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Fandom Fallout New Vegas: Wild Card [Closed]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
It was another day in Freeside.

Or, Arcade wished it was another day in Freeside. Instead, it had been a whirlwind of a day when Courier Six came through like a whirlwind, apparently trying to scrounge together enough caps for herself and her companion, Boone, could get onto the Strip. Julia set her to work, and somehow, it had escalated into more King on NCR violence, before it settled into…peace.

It left Arcade Gannon in a state of both wonder, and hollowness.

All this time, all it took was one person to settle all the bad blood. What had he accomplished? That thought always came back to nag at him, and it did then as he was left tending to the wounds of Sergio from the conflict.

“Ya know, Doc,” Sergio said with a lazy drawl, “you’d look good with black hair.”

Arcade resisted the strong urge to roll his eyes, “Mm, I’m sure, but blondes have more fun,” he was not having any fun, sadly. He wasn’t sure the last time he’d had much fun, actually. Probably something he should fix, before all his research into cacti drove him insane. A night out would be good for him.

Probably not with Sergio.

He wasn’t sure if it was Sergio hitting on him, or if the barber was trying to make a quick cap. It may have also been the anesthetic Arcade had to use to numb some of the pain. “There. That’s the last stitch,” he said, “rest. You should be able to leave in the morning,” Arcade got to his feet.

“But Doc—”


He wasn’t known for his bedside manner, but with all the bodies from the gunfight, Julia had to put him on that duty. ‘Julia….’ He should talk with her. She’d help him get his mind right and away from the thoughts of grand heroics that were now dashing through his mind. He definitely couldn’t go to any of his old friends.

They tended to encourage heroics and dramatics.

Yet, as he stepped out of the tent to skim the Fort, he didn’t catch sight of Julia’s familiar mohawk anywhere. That meant she was either in a tent, or within the walls. He considered going through a few tents to look, but someone else had entered the Fort that he didn’t recognize, a man near his own height.

By the mask, he’d think they were a raider.

The stranger seemed lost enough in their body language to be one, too – but not hostile. Not immediately, anyways.

Beatrix had already risen to her feet at her post as Arcade opted to make his own approach. “Howdy,” Beatrix greeted in that gravelly voice, “you lookin’ for something?” Arcade came to stand near her, a bit awkwardly given he likely wasn’t needed.

Unless the stranger was wounded. His green eyes darted over the body for any signs of injury as he considered that, looking for fresh rather than dried blood – though he knew that wasn’t a sure sign, given the blood staining the sleeves of his white coat.


“Well howdy, pardner! Good to see ya again. Boss is waiting for ya upstairs, so get a move on!”

The too-familiar voice of Victor caused Jova’s lip to twitch. She turned and fixed her gaze on the irksome robot that had trailed her all the way here, only to be the operator to the doors of the Lucky 38, “Your boss can wait,” it barely struck her what she’d said, what she was even potentially losing in saying it, though it wasn’t lost on random whores dancing in front of Gomorrah or the others around.

No one had ever gone into the Lucky 38.

And certainly, no one would turn it down.

But Jova was too close to what she wanted now to be led away on one more gods damned helpful little task. She could afford to be selfish for once, couldn’t she?

In the momentary silence, regret nipped at her, “I don’t have the package,” she corrected, “I’ll be back,” she turned away to continue on towards the Tops.

Victor tried to caution her, but blessedly, didn’t follow, “The Boss would really prefer to talk to ya before, pardner! But it’s your call!”

As soon as they were down the street of the Strip, Boone let out a comment, “You know, the NCR would kill to be in your shoes. You could have had a face to face with Mr. House.”

“It’s not lost yet,” she didn’t think so, anyways, but doubt crept in. House would understand, right? Everyone on the Strip was bubbling with the gossip already, and odds were, Benny heard about her entry to Freeside.

It hadn’t been quiet. Putting an end to NCR and King violence couldn’t be quiet.

No other comments were made, and the pair slipped into the Tops, where men in suits attended to every need, as gamblers lost their caps at the tables, or spent it heading up to the shows the Tops could afford to put on.

The Black and White suit wasn’t front and center, though. Just a cream one, and a sleezy smile, “Hello, baby!” and then he tossed a wink to Boone, “And what a lucky lad you are, pal. Welcome to the Tops! What can I do for you?” He was still looking at Boone.

Jova answered, “I have a package to deliver to Benny, personally,” Jova flicked the lighter into sight, “Have you seen him?”

The man behind the counter stood up to look at what she had, and let out a low whistle, “Where did he drop that at? I can—” he reached for it, and Jova pulled it out of reach, shaking her head.

“We spent some time together, and I’d like to return it myself. Call me a silly romantic, but I think he meant to leave it behind,” Jova could hardly believe the words out of her mouth, but she knew she had to play it this way or she wasn’t going to get any good direction.

The stranger laughed, “I never know how Benny pulls angels like you, doll. I think I saw him near the roulette tables, but you can’t miss him. I will need to have you leave your weapons behind, though.”

Jova pulled a pout, but she knew it was coming. She took out her 10mm and machete, as Boone offered up his rifle, and his own machete. Somehow, they both succeeded in holding out additional weapons: her magum, and his 9mm – even if he thought it was a stupid gun, he understood it was better than nothing.

She left her desperado hat, as well. “You can check this, too, right?”

“Of course, baby!”

Jova had a spare red beret to signal Boone with if it became necessary, “I’ve got your six,” Boone said as they stepped into the casino, and parted ways. She knew she’d stay in Boone’s sights, but he wouldn’t be near enough for Benny to notice.

And Benny was indeed on the floor, as if he wasn’t concerned at all. As if he wasn’t listening to Radio New Vegas. And maybe he wasn’t! Either way, Jova did her best to try and approach from behind, keeping her demeanor friendly as she noticed there were plenty of Tops guards around.

If she could manage it, she intended to reach out and draw a finger across his back, from shoulder to shoulder, “Hello, Benny.”
It will be nice to get a vacation when he gets to find Six and make sure she's safe whatever she's at now, and also to confirm if the package has been delivered. Number Two is in Mojave with a gray vest on with a darker grey button up shirt beneath it knowing very well that the weather can be hot at times when he's travelling all over the place like this so he regrets it very much. He was tempted to just be shirtless around but he knew that will be awkward for anyone to see him like this so he wouldn't do it, yet. Maybe when he finally snapped he would.

