Fallen University

Fallen University






Andrew- 666

Ryan- 659

Tyler- 660- Kier

Sparkplug- 667

Evie- 549 -Agnis

Leland- 661

Kira- 439

Chapter One: Welcome.



Jayden walked the hallways, wearing jeans that slightly sagged, and a button up blue shirt. His hair neat and soft, and his eyes showing much of his personality. He waved to students, welcoming them to the first day of school. This, was a boarding school. Students had dorms and such here, and Jayden was, or is, in-charge of the building. This building, is the Fallen University. Here is where monsters of all kinds come when they have lost their monster ways. They come her to learn, and become what they really are. Jayden sighed, blowing hair out of his eyes. He walked with long strides, studying everything.

Hugo stood in-front of his locker, starring at the lock. "Another crappy day at this stupid school." He mumbled underneath his breathe. He hated it here. And his own parents sent him here. They betrayed him, and he would never forgive them. It was his first day here, and he already hated it. He looked at the paper, crinkled in his hands, and plugged the numbers into the lock. He un-locked his locker, the locker moaning as he opened it. He look inside, studying how big it was. Hugo, was a shape-shifter. He had many 'looks.' Right now, he had dark brown hair, ear width. His eyes was an icy blue, that seemed to look into you, piercing you. He was tall and lanky, with red warm lips. He had bushy eyes, and broad shoulders. His skin pale and fair.

Julie walked the hallways, holding her binders and other junk, carefully also. Her long waist length hair swayed back and forth as she walked. She was somewhat shy, but tried to keep her head high. She saw a man walking, and figured he was someone important, by the way he walked. She kept to herself, not knowing anyone since it was the first day of school. She blushed, for some reason, seeing everyone talking and walking the hallways along with her.

Leland landed in the parking lot with a thud. He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. "That was fun." He said to himself, with no excitement in his voice. He blinked, and stretched out his snow white wings, then carefully folded them against his back. Yes, I said wings. Leland is a hybrid bird. And he calls himself 'Fly Boy.' He loves flying around, having all eyes on him. He always wanted to go to Hollywood or Vegas, but instead, he ended up at a University, all because he murdered someone. He thought e would have been sent to jail, but instead was sent to a University for the Fallen Monsters. Great. He thought to himself, first day of school was be sooooo amazing. He rolled his eyes, and walked the rest of the way to school.

Agnis smiled as she waved to people she said 'Hi' to. Agnis is a friendly girl, and loved to get to know people. She already started to like this school. But only for her future friends, not for learning how become a real Monster. She disliked her power. She had flexibility. She thought it looked so weird and awkward. She shuddered at the thought of her using her power. But, she kept walking, wondering what would await her.

Andrew stuffed his hands in his pockets, staring at the floor as he walked. He was extremely quiet and sky, and kept to himself most of the time. He glanced around every so often, studying his surrounds. He didn't wave when others did, didn't say 'Hi' when others welcomed him. He was just... there. He mumbled something something under his breathe, and arrived to his dorm. Dorm #666. "Typical, the number of the devil." He said to himself, sighing.

OK, sorry about the hold up you guys, but I finally finished it all. You guys are welcomed to Role-Play and join when you want! Thank you! :)
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I walked through the halls with my head low and ears slightly flattened back even in human form. A subconsciousness sign of defense yet submission. Every few seconds his eyes would flick back and forth watching his "parents" to magically show up and take him off to a new round of torture. Kellan had arrived at the school around 6:30 this morning and was shocked by the sheer mass of students milling around. And it was only 6:30 in the morning! This put him on an edge. He should have taken the day off of school offered by the Dean this morning. She had asked if I needed the day to adjust but foolishly I refused. I didn't want to show weakness only to be stepped all over once again.

It was too much. The noise, the crowd, and small hallways. Everything combined to suffocate him to the point that he bolted. Running through the throng of teenagers was difficult at first but when he started to growl, snarl, and snap at people while pushing them roughly to the side was causing people to clear a path in the flow of students. My form began to shift into a huge, solid black leopard with my mood. The yelling around me became screams and shouts of alarm while they watched a terrified human turn into an equally terrified and dangerous big cat.



