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Fandom ~Fairy Tail {Rogue x Akari and Gray x Sakura}~


The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check



Akari Kaya


Humming to herself on her way down the street, Akari looked up at the beautiful blue sky and smiled. I'm glad I picked today to visit Rogue and Sting, she thought. It's not like I had anything better to do. Though she often hid the fact, she was always happiest when visiting her best friends in the world. Sabertooth was practically a second home at this point, she went to visit so often. Everyone at Fairy Tail was often teasing her about it, but what could she do? She hadn't seen them in nine years, seven of them being frozen in time on freaking Tenrou!


Finally reaching the doors of Sabertooth, she pushed them open with a grin and shouted, "Rogue! Sting! Your favorite person in the world is here!" Yukino and the other members laughed as she took a flying leap straight into Sting's arms. This was her normal greeting for pretty much everyone, but most especially Rogue and Sting. After she let go of Sting, Lector popped up over his shoulder and hugged her, too. "Heya, Lector. How are you?" Turning to Rogue, she held her arms out, a wide grin on her face. "Morning, Rogue! Miss me?" She tried to act like the answer didn't matter to her as she waited for a hug.


Gray Fullbuster


Back at the Fairy Tail guild hall, Gray was, as always, barely clothed and fighting with Natsu. "Shut up, ya stupid pyro!" he screamed at the Fire Dragon Slayer, trying not to start a fight in the relatively calm guild hall. But it only took a teasing gesture from Natsu to get him riled up before he snapped. Flying at Natsu, they turned into a writhing ball of magic and fists. Some of the other members yelled at him to put some clothes on, but hey, at least he still had pants on. (Though he had to look down to check for sure that he did.)


Makarov silenced them and handed a piece of paper to Gray, saying, "I want you, Natsu, and Sakura to go represent Fairy Tail on this mission. No questions asked." With that he walked away, leaving the boys with, of course, questions. Reading the paper, they found that five of the top guilds from the Grand Magic Games were sending representatives to investigate a mysterious island with a dark aura. Gray shook off memories of Galuna Island and Lyon before he'd joined Lamia Scale. Looks like I'll be hounding him about this, he thought with a smirk.


"Hey, Sakura! C'mon, we got a job to do! Let's go show these other guilds what Fairy Tail's made of," he called out to the Crystal Mage, itching to get started.



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


As always the guild of Fairy Tail was loud and lively. There was another fight breaking out between the famous Dragon Slayer and the Ice Mage of Fairy Tail. Amused sky blue eyes was watching this entire little scuffle from the sidelines as said person leaned her head onto the palm of her hand while she sipped on a cup of ale. Her plump lips were perked up in amusement as she could never get bored of watching her friends have their daily battles or so they would like to call it. Or was it just her that thought of it that way? Chuckling she shook her head lightly as their Master finally came and put a stop to things. Though that did catch her attention especially since the Master never really interferes unless he believes that the building is going to collapse due to the two. What's more was that he called her name along with Natsu and Gray.


The Crystal Mage sat up even more straight when her name was called a second time. She turned her sky blue eyes towards Gray and titled her head as she registered his words. Soon her face broke out into a smile as Sakura cheerily said, "Okay~" she got up and walking over she jumped onto Natsu's back as she curiously asked Gray, "Wait, where are we going?" sure she was half listening, but really she was spacing out just now. Natsu also looked curiously over at Gray as he didn't even notice the change in weight when Sakura jumped onto his back. The two almost looked like siblings with their matching pink hair. Sakura tilted her head to the side as she awaited for Gray's response, though either way she doesn't really care since she gets to go on a mission with her favorite duo.


~ Rogue Cheney~


It was a normal day for Rogue as he sat in one of the high chairs by the bar in his guild, Sabertooth. He was simply talking with Yukino and Sting while Frosch and Lector were jumping around the bar. That was until the door to the guild opened to only reveal a familiar figure standing there. The light from the sun slightly blinded Rogue as he was unable to make out the person entirely, until he heard her voice. Ah that voice...was Rogue's thoughts as he watched said person fling herself towards Sting. He along with everyone else in the guild merely smiled as they watched Akari greet Sting and then Lector. Rogue blinked a few times when he saw her turn towards him with her arms wide open. Wait, was she? He walked forward and merely placed his arms around her though his face was completely red as he was never used to dealing with the opposite sex. "G-good morning to you too Akari. How are you?" he asked her albeit nervously though his face was adorned with his usual smile that was reserved for friends only.