He has been helping some people on the way to look for Six as well and they have given him directions where she is but either he will take a long path or get himself in trouble with Deathclaws which he doesn't mind because he loves those big monsters so much. Too bad he can't steal a Deathclaw egg and raise it to keep it as a pet...

He found himself in Freeside where courier Six has walked by already but she should be closer now. He walked around with the same hockey mask with his hands in his pocket, apparently she went through some place called Old Mormon Fort? The Followers? Whatever that is she went there for some reason, because of the package? Hopefully, he's lucky enough that she never left so he can end this once and for all. Sure he wanted to make sure she was safe out there and getting the package delivered but she is way too fast for him, especially with this hot weather. He rather have the pretty lady just stay where she is for one day so he can catch up with her.

Two stopped walking when some guy pointed a gun at him. ''Give me all of your bottlecaps!'' He yelled at him with his shaky hands pointing the gun at him.

Oh. Does this happen a lot in Freeside? Two didn't say a word and just stared. The other guy was going to say something until Two took out his spiked baseball bat and smacked the gun out of his hand. Why do they always think that because they have a gun pointed at him they're invincible?

The thief freezes up and looks at Two in fear as he notices the strength and thinks he is some raier with that hockey mask on. He immediately ran away realizing he was no match for Number Two in a fight.

Two places his spiked baseball bat in his back seeing the thief run away. Right. He continues to walk until he finds a familiar description of Old Mormon Fort someone gave him, that has to be the place.

Thinking it was some city he opened the door without knocking and was confused seeing tents. He noticed some were wearing lab coats walking around. Oh, this is some hospital with tents you can sleep in? He knew the ghoul spoke to him but he was looking around first in silence and saw no signs of Six. She's not here anymore... He dropped his shoulder a bit getting discouraged then he realized he shouldn't ignore the woman who asked him. ''...Yeah, I am looking for something. Well, someone.'' He said through his hockey mask on.

Number Two raises his hands a bit to describe Six height which is small to make it a 5'4 standing before him. ''She's like... this tall. She got red hair.'' He keeps describing her and touches a bit below his shoulder to describe her hair. He was trying not to give away too much information that they're both couriers. ''I think- no, her eyes are blue and she got freckles. She's a friend of mine, does she ring any bells...?'' He said looking at the ghoul and then to a blonde man with a lab coat on it, probably a doctor too.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Who's going to cash him out of this mess?

Benny hasn't let his guard down a single time this week. Trust him that he will go to sleep tonight with one eye open. Of course, he heard rumors circling about a specific broad gaining entrance to Freeside and he was surrounded by the guards at the Tops. It's not every day he hears that someone who got shot in the head rose from the grave somehow and that disturbed him because how and why? That courier shouldn't be alive. She should have been dead. The game is rigged from the start for her but she cheated death instead.

And now? Now she's probably looking for the package he stole from her and maybe getting revenge. It's impressive to see her so determined to stay alive despite having a bullet in her head. Pussycat should have stayed away the moment she was given a second chance to live, coming back to him wouldn't do any good other than getting herself killed again for the second time.

Some people don't want to listen. Oh, but baby will listen the second time if she ever comes across him again. While he had her in his thoughts, outside he seemed to be relaxed about the situation even though his men had mentioned what they heard on Radio New Vegas about the courier he shot in the head being alive. He'll always tell them; ''Don't tell me you goofballs believe everything Mr. New Vegas says? Stop bothering me with questions and get back to work, dig?'' So he didn't look like he was concerned too much so his chairmen were able to relax and get back to their routine in working around the Tops.

Benny took out his cigarette and put his hand in one of his pockets to look for his lighter only to realized not finding it that he lost the damn thing. Where the hell did he drop the lighter? Out of all times he could have lost it is now? Bullshit. He really needed to smoke...

Fine, he won't just smoke for tonight. Probably get another lighter tomorrow... He'll drink a bit and not get too drunk. He had one of the chairmen serve him whiskey and he took a sip of it as he walks around the casino taking a look at everybody looking at anyone who was suspicious but the fools were just gambling their life away.

Tomorrow should be the big day. He stole the Platinium Chip from that baby courier and that's enough to get Yes Man to take over Lucky 38 smoothly. It shouldn't be a problem, he got everything figured out and the broad better not get in the way of his plan since she haven't shown her face yet since she set foot in Freeside. He's going to be the one to rule over New Vegas and lead it to true independence.

Not even Mr. House can get his hands on the Platinium Chip, if he tries to get his securitrons after him he'll just point his pistol at it and he wins.

He's a winner, not a loser.

Everything was going according to his plan. The game that he hasn't even won fair and square but hey, cheaters are winners too.

The sounds of the guests gambling with the casino machines should have given him a headache but he's always around he has gotten used to the sounds. Benny raised both his eyebrows when a finger went through his shoulders and then heard that attractive voice, it made the man turn around and realize it was the courier he shot in the head back in Goodsprings. God damn it why is she in front of him right now? He knew that she will eventually show up but he didn't expect it to get caught right here. ''What in the goddamn?'' He asked himself still surprised to see her standing there full of life. It creeps him out the way she went up behind him like that being a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman who used to be a corpse dug in Goodsprings Cemetery.

He decided to lower his tone only a little bit to keep things easy around here. ''Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, like smooth little babies.'' Benny said hoping pussy cat doesn't jump on him suddenly, it will be dumb if she did it with his guards all around the Tops to protect him at all costs.
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Arcade listened to the stranger indicate who they were looking for, very familiar with the red-head who had been through there. He hesitated to answer, however. It was likely Jova had friends, but it was very obvious that Jova had enemies, and this stranger could be either one. Arcade shifted his weight a bit, debating how to answer.

Unfortunately, Beatrix answered first, “Jova? Yeah, she was—”

“—here,” Arcade stepped in quickly, and stepped forward, “she’s gone now,” he knew there was a chance Beatrix had already blown it and made it obvious she was just there, but Arcade hoped to salvage that in some vague words, “Why are you looking for her? She never mentioned anyone quite like you.”

Only the man in the suit – Benny.

Her obsession was as clear as her friend’s obsession with the Legion, and likely, just as deadly for Benny. There’d be news out of the Strip soon of his passing, no doubt. Whether or not Mr. New Vegas knew who put him down would be the question, but Arcade would know. Anyone who crossed paths with Courier Six would know.