Kaylen stood outside the massive school. "Great." She mumbled to herself. She was stuck at some damn ass school with nothing to do. She picked up her suitcase and started walking towards the entrance. She held her head high, showing everyone who she was and what she was like. The soft click, clack from her leather black, steel studded boots could be heard as she walked in the hallways. Her boots where her usual style, that match her usual style of clothing. Today she wore a leather back halter top that cut off right above her belly button. Revealing her stomach piercing that hung. She wore dark denim jeans that hung tightly to her skin, showing off her excellent curves. And her black hair was done perfectly into loose curls that cascaded over her shoulder. Her bright dragon sapphire blue eyes seemed to shine brightly against her dark attire. Giving them a suddle pop.


Ryan walked through the hallways. She was looking for her dorm room, and frankly, she was having a hard time doing so. "Dammit! Where is that freaking dorm!" She practically yelled at herself. She looked up again to see a few people looking at her. She just rolled her eyes and started walking again. Don't they have something better to do then just watch me!? She looked at the crumbled piece of paper in her hand again. "Ok," she said to herself. "Dorm 659. That should be this way." She said as she looked at a sign hanging from the wall. In the next ten minutes she was at her dorm. Struggling yet again just to open the freaking door. "What the hell!" She mumbled. She let do of the jammed key that was in the door and combed her hand through her brown, wavy hair. "Great. Just great!" Just as she was about to give up she saw a guy out side his dorm room too. From the looks of it his dorm room was 666. Desperately she walked over to him. "Hey, do you mind helping me out with my lock?"


Tyler let a deep sigh pass his lips as he watched the yellow cab, that sent him to this prison, drive away on the abnormally long driveway. "Fuuuuuck." He dragged out the word with absolutely no emotion. Frankly, he was pissed. Who knew one thing, just one little thing could get him sent here. It was for a good cause anyway! So what if he robbed a bank?! Why do they even care? It's not like I was caught. these where the thoughts running though his head. And he was absolutely right. After all, how could he possible get caught. He used his powers, there was no proof that he even took the money.

Tyler picked up his worn leather suitcase and started walking up to the school, or should I say prison. It was huge. Like one of those school you would have a rich, pampered, brat go to. But, for Tyler, this was nothing like one if those schools. It was a death sentence (practically). Once he was inside he took the folded piece of paper out from inside his back pocket. "Ok, 660, dorm 660." He said to himself after looking at the paper for the first time since he got it.
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The girl was simply striking. That was the first thought which went through the mind of almost every single person who layed eyes on her. It was not just that she was beautiful, but also that the aura around her was one of enticing mystery, and a nearly electrifying wave of intelligence and power. Her bright, violet eyes shun gleefully, literally illuminating her marble-like complexion. Lips pulled back into an excited grin, frizzy purple hair shining with a silver sheen, she seemed to excrete a strong physical and emotional brilliance. The pilot's goggles she wore on her face gave the appearance of her eyes being even larger then they normally were, but that only furthered their vibrancy. Her green hat was pulled over her loose, short locks, covering her ears with the side-flaps. Her back-pack was fairly small, giving only a slight bulge as it hung in her left arm, swinging back and forth with her movements. The boots on her feet were silent on the padded ground beneath her, and as she curiously scanned everything she passed, the Sparkplug couldn't help but whistle. It was a melodic tune as bright and exciting as her own formation. Step, step, step, skip, step, step, jump, trot, stroll, step. Eyes lingered on her, attracted to her "sparking" movements. She had finally come to a crowded hallway. Ah, the dorm rooms.....excellent. People automatically cleared the way, each and every one glaring and staring with ether a horrified, attracted, or confused gaze at the girl while she passed. She stared all the pairs of eyes directly in their pupils until they ether looked away or found themselves unable to turn. This was not intentional, of course, she was just curious about the many beings surrounding her. Sparkplug nearly tripped on her own two feet, yet regained her balance with a light-hearted laugh. She had stopped a a rather large door.


