Fallen University


Jayce entered the building with a bottle of vodka in hand, and a splitting hangover on his mind. It had been a very long night for him, and he wasn't quite ready to give up on his partying. At least with the alcohol in hand he could PRETEND that his parents hadn't forced him away yet. He vaguely remembered his mother saying something about being "respectful" and "try to make good decisions".

A load of crap, if you asked him.

He stormed down the hallway, barely taking the time to notice anything but a hot girl or two (which he winked at). He walked all the way to where his dorm was located.

Dorm number... 666. Joy.

Jayce arrived at his dorm and found that he couldn't open the door. Maybe he wasn't trying very hard, and after all he was very drunk. He easily slipped into a violent rage, and started beating the door. With a shout, he kicked the door open, then happily entered the dark room. He proceeded to lay on a bed, and occasionally take a few swigs of vodka.


Bass entered the building, slowly and somberly. He was too upset to really make a big entrance. He had to leave home, and while he was usually causing trouble, the fact that he wouldn't be able to visit his sister's grave for four years was really bringing him down. Even more than that, he wouldn't get to see Annie, his girlfriend, either. Sure, maybe he did tie her up in his closet for a few days, but that didn't mean he didn't love her.

She said she didn't want to see him but... he was sure she didn't mean it.

He walked the halls slowly, his eyes trained on the ground. His hair was a mess and his eyes had bags under them due to a lack of sleep. Sebastian was miserable. He didn't even know what his dorm was, he had left his paper somewhere during his travels to the academy.

Eventually he stopped walking, stopped trying, and just sat in the hallway. He held his head in his hands, and just sat there, waiting for anything to happen.
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Tyler watched as the cat fell to the floor. And a second later, he heard the ear splitting sound of braking bone. He looked at the cat with mixed emotions. After all, he just broke one of it's bones, and that gotta hurt. "Sh*t!" Is all he needed to say to sum up how he was feeling right now. He was scared and stuck in a room with a pissed leopard. Not really the best scenario. 
(No worries! Just wanted to avoid confusion.)

I stood for a bit then collapsed with a pain filled huff. I need to shift so the rib would heal properly. This was going to be a pain shifting while hurt. I stood on my hind legs, my black fur slowly disappearing replaced with pale, scarred skin. My feline snout shrunk in revealing a human nose and mouth. The muscles and bones began rearranging. This was so painful that I ended up collapsing again, shutting my eyes tightly. I let out a whimper of pain, practically writhing on the soft carpet floors. This has happened before often because of previous beatings from my parents. Almost every other day.
Leland shrugged his broad shoulders. "Sure. I don't care what we get." He said, not caring if they had coffee, tea, or even beer. I mean, it would be weird if they had chocolate milk. He would have thought she was sending him some type of message...

Leland looked the girl up and down, not bothering what she was wearing, but he just wanted to know. He stopped when he reached her eyes. They was warm and deep, a chocolate color. And her lips. Warm and temping, yet edgy and dangerous. He slightly shook his head, slipping out of his thoughts and returning to earth. He smiled at her.

Andrew lifted his eyebrow. "Really?" He said, wondering if she was joking or serious. He chuckled, "I don't think anyone wants to be here." He said, looking back to the ground, remembering why he was there. He chuckled again, and seemed to zone out. He just seemed to blink for a moment, he didn't even seem to breathe or move.

He let out a breathe, and his Adam's apple moved. He looked back up, and looked into her eyes. He looked into Ryan's eyes, and all of a sudden, something clicked in his mind.

Hugo grinned. "Well, I wasn't sure if you were the girl who liked booze in the morning." He said, raising an eyebrow and telling her throughout his eyes that he was perfectly fine with beer. "Because you know, they say it's not good to drink booze in the morning." He said, keeping the sly glance and sexiness of his appearance.

"You want to bring some here and go there?" He asked, wondering if he would need to bring more for some buddies he knew, or if they would get crazy in private.

Celestine flipped her hair to the sideways. Her long straight hair seemed to lour in boys. She wore a long tight black dress with black pumps. She had a smokey eye to wrap it all up. She walked the hallways, looking sheik and freakin' hot. She smiled at boys and smirked at girls who seemed to be jealous.

Then, she saw a boy who appeared to be drunk. She smirked, and walked up to him. "Hey." She said, a innocent, hot touch to her voice. The one that made boys go crazy.
I smile at you looking at you as I start to walk with you out of the building to the coffee shop across the street. I smile walking inside."so Leland, do you want anything to eat or drink?" I ask smiling at you batting my eyelashes 
Griffin: I walk inside to the dorm room looking around assessing everyone, as I pass by people. I let myself into my dorm room, as leave the room and lean against the hall assessing everyone in the room as I eye the girls.