Jova was aware it would be stupid to strike Benny here, that didn’t mean she couldn’t imagine wrapping her hand around his throat and taking the life out of him. “I’m smooth, Benny,” she cooed, staying in close, “Are you? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” for obvious reasons. He probably thought he was seeing a ghost.

Or wished he was.

At least his fear meant he understood what was going on, but if he wanted to play smooth, he needed to get his act in order. “Now the man up front thinks we’re lovers because I have your lighter,” how did he lose it in the first place? Well, he obviously had something more important to deal with – that package he stole. “So play along,” she suggested, lifting a finger to his put under his chin, “we have a lot of catching up to do before I decide what kind of smoking rod I’m lighting up between your lips.”

It probably wasn’t going to be a cigarette, but Benny could dream. Hope. Hope was the only way she was going to get information out of him, no doubt.
She was here. So she left. Guess that just means he was getting closer to getting her? Then he was asked why he was looking for her. Good thing he was wearing a hockey mask because he was starting to sweat drop a bit thinking about what kind of lie he came up on the spot so they don't get suspicious about him.

He agreed to not let any information about the job out to anyone. Certainly, the blonde guy was smart enough to look for any lies so he needed a miracle so they believe him and spill the beans about where she went. ''Yeah because she doesn't know I'm trying to look for her.'' A little true there. ''We're good friends. On my part, I like her very much but she doesn't know that you know? She went missing a few days ago and I'm scared.'' His brain was starting to work something on the lie.

He could almost hear his mind gearing up without it exploding for the first time. ''Apparently on my way here I heard she got shot in the head and then got revived back? Now she's trying to chase after someone? So yeah I'm scared... I need to know where she is, I need to talk to her.'' He said hoping his little story about him being in love with his friend and being concerned that she will get hurt further will work on the blonde.

If not? Ah... He didn't know and probably would explode on the spot and take everyone with him not gotta lie because he couldn't come up with another good lie after thinking that since his mind head empty half the time.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Benny watches the woman before him being all attractive. ''Oh baby I'm smooth and seeing a ghost alright. Maybe I should have expected the past to come back to haunt me huh?'' He said trying not to look worried because ain't no way he was going to give the Platinium Chip away after everything he worked for to get where he is now.

The man up front? Did he let her in? Damn it, he should have known his chairmen will fall over her sexy act. ''You got my lighter? Well isn't that sweet doll, I was looking all over it. I didn't think it was... In your hands pussy cat.'' He didn't know where he lost the lighter but it sure led her to get to the Tops. Perhaps he has missed a step in his plan but that didn't mean anything since he's still ahead of the game.

He let out a smile when said it like that. They do need to catch up. ''We do, I have tons of questions for you too.'' He wanted to smoke more than ever. ''How about this beautiful, let's meet up in the Presidential suite and you can give me my lighter back. You deserve to get a taste of VIP after rising from the dead like that baby. We got a whole future ahead of us.'' Benny needed to convince her somehow to forget about getting the Platinium Chip.

Benny showed her the Presidential suite key so he didn't look like he was lying out of his ass. ''Follow me baby.'' He turns around to walk over to the elevator

He may have shot her in the head and everything but at least he should be a gentleman to a broad who came all this way to see him even if isn't for any cute reasons.
The Stranger’s answers weren’t…quite convincing. Arcade couldn’t say what it was, and maybe it was entirely because of the mask not letting him read much into the expressions. There was an anxious energy in his need to talk, and it seemed he hadn’t connected with Jova since she was shot in the head.

‘But he knows she’s looking for someone.’ That was a red flag to Arcade. He could have been hired by Benny to take her down, although it seemed a…strange choice. This guy didn’t have much subtlety going for him. “Riight,” Arcade couldn’t help but draw the word out a little, not entirely convinced.

“I can tell you a bit about how she is, and where she’s going,” Arcade said, not yet deciding if he wanted to tell the truth, “but you look like you need some water and a break from the sun,” that much was true, “we have water to spare, and some shade. We can talk a bit about what’s going on with your friend, all right?”

Perhaps this was where he introduced himself, but he wasn’t great at these things, either. He just gestured for the Stranger to come further into the Fort and at least take a moment to recuperate from his journey.


Endless terms of endearment and old world slang were the ways of the Chairmen. Benny didn’t fall out of character despite his nerves. He fought his way back to what was expected, oozing that sleezy charm that could make a person choke. Jova didn’t really want to take this anywhere private, but the odds of killing him without a problem were better that way.

That left the question of Boone.

“Lead the way,” she said, and pulled the red cap from a pocket. She didn’t put it on, but it was signal enough.

When they reached the elevator and the doors opened, Boone came into sight, “Benny, Boone,” Jova gestured between the two of them.

Boone grunted. Though it was hard to tell through his sunglasses, he clearly didn't approve of this situation in the least. The scowl was apparent on his lips.

“Don’t worry, he won’t enter the room,” she said, though she doubted it put Benny’s nerves in a better place.

She wasn’t heading up alone. Not when she didn’t know what awaited or how many guards Benny had up there.
Two wanted to let out a sigh of relief but held it. Sure he said it like that like he's not that convinced but at least enough to let him in so he can tell him more about her. He does need a break...

How did he know he needed a break? Was he sweating too much or was he starting to stink? But he never refuses someone offering him water. ''Ah, thanks I appreciate it.'' He said walking further as he glanced around the place. What is this place really? Look like a place where people sleep and get help for their injuries? Then again he almost got robbed outside of Old Mormon Fort so maybe they needed a place to get people's injuries treated...

What if this was a trap though? Maybe he's trying to lure him in and kidnap him or something. It's not like he wouldn't mind being kidnapped by beautiful and handsome doctors around here but he didn't need that to happen right now. ''So, what's your name? I've never been to this place before. It looks comfy.'' Number Two said honestly.

He adjusts his mask a little bit as he walks beside Arcade and then glances around looking at the tents and the other doctors in the area.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Benny needs to not mess this up. It didn't lead to anywhere else besides her forgiving him or whatever. He stopped for a moment seeing a man going with them. He glances at Jova and back at Boone at the introduction but manages to get another smile on his face seeing Boone. ''Nice to meet ya baby.''

He heard him only grunt. He couldn't tell much from the glasses the guy was wearing. Sunglasses indoors? Really? This girl got some strange friends alright.

