Fallen University

(Hey guyssss. I'm just gonna kinda..pop in somewhere. xD )

Draco grinned, he stretched out in the police car that was 'escorting' him to his new school. Draco calmly wiped the blood off of his clothing, wiping it carefully onto the leathery seats. He closed his golden eyes, stretching out his under-average body. Draco only stood at 5'8. He sighed and gazed out the window, boredom casting over his face at the school in the distance. "Why do I have to go to that shit hole?" He said with a pout, "Because you'll be contained." The police officer, who was also an elf said with somewhat of a growl, his gaze dim as he pulled up to the school. "Now, get your filthy ass out of my car and go to see the principle." Draco just smirked and slid out of the car, brushing imaginary dirt from his leather jacket, he grabbed his suitcase and his backpack, his leather jacket was unzipped, exposing his crimson shirt, which hugged his slender, muscular chest quite well. He tugged on his back jeans and sighed, walking into the principles office, a scowl over his face. "Well, you know why I'm here." He snapped. (Can someone play the Principle? o: )
((Oh yes, I=my character, Jayden is the principle, so I'll pop him in here, Sock))

Jayden looked up from his desk, and saw a student with a bad attitude. "Well, hello." He said, pushing his moveable seat forward to his desk, his body slanted forward and his hands intertwined together. He raised his eyebrows and waited to the kid to slap some stupid comment at him. He knew this kid's type. Yep, it was pretty easy to figure out. ((And if you want to know what he looks like, it's this:

Leland looked at her, hearing her answer to his question. Trying to stall, he took out his wallet and get the man his money, while telling him what he wanted. "A cup of coffee, black. With strudel please." He said, and turned to Kira. He put his hand on his neck, rubbing it. He sighed and looked up at her. "I don't know.

He said, unsure.

Agnis looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, that would be a good idea." She said, looking at herself in the mirror, making sure she was OK to go out to class and not look like a weirdo. She sighed relief. She was fine. She wore a white button up shirt, with a red, blue, and white plaid tie. Then, she had a short shirt matching the tie. Then, she wore white knee socks with black shoes. She looked up at her, "Um, here let she check." She said, looking at her paper.

Kira smiles at him."then how about a walk around the campus later?" She asks looking up at him with curiosity wanting thos guy. She purses her lips and smiles brightly at him. "Or we hang out tommorow?" She asks him smiling sweetly wanting to jump his bones in the black dress with leather jacket.
"Sup." Draco said, his eyebrow rising, his eyes narrowed. "So, what exactly do I do?" He said, sighing irritably, leaning up against the wall, his brown hair falling into his face. He sighs, eyeing the principle boredly, awaiting his answer impatiently.
Evelynn sighed in frustration when she could not find her schedule.

"I was positive I left it right here..."

After a few moments of searching for the simple, yet needed, piece of paper, Evelynn gave up. With a huff, she quickly explained to Agnis that she would be back once she got a new copy.

Evie roamed the halls, until she reached the main office. She knocked lightly, then entered the office area. Her mouth formed a small '"o" when she saw that the staff was preoccupied, to say the least.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you we're dealing with...things", she spoke, passing judgement on what she considered to be a delinquent.

Surprisingly enough though, she noticed this boys file was in the same pile as hers. After all, she was a delinquent to some degree as well. She did viciously murder her entire family.

She narrowed her eyes at the dangerous looking teenage punk, then waited outside the office until the principal could help her get a new schedule.

I glanced over to the boy with a shrug of my shoulders. "You cracked a rib but it should be healed in a few days because I'm a shifter." I explained straightly. I just wanted to sleep now. I laughed at the guys shocked expression that I wasn't pissed at him. "It's not the first time my ribs have been cracked or bones broken. I'm use to it by now." I said in a quiet tone looking away from his eyes. A flashback tried to force itself into my head but I pushed it away. I shook my head to clear my thoughts glancing towards the door of which he stood in front of, blocking the only exit.

Ryan looked at Andrew, confusion still deeply set in her mind as she thought to herself. Did we even have class today. I'm guessing yes, but, everyone's just hanging out. She just internally shrugged her shoulders, giving up on the matter. Whatever. When Ryan heard Andrew's question, her expression changed yet again. Would I like to go with him? She didn't even need to think about it. Her confused face changed into a happy one, with a smile spread wide across her lips. "Of course!" With out even thinking she grabbed his arm and started walking away from her dorm. His arm firmly caught between her two hands. What could she day? Ryan was a cuddlier, even if she wasn't in a relation ship with that person. She just loved the feeling of another person around her.


Kaylen looked at Hugo with a smirk. Hah, I accept that challenge. She said to herself. After all, no one, and I mean no one, was more bad ass then Kaylen. When she heard Hugo start talking about poker, her interest was caught. She looked at him with a wide smirk. "Don't worry about money, I can get that, easy." A miscervous glint was visable in her eyes, exposing her caniving self. "Now come on! I need that beer." Kaylen said as she turned on her heels and started walking towards the door again.