This was her room. Continuing her whistle, the girl let go of the books she had been holding in her other hand, now rummaging fiercely through her bag.

Yet, Sparkplug still didn't realize that she was not only in inside out, polka-dotted pajama pants, but her white, long-sleeved shirt was scribbled over and over and over with thousands of messy mathematical equations. Her tail then poked from beneath the pant leg, twisting and turning with the long end, each silver scale glinting in the dim-light.

With a slight clicking of her tongue, Evie took in the place. She heard the car behind her roll away, and she smoothed down her neatly buttoned coat.

"I really do wish someone would have told me that cutting mummy up would send me here"

With a deep breath, Evelynn made her way into the building. She kept her head up, and eyes forward, not paying mind to anyone she passed. She kept her long curly hair tucked neatly into her hat, and gloves on until she found her dorm room.

"Room.... five hundred and forty nine."

She entered the room swiftly and quietly, glad to find that she didn't have any roommates to speak of....yet.

She unpacked as quickly as she could, then laid on her bed. She stared at the ceiling, thinking, for what seemed like hours.
((Hey you guys, I've got to go, but I'll role-play tomorrow! Keep up the role-playing! :) )) 
((OK, i'm back! OK, OK, I can rp now!))

Andrew looked up from his doorknob. He'd been starring at it for some time now, just... standing there. He heard some words, some swear words, and finally took the energy to look up. He raised his red, thick eyebrows, that showed much of his personality. The girl seemed to ask him a question about her dorm, and he nodded. He didn't spoke. He quietly walked over to her dorm, without making a sound. Andrew was swift and quick like this. "What's the problem?" He asked, the first words to someone else all day.

Hugo was struggling with his locker, swearing here and there. And then, he heard clicking sounds. His eyes flicked to the side, with curiosity. He saw a girl, wearing most black and very much punk. He raised an eyebrow, but then grinned. "Hello hello." He said to himself, and then left his locker. He stood tall and began walking to the girl. Hugo was a sly guy, and very tricky to figure out. He stood in front of the girl, making her stop in her tracks. "Hello." He said, a cocky grin slapped on his face.

Celestine walked the grounds of the school, seeing many UN-familiar faces. "I hate this." She mumbled, missing her human love. The only reason she was here, is because she just happened to like a human. Celestine was a vampire, and usually they weren't suppose to like humans, but she loved one. And now she was being punished for being in love. "Whatever." She mumbled again. She passed someone, who seemed to be a shape-shifter and just turned into a black cat. "Hmf." She said, eying the cat.

Agnis looked at the crinkled paper in her hand. "Number 549." She said to herself, and then looked up to see the number on the other dorms. "547, 48, and... 549!" She said, smiling that she found it without getting lost. She grabbed the door-handle and opened it. "Sweet!" She said, but then she realized that there was someone already there. She blushed, feeling awkward. "Oh um..." She said, just standing there. "Do I have the wrong number?" She asked, looking back at the paper she carefully held in her hand.

Evie's eyes flicked to the door. A girl stood there, looking at her. Evie knew she had said something... but she hadn't really heard it. She didn't care to hear it.

"I'm assuming that you are my roommate in this god-forsaken place. Let's get introductions over with, shall we?", Evelynn sat up, assuming perfect posture on the tiny bed, "My name is Evelynn Powell. I have wings, I can fly. I was raised in a high class family, people who are too stuffy to realize the world around them. I didn't like them when I knew them, and I still don't like them now that they are dead. I don't enjoy the company of many people, but don't worry, I'm not looking to cut you into pieces. Oh, I also enjoy long walks in the woods. If you need to know anything else, ask me now so that our conversations later may be short, hm?"

Evelynn looked at the girl expectantly, waiting for a response. She realized that she may have said harsh words, but the last thing she needed right now was someone trying to be her friend. She wouldn't be able to handle that right now, so she figured it was better to extinguish any "friendly" flame while it was still there.

