive her Familiar.

Alcyone didn't slow down. "The faster we finish these errands, the sooner we can go watch people's Awakening! Maybe there will be a dragon today!"
A cloaked figure hurried down the winding stalls of the market, a large woven basket in hand. Every few moments, the figure would brush locks of red hair out of her eyes, watching for any guards that might be nearby. If anyone cared enough to notice, they might have realized that the girl in the cloak was none other than Henrietta Bishop, the soon-to-be Duchess of the neighboring province of Mosshaven. They might have also found something a little odd about how the basket she carried kept shaking, as if a creature was moving about inside. The straw lid of the basket popped open to reveal a set of ginger whiskers and twitching ears, with a vaguely irritated expression only a feline could possess.

“It’s not all that often we visit the town, you know.” ,grumbled Achilles, Henrietta’s cat familiar. “Surely you could let me out just once.” Henrietta sighed and gave her companion an apologetic smile. “As soon as we make it to the castle, you’ll be able to blend in with all the other familiars at the ceremony. But for now, I can’t take any risks, alright? My parents believe I’m ill at home with a fever and should a report make it to them that I wasn't…”

“...they’ll give you a stern talking to and probably a week of kitchen duty in the servants’ quarters.” ,Achilles finished the sentence for her.

“Exactly! You understand, don't you?”

“I suppose.” the cat said, withdrawing back into concealment. Henrietta patted the basket. “Thank you for volunteering to come and protect me, Achilles! You’re my little hero.” An appreciative meow could be heard in response. Rounding the corner, a new row of shops appeared. Henrietta was brought to a halt as she passed in front of a leatherworkers' display window. Inside was a sleek leather vest, perfect for hunting trips or various outdoor activities. "The Awakening hasn't started just yet. Perhaps I could do a bit of shopping with the allowance I brought with me. Missing the chance to admire a wonderful piece of craftsmanship such as this would be a terrible pity."
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Too focused on the path people were travelling up to the grand castle, Alcyone would have ran straight into this random lady that suddenly appeared in her path if it were not for Seldric skidding to a halt and going from a gallop to a standstill in a flat four seconds. Alcyone nearly got thrown off the horse had she not tightened her grip, accidentally squishing Atyx in the process.

"Oh dear- Atyx, are you alright?" Alcyone swung herself off the saddle, stroking Seldric's muzzle. "Thanks for stopping us." She released Atyx and let him on the free saddle, turning to the fair lady. "I am so sorry for that, I wasn't looking where I was going." She offered the other girl she had nearly rode over a sheepish smile before disappearing into the leatherworker's with her sack of leather. Her mother and uncle worked at the tannery, before she would be sent to sell the tanned leather to leatherworkers who would them turn them into amazing pieces of craft. Saddles, armour, water skins, everything. She found it quite amazing.

Atyx slithered up Seldric's head, eyeing Henrietta with a sharp eye to determine if she would pose any harm to Alcyone. Deciding that she was no harm, he extended his tail tip, much like a handshake. Tailshake. Tail-handshake. "Apologies for that miss, Al meant no harm. You know how teenage girls are... being one yourself. I'm Atyx."
Henrietta took a moment to catch her breath, in shock from the near impact. She then glared indignantly up at Atyx, dismissing his offer of peace. "What did your ally think she was doing? Your horse was racing far above the accepted limit for the town roads. A reckless stunt like that may be the norm for people out in the country, but in a marketplace it is capable of serious harm!" Realizing that her outburst may have attracted some unwanted attention, Henrietta tried her best to relax, letting out a frustrated huff. "Sorry, that was a bit harsh of me. It isn't your fault. You're just a snake, after all." The basket dangling on her arm gave a sudden jump. A frazzled tabby cat poked its head out, curious to see what all the hubbub was about. "Oh Achilles, are you feeling well? Did that horse scare you? We don't have to complete the trip if you're no longer in the mood for it...Achilles?" The cat had been rendered speechless, emerald eyes widened in primal fear at the sight of Atyx. "S-snake!", he yowled, claws extended in defense against the reptile.
Atyx was a little taken aback by Henrietta's response, but maintained his composure regardless. He had to be mature and classy, even against other people. "I apologise on her behalf, miss, but she really didn't me-" He was cut short by Achilles's sudden outburst, which sent him too in a panic at those dangerously unsheathed claws. "Oh my!" He slithered into Seldric's mane for safety, tongue flicking out repeatedly at Achilles in case the cat decided to pounce. Seldric whinnied, swinging his head between the two.

