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Fantasy Familiars: CS



Legendary Golden Support
Familiars: Character Sheets
Some guidelines before making a characters though.
  1. Don't make anyone OP
  2. Please don't make an overload of rare/mythical familiars! They're rare for a reason and there's nothing wrong with a common familiar.
  3. Almost any animal goes. Only fishes are not allowed to be familiars due to the impracticality of running around with a bowl of water to carry a fish. All mammals, avians, amphibians, reptiles, and crustaceans are free game as long as they can live out of water without issue.
  4. You will have to play an Ally (human) and a Familiar. You can start out without a familiar if you're going to RP where you get one, but you have to fill in the familiar form as well regardless.
  5. All familiars are sentient and can speak English.
  6. Feel free to play nobility or otherwise!
Ally Form
Sexual Orientation:

Social Status: (Nobility/Commoner)
Title: (For Nobility only)



Familiar Form
Familiar Name:
Familiar Species:


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Ally Form
Name: Alcyone "Al" Stolz
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Social Status: Commoner
Title: -
Occupation: Hunter

Alcyone enjoys her freedom. As the only child of her family, she was assigned to do all the work most boys would do over girls. This has given her a lot of freedom whenever she hunts and her parents trust her enough to go out on her own. She is much like a wild horse, untameable and hates to be tied down to anything but her bow and her faithful familiar. She was at first doubtful of her familiar, but has grown very close to him. Alcyone is also very social and loves to have friends, though she seems to click with familiars more than other people. She now also advocates for proper care of smaller Familiars, who are usually cast aside by disappointed Allies.


Familiar Form
Familiar Name: Atyx
Familiar Species: Common Tree Snake


Gender: Male

Atyx's one purpose in life is to serve his Ally, and by the name of all the Gods in existence will he do it. Small as he is and rather harmless, Atyx packs a punch when he's on guard for Alcyone. He is very determined to do as his Ally wishes, even if sometimes he disagrees, but is a little too soft-spoken to argue unless he knows the decision Alcyone makes will put her in danger. He is also a little clingy to Alcyone and overly protective, which Alcyone tries not to admit that it is a teensy bit irritating, knowing that Atyx has the best intention in him.

Atyx doesn't care much for normal animals, especially those of his breed. Snakes are rather disgusting and lack manners with the way they wolf down food whole and hack up the remains later. Atyx tries to be as mature and classy as he can manage and hates talking to other snakes who don't understand him anyway.

Others: -
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Ally Form
Name: Inigo Kozuki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Inigo Kozuki.png

Social Status: Commoner
Title: (For Nobility only)
Occupation: Magical Researcher

Owing to his profession, Inigo is curious. He wants to know why certain things are as they are. In his mind, the matter of Ally and Familiar is not a shut case. Each day he learns something new about the bond between both parties. If something catches his interest, he latches on to it for hours on end. He likes figuring things out, he likes knowing how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Though deep down, inside his heart of hearts is a rage comparable to a dragons. He despises people who believe themselves more powerful than they really are. Those who slight him are never forgotten. Inigo also doesn't take kindly to people who think that the bond between Ally and Familiar has been fully examined, to him they should stop breathing.

.Inigo carries the sword of an Ally he killed. The Ally and his Red Dragon Familiar tried to eat Schwartz. Apparently he wanted to become the only person with a dragon. Though Inigo's dragon was young, she was also quick. Leaping onto the beasts neck, she bit into it. In the confusion as the Ally tried to kill Schwartz, Inigo stabbed him from behind. With her Ally dead, the Red Dragon flew into a rage. Attempting to kill Inigo, its eye was taken by Schwartz. Thrusting the sword from her Ally into the bite wound from his Familiar, the dragon died. Feeding pieces of the beast to his Familiar, Inigo burnt the rest.