I had managed to escape from the crowded hall and into his dorm #660. He hadn't bothered to shift back into his human form yet instead just curling up on his bed in a position that would be difficult to do for a human. Dark grey eyes closed as images rapidly flashed across the shifter's mind like slides on a screen. The day I was adopted, my first real Christmas, birthday parties, shopping with mom, and all those other happy events. Everything was suddenly shattered when the scene of my first shift came front and center.

I watched over again as my skin began to melt away, muscles contract, and bones snap. I watched for what must be the millionth time as I became a black jaguar for the first time. The day I became a monster. This memory shifted to when they found out. The beatings that followed, every cut, bite, and burn. Every single bruise, broken bones and foul word slung at me. This happens almost every time I close my eyes.

This is why I never sleep. This is why I'm here. This is why I'm broken... 
I cried writing that. Poor Kier!
Eli had already avoided the mostly useless encounters that would have befallen her if she had gone anywhere other than her dorm room first thing. As she walked down the hall, it seemed like many others had thought somewhat the same thing.

"Number 663... Number 663..." she repeated to herself, trailing her fingertips along the walls. A small smile spread across Elisa's lips when she stopped at her dorm, but not before spotting a large cat wander into another a few doors down. "There we are!" she said, slowly opening the door with a slight creak. When she was welcomed by darkness, she was slightly relieved to see that her roommate hadn't arrived yet. That is, if she even had a roommate.

Kaylen was just walking down the hallway when some random guy decides to make a move on her. And frankly, she was not in the mood for a quick hook up. Actually, she wasn't in the mood for anything. Any other day, sure, why the hell not? But right now, when she was just admitted to prison... Let's just say she wasn't a very happy camper. Kaylen let a small scoff pass her lips when she saw the cocky grin if the man standing in front of her. Crossing her arms over her chest she looked him in the eyes with her dragon eyes. "Can I help you?" Her words were laced with venom. All she wanted to do right now was go to her dorm room and get confortable.


Ryan looked at the boy with a friendly smile in her face. After all the struggle and swearing she was finally going to get some help with her stupid lock. Yay! she mentally yelled, not to mention the mental happy dance to go with it. But, sadly, that all changed when she heard the man in front of her open his mouth. He seemed bored, and uninterested. "Um, I was just wondering if you mind helping me with my lock. It's kinda stuck." She said with as much enthusiasm as possible. And by the way, it wasn't much.


Tyler walked through the doorway to his dorm with complete boredom, but that all changed when he say a full grown leopard sitting inside his room. "What the hell!" He practically yelled the moment he made eye contact with the animal in front of him. Tyler looked around his dorm room, trying to find something to get rid of the cat. But found nothing, except for a couple of bags. What would a leopard need suitcases for? he thought, before turning back to the gigantic cat.
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I heard the sound of a door opening and closing but dismissed it as from somewhere else. That was until I heard someone, a stronger male voice, curse loudly. My dark eyes fluttered open quickly finding the source of the exclamation. A boy with messy brown hair and strange green-brown eyes stood halfway in the room. The other boy looked very shocked expression on his face as he looked around. Probably trying to find a way to get rid of the huge beast in his room. I let out a very cat like sigh as a rolled my eyes at the guy. I hadn't moved from my place on my bed, not really worried about what the boy would try since I was in my more powerful and faster form instead of my febal, weak human form. 
(I have to work again today so I'll be on my phone if I do post during the day so excuse bad grammar or short posts please.)
(( OK cool! Yeah it's OK, as long as it's not too bad! :) ))

Agnis stood there. She wasn't expecting that. "Uh-uh." Was what came out her mouth as a response. She blinked, and looked at Evie. Well, might as well get used to her if she's going to be my roomate for the next four years. She thought to herself, trying to shrug of the fact that Evie said that she wouldn't chop her into pieces. Agnis gulped, but then cleared her throat, realizing it wasn't much of a big deal... she guessed. "Um, I'm Agnis." She said, not sure what more to add to that. "But, um, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't cut you up either..." She said, trying to make a joke, to break the awkwardness of it all.