"Settle down, settle down children! I swear, you young Familiars don't know a thing about being civilised," The white horse mumbled. Decided that only he was the only one capable of settling matters now, he turned his body to face Henrietta and block Achilles from seeing Atyx, and likewise. He bowed his head to Henrietta, guessing that she was a little further up the social ladder from the way she dared to complain about his riding earlier. "Miss, I apologise deeply for this whole matter. I was only helping my Ally's daughter do as she wished. And do not mind Atyx, he's easily frightened by anything bigger than him that has claws. I am Seldric, Familiar of Master Stolz. And you are...?"
Rosaria & Polaris
A tiny smile dawned on Rosaria's face as she gazed upon her latest creation. It was lovely ball gown that she had just finished working for one of the noble women within the kingdom. Champagne in color with a full skirt. "What do you think, Polaris?" Her blue-green gazed shifted downwards the amur leopard who was seated on the floor beside her work table. When she said his name, Polaris' greyish orbs turned upwards towards his ally. The leopard was silent for a moment before he spoke up, purring, "It is a nice piece you've created. I'm sure the countess will like it; but, I think we should go hand deliver it to her manor. Not only will it leave a good impression, it'll also give us sometime outside of the shop." Rosaria appeared rather hesitant by the idea of going to visit the lady of the manor. But his familiar wasn't wrong, perhaps it would leave a good impression. "Alright, let my grab my cloak," the girl sighed reluctantly. Glancing at her work desk Rosaria managed to find a piece of ribbon laying about. Snagging it from the table before tying her hair up in a somewhat loose fashion.
Minutes went by before Polaris' ally was ever ready to leave her work place. But after the dress was neatly folded and wrapped up, along with tossing her hooded cloak on, the teen was ready to head out.
"Ok, let's go." With a nod of his head the amur leopard began following Rosaria. Though as she began walking away from the shop, Polaris paused. "Ahem!" He called out to the young woman before she ever got too far, causing the her to stop in her tracks and turn around. Confusion riddled her face until her familiar pointed out, with a nudge of his head, that Rosaria had left the door open. Blushing out of embarrassment, she quickly rushed back and closed it. "I don't know what I'd do without you," the girl smiled softly at Polaris as the two of them began to make their way through town while her familiar chuckled, "I think you'd have been lost if not for me."

Leonard & Nina
"Oh come on Nina, it was an honest mistake," Leo reassured his familiar with a smile on his face. The grey wolf outside the blacksmith's stall huffed a bit angrily, "I've never been so insulted in my life! Calling me a male not once, but twice in a row!" One of the customers earlier apparently thought the familiar was of the opposite gender. Thus leaving a somewhat soured Nina sitting there to grumble to her ally, and herself. Leonard couldn't help but to chuckle a bit as he leaned over the counter, looking down at her with bright brown eyes, a grin grew, "Well I think you're the prettiest wolf around! And to prove it I'll buy you two rabbits from the butcher's before we head home tonight." At hearing that she'd be getting rabbit meat on their way home, Nina's ears stood up while her tail wagged with joy. But she refused to let all the excitement to be shown on her face. "Well," tilting her head back so she was looking her ally in the eye, "I suppose that will make me feel better. At least the butcher knows I'm not an air-headed male." Leo chuckled at the bit of sarcasm in the wolf's voice.

Once his chuckling died down though, he reached down to pet Nina's head, "Alright, well I'm going to finish up this sword before calling it a day." With that said, the young man stood straight before walking back over to kiln in the sheltered part of his stall. But not before being reminded by his familiar to be careful. Heaven knows that if he wasn't, Nina would no doubt lecture him later.
Henrietta was surprised to find that the girl’s horse was a familiar as well, and was further taken aback when Seldric asked for her name. Embarrassingly, a decent cover story hadn’t been part of her contingency plan when she had escaped the manor. Looking around for inspiration for a suitable false name, she spotted a hanging trademark on a nearby blacksmith’s shop in the customary shape of an anvil. “My name is An…”, she muttered. “Ann Smith. This here is my familiar, Kitty.” She absentmindedly petted her cat’s ears, trying to calm his agitated nerves.