Familiar Form
Familiar Name: Schwartz
Familiar Species: Black Western Dragon
Gender: Female

Personality: Schwartz is very caring and gentle. She is not prideful or arrogant like many other dragons. Her nature as a hotheaded beast was overcome with Inigo's careful and kindhearted nurturing. She shares her Ally's curiosity and always likes to discover new things. While she is younger, Schwartz has developed a somewhat maternal instinct in regards to her Ally. Waking him up, bringing him game to eat and even keeping him warm are among the duties she's taken upon herself to fulfill. Though she isn't a pushover, Schwartz IS a dragon. If pushed enough, she'll kill anything that threatens her or her loved ones. Without mercy she will tear her victims limb from limb. Overall, Schwartz is a loving individual who is always willing to listen and give advice to those she cares for.

.Schwartz's favorite thing is her saddle. It means that Inigo will take to the air with her.
.While many Familiars can speak the human tongue. Schwartz is capable of speaking a FEW human languages
.Schwartz CAN fight... she just prefers not to
.Schwartz wants Inigo to go find himself a girlfriend so she can watch over his children
.Schwartz is a good listener
.Schwartz doesn't like it if you mistake her for a male
.Schwartz prefers cooked meat
Ally Form
Name: Henrietta (“Hen”) Bishop
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Image: Henrietta 5.jpeg
Social Status: Nobility
Title: Lady of Mosshaven, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Mosshaven
Occupation: Student

Personality: Flamboyant and conceited, Henrietta is well aware of her distinguished upbringing and does nothing to hide it. She hates being told "no", and will not let anything stand in the way of her goals. Despite her entitled attitude and somewhat short temper, she is fiercely loyal to her family and cares deeply about upholding their honor. Her two elder brothers serve as her greatest role models, although she often fears being able to meet the high expectations they have set for her. In the year she has gotten to know her familiar Achilles, she has developed a parental role, fussing over his every need and cleaning up after the messes he frequently leaves around the manor.


-Her eldest sibling, Rudolph, is a decorated lieutenant who is currently stationed in a remote military base. The second eldest, Cyril, roams the high seas establishing new routes of foreign trade in order to increase the family fortune.

-From a young age, Henrietta has been rigorously educated in various disciplines ranging from literature and philosophy, to etiquette and the arts. Her favorite athletic pursuit is fencing.

-Henrietta is fond of stylish clothes; even her fencing gear was tailored to keep up with the latest fashions in Mosshaven.

Familiar Form
Familiar Name: Achilles
Familiar Species: Calico Tabby Cat
Gender: Male
Image: Achilles.jpg

Personality: Achilles has been pampered as a member of the noble family since the moment he left his egg, and has grown quite large and haughty as a result. He spends most of his afternoons strolling about the manor, entertaining himself by stealing food from the kitchens, using furniture as scratching boards, climbing trees in the garden and refusing to come down, and generally being a huge pain for the servants to deal with. When he's allowed to accompany Henrietta outside her lessons, however, his demeanor usually becomes much more affectionate and cooperative. Like his ally, Achilles does not enjoy others telling him how to behave, and even Henrietta's warnings are sometimes not enough to prevent him from doing as he pleases when she's not around.

- His favorite food is caviar, although his consumption has been limited as a reward for good behavior. (He usually nabs some from the pantry, regardless.)

- Ever since Henrietta read him a storybook with an illustration of a tiger inside it, Achilles likes to fantasize that he descends from a great line of jungle beasts, despite the fact that he lives nowhere near a rainforest and that familiars cannot have ancestors.

- Henrietta named him "Achilles" due to his special weak spot on his underbelly, which causes him to flop down into a purring heap on the floor whenever it's tickled.
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Name Saga Lass
Age: ~18
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Social Status: Commoner
Occupation: Wilderness Guide and Convoy Guard: Saga and her familiar, Gunnlaug are both highly experienced at navigating the dangerous wilderness and sell their skills to traders and travellers looking to pass safely through wild terrain such as Bjorn's Pass or Dragonback Ridge. Although their both relatively young to be claiming expertise in their business, they've already begun to develope a positive reputation among the local traders and are looking to expand their clientele to those in the bigger cities.