I hope I don't regret this... She thought to herself, not wanted to say it out loud. Agnis walked over to her bed, the same size of Evie's. She gently sat down, and began moving in, without making a sound.

Andrew nodded, realizing the change in her voice. He turned his head to look the girl in the eyes. Her's were deep and sparkled. They had much detail in them and seemed to glow in the dark. They looked of a green water, and they seemed to look right into a person. Andrew's eyes were much different. They were blank, showing much of his personality. They pierced through it, making your mood change, just like they did to the girl. They did sparkle, but very little. They were a deep and scary green, and they were sad. His eyes often focused and studied things, zoning out of objects an people.

Right now, they were doing what they did. His eyes focused on her. But then, he stopped and his eyes flicked to the ground, realizing how weird he must of looked. "Uh, um." He said, speaking in small words. "I-I'm Andrew." He said, still not making eye contact.

Hugo kept his cocky smile, thinking to himself Oh, she's a tough one. I've got to be better that that. He looked away, showing his jaw line most people would die for. "I was just wondering..." He began, acting as if he was thinking about what he was going to say, but really already knew what he was going to say. "... if you would like to get a drink some time." He said, his eyes flicked up to hers. He pulled back his dark brown hair, that was messy and carelessly token care of. And when he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, the color of his hair changed. And it changed to a light brown hair, with blonde high-lights in them. A hazel-ish hair.

By doing this, he hinting at him being a shape-shifter of a human, and also by doing this, he showed her that he wasn't just some weirdo who had no idea what he was doing, but a weirdo who knew how to survive in bad situation and who could take care of himself very much.

His eyes looked into hers, telling her 'Hey there' but they also had mystery in them, which he knew most girls just loved mysterious guys. He smirked, and waited for her response.

Leland opened the front doors, and his feet began to move. He sighed, blowing hair out of his eyes. He clared his throat, and ran his fingers through his blonde hair. He stood out, because of the huge white wings folded on his back. He cracked his neck, ready for the first day at this school. "I can do this." He said quietly to himself, knowing that he could because he was sent here because he had murdered someone, without meaning to. Leland did some things he didn't mean to do. He was, or is, misunderstood. Everyone still thinks he's a little kid, even though 18 years of age. He just has trouble with knowing what to do in complicated times. He sighed once more, and began to looked for his dorm #661.
Kira walked down the hall with nothing but her purse in hand as she purposefully swayed her hips now being 35 minutes late to class. She hated it here so much damn her dad for sending her here. She wore a black top that had spaghetti straps and a skirt that only went to the top of her thighs. Her dark brown hair very curly that hung halfway down her back, and her warm brown eyes.

just refer to the edited repost below.
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Ryan looked back up at the boy in front of her. Apparently his name was Andrew. From the sound of his voice, he knew she was a little sad. He's trying. With this realization a small smile made it's place on Ryan's lips again. He looked down at the ground with shy eyes. She wanted Andrew to look at her, she wanted to look at him. Timidly, she lifted her hand, reaching for his chin, as she gently forced him to look at her. She put her hand back down to her side and looked him in the eyes. "Hi. I'm Ryan." she said with a soothing voice.


Kaylen stood there with her lips pursed. She saw as his hand went up to his hair. She saw how the color changed. And now she new he was a shapeshifter. Great. That means he knows he's hot. She was done with this guy. After all, if a guy is hot and he knows it....he's a jerk. Because he knows that girls will be drooling over him. She was about to walk away when she heard his proposal: drinks. And by the way her day was going so far, Kaylen could really use one of those just about now. Kaylen looked at him for a second before answering. "Fine. But you're buying."