''All good baby, as long as he doesn't enter the room I'm all good,'' Benny said letting Boone inside the elevator and he pressed a button so they got going on their way to the Presidential suite. It did make him suspect something is going to happen with Boone being here but perhaps she was making sure he was pulling any tricks on his sleeves. So maybe she made the right call in bringing her friend in. It better not bite him the ass for letting him outside the Presidential suite.

Maybe breaking the ice here wouldn't feel so bad. ''Hey, you know my name and I don't know yours. What's your name sweetcheeks?'' Hearing the small tunes from the elevator didn't help him relax his muscles.

It's not very gentlemanly of him to shoot a broad that he didn't know the name of and then steal the package from her.
“Aah, it’s Arcade,” Arcade answered, and gestured the Stranger towards his tent, “What should I call you?” there were no patients in his tent, just the remnants of research projects, cacti plants sprouting around, as well as aloe, with leaves and blooms left abandoned in various states of research by the more pressing needs of the wounded.

He shrugged his coat off and wiped his hands off on a nearby towel to remove some of the still-wet blood, before reaching for a water bottle and offering it out to the Stranger, “Sorry, didn’t really want to get blood on the bottle,” he said as reason.

Getting the blood off the sleeves would come later that evening.

“How do you know Jova, anyways?” Arcade asked, but gave a little to lure the Stranger into hopefully saying more, “she came in here looking for ways to make some caps; seems like she doesn’t have a steady job.” Despite everyone knowing her as a ‘courier’.


Jova tucked the beret back into the pocket of the duster and nodded at Boone, confirming what was said. He could wait outside. If he heard anything strange, or if anyone came from outside to try and disrupt their parley, Boone would know how to handle it. She trusted he was capable enough even if he didn’t have his rifle.

He wasn’t exactly a man made of feathers.

Although, Benny’s confession is surprising. Jova raises her brows, “You didn’t even…?” no, it was obvious Benny didn’t know her name. It truly was just business to him. He knew she had the package, and that was all he needed.

She scoffs, “Call me whatever you want,” her mood sours a bit as the elevator dings. “We’ll see if I decide you’re worth giving a name to.” He hadn’t bothered to introduce himself when he shot her, she didn’t see a reason yet to offer her name to him.

It was such a small thing, but it was still something to hold onto. Something that would show him whether he’d turned the tides in his favor or not.
Number Two watches Arcade wiping his hand. Blood? He keeps in mind that he's a doctor and he's not going to try anything weird on him but this is the wasteland so he expects anything to happen. ''Thanks.'' He grabs the bottle and opens it, raising his hockey mask a little bit to be able to take a sip before he introduces himself. ''My name is Number Two, call me Two for short.'' He knew what he just said now what's the strangest thing ever.

He blinks his eyes behind his hockey mask. Jova? That's her name? Ah... Now he knows. ''Me and Jova are coworkers, we always eat together in the break room.'' He said which is a little true and a little lie. They were couriers assigned to deliver a package in the Mojave and the six couriers met up to get the instructions so they could make this work. All of them were given packages but only five of them had the fake one and only one had the real one.

Jova has the real package and that's why he's here to confirm the delivery since they don't know what happened to her. Couriers only get caps when the package has been delivered so none of them got paid yet so that's probably why she's looking for jobs around... That's what he thinks. ''Yeah the pay is not really that good.'' He said taking another sip of water.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It's all business with him. He didn't bother to look up who she was other than knowing that she was innocent being in the wrong time and the wrong place all because she was doing her job as a courier. He did feel bad that she was not lucky. She's not even lucky even now. It's sad.

But it's justified in her eyes that she will be bitter towards him. After all, he could have messed up her head really badly. He'll be pissed too if someone did that to him. ''Awe don't be like that girlie. It was just business, I know I scrambled your brains and all but you didn't come to kill me today. You came to get a clue baby I promise you.'' Promising her that much can ease out bad blood between them.

Having someone to work with wouldn't hurt now that he's thinking about it.

The elevator opens up indicating they arrive. Benny walks out of the elevator. ''Here we are baby, you'll love it here. Except your friend of course. Maybe next time he would who knows.'' Since now Boone will not get a taste of the VIP section. He already felt Boone giving him a quick glare because of that comment alone.

He uses the key to open up the Presidential suite and steps aside to let her in first. ''After you pussycat.''
Arcade arched a brow as ‘Two’ didn’t take off his mask, only lifted it. ‘Deformed?’ Possible, but given the offered name, it was more likely he was trying to hide his identity. Arcade knew all about that, and though it made him suspicious, he also knew how wrong those first impressions were. People would kill him on sight if they knew he had Enclave ties, despite never being a member of the Enclave himself.

He'd been a child.

The words sounded like a lie, if only because it was hard to imagine couriers, always traveling, having a communal breakroom. Then again, Arcade didn’t know much about the job, or the inner workings of the Mojave Express. ‘But she did go through Primm.’ The radio said as much. Wouldn’t she have checked in?

“Apparently not,” Arcade agreed. “Listen, I don’t know Jova well, but I know well enough that she has a lot of enemies out there. I hope you understand why I’m being cautious revealing anything. How do I know you’re not going to put that baseball bat through her skull as soon as you see her?”


If Jova had come to kill him, Benny would indeed be dead. What Benny may not have realized was that his head wasn’t off the chopping block. She wanted to understand. Depending on his answers, she’d decide if he lived.

They stepped out of the elevator, and towards the presidential suite, “I’ll see you soon, Boone,” she promised, to a small nod, before she stepped into the presidential suite and glanced around. A nice enough room, but it wasn’t as if she was staying.

She went to the bar to find herself a bottle of sunset sasparilla, “Start talking, Benny. Why don’t I want to give you a matching scar?” Blue star cap – lucky day! If only she was seeking the treasure others were obsessed with. She set the cap on top of the bar as she took a seat at the bar and waited for Benny to join, and start talking.
Number Two stood quiet for a moment when Arcade asked him how he knew he wouldn't hurt her with his baseball bat as soon as he saw her. Did he really look like a raider with the mask on? Some people have asked the same question because of his mask and his intimidating appearance.

He can try to understand that. If he sees a strong tall guy with a mask and a baseball bat in the middle of the night he will be scared too.

What he's about to say will be a bit disturbing but is true. ''If I was some enemy of hers, I could have tortured you for answers where she is.'' After all, Arcade leads him into his tent with nobody else. He knows how to torture someone by swinging his baseball bat so he could do it but that's terrible so he won't do it unless they deserve it. He then thought of a better one. ''And I don't like hurting girls. But if you're really worried that I might hurt her, you can come with me. She's close right? So it's a piece of cake.'' He smiles behind his mask.

