False Heroes


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Percimus submitted a new role play:

False Heroes - what if one in every ten people had an inhuman power?

One in every ten people has an extraordinary gift. Well, perhaps not in all cases--mundane abilities like invincible immune systems or cold resistance fill out much of this demographic, but more intriguing powers like various element manipulation or other more influential powers exist as well. This group, largely divided from their ordinary human counterparts, is known as the Enlightened, a term left over from a cultish worship movement that has stuck around in the mainstream even after said...
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".... And a hundred for your work."

Kasemir paused. Check pockets, flip open book, find page .... sixty? Somewhere around there. In neat black lettering was an abbreviated job description, and right next to it, clearly marked, the number '150'. Frowning lightly, the man looked back up.

"We agreed one-fifty."

The woman he was conversing with hesitated, face twisting into a scowl. "One twenty five."

"One fifty."

"One twenty five or nothing." She tensed, hands balling into fists, and Kasemir got the idea.

".... Fine. One twenty five."

Once money had changed hands Kasemir had his book and payment tucked away in his pockets and was out the door in an instant, steps quick and rushed. The last thing he needed was an empty wallet and a black eye. He was enough of a mess already, trotting briskly down the cluttered street, too caught up in his muddled thoughts to watch where he was going.
Click, click, click...

Farra briskly walked down the street, her tight black bodysuit shining and her heels clicking.

Click, click, click...

Up ahead, she spotted her target, entering a shabby apartment building with dingy windows that CERTAINLY needed replacing.

"Gotcha," she muttered under her breath. Speeding up, she began to approach the apartment complex. Nobody really turned to stare at her long

blue hair, or her glimmering violet eyes, and not even her ruthless expression. No, in this part of Janus, everyone was a little shady. Scowling, she began to jog gracefully, when a man crashed into her. Stumbling, she fell onto her left knee. "Oi, idiot!" Farra yelled, malice in her voice. "I'm kind of trying to DO something here, so watch where you're GOING NEXT TIME!"
Too wrapped up in his own thoughts to even realize what he was doing, Kasemir flinched in shock when he smacked into a stranger, stumbling back to land gracelessly on his backside. Shaking off the haze of thoughts that had had him so distracted, he looked up sharply at the woman's tone, cringing a bit. "I-I'm sorry, I--I didn't see you I'm so sorry--" Ugh, how stupid of him, he was way too shy for this .... Automatically he reached for his little book to see if he could put a name to the face he was looking at, but when his hand delved into an empty pocket he paled. Where had it--Ah, there it was. The worn little book had fallen from his pocket and landed near the woman's feet; hesitantly Kasemir moved to pick it up, but fell back, eyeing her nervously.
Rose was leaning against a wall when she finally came to. She looked at her phone to see what time it was. It was 3:30 which meant she had only been there for an hour. She hated this drawback to her power, but there were too many people who needed her "kiss", and her song was the only way to get them. She heard a woman yelling at someone across the street. She looked over to see a man on the ground looking up at a very cross woman. She smirked a bit as a quote ran through her mind. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Farra smirked. "Is this yours?" she said in a falsely sweet tone. Eyes glinting with revenge and malice, she kicked the small book, causing pages to flutter everywhere. "There you go! Now, I'd better be off... I have stuff to do." Laughing coldly, she walked away. For Farra, this was REAL fun. Maybe she should have a bit more before she goes and completes the job...

A cruel grin spread on her pale, pretty face. Concentrating, she imagined the man trying to get his book, only to have it constantly be repelled from his reach. Instantly, the worn journal began to dance around in the air, taunting the man. Farra opened her mouth to laugh but nothing came out. Ah, there it was. The price for power. Shrugging, she went back on her way to the apartment complex.
Xavier walked across a small area that somehow counted as a yard or something for his apartment complex and flinched slightly when he heard yelling. 'Doesnt anyone have a sense of how late it is?' he thought to himself, pulling an apsprin out and popping the pill, chocking on the small brick of chemicals. He had a headache, but it wasn't as bad as some which was good for him. As he rounded a corner, Xavier closed his eyes and took a deep breath to try and relax before he got home, only to feel something bump into his face. Instantly his eyes snapped open, surprised when the thing that hit him was nothing other than a floating book as it zipped around in the air. 'What the?' He looked around and saw the woman that had been yelling silently laughing and he scowled, ducking as the notebook almost hit him again and sending a message to the woman, saying, "Could you please stop screwing around?" He didn't want to come off as too hostile, just in case she would turn and throw him around in the air or something.
Pages scattered about were one thing, but tossing the book about like that was just cruel. Lacking the will to make any more of a fool of himself, he gave up chasing it after a few wayward tries; Kasemir cringed, however, when it struck yet another stranger. Ducking to pick up the pages that had reached the ground, he shuffled them together without regard (sorting them out again could wait) and looked up, eyes flicking from the woman walking away from him to the new stranger being accosted by his book. "That's, um--oh my god, I'm sorry--" He could only fumble with his words at this point, embarrassment tightening his throat.