Achilles might have protested against being given such a unflattering moniker, but he was busy regaining his senses and sizing up the two familiars opposite him. From what little he knew of the world outside the palace gates, snakes were often dangerous predators, and so it was natural to consider Atyx untrustworthy for now. The horse, on the other hand, appeared older and therefore easier to fight, if the need ever came for it. The small cat purred smugly, applauding himself for being such a diligent guardian. If either one should make a bad move, they'd never know what hit them.
Seldric bowed his head again at the name. "Miss Ann, a lovely name indeed. Where are you off to? Miss Alcyone wants to see the ceremonies today so if you're going anywhere on the way, perhaps I could take you?" Seldric offered. Part of him just loved to carry people. Maybe it was just part of being a horse. Maybe he was strange.

In the time Seldric was talking with this Ann Smith lady, Atyx found it suitable to slither off into the market unseen, in case the cat in the basket tried to jump him. He wouldn't have left like this if that cat wasn't there, or if his Ally was coming out soon, but he heard her trying to sell the leathers for a higher price in the store and figured she might be awhile. He didn't go too far, exploring around. There was a wolf near the blacksmith's, and Atyx thought maybe he could chat a little while Alcyone was dealing with the leatherworker, and Seldric with Ann Smith.

"Hello," Atyx called out to the wolf, though he remained a respectable distance away first in case he needed to make a run for it.
Leonard and Nina
Nina's ears pricked when she heard a voice calling out a greeting. At first she didn't notice who was speaking to her at first, gaze turned up a bit to see if it was a human. Only when she looked towards the ground in front of her did the wolf see who had been speaking to her. It was a small snake, and judging by his use of English could Nina tell that this snake was a fellow familiar. "It's rather dangerous for a little fellow such as yourself to be in the road like that," she told him as a bit of a warning, "Why don't you come over here where you'll less likely be stepped upon by people." Her tail moving to the opposite side of her body as a way of making room for the snake.

Though hearing his familiar speaking between the sounds of him hammering the blade of a red-hot sword straight, he raised a brow in confusion. After hammering at the metal a bit longer, Leonard finally submerged it in water to cool. "Who are you talking to, Nina?" The raven haired blacksmith walked away from his anvil and towards the portion of the counter where his familiar sat on the other side. As he looked down to see her, Nina in turn turned her gaze upwards, "It would appear we have a guest." Raising a brow in confusion, Leo looked around a bit before spotting Atyx. "Oh! Well hello there little guy," the young man beamed while the gray wolf chuckled and rolled her eyes.
Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
Atyx didn't expect the wolf to be so friendly right from the start, but he was indeed standing out on the road where any careless person could step on him. If he was a big snake like a cobra, likely not, but he was tiny, so he slithered up to the wolf. "Thank you," He mentioned. As he slithered into safety, a cart rolled by. He would have gotten rolled over if he didn't get out of the way. It wasn't long until the wolf's Ally showed up from inside the blacksmith's. From the vague question the Ally spoke Atyx guessed the wolf's name was Nina.

Atyx bowed his head as the Ally appeared. "Greetings. I am Atyx. And you are...?" He offered his tail as as handshake sort of gesture, but given that he was so small, the ally would likely have to bend down to shake it. He learned that gesture from watching people.
"Little one, it is time for you to find a suitable woman. A young man your age should already have a partner by now" Schwartz was being rather pushy today. Inigo sat on her back as she flew through the air. Behind him was his teacher, Minerva Aegis. She was the authority on magic and Ally/Familiar pacts. As such, she was personally summoned by the King himself. A seemingly ageless silver haired girl, she was smirking at Schwartz's statement. Flying next to Schwartz was her Owl Familiar, Archimedes. "A handsome young man with a DRAGON makes for prime dating material, Inigo" joked the smiling Mineva. "I'm not really interested in relationships. Magic is my only concern" replied Inigo bluntly. Strapped to Inigo's back was Reaver, his sword. It was originally named Slaughter by the Ally he took it from. It was specifically used by the Ally to slay other mythical creatures, notably DRAGONS. He desired to be the only "Dragon Rider". Minerva placed a hand on the grip, which Inigo quickly slapped away. This sword was his and his alone. You wouldn't be able to pry it from his lifeless body.

Minerva has them land near the marketplace. Getting off of Schwartz and stretching, Minerva walks over to a blacksmith talking with a snake and waves. "Hey there, does your shop do repairs?" asks a wide-grinned Minerva.

Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
There were more people coming in. A usual, busy work day here at the market, but this time, a dragon showed up. "Whoa," Atyx whispered. Dragons were quite rare familiars, and to get one represented the strongest of souls. Atyx was in awe, but he nudged Nina with his tail. "Hey, I think you have a customer," He hissed, slithering further back so as to not get stepped on by the dragon or their ally.
As Henrietta heard Seldric’s unexpected offer of kindness, her feet ached, remembering the long journey she had made from the palace gates through the countryside to reach town. There was still quite a bit of cobblestone road to go before arriving at the castle. “As luck would have it, we share the same destination. Hopefully there’s enough room upon your back to make for a comfortable trip.” She folded her arms and gave the horse an imperious look. “It’s the least you could do after nearly running me over earlier.”

Henrietta locked the clasp of her hood so that it wouldn’t fly off while she was riding, before attending to her familiar sitting inside the basket. The cat's pupils were dilated in a mixture of wonderment and fear, this time directed upwards at a small black shape in the sky that appeared to be gradually becoming larger. “Something’s coming this way!”, he warned his ally. “A large winged monster!”

Henrietta chuckled. “ It’s nothing to be afraid of, Achilles. That’s a dragon. We don’t usually see them in the province, but I’m not surprised that one appeared here in the city, on The Awakening of all days. “

“A dragon? They’re so much…bigger than I imagined they’d be.” The cat’s expression became one of stunned reverence as he watched the majestic creature land mere yards away from them.
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Atyx didn't expect the wolf to be so friendly right from the start, but he was indeed standing out on the road where any careless person could step on him. If he was a big snake like a cobra, likely not, but he was tiny, so he slithered up to the wolf. "Thank you," He mentioned. As he slithered into safety, a cart rolled by. He would have gotten rolled over if he didn't get out of the way. It wasn't long until the wolf's Ally showed up from inside the blacksmith's. From the vague question the Ally spoke Atyx guessed the wolf's name was Nina.

Atyx bowed his head as the Ally appeared. "Greetings. I am Atyx. And you are...?" He offered his tail as as handshake sort of gesture, but given that he was so small, the ally would likely have to bend down to shake it. He learned that gesture from watching people.
"Little one, it is time for you to find a suitable woman. A young man your age should already have a partner by now" Schwartz was being rather pushy today. Inigo sat on her back as she flew through the air. Behind him was his teacher, Minerva Aegis. She was the authority on magic and Ally/Familiar pacts. As such, she was personally summoned by the King himself. A seemingly ageless silver haired girl, she was smirking at Schwartz's statement. Flying next to Schwartz was her Owl Familiar, Archimedes. "A handsome young man with a DRAGON makes for prime dating material, Inigo" joked the smiling Mineva. "I'm not really interested in relationships. Magic is my only concern" replied Inigo bluntly. Strapped to Inigo's back was Reaver, his sword. It was originally named Slaughter by the Ally he took it from. It was specifically used by the Ally to slay other mythical creatures, notably DRAGONS. He desired to be the only "Dragon Rider". Minerva placed a hand on the grip, which Inigo quickly slapped away. This sword was his and his alone. You wouldn't be able to pry it from his lifeless body.

Minerva has them land near the marketplace. Getting off of Schwartz and stretching, Minerva walks over to a blacksmith talking with a snake and waves. "Hey there, does your shop do repairs?" asks a wide-grinned Minerva.

Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
There were more people coming in. A usual, busy work day here at the market, but this time, a dragon showed up. "Whoa," Atyx whispered. Dragons were quite rare familiars, and to get one represented the strongest of souls. Atyx was in awe, but he nudged Nina with his tail. "Hey, I think you have a customer," He hissed, slithering further back so as to not get stepped on by the dragon or their ally.
Leonard and Nina
The beaming Leonard's grin seemed to grow bigger as he listened to Atyx introduce himself, and even offered a odd handshake. Leaning down over the counter he extended his pinky to the snake. Wrapping it around his tail as so they preform the formal greeting, "My name is Leonard; and the lovely wolf right there is my Familiar, Nina." The gray wolf couldn't help but to chuckle while rolling her eyes yet again. "You flatter me Leo. But I'm not letting that man from earlier get away with mistaking my gender." With embarrassed laughter escaping the young man, he released his minor grip on Atyx's tail before standing upright.

