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Fantasy Fairytales are real

Jefferson left the bar to go walk around. He was going to see Robin, but he had just went into the bar. "I'll speak to him later," he said to himself as the stopped in front of an apartment building. He gazed up at one of the windows, his hands shoved into his coat pockets. After another minute he sighed, turned away, and walked toward the rabbit Hole and Alice's apartment.

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Alice returned to behind the bar despite it being her night off. She wasn't sure why she even booked the night off, because the only good friends she had were customers at her bar and she usually ended up drinking there or working behind the bar. Flicking a lock of her brown hair back over her shoulder, she briefly considered closing up early but decided against it. She handed the keys to her highest ranking employee and headed back upstairs. She grabbed a long white t-shirt that she sometimes wore to bed when she was feeling particularly lonely. It fell to her thighs and was far too big for her. It had belonged to her ex-boyfriend, the White Night, before he'd run off with a fairy from Neverland. She changed into it quickly in the bathroom and grabbed some blankets from a closet. Climbing onto her sofa, she snuggled in ready for an uncomfortable night's sleep as she drifted off into her dream-world.
Wendy wandered the streets aimlessly, not quite sure where she was headed really. She'd not really done much during the day, a bit of tinkering for some guy next door to fix his garage door and some repairs to the tree house but other than that nothing much. Didn't help that she hadn't got up until gone midday but there wasn't much fun stuff around here some days.

Randomly making a decision on where to go, she headed into Alice's bar, feeling like a drink. Walking through the door, Wendy found a seat at the bar somewhere in the middle and sat down for a moment.
Robin slowly woke up from Alice's bed. It was almost midnight, and the dark seemed to enfulge the room he was in. Where was he? Robin's head hurted like hell, and his vision was blurry and unclear. Rising up from the beds Robin briefly saw Alice on the couch, and decided not to wake her if she was already asleep. Aprroaching the table, he read the notes, and found himself drinking the water and chucking down the aspirin.. Slowly descending the stairs, he took a seat yet again and sat in the now almost-empty bar....
She looked round as someone walked in. Robin, having looked decidedly better before but who was she to judge right? Now all Wendy had to do was decide what to drink in here, and she didn't want something boring either because there was no fun in that at all. Hmm....
Maia was working behind the bar as Robin walked back in. "Did you just come from upstairs?" she asked rhetorically, her eyebrows raised. "Nice going Sheriff," she said with a wink. "You want something to drink?"
''No thank you, Maia'' he said smiling at her remark. ''And no, it's not what it seems'' Robin spoke as he sat down once again. Taking his head in his hands, he focused and quickly noticed that his vision was no longer blurry. ''Remind me not to drink what Hatter drinks next time'' he said chuckling. ''Gonna drink that again, over my dead body'' he said laughing. Turning his head, to Wendy he saluted her then went back to his thinking....
Wendy saluted Robin in return. "Was it that bad Robin? His stuff is usually awesome" she grinned. Always a new adventure with his drinks and something different every time. Well well worth it if you asked her. But then she always was a bit daring.
Maia laughed loudly. "Hatter makes the best cocktails," she said with a laugh. "Strong though. But shame on you Robin. Did you even thank her for taking care of you? Cause I know Hatter's in her spare room tonight which means Boss-lady is sleeping on her couch."
''I'll be sure to let her know, after this damn headache wears off'' he said. ''I'll make up to her, somehow. I crossed the line a bit. The whole Jersey vs Mothman thing at the bar, got me in a mood for drinking. That'll teach me how to behave'' he said laughing. Taking out some money, he putted it on the bar and told Maia. ''These are for Alice. Tell her I said thanks'' he said as he exited the bar, through the cold fresh air...
"Sure thing Sheriff," she said saluting him as she wiped down the bar. "Want something to drink Wendy?"
"There's a pineapple and apple upside cocktail with rum and sparklers. It's what put our sheriff on his ass," she giggled. She pulled out the scientific beaker shaped glass that the Rabbit Hole was famous for.
"Sounds good to me" Wendy smirked "And I think I can handle my drinks better than Mr Sherrif really" she was always up for a challenge as it were. "Serve it up"
Scarlet shoved her way past the last few occupants of The Devil's Horn and slipped through the door just as a few new monsters were coming in. They gave her odd looks, grumbling between themselves that 'Little Red' was on the wrong side of the tracks. She shot them a quick glare over her shoulder as her shoes hit the sidewalk and kept going. One glance at her watch told her it was already later than she'd planned on being out.
The trolls muttered as Red shoved them, walking for the door then went back to their daily chess game. Just as Scarlet came out, new costumers came in. At any time of night, even though the bartender wasn't there, the under-appreciated side of Fabletown would gather here and share stories. After all, this was a bar of monstrousites. Anyone who disagreed with them, could take their words and shove them at Rabit's Hole. The new monsters coming in we're composed of Ursula (from Little Mermaid), Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster. Glaring back, Dracula snared at Scarlet. ''Aren't you on the wrong side of the tracks? Beat it'' he said as he smashed the door behind her. The bar yet again roared with noise as the inhabitants started jesting and joking inside...
Maia laughed and served up the drink, placing it on the table and lighting the sparklers. "It doesn't have a name yet, but who knows what it'll be," she said with a laugh.
Mary gave a small frown, the bar was quite a bore sometimes, a place where the weak filled up the seats either to flirt or sulk over the day with a fancy drink. Not desiring any taste of Alice, Mary stood up, slipping out the back and heading down the alley way, littered with broken furniture and rubbish. Exiting along the side streets, she headed on her way, unafraid of the the town around had hiding and lurking in the shadows and dark. With a final stretch around the corner, she spotted the Devil's Horn, bursting with thieves and the general bad boys of the town.

Her skirt tight and her shirt slightly unbuttoned, she approached, her scar showing in the evening moon light. She wasn't a rare sight in the grimy bar, and she knew most of the folks, though to be truthful she just wasn't very "social".
Jefferson jerked awake. The clock on the nightstand said it was close to one o'clock. He rubbed his eyes, pulled on a shirt and stumbled out into the rest of the apartment. "Alice," he whispered in the direction of the couch as he felt around for the refrigerator. "Alice, are you awake?"

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The inhabitants of the bar glanced up as they heard the door bell ring. For a moment, a feminine figure stepped in, and everyone tought it was Scarlet, yet Mary stepped in. ''Welcome back, Bloody'' Ursula said as she played with her tentacles. ''Glad to see,we're not the only ones not in the mood for The Rabbit Hole'' she said spitting. ''Have a seat''. The monsters went back to their cards and games, and the bar became loud once again.

((Sorry, guys I gotta soon get to sleep. I'm gonna reply on this tomorrow))
(Night :) )

Jefferson opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk. "Your bestest friend Hatter, o'course." He rubbed his eyes again. "Can't sleep?"

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"Never can," she said rolling over as she watched him. "Heard Robin sneak out of here about an hour ago. But I wasn't asleep. Can't sleep either?"
He leaned against the counter. "I wish. Wonderland never was the place for a good sleep. I suppose insomnia came here with us." He took a sip of milk. "Where do you suppose he went?"

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Mary gave a prompt nod and stepped over, her low black heels giving a small click as she went. Sitting down in the seat untaken and offered to her, she sat viewing the card game that lay out.

"Somehow I always end up back at this excuse for a bar," she said in a smug voice, looking about the others. She asked Ursula in her normal semi-bitter tone.

"So, what you guys playing?"

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