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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He nodded tiredly and just rubbed her tummy with his thumb while she drank. “Mmm someone was hungry.” He murmured tiredly, yawning a little and sighed. He knew he was a little closed off at the minute but the between the new baby and Rory he hadn’t had a chance to sit and talk with max properly about what was going on with his career. Especially after his last phone call with Chris.

She nodded to him and smiled. “Oh and they also said that if he keeps going the way he is then they’ll probably do his second surgery in a week or two.” She told him. “After that he’s just got another four to six weeks before he can go home.” She smiled but paused when his phone went off, happening to catch that it was likely his wife’s nurse calling him, nodding when he stepped out and carried on with her rounds.
Max nodded and yawned "Mmm yeah I bet she was." She murmured giggling when she tooted on him "Looks like she was gasy too." She said watching the two of them "How did you sleep?"

Noah gave a small smile and nodded "That sounds great." He murmured before looking at his phone when it went off. He excused himself and anxiety fill his stomach "Hi, is she okay?" He asked her nurse worriedly.
“Mr. Davis, I just wanted to give you a quick call, your wife woke up.” She told him. “They’re just going over a couple bits with her but she’s awake.” She told him, looking at the phone when the line went dead frowning a bit until only a few minutes later she spotted him striding down the hall towards her room.

He smiled and shook his head. “You’re your mothers daughter. Except mom farts on me when she’s sleeping.” He teased her, “she got a little more hair than Rory did too.” He smiled tiredly. “Well our son came and woke me up an hour after I went to bed to tell me he wants to send iris back, gonna deal with that one today.” He sighed. “And then I got up for diaper change half an hour after that. Got up for the next feed with you.” He yawned a bit. “But we’ll be fine. What about you?” He asked her yawning, moving to burp iris once she was done, kissing her head.
Noah was on his way as soon as he heard awake. His long legs getting him there in record time. As he entered the room he felt an immense weight lift off of him when he saw Carmen's eyes open "Carmen..." he whispered before going to sit beside her unable to wipe the smile from his face.

Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "He's just trying to get adjusted with it. We don't need to be too hard on him." She pointed out but frowned when he just grumbled about her spoiling him. She shook her head a bit but turned her attention back to their daughter "I slept alright, I'm aching a lot more this time than I did the first."
He frowned and shook his head, sighing a little as he got up to change her once she was burped, “why don’t you chill here then? And I’ll take the terror two to get coffee and come back?” He suggested. “I’m gonna take Rory to the warehouse with me tomorrow anyway cause vinnie is coming as well.” He told her, getting clothes picked out for him.

She looked over at him frowning a little, struggling to focus her vision at all and just tried squeezing his hand but there was no grip in it and she couldn’t hardly make any sound.
Max gave a nod and smiled softly "Yeah that sounds great, I think I'll try to get a shower while you're out." She murmured yawning a bit and curling into the bed "Or maybe take a nap."

Noah looked at the nurse giving a small frown "How is she doing? Is everything showing to he okay?" He asked worriedly seeing in Carmen's eyes that she wasn't all there yet.
She shook her head and finished her checks, “They’re gonna bring you some ice chips here in a minute okay? Your husband will just be two minutes outside then he can come back in.” She told her waiting til she nodded before stepping out with him. “We spoke about the damage to her spine. I think we’re gonna have to wait to see how extensive that’s gonna be. The other problem is obviously she had two arrests. Now they weren’t very long either of them but we can’t rule out that there’s been some lasting damage from those either. For now, sit with her, be with her and let her come around slowly. She been in a coma for four months. It’s a very long time.” She told him and left him to it again.

Carmen looked over when he came back in, still flexing hee fingers to reach for him, “kea- kea- … Keaton?” She managed to hoarse out looking at him worried

He nodded and smiled, getting iris in a matching outfit to him, “you wanna take her for a minute while I get the stinker up?” He asked, smiling at her and passed her over to max so he could go get Rory up and ready.
Noah nodded and thanked the nurse before going back inside. He sat beside Carmen and gave a small smile "Shhh don't strain. He's wonderful, tiny thing, but he's strong." He explained quietly giving a small smile "You get better and we'll go see him. I promise."