Though as he did, a large being descended from the heavens above them. Shaking the ground a bit when it landed, causing Nina to get in a defensive type of position. When things began to settle down both wolf and man were stunned by what they were seeing. A living, brieathing dragon waas standing in the road of the market place. Leo was in too busy admiring the creature from a distance to notice Minerva walk up to the counter of his stall. It was only when Atyx made mention of it did the raven haired teen see the woman standing there. "Oh! A repair you say? Well of course I'd be able to fix up what ever you need," he replied rather embarrassed for not having noticed the customer sooner.
Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Rosaria & Polaris
While the seamstress and her familiar made their way through the marketplace they came to a halt when a being landed in the road nearby. Rosaria held onto the package she was going to deliver in one hand, while the other clutched the hood of her cloak. Fearing that if her red hair became noticeable then people would being to bother her in regards to her ginger locks. As things died down, the young woman turned her greenish gaze up towards the source of the commosion. Though when she did a wave of nervousness flooded over her. "Th-that's a.... Dr-dr-dragon," she managed to stammer out in an oddly high pitched voice. The kind people normally make when they're fearful of whatever it is that they're witnessing. From Rosaria, it'd have to be the very sight of such an uncommon familiar.

Polaris gazed up towards his ally with sympathetic eyes. He could tell even before she spoke that the girl was rather frightened by the over all size and appearance of such a being. So to calm her down, the amur leopard rubbed his cheek against her leg. Even letting out a purr to further comfort her. "Why don't we take a slight different route? That way you are not forced to go through such a crowd." At her familiar's suggestion she quickly nodded and allowed him to lead them. While she held onto his tail, Polaris lead them away from the main road. Taking them down a less crowded side street instead.
From her pouch, Minerva produced an odd looking tool. Gripping the shaft, she extended it. Then a row of segmented metal plates turned into a scythe blade. It looked dented and battered with cracks in a few areas. "I damaged it training with her Ally" Minerva said as she gestured to Schwartz. Handing it over to the boy, she also provided the schematics. He wouldn't be able to replicate it but maybe he'd be able to fix it. Inigo had disappeared by this point, to pick up a few alchemical ingredients. He was skilled in slipping away unseen. Walking past a girl with a cat, he put on a fake accent. "Been ages since I seen a dragon round these parts. Wonder what its doing here TODAY of all days?" He asked as she and her partner looked at Schwartz with awe.

Schwartz lowered her head to Nina and nodded at her statement. "You also suffer such an unjust fate? I too have been constantly mistaken for a male" said Schwartz with her warm and gentle voice. "I am the dragon Schwartz. I would introduce my Ally but he seems to have gone somewhere" Schwartz was happy to meet someone who understood her pain.

Jolly Roger
As Maria woke up for the day, the manor seemed to be more quiet than usual and once she had looked outside, she realized why. She'd woken up late, yet again. It had become an increasingly bad habit ever since the current Viscount (Her father) had promised her his position in court. Since then, she had been doing nothing but studying up on laws and courtroom practice. She hated it. Every time she'd open a book on the laws of the kingdom, she completely spaced out. The boredom was killing her. Thankfully, on this particular day, she knew that she was able to rest and do whatever she wanted. Her father was away on official business and she was left with Sukya, a small arctic fox who happened to be her familiar. She slowly sat up and tapped Sukya's head, as she lay curled up at the end of Maria's bed. She lifted her head slowly and opened her eyes to meet Maria's.
"Come on, Suki. We should probably get up." Maria said, quietly.
"And do what..?"
Sukya had also become increasingly lazy. As her companion was reading books most of the time, Sukya had found herself with nothing to do a majority of the day. The boredom was affecting her.
"We could go out for a walk or something? We could go out and play."
Sukya blinked slowly. "Sure."