Today just was not his day.
'Could you please stop screwing around?'

A soft voice rang through Farra's mind, making her close her mouth and straighten up, looking around for the sender. She quickly spotted a white haired boy, who looked as if he just wanted to fall asleep. Scowling, she sent a message back; 'Well, you look a little...ordinary, don't you, boy? So... telepathic? Psychic? Oh, don't give me that look, I know an Enlightened when I see one.' Dropping her concentration on the book, it stopped whirling around and it dropped onto the head of the guy she bumped into.
Xavier scowled at the woman and shook his head as if that would rid her voice from his mind. It didn't, so instead he ignored her and flinched slightly when the book was dropped on the man's head. Quietly, he bent down and started picking up pages, glancing at a few to see what exactly they all were. Every page was covered in neat writing, and looked like a log of just about anything. 'Who carries around something like this?' he wondered silently, standing up and holding out the pages for the man to take. He threw a quick glance at the woman behind him to make sure she wasn't attacking, then pulled his hood up, nodding politely at the man before he started to walk to his apartment. Of course, that woman just had to be right in his path. He swallowed nervously before putting his head down and walking past her, tensing as he did so.
Watching the man, Farra silently began to follow him. Her voice was still rough, so she didn't speak to him. This man was not of any importance, so why was she following him, instead of working on the job? Shaking her head, she turned away from him and went to the front door of the lobby. Walking quickly, she went into the chrome elevator, and jabbed the 7 button. The doors shut, and the elevator quickly rose to level 7.
Rose watched the scene unfold before she headed across the street. She wanted to get home and curl up in her bed as soon as she could. She also wanted to give the cruel woman a little "kiss" to show her that she wasn't the only malevolent Enlightened around here.

Rose shook her head as soon as the thought hit her, though. She already poisoned one person tonight, and her lipstick was only good for one use. So instead, she picked up a stray page that drifted her way from the flying notebook and walked up to the poor guy to give it to him.

The doors glided open gracefully, and Farra flew out of them. Up ahead, a man with messy blonde hair and a baggy Abercrombie hoodie opened up his apartment. Smirking, she concentrated intensely, causing the man to halt suddenly. His eyes widened with fear, but when he opened his mouth to scream, nothing came out.

'HELP! LET ME OUT! I CAN'T CONTROL MY OWN BODY, HELP..' The man's voice rang through her mind.

A sudden, strong migraine hit Farra like a wave, but she mustn't stop now. She had a job to finish. Willing the man to walk inside of his home, she followed him into the apartment. "Alright, down to business," she said, her voice a weak rasp. Slowly, Farra placed her hands on his head and snapped his neck. "That was easy."
Kasemir accepted the book and pages with a mumbled 'thank you', tucking them a little haphazardly into the cover as the other man walked away. Sliding the book back into his pocket (more securely this time) he was about to turn away when yet another stranger approached him. Already frazzled, he turned to the new woman but paused when the page was presented to him. To think he'd almost missed one .... how troubling. Reaching out hesitantly to accept it, he flashed a nervous smile, the neatly written page crumpling a bit in his grasp. "Th-thank you ...."
Grabbing the man's dead body, she concentrated and unlatched the balcony door. Farra hauled him over to the balcony and began to rummage through her jumpsuit. Smiling, she pulled out a charcoal pencil, the kind that artists use, and drew an eye on his inner forearm. Putting away the pencil, she threw the body over the ledge, watching it soar through the air and land on the ground, parting the startled crowd below. A few people looked up, and she waved, an evil smile on her face. "Well, it looks like it's about time to go," she yelled down to the people; she had recovered her voice. "This has been the work of Farra Rei, Assassin for hire! I do Enlightened and ordinary jobs, so feel free to call!"
Rose flashed the man a quick smile and nodded. Not being the talkative type, she walked around him and headed down the street. Just a couple blocks and she could finally sleep. Besides, someone would notice the dead body she left before too long, and she didn't want to be there when the cops showed up. It wasn't easy to evade detection or suspicion when you were Enlightened, but there were just so many people who deserved to receive her deadly kiss.
Watching the woman go, Kasemir sighed a bit, trying to collect himself. Quite the string of encounters, really. As he turned to walk away, however, the sickening crunch of flesh on pavement had him jerking around yet again. A body on the street, and .... Oh god, that was her? Realizing he'd probably dodged quite the bullet back there, Kasemir couldn't help feeling a little dizzy. He really needed to get out of this part of town ....