Andy: I look around the campus with my four suitcases trying to get them to my dorm I move closer and move down the hall half dragging them down the hall. I struggle as they are really heavy. I look around for some help with my large suitcases.
After examining her dorm room, Eli had to squeeze past a couple of people in order to make her way through the hallway and start to make her way out of the dormitories. However, she was just nearing the exit when she almost stepped on someone sitting on the ground.

"O-oh! I'm sorry." she apologized. "I didn't see you down there."
Jayce looked up at the girl, irritated.

"Another vamp?", he growled with irritation. "It is in my esteemed opinion that the only good girl, is one I can drink in the morning. So thank you, but so long miss "innocent" blood sucker. I'm not interested."

With that, Jayce took a very large swig of his vodka and proceeded to glare at the girl.

He didn't even attempt to "check her out", as he had stated, he wasn't interested in another vampire. That's what his parents would want for him, and he would never give them the pleasure of being proud of is actions.

Sebastian felt someone stumble across him, and he pulled his head out of his hands to look up. There was a girl standing above him, with an apologetic look on her face.

"Don't worry about it...", Bass started, but then he remembered what being polite got you. "But next time you should really pay more attention.". Sebastian pushed himself off the ground, and stood. Being the tall elf he was, he towered over the girl.

With his tired and irritated face, paired with an equally tired and irritated attitude, Sebastian was an intimidating sight.

He clenched his hands into fists, staring at the girl for a few moments, before he smashed his hand into the wall in frustration. He gave the girl one last glance and started off towards the main office to find his room assignment.
Elisa had held in her breath the moment the boy had stood up. She had already known she was short, but compared to him she was like an ant! Not only that, but something about him seemed... Well, frightening, for a lack of better vocabulary. However, she hadn't even flinched when he slammed his fist into the wall. She was actually very relieved.

After he walked off, Eli placed a hand on the indent he had left, feeling sorry for whoever had to fix the wall. It was then, however, after a brief scene flashed through her mind, that she flinched and jerked her palm away.

Tyler just gazed in wonder as he saw the gaint, black cat vanish in from of his eyes, and be replaced by a human. Aww, Sh*t! He was a shapeshifter the entire time?!! his thoughts where the only thing existing at the monment. To anyone looking at him, you might as well think he was a wonder struck freak who''s never considered the posability of magic in their entire lives. So, he just stood there, gazing in shock.


Ryan just started laughing when she heard Andrew's awnser. He was completely serious. She looked at him and punched him lightly on the shoulder while saying, "Are you kidding me? I was just joking." She looked into his dark eyes with a warm smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled while are warm feeling erupted inside of her.


Kaylen felt a small smirk make it's way on her lips. "Are you saying that it's bad that im craving a beer right now?" Her aditude shifting to a more playful side. She lifted one of her eyebrows as if saying I'm waiting for an answer.
Leland smiled. "I'll have black. Maybe some pastry." He said, his mouth watering at the thought of food. He looked up at her, and asked "Are you sure you don't want me to buy?" He reached in his pocket for his wallet, just in case. "I mean, it's kind of weird for a girl to buy a guy coffee. Usually it's the other way away." He said grinning, kind of chuckling. He looked around at his surroundings. Then he looked back at her, and smiled an innocent smile.

Celestine rolled her eyes. "You're eyes are fooling you." She said with a warm, sexy smile. "Your drunk." She said crossing her arms, acting as if he should take time to know her. "The name's Celestine, and yes, I'm a vampire. But, does that make it that you shouldn't get to know me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

She flashed her teeth very quickly showing him that she could take a drink. Celestine was a very dangerous girl, and could take most anything.

Leland paused for a moment. "Oh." He said, thinking that he was pretty stupid to think that. But, once he felt her smile on him, and it was a positive smile, he smiled himself. "Um..." He said, blushing. "U-uh." He said, trying to spit out his words. "Want to hang out some time?" He asked, stumbling over his words. He was trying his best. He never really talked to girls, so this was new and hard for him. He looked up at her, and saw her eyes twinkle at him. He felt a warmness in his heart. But it was also nervous. Then, he realized, that it was butterflies. And that meant... oh no. He was in love. Or he thought he was. There was no other explanation to it.

Hugo grinned. "No." He said, his eyes telling her that he was himself. "I think, that's it's perfectly fine." He said, and his hair fell into his eyes. This gave him a more attractive look. The look that made good girl's hearts melt. And bad girl's hearts feel more... dangerous. More wild. This look told bad girl's that he could get crazy and go wild. He looked at her with his deep eyes, and saw something in her eyes. But he wasn't sure what it was...
Kira: I smile."I would love to hang out with you." I say smiling."yes of course I say. Ill get a venti cinnamon dolce latte please." I say blushing a little sensing his nervousness biting her lip on purpose wanting to plant her lips on top of his and kiss him holding him to her. I smile,"would you like a cinnamon bun they are to die for." I say having tried one already since I stayed with a friend not far from here.
Evelynn looked at her roommate, unsure if she should ask or not. After all, she had been rather harsh to her. Eventually she worked up the courage and blurted out, "do you by any chance know when classes start?"