Once the two of them had eaten breakfast and made the bed (The maids had gone on the trip with Maria's father), the two of them made their way outside. "So what do you want to do?" Maria asked.
Jolly Roger Jolly Roger

"A dragon?" Seldric repeated upon hearing Achilles's exclamation about a flying winged monster and Anne Smith's assurance of a dragon. He looked up in time to see one fly by and land near the blacksmith's. "Why, if it isn't so! A rare sight, truly. I thought they lived around the nobility only and not down here in the marketplace." He trotted towards the dragon, curious and seeing Atyx sitting by a wolf, figured Atyx had come here himself.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Atyx was delighted at Leonard's accepting of a tail-handshake. "Gender is strange. You see it in birds and people and hardly in anyone else," He commented on Nina's complaint of having hers mistaken by an earlier customer. "They should have made it more obvious on us reptiles and wolves too. No one's ever called me a female though, but I imagine it's a problem for you since people think wolves are only ever "manly"." He was delighted to have the dragon Schwartz talking to them. "I never thought I'd see the day where I'd meet a dragon right in the scales. You and I are much like, Schwartz. I'm Atyx," The snake greeted.

It was funny, his comment. Because this was a massive black dragon, wings and all, and there was a tiny green snake comparing himself to her.
Henrietta glanced at the boy with the odd voice who had just called out to her. Only a foreigner or a hermit could fail realize how important today was. "Well, it would actually be rather shocking if at least one dragon didn't show up. Allies and their familiars visit the King's domain from about every corner of Redsea on the day of the Awakening." She wasn't sure if answering the stranger's question seriously had been the right thing to do; his question had a playful lilt to it, as if he were joking with her.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Achilles, meanwhile, pawed at Henrietta's cape in excitement as he watched Seldric trot off into the distance. "Can we get closer to it? I've never seen a real dragon before!" His ally looked down at him, incredulous. "You fear a snake barely larger than yourself, but you don't mind coming face to face with a dragon?"

"They're not the same at all!" Achilles said. "Snakes are usually wicked and deceitful, while dragons are noble and wise." Laughing, Henrietta petted her cat's head tenderly. "You musn't believe everything you read in those storybooks of yours."
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From her pouch, Minerva produced an odd looking tool. Gripping the shaft, she extended it. Then a row of segmented metal plates turned into a scythe blade. It looked dented and battered with cracks in a few areas. "I damaged it training with her Ally" Minerva said as she gestured to Schwartz. Handing it over to the boy, she also provided the schematics. He wouldn't be able to replicate it but maybe he'd be able to fix it. Inigo had disappeared by this point, to pick up a few alchemical ingredients. He was skilled in slipping away unseen. Walking past a girl with a cat, he put on a fake accent. "Been ages since I seen a dragon round these parts. Wonder what its doing here TODAY of all days?" He asked as she and her partner looked at Schwartz with awe.

Schwartz lowered her head to Nina and nodded at her statement. "You also suffer such an unjust fate? I too have been constantly mistaken for a male" said Schwartz with her warm and gentle voice. "I am the dragon Schwartz. I would introduce my Ally but he seems to have gone somewhere" Schwartz was happy to meet someone who understood her pain.

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger Jolly Roger

"A dragon?" Seldric repeated upon hearing Achilles's exclamation about a flying winged monster and Anne Smith's assurance of a dragon. He looked up in time to see one fly by and land near the blacksmith's. "Why, if it isn't so! A rare sight, truly. I thought they lived around the nobility only and not down here in the marketplace." He trotted towards the dragon, curious and seeing Atyx sitting by a wolf, figured Atyx had come here himself.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Atyx was delighted at Leonard's accepting of a tail-handshake. "Gender is strange. You see it in birds and people and hardly in anyone else," He commented on Nina's complaint of having hers mistaken by an earlier customer. "They should have made it more obvious on us reptiles and wolves too. No one's ever called me a female though, but I imagine it's a problem for you since people think wolves are only ever "manly"." He was delighted to have the dragon Schwartz talking to them. "I never thought I'd see the day where I'd meet a dragon right in the scales. You and I are much like, Schwartz. I'm Atyx," The snake greeted.

It was funny, his comment. Because this was a massive black dragon, wings and all, and there was a tiny green snake comparing himself to her.
Leonard & Nina
"Ah. So that lovely familiar is not your own. You would've been the talk of the kingdom though if she was," Leo chuckled as he was handed both the scythe and the schematics for the weapon. This was a piece of craftsmanship he had rarely gotten the chance to witness with his own eyes. Being the one this woman came to in order to have it repaired was even better. Since Minerva was giving him the basic idea of how to fix it meant that it would make the process go smoother. "It will take me some time to get this fixed for you," he stated while examining the cracks and dents, "But I know I can get back to a much more suitable state. Do you need it back by a certain day?" If this woman was on a time crunch then Leonard knew there would be no time for him to goof around.

