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Fandom Fallout RP OOC

Octo Girl Octo Girl Does Noble's combat rifle use .45, .38 or .308? If .45 could Wolfblaze7711 Wolfblaze7711 take those and give them to Hanah? It's not like you would use them without rifle ;) And Hanah has backpack where she carries stuff (most likely would be carrying your rifle, unless Nathan takes it.)

To Wolfblaze7711 Wolfblaze7711 : I think it would be helpful to Hanah if Nathan teach her to cleaning of guns and maybe later how to shoot.
I strongly suggest others to not post before there has been either conversation at top of hill that leads that Hanah comes down or HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest edits his post... It's out of character to Hanah recover that quickly from trauma she just get. She hasn't seen warzones live, i don't think in fallout universe they even showed lot of aftermatch to civilians by tv even less actual fights in war.
I am not supriced that Nathan isn't as much hit than Hanah is, as he has been in battles and Blake and Jane have seen their share of fights already i believe.
Octo Girl Octo Girl Does Noble's combat rifle use .45, .38 or .308? If .45 could Wolfblaze7711 Wolfblaze7711 take those and give them to Hanah? It's not like you would use them without rifle ;) And Hanah has backpack where she carries stuff (most likely would be carrying your rifle, unless Nathan takes it.)

To Wolfblaze7711 Wolfblaze7711 : I think it would be helpful to Hanah if Nathan teach her to cleaning of guns and maybe later how to shoot.
Uses .45, and sure
We shall see my fellow American
edit: I have not done an online rp like this so have mercy if I mess up.
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Well. Moving is kicking my butt. I'm tired but i'm gonna try to get out a short reply to move things forward with everyone who is waiting on me.
Just haven't been able to post. not sure what to post anyway
I did give suggestion in message about what you could post, just not wordings as you know better than me how your character sees whole conversations in Sanctuary and how she sees our BoS/Vault party.
I thought you guys were still in sanctuary still? like I thought Kieran walked into Sanctuary.

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