If she's nearby then it's perfect to go where she is now without having any problems with getting lost in Freeside.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Benny went to sit next to her and grab a bottle of whiskey to serve himself. Not too much to get drunk, just a little bit to ease up. ''You're straight down to business dolly I like that about you.'' At least she wasn't going to head on killing him, yet he supposed. ''I have so many questions for you baby.'' He said as he cracked a smile. ''But I suppose I should start answering yours, I have a lot of answers for you pussycat.''

He said taking a sip of his drink and sighing placing the glass down, he turned to look at her. ''Look baby, back there when I shot you in the head was business. I never wanted to shoot you, you were just there at the wrong time and wrong place dig? You were holding something magical in your hands.'' He explained.

''You don't have a single clue what's inside that package, do you baby?'' Benny said this as he leaned closer to her.

Maybe she does or maybe she doesn't know anything about the Platinium Chip but he can't give up what he needs. Ruling over New Vegas is so close that he can already taste it where he's sitting. ''The chip belongs to someone who knows how to use it, as in me.'' He said taking a sip of his whiskey. ''I'm taking over New Vegas with that chip and I have a perfect offer for you baby. Wanna hear it? Or are you still sore?''
‘Yeah, you could have, except torture doesn’t work most of the time.’ People would confess to whatever they thought would make it end, not necessarily the truth. Arcade would certainly lie and redirect until he was able to escape or take his own life. He liked to think he’d have the courage for either, even if he had no plans to end up like Cato.

Still, he had some…doubts as to whether or not this man understood that truth about torture.

Or much else, since he seemed quite unaware of how he appeared. “She is close,” Arcade admitted, “but we would need 4,000 caps to get to where she is. She’s on the Strip, most likely at the Tops casino,” Arcade confessed. “I don’t quite have that much, either. Being a Follower isn’t a life for those pursuing riches.”

It was something he liked about the Followers, but it made life a bit difficult sometimes.

“I have heard there are people who sell falsified ones for cheaper than that, 500 caps a piece,” he knew who, but he wasn’t sure yet if Two had enough for both of them.


‘You had so many options.’

Benny could have robbed her and left her alive. He never even needed to take the hood off of her head, and she never would have known who he was. She never got a look at him until then, his khan flunkies had been the ones she’d seen. She would have just gone to report the item as stolen – over and done with.

Instead, he shot her. For business.

As he leaned in, she shifted a bit away. Not much, but enough to make it clear her play outside the room was that -- play. She was willing to start being honest now, and his good looks didn't mean he got a pass. “It belongs to Mr. House,” Jova said flatly, and he no doubt knew how to use it. And if he wanted it? Yes – Jova was willing to believe it was worth a significant amount. More than he’d offered to pay her. “But you’re right. I don’t know how this chip can help you take over New Vegas, but if Mr. House wants it – I believe it’s possible.”

Even if he already had a firm grip on New Vegas. “So tell me how you expect to use this chip to steal it from him, and why I should let you in the first place.”
He was grinning behind the mask as he mentioned she was close but then stopped grinning the moment he mentioned it requiring bottle caps for the entrance. ''What?'' He said not wanting to believe that he had to pay to go to some stupid expensive casino. He can understand that playing on those machines is fun but does he have to get that much bottlecaps for the entrance? That's insane to him.

''The Mojave people are expensive...'' He said to himself realizing that, there hadn't been a single time that was cheap to him. Well- the Capital Wasteland is not cheap either but the price is reasonable sometimes!

Even with the weather being hot he hasn't found ice cream yet. ''Where am I going to get 1,000 bottlecaps now?'' He asked reaching over to his wallet to have like 213 bottlecaps. ''Man, this is not even enough to take someone on a date...'' How is Jova so lucky to get rich to get through that entrance when he's poor as fuck? And if he breaks inside there he'll probably get himself killed too so he can't do that even if it's tempting for those idiots charging for the entrance like that. ''Do you know any job that will pay 1,000 bottlecaps? I can take assassination jobs.'' He said hoping there's a solution to this.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The way she shifted away made him want to chuckle but he didn't. Girlie didn't like some eye contact it seems even though she was acting so hot downstairs. He's the bastard that shot her in the head so she is justified doing that though.

Oh, it belongs to Mr. House? Is she really going to ride on that? If this is what she was trying to do then she'll regret it giving it to him out of all things in the Mojave. ''Trust me baby you don't want to give it to Mr. House after you hear me out. Don't make a silly mistake like that.'' He said taking another sip of whiskey and placing it down looking at her. ''The Chip inside has some storage data inside and it has something to do with upgradating these securitrons hitting power.''

He said thinking how he should go about this with her. ''It doesn't fit any computer I've found, but... I know a securitron that can help me out with this problem.'' The answer to that is Yes Man, the securitron that's made for him thanks to Emily's help.

Yes Man can use the Platinium Chip and they can have a whole army of securitrons to defend themselves from Caesar's Legion and NCR to achieve independence in no time. Another problem is how they will get through Mr. House so Yes Man can do his thing. That's when she comes into play. ''Believe it or not, you can be player two dollface.'' He was willing to let her know to join him. ''If you help me we can rule New Vegas together, how about it? You and me will do great things together.''

He won't be surprised if she refuses his offer after what he did to her. ''I know what I did to you is very bad but handing the Chip to Mr. House isn't any better baby,'' Benny warns her again. ''Think about it baby, ruling New Vegas along with the Chairmen. I'm making a good deal you know?''
Apparently, Two wasn’t very familiar with how New Vegas worked. Arcade couldn’t help but fold his arms over his chest as he observed Two fall apart over not having the caps. However, he was willing to look into getting a full thousand – not just the 500 he needed for himself. That was…good.

“I have some of my own caps,” Arcade decided, “not enough,” he admitted, “but I can add about 300 to what you have,” that was maybe enough for one passport, “for the rest, well,” shoot, what hadn’t the Courier done?

“The Garretts usually have work that needs done. Er, it’s debt collecting, usually. Shouldn’t involve any assassination,” he said, hoping it wouldn’t, “I can show you to the Atomic Wrangler, we can see if they have any work for the rest of the caps?” Arcade offered, already wondering if he was making a mistake in this kind of business.

Couriers really were hard up for caps, it seemed.