Though when Schwartz began speaking of how she has suffered in the same dilema, Nina offered a smile. "It is nice to know that I am not the only one who goes through an issue such as that." Bowing her head the wolf decided to make a formal greeting, "It's a pleasure to meet you Schwartz. I am the wolf Nina, familiar of the blacksmith sir Leonard Ainsworth." When Atyx began speaking of genders and how Nina's species was typically viewed as manly, she could not help the slightly irritated laughter that arose from her. Even the look on her face seemed to match. "Well dear Atyx, that label is not all too true. We wolves are a very close-knit unit who care for one another and foster others such as pups and elders. If anything we're all rather motherly in a way. Now, why don't you move up on the counter where you are less liekly to become injured on accident."
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
[class=background] width:600px; height:360px; margin:auto; margin:center; background:url('http://www.goldcoastsnakecatcher.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/086.jpg'); background-size:100%; [/class] [class=textbox] width:300px; height:300px; padding:5px; overflow:hidden; overflow:auto; font:Karla; font-size:12px; background:white; border:1px solid #dddddd; opacity:0.8; margin-left:-50px; [/class] [class=minibox] width:70px; height:40px; padding:10px; font:Karla; font-size:11px; text-align:right; background:white; border:1px solid #dddddd; opacity:0.5; margin-left:510px; margin-top:-60px; [/class] [class=credits] max-width:600px; margin:auto; font: Heebo; font-size: 10px; opacity:0.3; [/class]

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[div class=textbox]"Just an observation from my corner of the woods. The hunters there usually have male wolves and hawks," Atyx commented. He shuddered at the thought of hawks. Birds loved to bully him for some reason and always dived at him or screeched or tried to eat him. Alcyone always managed to keep him safe. Speaking of Alcyone, she finally came back from the leatherworker's without the sack of leather, and a pouch heavy with coins.

"There you are, Atyx!" Alcyone laughed as she found him slithering up the counter as Nina advised. "I thought since Seldric was outside you might be here." She was delighted to see the wolf. "Oh, hello! Are you a familiar too?" She asked.

[div class=minibox]NAME? LOCATION? MENTIONS?

[/div][div class=credits]credits RI.a RI.a [/div]
"Her Ally is my apprentice. He isn't the kind to place himself in the public eye. I'd like it back as soon as you can repair it" Minerva said as she pulled out a bag of coin. Placing it on the counter, Archimedes landed on her extended arm. "I happen to be her Familiar, Young Man" Said the Wise Old Owl with a displeased expression. Now that her repair work was underway, Minerva clicked her neck and found one of the King's Chancellors waiting for her with an entourage of knights. "Lady Minerva Aegis, Sage of the Forest. I am Chancellor Hewick. His Majesty sent me ahead to find you... will the dragon be coming?" He asked as he looked at Minerva and Schwartz. "She doesn't go anywhere unless she wants to" Said a shrugging Minerva. Schwartz shook her head and laid down to rest. "I'm not going anywhere without Inigo. My Ally takes priority over your meetings with royalty" Replied Schwartz to a shocked Hewick who immediately drew his rapier.