Saga Lass, a girl better known when she was just called girl, was born and raised in the wilderness of the north. Her adoptive father taught her the skills she needed to survive in the mountains, as well as trained her to be the fierce fighter she is today; abilities that once earned her a fierce reputation on the battlefield. Today, they guide her in her chosen profession to aid travellers through the mountain routes of Bjorn's Pass and she rarely experiences any sort of longing for bloodshed. She knows the same cannot be said for Gunnlaug, who greatly desires to return to the fight, but she hopes that feeling will fade with time.

On her own, Saga is an independent and adaptable individual with the ability to keep calm even (perhaps especially when threatened with violence. She's yet to grow fond of the city; having a low tolerance for the claustrophobic press of too many bodies crammed between the closely packed buildings, but she knows it can't be avoided if she wants to expand her clientele. She is knowledgable about weapons, native plants and fauna, and has experience with battle tactics, though not as much innate skill in forming plans as her familar. Her relationship with Gunnlaug is very close, with the pair having spent more time together than apart, and dedicating much of it to working together in order manage their business and as partners on the battlefield. She trusts in his plans and can be relied upon to always defend his back, both literally and figuratively.

- Saga plays the panpipes
- She's been trained to fight with a sword and shield, but prefers to use pole-arm type weapons
- Saga often fights from from Gunnlaug's back.

Familiar Form
Familiar Name: Gunnlaug

Familiar Species: Polar Bear

Gender: Male

Personality: Gunnlaug is a massive armored bear that is sometimes reffered to as Panserbjørn by the people in the north, where he has earned a reputation amongst the mountain clans as a fearless warrior. He is a very intelligent person who listens more than he speaks; making the most of his words when he chooses to share them. As a warrior, Gunnlaug possesses a keen mind for strategy and is very good at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of his fellows, with good instincts when it comes to assessing character. Like most familiars should be, Gunnlaug has always been protective of his human Ally, but experience has also taught him to trust in Saga's ability to handle herself in most situations. It's rare for him to intervene unless she asks or is in immediate danger. He enjoys it most when they fight together, but even though Gunnlaug shares the same wanderlust as his Ally, he still finds himself reminiscing of their past victories and longs to return to the battlefield.


- Gunnlaug is a very good singer.
- He does not always wear his armor, usually donning it only for travelling and/or when they might expect to fight.
- He enjoys cold weather and swimming
- Gunnlaug has met quite a few of his own kind and speaks the bear language well for a familiar. He enjoys the company of polar bears, but few other bear species are as willing to interact with him, either due fear of his large size or territorial aggression.


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Ally Form
Name: Kai Takeshi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Social Status: Commoner

Occupation: Traveler

A very calm person who generally takes many things lightly. He rather not get involved with other peoples problems, he can be very selfish at times when he doesn't want to be bothered. Sometimes can be very self centered and self absorbed as Kai only thinks for himself most of the time. If you where to come to him and say hi he'd look at you to see if you're worth talking to. He genuinely hates drama and can not stand it at the upmost, but enjoys to fight. Showing stronger people his power enlightens him which makes him a very competitive person, and hardly ever ask for help. The more you get to know Kai the more comfortable he gets with you, he shows this goofy and completely different side of himself instead of being shallow.

Loves to Fight
Loves eating
Loves training
Favorite type of food is sea food

Familiar Form

Familiar Name:
Faiabādo (Firebird, firebird, female phoenix bird)
Familiar Species:
Scarlet is usually friendly, kind, and polite towards others and her family. She gets along well with others and tries to help them whenever she can. She can be stubborn and quick tempered when pushed, such as when others upset her or she's embarrassed, she can lash out to others (Meaning mostly Kai).
Others: Loves Seafood
Ally Form
Name: Maria Kane
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Social Status: Nobility

Title: Lady

Occupation: Up and coming viscountess (Promised the role when she becomes 16)

Maria seems airy and most people would describe her as 'not there'. However, this is just down to her inability to socialize very well. Most of her personality is expressed through her actions and beneath her quiet and distracted personality lies a very strong-willed and intelligent woman. Although she is part of nobility, she feels powerless to stop the increasingly concerning acts of 'familiar lending' and feels that the very act of it is immoral. She has a strong belief in human and familiar rights but due to her low nobility role she feels unable to take any action and often is prevented from speaking out or painted over by someone of higher nobility.