He made a mental note not to look into that as a career path.


An upgrade to the securitrons would indeed help one maintain control over the Strip. Benny, apparently, thought he had a securitron that would help him with this, and he’d done well so far to figure out the Chip thing, and even acquire it – but she wondered if it could really be so simple. Instinct told her no.

Jova knew to listen to it, just as she knew to doubt Benny in all his honeyed promises.

‘Who’s to say I want Vegas? Or that I want you to have Vegas?’

That nagging thought – that she was alive for a reason – came back. Was it to decide the fate of Vegas? And could that indeed be with her at the top? ‘What do you know about running a city?’ Not much, but keeping a city running? She could do that.

Perhaps Benny had all the know-how about running it.

So did Mr. House, and Mr. House hadn’t shot her in the head.

“Your charm must work frequently if you think I’m buying the lines you’re selling at face value, Benny.” She said, but there was an implicit ‘but’ in all of it. No, she didn’t buy his lines, but.

“Let’s call this an experiment in trust. You are right. You did me a bad turn. If you want my help – and if you’ve listened to the radio, you should be aware of what that help is capable of – you’ll hand over the Chip. You can keep your securitron secret. We’ll each have a half of what you say is necessary to take over Vegas as a pair, right?”

Jova couldn’t do it without this securitron.

He couldn’t do it without the chip.

“And then I go get the story from Mr. House, and I won’t let him know I have the Chip yet. I’ll think on it some.”

See what sort of person Benny was, and Mr. House, as well.
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To think he came all this way to be blocked in his progress in catching up with Courier Six all because of a bottlecap requirements to some entrance.

At least he had enough passport one, now he needed one more 500 bottlecaps for the two of them. Maybe it's his fault for not being prepared since he should have know that different places are going to be different unlike where he lives... Still, though 4,000 caps just to get inside is crazy to him. How do the Mojave people live with so many things that are so expensive?

''We got one then!'' He said happily that Arcade wanted to contribute to buying a passport. ''We need one more.'' He said counting in his head and then listening to Arcade when he mentioned about jobs at the Garrets and the Silver Rush. Anything is fine to him as long as they give the caps enough. ''Hey, that's good enough to make me rich in one day.'' It should be better pay than being a courier funny enough. He said going to lift his hockey mask a bit to drink the last remaining of the bottle and put it down with a big sigh.

Water fixes anything.

He feels refreshed, like brand new for drinking water but then he realizes he doesn't know where those places are and looks over at the doctor. ''Is the place far from here?''

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

An experience in trust? He raises an eyebrow listening to her. He's going to hand her over the chip and he's going to keep the securitrons a secret? Both of them will have what they need to gain New Vegas independence. Honestly he wanted to gain her trust so she could help and then toss her to the sides like abandoning a cat in the rain but the girl is set on pulling this on him now.

Now he can't even pull that on her. He can't be a snake like he always has been.

What he didn't want to admit was that she was falling over on his act, usually the effects of his charm in many ways and it made others believe in his words so easily except this time it didn't work on Jova. ''Who doesn't want to trust me baby? Everyone trusts the Chairmen. It's the best thing in town.'' He said keeping up being suave even though she said she didn't believe anything he said. Adding that he shot her in the head will make her believe him less so guess he didn't think that through.

Benny didn't like where this is going. Is he supposed to trust her with the Platinium Chip? Sure she doesn't have access to the securitrons but still... The chances of her giving it to Mr. House are high up there. There were so many idiots wanting to trust Mr. House, what made her so different that she wouldn't just give it to him?

''This is a dangerous game you're playing sweet cheeks,'' Benny said seriously thinking about this very carefully. ''And I'm supposed to trust you with the Chip? Baby did those bullets scramble your egg or what?'' He said almost laughing at her trying to make a deal with him, like this is not how the game was supposed to go. He's the one making the deals- not her. ''So I'm just going through this on a blindfold and praying to whoever is out there in the heavens you don't give the Chip to that creep. That's what we're playing here chick?''

That's one hell of a game to him.

But she didn't have a reason to trust him either, he knew that. He's a fink. He couldn't just be a snake through and through... ''Guess I'm not in the groove yet pussycat.'' He said cracking out a smile despite not liking this idea of hers at all. ''You know what? Fine, I ain't a fink. I'll join... This experiment trust you to come up with baby. You better not break my heart, dig?'' He warned her not to stab him in the back in the nicest way he could to not get on her bad side.
Two drank down the rest of his water, and seemed to be ready to head off, before he realized he couldn’t quite go leading. ‘Really not familiar with this area.’ Arcade shook his head at the question. “It’s not far,” he said, “let me speak with Julia and I’ll lead the way,” he should let her know if he was stepping out, after all. “I can meet you by the big door,” he gestured out of the tent and towards the wooden door that separated the Fort from the rest of Freeside.

With that, he’d head out of the tent to track down Julia, finding her not far – in another tent, tending to other patients.

It was endless.

“Julia,” he called, and she looked up, concern etched onto her face.

“Is everything all right, Arcade?”

“Mm, yeah,” he agreed, “I’m stepping out, though. I think a friend of Jova’s arrived, and he’s looking for her, so I’m going to help him find her.”

Julia's brow furrowed. “He can’t do that himself?”

‘Well, if I trusted him, maybe.’

“He’s…really new to the area.” Arcade tried to explain gently. “And we owe it to Jova, don’t we?”

Julia sighed but nodded, “I suppose so. We’ll take care of things from here then. Thank you for telling me.”

“Of course,” he would never leave without a word of warning, and with a fond smile, “I’ll see you soon, Julia,” he assumed he’d be back, anyways, before he turned to leave the tent and head to the door to reunite with Two and get them on their way.


Jova didn’t so much as shift when Benny tried to press her to trust him, insisting the Chairmen in general were trustworthy, and so much else. She remained stoic, until finally, accepting it, clearly frustrated with it. Which, probably meant he planned to screw her over. ‘And all I have to do is wait until you try.’

Then she could end him.

“It’s only your skull I want to break, Benny. And I’ll only do that if you betray me,” she held out her hand, “I’ll take the chip now. I know you have it on you,” he wouldn’t trust it anywhere else, she was certain of that.

“And the name’s Jova,” they may as well be on a first name basis since they were going to be working together, after all.

Until one of them stepped out of line, and fucked everything up. Then, it would be whoever killed the other first.