Rushing at Schwartz, Hewick let his anger dominate him. "This looks bad" Said Inigo as it seemed he returned from his shopping. Scrawling a symbol in the air with his finger, Inigo cast a low level Sleep Rune on the armed men from the shadows. Raising his blade, Hewick finds it fly from his hand for no apparent reason. Now comatose but uninjured, they couldn't help Hewick. "Apologize to the Familiar, Chancellor" Said Minerva in a very calm voice. "My humblest apologies O Dragon" Said Hewick as he slowly backed away. Walking over with a sack of supplies, Inigo was chastised by Schwartz. "Next time, tell me when you leave" She chided as Minerva inspected the guards. "Sleeping on the job! This King needs better men" Minerva smiled at the others. They saw some weird things happen, though nothing that implicated her or her apprentice. She knew this was Inigo's doing. He preferred using runic magic to create chain reactions to make things happen in his favor. Seeing him put men to sleep and disarm someone was a treat.
"I don't know. What do you want to play? We've got the grounds to ourselves, so we could do anything we want." Sukya looked up at Maria from the ground. Maria had no clue what she wanted to do. It was true she could do anything she wanted, as the viscount was not supervising her today, but that made it more difficult for her to make a decision. She could play Hide and Seek with Sukya any day of the year. Today, the viscount wasn't here and being without the watchful eye of her father broadened the range of things she could do significantly. She rummaged through her mind, thinking of things she wouldn't normally be able to do and it took a few moments before something finally clicked.
"We could head into the marketplace!"
Sukya cocked her head. "What? Why would we do that?"
"Well... think about it. Neither of us really enjoy the company of other nobles my age and their stuck-up familiars. There's a possibility that we could meet some new people! Maybe even find a friend."
Sukya paused for a minute, thinking through the possibilities, before finally agreeing.
"Alright. Which way are we going?"
"Well, I was thinking we could walk through the forest. You know, there's that smaller path leading to the center of the town which my father always uses. From there, I think we only have to go through a few side streets." Maria felt a building excitement at the prospect of this adventure. It was something new, something exciting, something that was perhaps a little dangerous. For one day, she could pretend that she wasn't studying all those stupid books.
Sukya nodded. "Let's go then."
The two of them headed in the direction of town, thinking that they were ready for anything the world could throw at them.
Leonard & Nina
Upon seeing another person make their way over to the blacksmith stall that her ally ran. to her surprise it seemed that this young woman was Atyx's ally. When Alcyone asked if Nina herself was a familiar, the wolf gave a slow nod. "I am," she replied with a calm, cool demeanor, "My ally is the blacksmith located behind the counter." Though once the question had been answered, it seemed that the King's chancellor had arrived to request an audience with Minerva and Schwartz's ally. When the chancellor grew angry both familiar and human were stunned to see the man rush the dragon, weapon in hand. However, before the two could do anything, the chancellor seemed to instantly grow tired. Even dropped his weapon before apologizing.
Well, that was, strange.."
Leonard looked rather perplexed over what had just happened. After a bit of silence on his behalf, the young man managed to shake his thoughts back into reality. When the scythe came back to mind he fumbled a bit with his words, "Oh, ah, yeah. As for your scythe, it would take me a few days to get it fully repaired." His familiar though couldn't help but to chuckle at Leo's attempt to get back on track.
Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
[class=background] width:600px; height:360px; margin:auto; margin:center; background:url('http://www.goldcoastsnakecatcher.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/086.jpg'); background-size:100%; [/class] [class=textbox] width:300px; height:300px; padding:5px; overflow:hidden; overflow:auto; font:Karla; font-size:12px; background:white; border:1px solid #dddddd; opacity:0.8; margin-left:-50px; [/class] [class=minibox] width:70px; height:40px; padding:10px; font:Karla; font-size:11px; text-align:right; background:white; border:1px solid #dddddd; opacity:0.5; margin-left:510px; margin-top:-60px; [/class] [class=credits] max-width:600px; margin:auto; font: Heebo; font-size: 10px; opacity:0.3; [/class]

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[div class=textbox]Alcyone grinned at Leonard, wanting to shake his hand though he seemed busy at the moment. "What's his name?" Alcyone asked. It was wonderful to see so many familiars, she had attention was also caught by the dragon in the room. How wonderful! It suddenly reminded her of why she was in such a rush here, forgetting the Awakening for a moment. "Oh! Hey, you guys want to come see the Awakening today?" She asked.

[div class=minibox]NAME? LOCATION? MENTIONS?

[/div][div class=credits]credits RI.a RI.a [/div]
Leonard & Nina
"His name!?" Nina was in complete and utter shock at being called a male yet again today. As she looked up at Alcyone you could almost see a vein pop up on the side her head. "Young lady," the wolf tried to appear friendly, but there was a subtle snarl in her tone, "I'll have you know that my name is Nina, and that I am a Female." Hearing his familiar become agitated over another case of mistaken identity, he quickly set the scythe down on the counter. Moving through the open gap he knelt beside Nina and pet her gingerly. "Easy girl, it was just an accident," he cooed before looking up toward Atyx's ally, "I apologize for her behavior. She hates it when others think of her as an alpha male instead of the alpha female. Oh! I'm Leonard by the way." Nina scoofed the human girl, turning her nose up and away from her in a from of disgust. Leo on the other hand sighed as he tried to comfort his familiar. He would have to give her a second rabbit in order to lift her mood after Alcyone's mistake.
Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr

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