- Her father finds manners and politeness highly important and so when going to important events, she will always attempt to be on her best behaviour.
- She spends a lot of time in the forest surrounding her family's small mansion.
- She despises the culture surrounding rich kids, and as a result doesn't have many friends due to the elitism of nobles.

Familiar Form

Familiar Name: Sukya

Familiar Species: Arctic Fox

Gender: Female

Personality: Sukya seems to imitate Maria's quiet nature and although she has a bite when needed, it is very rare that she will talk to anyone outside of Maria or Maria's family. Her small size and silent nature often leave people believing that her and her ally are weak, but she does not care. She is just grateful for her fortune with her companion and the love she is given regularly.

- Has a great fear of being disowned or abandoned
Ally Form~

Name: Rosaria Blackwood
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Social Status: Commoner
Title: N/A
Occupation: Seamstress

Personality: Being the younger of two, Rosaria has a tendency to wanting to keep to herself more often than being around others. Though she has always been a bit concerned about the color of her hair and eyes. They're not all too common amongst most people, so she stands out as an oddity. How many red heads have been noticed before? So this seamstress throws herself into her work on a daily. However, when Rosaria is not busy creating different articles of clothing she can be found in the market gathering fabrics, or in the nearby woods. Being away from any large group of people is always pleasant in her opinion.
When it comes to Polaris however, that's an entirely different story. Rosaria confines in him about everything due to the leopard being her closest and dearest friend. Though as people have started selling their familiar's services, the young woman has gotten her fair share of people wanting to use Polaris for hunting purposes. But she finds the whole thing cruel and always refuses to sell her friend to another. If you don't listen to her when she's nice about it though, she can get rather fierce.

  • Polaris is her best friend and will never give his services to another
  • She enjoys making and fixing clothing
  • Whenever she leaves her shop Rosaria always wears a hooded cloak as to not draw attention to herself
  • She absolutely hates being the center of attention

Familiar Form~


Familiar Name: Polaris
Familiar Species: Amur Leopard
Gender: Male

Personality: Polaris is a kind-hearted familiar that enjoys the company of his Ally. With how shy Rosaria is he makes it his duty to protect her and make sure that she isn't feeling overwhelmed by people. So if they're in a large crowd and someone approaches them the familiar makes sure the interaction is brief. Unless his Ally feels confident enough to speak to whomever the person may be. But if anyone were to threaten Rosaria and cause her harm, all gentleness fades. Leaving a raging beast in his place.

  • Polaris enjoys a good climb and swim every now and then
  • Winter is his favorite season
  • He loves deer meat


Ally Form

Name: Leonard "Leo" Ainsworth
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Image: am-lias-falken.jpg

Social Status: Commoner
Title: N/A
Occupation: Blacksmith

Personality: Leo is social young man who enjoys getting to know others either while he works, or if he's just out taking a stroll. He does his upmost when it comes to trying to get along with others. Even willing to go out of his way for some. But if he feels especially close to a person then he becomes extremely loyal and protective of them. Can even talk their ear off if you let him. If you're Leonard's friend, well you can guarantee that you'll have a friend that will be there with you until the bitter end. If your lucky, he might even give you a weapon for a cheaper price. But that's if he likes you enough.
All his time is spent with Nina at his side no matter if he's eating, sleeping, or working. This can be due to the close bond he has with her and doesn't like being separated from her for too long. Therefore it'd be pointless to ask the young man if he'd be willing to sell his familiar's services.