Max smiled some and took Iris into her arms "Make sure to have Rory match you guys too! You'll all look so cute." She said before cuddling Iris close to her "Oh I love you precious girl, yes I do."
She frowned and nodded, just trying to get him to come closer, not liking that he was so far away, not really sure of what was going on but right now she just assumed there had been something go wrong with the baby. “Pu… Puppy.” She mumbled, frowning when she saw him start crying at that, still trying to tug on him.

Ricky sighed a little as Rory woke up grumpy and just went to get clothes out for him. “Hey bud, we’re gonna take your sister to go get coffee so mom can rest for a while alright? Here, you want me to help you put these on?” He asked him
Noah took a shaky breath and just broke down into tears when he heard her call him by her old nickname "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear you say that to me." He whispered before moving to sit directly beside her placing his head on the bed.

Rory rubbed at his eyes a bit and nodded "I can do it Daddy." He murmured before taking the clothes and getting them on almost all the way but couldn't clasp the button on his jeans "Daddy help pwease." He said giving a small smile "Can I get cheese danish at coffee?" He asked quietly while he reached up to be held.
He nodded and sat on the floor sighing heavily, "Talk properly bud, you know how to say please." He told him, "And I dunno if they're gonna have a cheese danish there." He told him, "We're gonna go to Starbucks." He told him, "Bud I gotta carry your sister to the car, you can walk." He told him, quickly brushing his hair out and went to get shoes and finally Iris "Alright, bye mom, get some sleep, we'll be back." He winked at her, taking both the kids down to the car. By the time they got back though a coup;le hours later Rory was throwing a massive tantrum and Ricky just plonked him down on the couch before going to get Iris from the car "And you can stay right there until I'm ready to talk to you!" He snapped at him, walking out.

Rory was sobbing and just sat there throwing pillows on the floor, glaring after his Dad until he saw his Mom coming down and he jumped down, running over to her and hugging her legs tight "Mommy!" He sobbed "Daddy spanked me!" He cried reaching for her to pick him up.

Carmen frowned and just held his hand, smiling tiredly at him, realising there was a lot more going on but she was still a little out of it and ended up falling asleep again anyway while his phone rang with Nick's number.
Max came downstairs when she heard the crying as they came home. She frowned deeply seeing the pillows on the floor and held Rory as he crashed into her legs "No baby, I can't hold you right now. What happened?" She asked worriedly looking at Ricky concerned as he came into the house with Iris.

Noah answered his phone when he saw Nick's name and didn't even let him speak before he told him about her being awake.
He shook his head and went to go put Iris down in her bassinet, taking the baby monitor back downstairs "You gonna tell your Mom what you did?" He muttered, handing her the coffee he'd picked up for her "No? Alright. He ran off and into the goddamn road cause I wouldn't get him a cake pop." He muttered "Thank god it's deserted on a Sunday morning round here but I'm not having him pull shit like that." He spat, shaking his head and headed into his study to get some work done, keeping an eye on Iris while she napped on the monitor.

Nick smiled and looked over at Eden "That's amazing man. That's really good. Listen, we're gonna head to the zoo in a little bit with Jolly and Sara, but tonight, I think you should come home and see Eden. She's been a little restless and she threw a tantrum last night that was.... It was a silly one let's put it that way. I think she's just missing you both." He told him. He was happy to watch her with everything going on but with how up and down Keaton had been over the past couple weeks he'd only been home to see her once in that time and he could see it was starting to take a toll
Max frowned deeply and went to sit down with Rory "Hey, hey calm down. Now you know better than to do what you did. That is very dangerous, what if you had gotten hurt huh?" She said giving a small sigh as he continued to cry "Rory stop, its going to be okay. You know that cake pops are not for breakfast."

Noah nodded some "Yeah I'll make sure to get her. What was the tantrum over?" He asked growing a little concerned. She'd had a few tantrums already with him over small things and it was causing him to wonder if there was something more there than just a tantrum.
He chuckled a little. “Well, she wanted the blue blanket from the couch but it’s in the wash basket cause one of our cats peed on it. The blanket in her room is the exact same blanket. Same color same everything. But she wanted the one off the couch.” He chuckled. “She’s fine don’t worry but I think she might wanna see you.” He told him.