Tyler looked at the boy in front of him, not with shock, but with regret. Sh*t! I really did crack something. Tyler looked at him with a remorseful face as he listened. But very end of what they boy said is what caught his attention. Tyler's remorseful instantly changed to confusion, with his eyebrows knitted together. "Wait. What do you mean your used it it?" He looked at him with sincere eyes.
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I snapped my eyes to his keeping my head facing slightly away from him so that he doesn't see my expression. "I-I..." I glanced away from him my eyes landing on my backpack which still sat on my bed. I stepped towards it and unzipped one of the smaller pockets. Folded up bills stuck out of my old worn wallet. Over the years of abuse I would sneak out and get small jobs to save up money for the day I would escape. I knew that i would need to get clothing, food, and possibly books for school. I glanced back at the telekinetic boy as I zipped up the pouch and shrugged on the bag. "I-I... need to go... somewhere." I stepped around the boy and swiftly walked out of the room. I headed down the hall tilting my head down so that my shaggy bangs covered my eyes. No one needs to know. No one cares. They'll just think you're a pitiful human who couldn't stand up for yourself.
((Dude, WolfsbaneRain, I <3 your signature! LOL))

Leland shrugged, and then pressed his lips of the cup of coffee he got. He sipped quickly and then the cup left his soft lips. He rubbed his neck, and opened his mouth, "You know what. Maybe we can party some time." He said, wondering if there would be any parties coming up, or maybe he could host one. I mean, this place was like a college. He looked back at Kira, and smiled, wondering if she would like that instead. I mean, parties, beer, girls, what couldn't get better?

Jayden sighed, realizing that this kid, Draco, didn't care much of anything. "You tell me." He said, looking into the boy's eyes, wondering what was with him. "What do you think you would do?" He asked, standing up, his long body gliding around. Jayden was a very tall man, and some what intimidating. He wore a suit, with his hair messed up, but this professional. He folded his arms on his back, and glanced around his office, waiting to the boy to answer him.

Agnis nodded, searching through her paper. "Got it!" She yelled, after the girl had left, and held her paper high and proud. She walked out of her room, her face in the small paper. She read quietly, trying to memorize the numbers and teacher's names and such.

Andrew nodded, but then blushed as Ryan took a hold of his arm. He glanced down, and was quiet. He felt as if he was shaking, but he tried not too. This was all new to him, and he didn't know what to do.

Hugo nodded, and caught up with her. "Oh really." He said, imagining it all. "I wonder what's tricks you have up your sleeve." He replied, the words slipping out of his mouth.

((Hey I gtg, sorry about the real short posts.))
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"Um..I don't know?" Drake said bluntly, rising an eyebrow before sighing and leaning back. "Just tell me how to enroll or whatever."
Yeah sure Kira replies smiling at him thinking it was a great idea. That sounds awesome. Why don't you put your number in my phone she says pulling it out passing it to him to put his information into her phone as she smiles at him wanting him.
Jayden nodded. "Well." He began, wondering if he should really give a speech or not. "I just need you to fill out three forms and then you'll get your schedule and you can go pick your dorm and settle in." He said, turning to the boy. "And by the way, class starts in..." He announced, glancing at his watch. "...in 15 minutes." He said, nodded to one of the counselors to go get the forms. "We'll have your forms here in a moment." He said, and went to go sit in his seat again.

Leland took a hold of the phone. He slapped in his number and name, and added himself as one of her contacts. "There." He said, handing the phone back to Kira. "The party will be at the indoor swimming pool. At 10:00. Don't be late." He said, grinning at her. He nodded towards her good-bye, and left. Smooth Leland. Smooth. He thought to himself, grinning as he walked away. "Now to get the word out." He said to himself, walking to more people.

Kira wanders around telling everyone as she rummages in her suitcase finding her bikinis pulling one under her clothes as she wanders the campus during the day going to her classes

Tyler just watched as the boy in front of him left their dorm room. "Whatever." He said to himself while her shrugged his shoulders. Tyler walked back over to his worn suitcase and started to setup his room. Pulling out everything he needed to make him feel at home...well, at home as possible at least. Ten minutes later, Tyler was putting the finishing touches of his room. He didn't have any posters of his favorite sports team or band, so he didn't have to worry about that. All he really had to do was set up his bed and desk. Within another ten minutes, Tyler had all his books for class and was out the door. After all, if he ever wanted to get out of this sh*t hole he calls his life, Tyler needs good grades.


Ryan walked down the hallways with Andrew's arm stuck snuggly in her grip. He was silent, awkwardly silent. "So, what kind of music do you like?" Ryan miserably tried to end the awkward silence. After all, what did she really know about this guy? Other then they live right across the hall from each other. As she was walking in silence down the hall, she caught on to the conversation that was next to her. Apareantly, class started in fifteen minutes. But what did she really care? I don't care. It's not like I'm going to live in a normal society anyway. After all, Ryan was a werewolf. She would never have the chance to live a normal human life. Because, one day, she will meet her mate. She will join his pack, have children, and be expected to stay at home with her little pups. That was how it worked.