Tyler didn't know what to do. I mean really, there was a giant freaking cat in his room. "Ok, how about this." Tyler looked at the sleeping cat with a new found of determination. He lifted his hands and had them facing the cat. Five seconds later, the black cat saw slowly lifting in the air. "OK, let's go for a little walk." he said as he used his powers to carry the leapord out of the room.
((Hey,Tigergirl2013, school hasn't started yet and we're all walking the hallways and fining our dorms. Sorry about that, I should have told you before!))

Andrew felt her hand gentle tilt his head towards her. Oh my gosh! Is she going to kiss me!? No, no, no! He thought to himself, panicking. But then he realized that she just wanted him to look at her and not ignore her, or at least that's what he guessed. "Hi." He said, trying to be brave and not shut down like he sometimes does. He looked at her, with eyes that almost seemed to be scared. I mean, he was nervous, mostly because he wasn't social and he was talking to a GIRL! This was nerve racking to him, but he tried to swallow it down."Ryan." He finished, showing her that he could remember and care for something like her name.

Hugo nodded, and in his mind he thought OK, I know just the place to go... "WoodsCoffee?" He asked, knowing it was a very popular coffee shop. "And of course I'll buy, that's what a gent does." He says, while raisin on eyebrow. Just play it cool He added into his thoughts. His thoughts almost seemed to motivate him, to remind him what to do.

Hugo waited for her response, already another place in mind just in case she didn't like coffee.
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Kira walked down the hall with nothing but her purse in hand as she purposefully swayed her hips now being 35 minutes late to class. She hated it here so much damn her dad for sending her here. She wore a black top that had spaghetti straps and a skirt that only went to the top of her thighs. Her dark brown hair very curly that hung halfway down her back, and her warm brown eyes. She looked around for her dorm and found it as she tossed her bags inside the room then slammed the door walking down the hall past the other girls giving them the once over and moving past until she spots some males as she saunteers up to them on a mission
((No problem! And so sorry about that. Hope it didn't bother you much! :) ))

Leland walked to his dorm, and punched in the code, which opened it. He threw his bags in, not bothering to move in at the moment, and would rather walk around and get familiar with the place. He closed the door and turned around, almost walking into a girl. "Whoa!" He said, stepping backwards. He blinked, completely surprised. He looked to the left, seeing it was a girl, and not just any girl, but a pretty one.

"Oh, sorry." He said, apologizing. "I didn't see you there." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I suddenly felt myself being lifted from the bed out of my own doing. I stretched out my limbs trying to reach the ground again. It isn't working!! I yowled in fear and frustrating as I looked around me wildly. When I looked up at the boy he had his hand lifted up in my direction. 'That ass is using telekinesis n me' I swiped at the air again towards the boy with my claws outstretch. My claws caught the material of his shirt and pulled him forward to try to make him let me down.
She looks him over and thinks to herself. (wow cute guy) "no problem, Kira, You?" she asks batting her eyelashes flirtatiously smiling at him as she thinks again. (wow, good thing he nearly ran me over, he is so cute, I want him) she smiles blushing a little bit. She smiles broadly, as her warm brown eyes land on his face.

Evie noticed that her roommate was obviously done talking, so she decided to leave the room and to explore the campus grounds. She slipped off her shoes, and unclipped her long, unruly, curly, white hair. She left her coat in her room this time, letting her petite white wings out. She didn't care much if anyone saw them.

this is a Monster school after all, It's not like they should care. Anyways, I think it's time to give them a stretch.

Evelynn slipped out of her dorm, and shut the door behind her without saying a word to her roommate. She stretched out her arms, and gave a tiny yawn. She opened her eyes to take in the hallway once more, but this time as Evie. She had come into this school as Evelynn, the proper young lady that her mother tried to raise. But right now? She was Evie, and she was going to have some fun.

Evie started off slow, headed for the doors leading out of the school. As she walked the halls she saw another boy with wings. White wings, just like her. She pondered speaking to him, but he appeared to be preoccupied by another girl at the moment. Evie just stopped in her tracks a moment to look at him, and gave a small flutter of her wings.