“Jova Valens.”
Two stand up hearing Arcade and smile behind the mask, he could have just said no to him and Number Two would have gone off on his own trying to find the place but the fact he was going to go along with him. Probably because he didn't trust him since he was out here looking like a raider, also that he just lied to his face to hide what he was really looking forward to when he got to find Jova again to confirm the package had been delivered since it's top secret or so he thinks.

But hey he's a friendly raider if he ever was one. These people don't learn the lesson about not judging a book by its cover? Well... No, they're in a wasteland so that's not happening.

''Yeah, I'll meet you there.'' He said turning around to head over to the big door that Arcade told him to do. It's weird to be led by someone when he's usually alone but he doesn't know anything about Mojave like that, especially with an attractive doctor leading him to places.

Two watch from the distance as the two doctors talk to each other and tilt his head. He was never going to see these people again after he got to talk to Jova. He's not going to mention it either, probably leaving the face of the earth without saying goodbyes. It's a good thing he had a mask on just so nobody recognizes him later on or something like that. He thinks it's better this way. He's bad with goodbyes anyway. (Meaning that he will feel guilty for lying to those people.)

Seeing Arcade walking over he opens the door and steps to the sides to let Arcade out. ''After you.'' He said gesturing to the exit.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Benny raises an eyebrow and smirks at how she threatened him this way. ''You'll be breaking my skull if I betray you you say?'' Probably was enjoying this little experiment of trust already. Not that he would have preferred it this way, he would have preferred to be a snake like always. He has betrayed so many over the Platinium Chip and they probably want to kill him too for not getting paid.

He knew those people were justified in killing him but he never regrets a darn thing in his life, not even one bit.

He already betrayed Mr. House without that creep even knowing. He was going to betray Jova if given the chance but now there wasn't any of that. She knew that too. She knew that asshole would have stabbed her in the back when he was allowed to do so. ''Whatever you say baby. We're in this together 18 karat.'' He didn't want to do but he had no choice.

Jova Valens. Nice to know Courier Six had a name after all, he did know that the other couriers were referred to by their numbers just to hide their identity and the fact which one was the real deal with the real package. Too bad for her she had bad luck because Yes Man did good research in spotting which one had the real package from the beginning.

Those idiots really thought they were slicks hiding their identity behind numbers.

He nodded to her introduction. ''I see you Jova Valens. You already know my name but not my last name girlie.'' Benny said debating to himself whether he should reveal his last name or not to her. She did expose her full name to him... And since they're working together, maybe he gotta be fair for once. ''The name's Benny. Benny Gecko, you will never forget it, baby.''

He wanted to roll his eyes as she demanded the Platinium Chip like that but he already agreed to this mess. ''Yeah, yeah I hear you.'' He reaches into his pocket and hands her the chip. ''Take care of it baby, I hope you know what you're doing with the creep... Don't end up in Endsville sugar.''
“Thank you,” Arcade says with a light laugh at the polite gesture, coming from such an impolite looking man. He walked out, and did indeed lead the way through Freeside, “I don’t know how long you plan to stay, but if you do need some supplies before you leave, you’ll want to go to Mick & Ralph’s,” Arcade gestured towards their shop as they passed by it.

It was also where they were going to get their passports, but he didn’t add that, as they went through another gate.

The crier for the Atomic Wrangler could be heard from quite some distance, though when she laid eyes on them, she waved, doing a bit of a shimmy, “Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? The Atomic Wrangler has you covered! Just down this way, sweeties!”

Arcade rolled his eyes, but followed the direction – he knew where it was anyways. “It’s amazing the things you can get paid for – but that won’t earn you caps fast,” he noted to Two, “well, unless you plan to strip like the ones for Gomorrah. That might.”

He wasn’t really suggesting it, and they reached the door to the Wrangler and stepped in. “Arcade?” James hummed when he saw him, “We don’t have any supplies ready for the Followers just yet.”

“That’s not why I’m here,” Arcade shook his head, “he’s looking for some work,” Arcade gestured towards Two.


Jova took the chip, and brought it into the light to look at it closer. She’d never seen it. It wasn’t her job to know what she carried, only to deliver it. Now she knew – unfortunately, or fortunately, for the world. The die had been cast, but it hadn’t yet stopped rolling to decide how things were going to turn out.

The chip didn’t seem like anything special.

Just a piece of casino flair.

But it was something special, and she knew Mr. House could tell her more about it. Seeing him wasn’t something Benny could do, and right now, that could be an advantage they both needed, if she wanted to play this silly game with him. Mr. House obviously had plans to use the chip, too, and knew how to do so.

Benny, who still kept with his ridiculous terms of endearment. “I don’t think I need to know your surname,” she tucked the chip into her pocket, to rest against the Nipton lottery ticket, “we’re not getting married,” what kind of last name was Gecko, anyways?

A bit more confident now that she had the chip, she asked, “What do you hope to do with New Vegas, Benny? What don’t you like about what Mr. House has done? I’m not too familiar with the Strip or any of this, so if you’re planning to change it, I need to know what’s not working.”

Needed to know if he’d really thought this through, and had plans of betterment or mind, or just selfishness.
He follows the doctor as he glances around Freeside. For a place full of thieves, it's not that bad of a place. He looks at the shop with supplies, well... He does need a few bullets. In his revolver even though he doesn't use it all the time, just when he needs to if there's a big gunfight going on. Now it reminded him that the revolver make a big ass noise whenever he shoots with that thing.

Number Two snapped out of his thoughts when a woman was promoting the Atomic Wrangler, he looked at her for a moment and looked away a bit flustered not wanting to look like a perv. She is gorgeous though. ''She is definitely getting more paid than me.'' He said mostly to himself because that's true.

He blinks his eyes when Arcade asks if he plans to strip. ''I don't think so... They probably won't let me cause I'm too ugly.'' Two think he's ugly with all those cuts and scars he got but in reality, he's not. He's stupid and doesn't see his own beauty.

The masked guy walks inside the Atomic Wrangler and glances around before Arcade gestures to him and he turns his attention to James. ''Hey, I'm Number Two- well Two for short. I'll take any job you have, I'm really looking for some caps right now.'' He said hoping James does have any job for him.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

He watched her look at it as if checking if it was fake or not. He wouldn't have gotten away even if the chip was fake... Or could he? A man can dream. Benny let out a chuckle when she mentioned they were not married. ''Awe girlie, why break a man's heart like that? Didn't I tell you not to do it?'' He teased her, marriage wasn't even in this man's mind as long as he's living in New Vegas but it's funny that she said it.