She knew that she didn't want to be late to class on the first day, her grandmother had been very clear. The only possible way she could come home was if she excelled in this school. As much as she hated the stiffness of home, she was sure this school could only be worse. Not to mention, she missed her forest.

She added a small smile at the end her question, hoping to lighten the heavy tension.
Andy I drag my suitcases down the hall finally reaching my dorm as she thinks (why won't any one help me?) she opens the door walking into the room and starting to unpack making sure to leave room for anyone who may room with her. She drags out some removable shelves stacking them to the wall putting her clothes on them leaving her stuff on one side of the room making room for anyone else. She smiles at herself and puts in an oversized mirror on her side of the room as she changes into a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top and high heels. She takes a ponytail and pulls her curly blonde hair into a ponytail as she puts in fresh contacts onto her catlike green eyes she smiles at her heart shaped face as she had a tiny waist and was 5'4 looking at herself as she hooks up a stereo into the wall putting it on one of her shelves smiling at her handy work.

Griffin: I look around the hall smiling at the girls politely, as he scanned the crowd for cute girls to flirt with, he pops 2 tic tacs in my mouth to have good smelling breath for the ladies, my sandy blonde hair sweeped across my face covering my bright blue eyes. I had a little stubble on my cheek and I was determining whether or not to shave it off. I hold my leather jacket in good fitting jeans so they don't fall down my butt. I also wear a dark blue shirt, and converse sneakers. I smile broadly my teeth perfectly straight not a sight of acne on my face.

Ryan looked up at Andrew with a little bit of shock. Did he just ask me out? Ryan wasn't someone who really went on dates. She always thought she just wasn't that attractive to guys. Now don't get me wrong, Ryan isn't a new bee to going on dates or having a boyfriend. In fact, she has had two boyfriends already i her life time. But they always ended badly, because of what she is. They would be so scared of her. One of them even moved away.

Wait, i'm getting ahead of myself. He just wants to hang out. It's not like he's in love with me! With this new realization, Ryan looked into Andrew's eyes with a warm smile. "I'd love to." Are the simple word she said to the shy boy in front of her.


As Kaylen listened to the boy in front of her, her smirk just got bigger. Maybe this guy wasn't all bad. She thought to herself. She looked up at him. A small twinkle showing in her eyes. "Good. I'm Kaylen by the way." She lifted her hand up to him. But instead of offering a shake, she grabbed his shoulder and started dragging him to the door. "Now, come on. I need that beer."

I slowly struggled to my feet holding my injured side as it throbbed. The pain was already dulling slightly and the bruise forming. It was healing quickly due to my enhanced body and healing process. It would be good as new in a few days or so. Fr now I would have to be careful and cautious. I glanced at the baffled guy in front of me who's eyes remained wide. Fear showed clearly as did shock and...regret. Strange. I cleared my throat half to snap him out of his trance and the other half to shatter the awkward silence that enveloped the room. 
I have driving school tomorrow from 8 to 5 so I won't be on until after then. Goodnight.
((Tigergirl2013, I'm sorry, I didn't understand your last post on Kira. LOL, it might just be me....))

Agnis looked up, her tears stained on her cheeks. She sniffed, and wiped them off. "Um." She said, her voice cracked. "I think in about 10 minutes? I'm not sure." She said, concentrating. "I guess 'till everyone is done packing." She suggested, shrugging. She looked at her room-mate, for the second time in the past... 15 minutes? She wasn't sure. Maybe it was more like 5. She saw her smiled, and smiled herself.

Agnis could be easy to make happy, but same with all her other emotions. She was a soft soul, as well her heart. Agnis put away the rest of her clothes, and moved some things on her desk near her bed. She turned off the lamp and stood up. "Well, I'm done." She said, smiling.

Andrew had a hint of a smile of his face. "Cool." He said, and looked down at the floor... or carpet... and he studied the pattern for a moment. His hair was in his face, making him seem as mysterious as he was. His red hair made him stand out, because he was usually surrounded by brunettes and blondes.

Andrew didn't have freckled though, but he had pale white skin. Like, snow whites. LOL, it was stupid, but still. He looked ahead, as if he heard 'a disturbance in the force.' He blinked, silent as he was. He turned his head. "When do you think class starts?" He asked, turning his head to her, concern in his face.

Andrew's parents always said, that if he wasn't a dragon, he would be a Buck. (A male deer.)