Kaylen looked at Hugo with a mischievous, and yet suductive smile. "Come on. All I need you ti do is drive me to an ATM." She already knew exactly what she was going to do. Take some money, get some beer, and play poker. It was as easy as one, two three.
Kira wanders around the grounds looking at the

Passing people not caring about them wanting Leland for herself as she prepares to go to his party. Excited and thrilled due to the fact it was the first party at the school. She smiled at people nodding at people and passing the word of the party to everyone she saw. She slowly walks to her form and changes for the party walking out looking around at the passing people rushing to classes or their dorms to change for the party that was to occur that night.

Leland walked around, telling most everyone he came in contact of about the party. "Yeah, it's a 10:00, at the pool." He said to a girl. "At the pool." He said to a guy. He repeated the information to everyone until he couldn't say the words anymore. He sighed and walked to his dorm. He took out his keys, unlocked the door and entered. Plopping down of his bed, he relaxed a bit. He glanced around his room, looking for his trunks. "Ah, there they are." He said getting up and walking to them. He took off his jeans and slipped of his trunks. His trunks and took off his shirt. He grinned at his muscles from his work out of flying. He put on a white tee and slipped on some blue manly flip-flops. He walked out of his dorm, slipping on some black sunglasses and headed to class.

Andrew wondered for a moment. "Uh." He said, wondering what he listened to. "It's kind of shocking, but I listen to pop, some rock, and love songs." He said, blushing. He didn't keep eye contact and looked at the floor, still keeping Ryan's arm locked on his.

Hugo nodded, and grabbed out his keys. He clicked the 'un-lock' button to locate his ride. He heard a beep, and looked around for flashing lights. "There." He nodded, in the direction of the sound and lights. Without looking both ways on the street, he walked across the parking lot, hearing Kaylen's clicking high heels.

Tyler walked into his first class and took a seat in the back. He didn't really care much for being in the front. You always got called on by the teacher if you sat in the front. There was just no way around it. if you sat in the front then the teacher would always be looking at you. Tyler on the other hand just wanted to get through this torture as fast as he could.


Ryan looked up at Andrew with a surprised look on her face. "Really? You like that stuff. I love that too...minus the pop. I just don't consider it music if it doesn't have any actually instaments." Ryan couldn't help but blush a little, she was very picky about her music. It surprised her to find a guy who had almost the same taste.


Kaylen walked behind Hugo with a smug smile on her lips. It was nice to go out. Especially after she was just sentence to living in this sh*t hole of a school. When Kaylen saw the car she headed staight for the pagenger seat. Opening the door, she smoothly slid inside. Without even thinking her fingers landed straight on the knob of the radio, finding her favorate station and blasting the music.
((OK, got back! I will never go in a car again! I drove like 200000 hours!))

Andrew nodded at her, smiling because she didn't laugh at him. "Yeah, I like original rock, and GOOD pop." He said, looking up from the ground, and down at her. He realized that he was several inches higher than her. Well, I guess I'm pretty dang tall... He thought. He looked around, wondering where their class-room was.

Hugo ran his fingers through his hair, and small habit of his. He cracked his neck and jumped into his car. It was a red convertible. He had stolen it from a bar, jump starting it and running away with it. "Let's ride." He said, turning the car on. He didn't have a smile on, nope, he has a sly smirk on. He tapped his hand to the beat on the song, only one hand on the wheel.
Lailah hurried when her dorm. "Dorm 650.. Here it is." She rushed inside and threw her duffel bag down on the bed. She rushed back out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her. She walked down the hallways of the school, not really looking at anyone that she passed. She stared at the floor as she walked, thinking to herself.
Agnis kept walking, holding some of her books and binders. She let her chestnut, mid-length, hair sway back and forth. She kept her bronze eyes down-ward, acting as normal as possible. And then, she looked up and saw another girl, looking bored as she was. "Hi." She said, with a friendly smile.
Lailah continued walking down the hall, not looking up from the floor. When she heard someone speak to her, she stopped walking and looked up. "Hi," she responded, smiling back at her.
Agnis smiled back at her, and walked a little closer so she could see her face. She saw that she had long green hair. It was beautiful hair. And her eyes matched the color of her hair, making them bright and amazing. And she had warm and soft skin, the color of cream. "I'm Agnis." She said, smiling real friendly to her.
Lailah watched the girl as she examined her. She studied her dark hair and eyes, then trailing her eyes along her smooth skin. She laughed a bit and held out her hand. "I'm Lailah."
"Nice name. I've never heard of it before." She said, complimenting her. She pulled her hair behind her ear, and only one ear. She wore a hat that was 'lazy' and that flopped over itself. ((not sure what their called...LOL))

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