Then she brought the good questions. ''You came here for questions, I got answers.'' He said, grabbing his glass to take a whiskey. ''The ring-a-ding move? Baby, I want to control New Vegas. Me and the Chairmen will have New Vegas on our hands, the odds may take long but that's because we ain't done rigging them yet.'' She wanted to see what he would do to New Vegas?

He's better than Mr. House. He's cocky but Mr. House is just a creep. A loser who never leaves that building even if he could. ''I'll do New Vegas better than that original loser would believe me.'' He said confidently.

Who does it better than the Chairmen anyway?

Speaking of Mr. House... The guy that saved New Vegas. ''He saved New Vegas once. Sure, the cat knows how to swing but that doesn't mean it belongs to him forever. Not only that but he's been silent lately. He never does his things in person, only speaks through those Securitrons of his, and boom job done. All he does now is let those robots collect House's share of the take every week... You call that leadership?''

It amazes him how others don't ask themselves why is he so special to begin with when there's none, at least to him there's none. ''A boss always explains why they're special and he ain't explain none of that other than saving New Vegas. Why we gotta do what he says huh baby? Independence 18 Karat baby. If you and me take over New Vegas ain't no punks stopping us.''

If that isn't good enough, he'll try this one. ''I have a cat who can help us without any buts or nos, we need him to take over Lucky 38 with that chip. Wanna meet him baby? Or will you rather meet him later?'' He asked tilting his head trying to get her interested in his idea.
Arcade can’t help but let his eyes do a once-over when Two commented on being ugly. Of course, he hadn’t seen the man’s face, but based on the build – he doubted Two would be without interested people for a while, men and women. However, there was no time to mention it with the Garret twins ahead of them.

James arched a brow, “Well, we have a few jobs,” he said, Francine looking their way then. “Some debt collection, some scouting for, ah, talent.” James seemed to assess Two for a moment, “Don’t suppose you’re a ghoul under that mask and willing to wear a cowboy hat, are you?”

“He’s not here to stay,” Arcade interjected.

“Mmm, well, we are looking for a ghoul with a western vibe. Into BDSM, if you catch the drift.”

Arcade could think of one woman who might fit that, but didn’t say as much. The Followers needed their guard, “And then there's these disgusting robot fetishists you may have heard about? Well, those creeps want a sexbot,” he tried to look disgusted, but Arcade noticed a certain…thrill to him, “And then we happen to be lacking a male escort to provide the, ah, boyfriend experience.”

Francine butted in then, “If you can’t find that – I have a list of names of people who owe us some caps you can hunt down.”


Jova listened as Benny said very little. He wanted to rule New Vegas, but he didn’t elaborate on how he’d change it, though he did have a complaint: Mr. House was taxing the place without doing anything. ‘Well, Securitron security probably has upkeep expenses.’ The securitrons alone were formidable, and not cheap.

Still, to go about it without ever being seen?

Jova understood why there was some frustration there. Benny wanted to take the securitrons from House, and rule – with her, for now. She wasn’t buying that was his honest plan, but it might be the plan they both wound up in.


She would have to hear House out, too, but she let her brows lift as he mentioned seeing the one who could help. “I’d be happy to meet him,” she said, “if they’re available, we can meet him now,” she didn’t know how that would play out, but she was eager to learn all Benny’s aces.
Number Two nodded slowly as James mentioned the two jobs. One for debt collection like Arcade mentions earlier and then... Scouting for talents? He tilts his head a bit when James asks him if he happens to be a ghoul who can wear a cowboy hat.

People have assumed he was a raider, he looks like a ghoul now? He was going to say something but Arcade answered it for him so he looked at James talking about sexbots. Wait like real sexbots? Two thought these things only were a thing in fantasies, he sure knew that in the Capital Wasteland there no sexbots as far as he knew... Or maybe they were and they were pretty well hidden. ''I didn't know sexbots were a thing until now you mention it, cool to have.'' He said trying to hold in to ask James why will he want to fuck a robot in the first place from the way he was looking even though he was acting disgusted.

But if he asks that he's probably getting fired the first day of the job. Sometimes it takes a long for Number Two to be nice and trying to find what to even say without coming as insensitive.

He glances at Francine as he thinks about his options. Well... More bottlecaps are better right? He should treat Arcade for guiding him around so... ''You know what? I'll do both. I'll be your huckleberry, but I ain't going to be your ghoul cowboy whatever, I'll try to find one.'' He said smiling through his mask.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Benny didn't say any more of his plan, thing is that he hasn't thought that ahead yet other than wanting to have power over New Vegas along with the Chairmen. To him out of all the factions out there, he thinks he's the better option. Mr. House is going to make everyone pay, the NCR is useless and the Caesar's Legion are the original losers in New Vegas, like why they gotta do some mess up shit like keeping slaves? That's shouldn't fly.

So he's the only one that is better for New Vegas.

What's New Vegas without him around? It will be the end of the world if he's not in the picture. This garbage of a wasteland will be so lonely without his presence.

He's glad to hear that Jova wants to meet Yes Man, standing up from his seat and take gesture his hand to the door of the Presidential Suite. ''I knew that would catch your eye doll, right this way. The big cat in my Suite.'' Benny was keeping Yes Man hidden in his Suite of course. Yes Man isn't allowed to be out of the room without his permission plus the Securitron can't say no to him.

Benny leads Jova up to the 13th floor to head over to the Suite. He used his key to open up the suite, now something came to his mind- Is that friend of hers following them? He didn't even spot that strange guy... Whatever. He let her walk inside and he closed the door behind him. ''He's right over here baby,'' Benny said as he went to the backroom and Yes Man was just there being an obedient Securitron as always with that stupid goofy smile on the screen. ''That is our token to the Platinium Chip, Yes Man greet the broad will you?'' He said gesturing to Jova with a smile on his face.

Yes Man eyes turn to Jova. ''Hey! Good to meet you! I'm assuming Benny hasn't said my name right? Let me introduce myself, I'm PDQ-88b Securitron but you can call me Yes Man. You're one lucky gal to be here in Benny's suite, I haven't seen anyone stay here long enough or even be here in my presence.'' Yes Man said with so much joy and genuine.

Benny is proud of what he has. ''Yes Man a good boy. He will never backstab you in the back baby.''

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