  • He enjoys making friends within the kingdom
  • If there isn't a smile on his face you should either ask what's wrong or run
  • Only on occasions has he made armor pieces for himself, but he'll wear them until the rust
  • Give Leo apple and he'll consider you his best friend until you cross him

Familiar Form

Familiar Name: Nina
Familiar Species: Gray Wolf
Gender: Female

Personality: This wolf is motherly and cares deeply for her Ally. Making sure that Leo is in tip top health along with eating everyday is part of her main priorities. Nina can be rather sarcastic, but means it all in good humor. Never to be rude or impolite. She can understand a bit of wolf tongue, though it's not a lot. Calling for aid, asking for another's reason for being nearby, and wanting to know how far away something might be is about the best she can do.

  • Basically Leo's second mother
  • Giving her a rabbit will make her one happy wolf
  • Though she likes play fighting, Nina keeps it a secret from others as to keep a maturity about herself
(Replacing Ryder for now)

Malakai [Blackstorm]
IMG_4815.JPGName: Malakai [Blackstorm]
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Social Status: Carries Noble Blood
Occupation: Construction


A construction worker for the house of Hawtreys, Malakai is a clever lad with a talent for storytelling that bespeaks of a powerful imagination and an adventurous heart. He's lived his entire life on the Lost Isles, longing to take to the sea and travel to wherever the wind takes him— but fortune has yet to favour him with a means of travel and so he spends his years in search of a vessel willing to take him on. He's a hard worker, but few captains are willing to waste time training a new pair of hands and even less are willing to bet he'll stay on for long with no familiar. It's past time for Malakai to have summoned his spirit companion, but no egg has ever called to him and he fears he'll be the first in history with a soul too weak to summon his partner.

On his own, Malakai is a resourceful person with the ability to think up solutions on his feet. He's naturally curious and driven to test his theories, which doubles to allow him a pleasent distraction from his job and worries. He's also fairly artistic and keeps a small journal full of sketches of machinery, maps, and notes to remind him of what to investigate later. When it comes to friends and family he's always been considered a bit aloof, but that's mostly due to his constant attempts to leave the isles rather than any intentional desire to distance himself. As a friend he is loyal and supportive of others dreams, having chased his own desires without much luck so far. Even when he tries telling himself he doesn't care what happens to other people, his door is always open; even to strangers. He's got nothing worth stealing and knows what it's like to be stuck sleeping out in the cold.


- Possesses pointed ears, one of the mutations that occur with Lost Islanders who've lived there for long enough.
- One of his cousins, Blackhart is captian of the Harbinger alongside his dragon familiar, Stormbringer. Its one of five ships that champion the Lost Isles.

Lost Isles

Lost Isles, is a series of small rocky outcropping that were colonized a few decades ago by a group of castaways washed onto its shores.

A few decades later and what was once a barren grouping of sea stacks is now a bustling city of trade. Ships dock; bringing traders from all over, goods from all sources, and people from all places.

With so little space available, structures are built along the sides of the stacks as well as the tops and bottoms. Fitting houses and places of business anywhere and everywhere is a thing of pride among the Lost Isles' people, with many competing to form the most elaborate and impossible feats of construction. It's a game for the rich and the daring for sure, but an opportunity for creative minds to showcase their talents on the wall.

Most of the trade produced by the inhabitants of Lost Isles revolves around fish, pearls, and services for repairing ships or providing a crew to man them. There are few rules as to what kind of business is allowed so mercenaries, pirates, and criminals on the run can all be found in equal measure to the common folk.


Other: It's not uncommon for rumours of the Lost Isles to tell of a viscous land populated by monsters. The Inhabitants of the Lost Isles are indeed human, but those lineages who've born into the isles for many generations have been known to possess strange features. Mutations such as pointed ears, sharp teeth, patches of scale, or barbels occur quite frequently among the populace and are an accepted part of life.


Familiar Name: Lazarus
Familiar Species: ??? Leviathan
Gender: ???


- Hatches roughly the size of a small garter snake from an egg the size of a chicken's.
- Lazarus is very weather resistant, but prefers cold to excessive heat and wet to dry. He also prefers salt water, but any water is better than nothing.
- Teeth are replaced like a shark and there are many rows; going all the way down his throat.
- Can digest nearly anything so long as it can be swallowed.
- Color and texture of skin/scales prone to changing.

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