Hugo smiled. "There's my girl." He whispered, a cocky grin on his face. He nodded, and said, "Hugo. The name's Hugo." He said, introducing himself. He cracked his neck, getting ready to leave and go. "Anyone else you want to bring." He said, suggestion the more the merrier. He looked around, waiting for the principle to jump out any second.

Hugo, thought for a moment. He realized that he didn't even know the principle. Well, good for him He said, smiling, and shrugging. He looked back at Kaylen, he new found beer buddy. He grinned at her, a sparkle in his eyes.
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(Scribbler101 I think you might be mixing up the names of your characters Leland and Andrew. My character, Ryan, is talking to Andrew right now and Tigergirl's character is talking to Leland. I think that's why everyone is confused right now. And I was wondering if the last post you wrote, was Leland really supossed to be Andrew, the one who is talking to my character?)
Kira: She smiles sweetly at him. "yes you can pay, a cinammon bun and a latte would be nice." she says smiling at him. She tilts her head to the side, biting her lip on purpose wanting to plant her lips right on top of his as she looks at him carefully smiling getting in line for the coffee and pastry as she smiles at him."do you want to meet up after class, and meet in my room??" she asks smiling at you wanting to have a nice night with leland.

you forgot to respond to me scribbler. i do not see leland.

Ryan looked up at Andrew with a smile on her face, thinking. He is so cute and shy...I just want to give him a hug! And it was true. With his shy personality, timid voice, and mysterious looks; all you wanted to do was wrap him in your arms. When she herd his question she remembered that they where in a school after all. She scrunched up her nose as she thought for a second before answering. "I don't know. Do we even have class today?" She looked up at Andrew with confusion written all over her face.


Kaylen started walking towards the door, with the boy in her wake, when she heard his name for the first time. Good thing she wasn't facing him, because she just barely stopped the laugh from leaving her lips when his name met her ears. Hugo. Seriously! Who in their right mind would name their kid Hugo? I mean, it sounds like a fat Russian guy. Kaylen took her time composing herself again. After all, she didn't want to laugh in the face of the first person she met. She turned around again to face Hugo. "Nah, I'm not really the type to have friends." She looked up at him with a cocky smirk on her face. "I guess I'm just too badass."


Tyler looked at the boy in front of him. He was still shocked, but he managed to stop staring and start thinking. "Oh, I..I'm sorry man. I had no idea you where a shifter." He tumbled over his words from the sheer shock. I mean, how what he supposed to know in the first place. Yah, how was I supposed to know! And why the hell is this guy acting so nonchalant? I mean, I'm pretty sure I just crack something. He should be pissed! "Um, aren't you mad at me? You know, for dropping you?" Tyler himself would have been attacking him if the roles where switched.
((Tigergirl2013, it was because I didn't understand your post before. See?))

Scribbler101 said:
((Tigergirl2013, I'm sorry, I didn't understand your last post on Kira. LOL, it might just be me....))
Andrew looked around for a moment, and heard Ryan's voice again. "Oh um..." He muttered. "Well, I'm guessing so. It would only be logical." He suggested. He turned his head to her, and saw complete confusion. Well, I guess she's lost. He thought to himself, thinking they were 'lost.'

He sighed and announced, "I'm going to go look around." He said, standing straight. "Want to come?" He asked, raising an eyebrow to her. And in his mind, things were flying. He was talking to a girl. And actually inviting her to come follow him. What's with me today? He asked himself.

Leland looked at her, and nodded. He was about to get out $20 from his wallet, but then she asked him to come over to his house. At night. Leland's eyes went big, as if someone just had took of their top and started waving it around. "What?" He asked again, wondering if he was imagining things.

He gulped quietly, hoping he wasn't sweating. Does she, really like me? He asked himself, thinking there was only one explanation to it. I mean, boy + girl who wants to see him at night, in her room = well... you know...

Hugo smiled. "We'll see who's more bad ass." He said, grinning. He remembered all the things he done before. Man, those were the days. He thought to himself, and looked down, smiling at the ground. (Hey, that rhymes!) He opened his mouth, "Man, I'd like to play poker." He said, wondering if he even had money on himself. He checked his pocket. "Oh, never mind." He chuckled. He looked at Kaylen, and felt as if something was going to go terribly wrong, but he wasn't sure what it was...
Kira smiles again.."do you want to come to my room after class?" She asks sweetly ordering the cinnamon bun and coffe as the cashiers says 6.45 please. She watches Leland smiling at him wondering if he would say yes to her invitation to come to her room. She slowly smiles tossing her curly brown hair over her shoulder tilting her head to the side hoping he would say yes.she looks at him as she blushes her brown eyes twinkling at him
Evelynn let out a sigh.

"I think maybe we should just head to our first classroom. I mean, class must be starting soon? It can't take this long for people to unpack."

Evelynn stood up and brushed down her skirt. With a glance at her roommate she asked

"What is your first class anyway?"

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