Once he'd put some distance between himself and the spectacle his earlier antagonist had created, he pulled out his book, flipping around for a little longer than usual in the mess of pages before finding his job list again. Next up, shop delivery ....
Still smiling, Farra jumped down from balcony to balcony and disappeared into the alley way. Slowing down to a jog, her heels clicked softly as she approached a tall man with black hair and black eyes. "Hello, Johnathan, I assume you have the money here?" she said, stopping in front of him. "Ah, yes, 'ere it is, 'Arra. The entire 'Orty-thousand," the tall man said in heavily accented English. Farra grabbed the bag and counted the money inside. "Just enough...well, it was good working with you, Johnny boy, but I think I'm done..." she murmured, and just as quickly as she grabbed the money bag, she gripped his head and snapped his neck. "I won't see you around," she laughed.
Rose heard the commotion as she walked away, glad that *her* foul deed would go unnoticed for a while longer, thanks to Miss Farra Rei, assassin for hire's little announcement. Rose knew she should probably lie low for a while, if for nothing else than to avoid Miss Rei's cross-hairs. If the woman were that confident, she was most likely very dangerous. Rose smiled inwardly, though. At least her reason for killing was better justified than money. That thought gave her a bit of a superiority complex.
Xavier looked out his apartment window when he heard the sick sound of bones cracking and the same woman yelling. 'What's her problem anyway? She could've left a note or something instead of waking everyone up,' he thought to himself, moving about his small living space and getting dressed. Usually he'd get to catch an hour or so of sleep, but he didn't have time and couldn't afford to loose the job. Grabbing his bag -a grey canvas messenger bag- and sticking on a pair of converses, Xavier paused briefly in front of a mirror to scowl at the bags under his eyes before he rushed out of the building, locking the door behind him and making his way to the shop. On the street, he pulled out a pack of ciggerettes and lit one, inhaling the smoke and almost instantly relaxed. 'This is gonna be a long day,' he commented silently, praying the rest of his day would be crazy free.
Taking Johnathan's corpse, Farra swung herself up onto a fire escape and pulled it up with her. "If he said help me kill the president,

I'd say he needs medicine, sick of screaming let us in, the wires got the best of him..." she sang as she ascended higher with the money bag and the corpse. Finally, after about ten minutes, Farra reached the roof. Pulling out her charcoal pencil, she drew the eye on Johnathan's inner forearm and flung him off the roof. Glancing over the ledge, she smirked and began to jump from rooftop to rooftop, and blended into the darkness.
The next job was a tougher one, mostly involving backtracking through winding alleys that he apparently had been too rushed to record when he first came back here. Eventually giving up, Kasemir simply teleported, disappearing into thin air only to reappear in the shop in question--or so he'd thought, initially. As the thin purple smoke dispersed he realized he was a shop over and standing in the middle of a rather startled small group; embarrassed, he hurried outside and next door, where he was graced with an awfully sketchy bag and an even sketchier man, who instructed him on where to take it. Recording his destination, the vague directions, and the recipient's name, he set off, trotting down the street with the bag--a bit on the heavy side and suspiciously organic in shape, not that he intended to open it and find out what was inside--slung over his shoulder. Now, which of these shops was the one he was looking for .... ?
Rose locked the door behind her. Luckily, she had the day off, so she get a full eight hours of sleep. She undressed, leaving her clothes on the couch. She walked to the kitchen, reached into the fridge and took a few good gulps of milk. For some reason, milk always helped her fall asleep easily. Turning into a statue every so often took its toll and left her uncomfortably stiff for a few hours after she came to, which made it hard to sleep. She went to her bedroom and climbed under the covers without putting on her pajamas. It wasn't that cold yet, so she didn't mind. Shortly after her head touched the pillow, she drifted into a nice, deep sleep.
Swinging from roof to roof, Farra spots the man that she bumped into earlier below with a body bag. Him, a murderer? No. He's delivering it, probably. Sympathy hit her for a moment; she could remember the days when that was her job, too. Quickly, she shot him a message--

'Hello! It's Farra. I was the crazy lady from earlier. Look, I'm sorry about that. So...yeah. I thought I should apologize.' Frowning, she moved on until she reached a clean storage building on top of the weapons shop. Opening the door, she threw the money in and went in herself, slamming the door behind her. Inside was a cozy home, with a twin sized bed, a storage chest, and a tall wardrobe. Undressing, she pulled off the sticky bodysuit, unloaded all of her weapons and the pencil, and slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "How did I end up here?" she murmured before collapsing on her bend and falling asleep.
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Kasemir jumped sharply when words materialized in his head, dropping the bag with a thunk. Fumbling briefly, he picked it back up, looking around. It took a moment--teleporting earlier had left him admittedly a little hazy--but he soon put two and two together and realized just who had addressed him. Her powers extended further than he'd initially guessed .... "Uh .... apology accepted?" he tried, speaking out loud as he still tried to pinpoint Farra's location. "That's not really the first time that's happened anyway ...."
Xavier got to the shop, listening carefully as the owner gave him several unmarked packages and destinations for each one before heading out onto the streets again. He didn't need any directions, he'd been working in that area for so long, and was through about half the packages when he spotted the man with the book from earlier looking completely lost. Xavier watched him for a minute, finding it slightly amusing that the man was lost. Deciding he had nothing better to do for ten minutes, Xavier walked over to the man, sending him a message; "You know, this isn't the best neighborhood to be lost in." He smirked, looking at the shops along the street and raising an eyebrow at the man. "Need help?" he asked, blinking in surprise when he asked it but shrugging it off as sympathy for a lost delivery boy.

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