Ricky eventually heard max come in and shook his head, handing her his phone. “Here I took a couple of iris with my sunglasses on. Didn’t get a chance to send them to you yet.” He told hee opening the photos and passing it over to her. “I know I’m the one who always said no spanking but Jesus that scared the crap outta me when he did that.” He sighed.
Max sent him off to go play in his room and gave a small smile when she saw the photos "No I understand, I would have been the same." She murmured as she scrolled through his photos. She frowned softly though noticing how little photos he had of Rory but he had a ton or Iris. "Why do you not take photos of Rory like you do Iris? Half of these are photos I sent you."

Noah gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Alright, well I'll make sure to take her out for a nice dinner tonight." He murmured
He shrugged. “He never sits still long enough. Plus why does it matter?” He muttered, shaking his head. He knew he had a favorite kid and he knew how that could become a problem as they got older but right now he wasn’t in the right space to be dealing with that. He figured he’d get through one problem af a time.

Carmen was waking up again not long after that and frowned af him a little, more with it than she had been before. “What happened?” She asked him quietly, aware that she was achey but more specifically that Noah’s hair was a fair bit longer and he had as much facial hair going as he was ever going to be able to grow anyway which from experience that took a long while to grow out with him
Max frowned deeply and shook her head "Whatever." She muttered before handing him his phone back and going to check on Rory. She gave a small frown when she saw him laying in bed cuddling his favorite teddy bear "Hey..whats wrong huh? You know better than to go into the street. Why did you do that?" She asked him gently as she sat on his bed with him.

Noah looked at her as she woke up and gave a heavy sigh "You were attacked. You've been in a coma for 4 months now." He said quietly before he squeezed her hand gently
She frowned “Andrew?” She asked him quietly, trying to tug on him too. One closer. “Eden?” She asked him wanting him as close as possible.

Rory frowned and looked over at her, moving quickly to cuddle her instead. “Daddy likes iris more than me.” He told her frowning. “He ignore me.” He told her
Noah gave a small nod and moved to lay next to her "She's with Nick right now." He said softly before kissing her cheek gently "Its going to be alright, you're awake and everything will be alright."

Max held him close and shook her head some "No baby Daddy Ioves you. I'll talk to him okay?" She murmured kissing the top of his head repeatedly
She frowned a little and nodded. “Four months? I don’t… I remember picking her up…. And we got home but I don’t remember past that.” She frowned a little, “everything hurts.” She mumbled.

He frowned and held onto her “If we put iris away then daddy have to talk to me.” He told her frowning.
Noah nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "I know but you just rest okay? We'll get you better." He murmured before kissing her cheek again just beyond thankful to hear her voice again.

Max sighed heavily and shook her head some "I'm afraid it doesn't work like that baby, but I'll talk to him okay?" She murmured kissing the top of his head "You want some breakfast?"
She smiled a little, resting her head on his shoulder. “Mmm… you give Keaton love for me til I can see him okay?” She mumbled starting to fall asleep again a little more relaxed in his arms. “I love you.” She told him quietly.

He shook his head and went to cuddle his teddy again, frowning.

Ricky sighed heavily when the door to his study opened again and he shook his head. “What now? I’m trying to get shit done and constant interruptions is not helping us get bills paid.” He muttered.
Noah gave a small smile and nodded softly "I promise I will." He murmured quietly and kissing the top of her head repeatedly as he held her in his arms.

Max frowned deeply as she got into his study shaking her head a bit "Uh uh, no you are not going to get snappy at me." She said seriously before crossing her arms "You want to know the reason why Rory wants Iris gone?" She asked growing angrier as he seemed to brush her off "Its because he think you no longer love him. You're favoring Iris over Rory and its obvious Ricky! I get it, you got to be there for Iris more and you bonded better, but you have got to stop treating him like a red headed step child!"
he rolled his eyes. “He’s acting like a goddamn spoilt brat because you have allowed him to behave like this and get away with it. I’m not putting up with it. He can get attention tomorrow when I have time for him cause it’s just him there anyway.” He muttered “I’m not fucking discussing this Maxine.” He snapped when she went to argue it further. “Right now I got shit to do.”

Eden was sat by nicks front window after they got home from the zoo that afternoon, waiting for almost three hours before she saw her dads car pull up and she jumped up, waiting at the door bouncing up and down excitedly until Nick came to open it for her, running full pelt down the drive towards him the moment he was out the car. “Daddy!” She yelled, launching herself at him.

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