She remembered what she was aiming to do, and turned her gaze away from the boy and back to the main doors. She gave a small excited smile and started bounding for the doors. She eventually got going so fast that she would take small leaps, fluttering her wings to keep her in the air longer.
Leland smiles at her. "I'm Leland." He says, bowing his head slightly, a sparkle in his eyes. Leland wore a very comfortable outfit and his blonde hair was fixed up into a mo-hawk and his awesome shoes. His blue eyes sparkled in the light. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and kept his sweet eyes on her. His flashed his bright white teeth, and showed off his high cheek bones.

Agnis ignored the girl as she walked out, not caring about her anymore. She carefully folded her clothes in quietness. A tear came down her face, and she felt as if she had made the girl, Evie, mad. She felt as if she was the one to blame. She quietly cried slowly, regretting coming to this University.
Kira smiles brightly. "by any chance do you want to go for coffee or tea?" she asks sweetly wearing a nice <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/clubwear-black-strapless-ruched-backless-sexy-party-dress-006064.jpg.987bf5f317410e9365d9a9160a45ff81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1244" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/clubwear-black-strapless-ruched-backless-sexy-party-dress-006064.jpg.987bf5f317410e9365d9a9160a45ff81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>black dress. her brown eyes bright and warm <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/NEW-BIG-EYES-HONEY.jpg.ab4ce29d9817e81099808a5719cc2706.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/NEW-BIG-EYES-HONEY.jpg.ab4ce29d9817e81099808a5719cc2706.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>. She looks at him tilting her head to the side. her eyes bright and ecstatic as her mouth curves up into a smile.

Evelynn was about to exit the building when she saw a teacher walking past. She suddenly remembered that once everyone had found their dorms.... there would be classes.

She stiffened her body, then turned around to walk back to her dorm. This time she didn't run, or fly, She merely walked back to her room to put on her shoes and appropriate clothes for class. As she walked back she saw the boy with the wings again, and almost approached him, but thought better of it and went straight back to her dorm. She stood in the hall and watched everyone for a moment or two.

It was complete chaos, there were cats, and flirtatious movements, and people completely bouncing off the walls. Evelynn let out a sigh, and entered her room again to prepare for her first classes.

She glanced at her roomate, and decided to give her a small smile, thinking that it would suit her better to not have a roommate who was angry at her.

She went to her dresser to find clothes to change into before classes started.

Ryan couldn't help but giggle a little as she heard the nervousness to Andrew's voice. She wanted him to feel comfortable. After all, they were just talking. Nothing big. "So Andrew, like the new school so far?" She said the last part with a thick layer of sarcasm. After all, no one here actually WANTS to be here. This is the place for troubled monsters. Monsters like Ryan, creatures that would have to endure immense pain every month, and just hope to god they don't kill any people.


Kaylen looked up at the boy in front of her with and unhappy face. Really? Coffee? That was what he was talking about when he said "drinks"? Hello! It's practically universal when someone asks you to drinks, they're asking you if you want a beer or something. Not freaking coffee! Those where the anoyed thoughts running through her mind. "Coffee? Really?" She looked at him with annoyance written all over her face. "How about a couple of beers instead?" You could just barely hear the hopeful tone she was using. This girl need a light buzz, now.


Tyler's eyes bulged when he say the cat attack him, hold him by the shirt. Fear instantly flooded his veins. It left him unable to do anything. Instantly, he let go of the giant cat, and let if fall to the floor. This was bad. After all, the leopard was strong AND faster then him.
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The boy's eyes widened like saucers then I was falling. Unlike the usual graceful cat landing on it's feet I was clumsy like a human and managed to fall right on my side. CRACK! I yowled loudly when pain shot through my body as I landed poorly. My eyes flickered closed and I took a deep breath only to cause more pain. I think I might have landed on a rib, cracking it. The smell of human fear brought my back to my senses reminding me there was a telekinetic human in the room. I jumped to my feet, wincing from the pain slightly, and growled at the human. I wasn't going to use my current superior speed or strength against him or anything. I wasn't like that. But this human didn't know that yet.

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