However, his small moment with Akari was soon interrupted as Frosch appeared next to the two and merely said, "Fro wants a hug too Akari-chan." Frosch smiled up at Akari innocently. Rogue could only smile at his best friend. Someone from the guild walked up to Sting with a letter in hand. Rogue noticed the little interaction and became curious especially when Sting made such a serious face. Looking up from the letter, Sting spoke up, "Looks like we have a job, Rogue. Let's go." Rogue nodded his head but looked back at Akari, she finally came to visit and now they have to leave so suddenly? He wanted to invite her to tag along but that would be impossible especially when it was a job request. Or so he was thinking when Sting spoke up rather happily, "You wanna tag along too Akari-chan? It says Fairy Tail is going to be there." Rogue looked up from his musings as he heard of that, what kind of job is this exactly? 


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Akari Kaya


Rogue's hug was a bit weak and awkward, but Akari didn't mind. After all, that was what made it so fun! She hugged him tightly in response, chirping, "I'm great! Every day with you and Sting is fun!" Though the hug was all too short, she was glad that Frosch was the interruption. He was just so cute! Hugging Frosch tightly, she cooed, "Aw, I missed you, too, Frosch!" Looking up at Rogue, she shrugged and grinned. What could you do with an Exceed like Frosch? His face was still a bit red, she noticed. From her hug, maybe? She reached up and poked him in the cheek. "You okay, Ro? Did I make you uncomfortable?" Without meaning to, Akari tended to get into her friends' personal bubbles, which they didn't always welcome. Biting her lip and searching Rogue's crimson gaze, she hoped this wasn't the case.


Sting's calling Rogue away made her look up. "Wha~? Already?" Then he invited her along, and she broke into a grin. "Of course I wanna tag along! Anywhere Rogue-kun and Sting-kun go, I'll go!" At the mention of Fairy Tail, she chuckled, "How about we just pretend I'm a member of Sabertooth? I'm practically part of the family anyway, aren't I?" Frosch lifted his arms up in the air with a cheer, still cradled in Akari's arms, and Lector sat on her shoulder. "Looks like the Exceeds agree," she remarked with a smirk.


"What's the mission anyway?" Grabbing the paper out of Sting's hands, she scanned the page. Multiple guilds? And island? "Sounds like we're going to Hargeon!"


Gray Fullbuster


Gray glanced down again at the paper, noting the similarities between Natsu and Sakura's hair, as everyone in the guild tended to do when they were together. It was amusing how Natsu didn't freak out as he usually did when, say, Happy did something like that. "Looks like we're meeting up with the other guilds in Hargeon." With a wicked grin in Natsu's direction, he added, "That means we'll have to take the train." The Fire Dragon Slayer was known for his motion sickness, so for a while, at least, he'd shut up. Just the thought of a train made Natsu feel sick, and his face went green.


Unfortunately, he swayed, which made Sakura, on his back, sway too. Gray intervened by helping her off of Natsu, so that she wouldn't get hurt, should he collapse. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. You alright, Sakura?" Making sure she was okay, he bent down and slung Natsu's arm over his shoulder, beginning to head out of the guild. "C'mon, pyro, we've gotta go meet up with the wizards from Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, and Sabertooth." Speaking of Sabertooth, wasn't Akari over there? Maybe they'd meet up with her. After all, she was practically part of that guild as it was, what with her friendship with its master, Sting. As he led the way to the train station with Natsu still out of commission and Happy flying overhead, he pondered their mission.


All he knew for sure was, this was going to be fun.



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura heard Gray mention something about train for as soon as he said that, Natsu began to waver slightly. Sakura looked down at Natsu as she blinked a couple times, as she was literally falling off his back she commented to Natsu, "Na-chan, are you seriously getting sick with just the thoug-?" Sakura's sentence was cut short as she felt someone else lift her off of Natsu's back. She looked up to see Gray steady her as he placed her back down on the floor. Sakura felt warmth rush through her slightly though she brushed it off while answering him lightly, "Hm? I was totally fine hehe." She watched as Gray began to lift Natsu and drag him out the guild hall. She held back a snicker as she thought that regardless of the two not getting along, they really do care for each other as best friend's would.


Smiling she followed after the two, though the mentioning of other guild names' caught Sakura's attention. She walked on the open side of Gray as she asked him, "First off why Hargeon and secondly why is there so many other guilds coming too?" Sakura felt like something bad was going to happen, though when did Fairy Tail ever stop just because of a bad feeling. As they were leaving to head to the train station, Sakura felt someone tug on her hand. She glanced behind her to see a glaring Juvia and a worried looking Lucy. Sakura sweatdropped slightly at the muttering Juvia who kept saying "Love Rival" and Lucy spoke up for the two, "Um, take care and be careful okay? Those two can get a bit too carried away and th-" Sakura waved her hand in the air while saying, "Ah don't worry, don't worry. Those two will be fine. See ya, okay?" she smiled at the two as she brushed them off lightly. Sakura jogged lightly to catch up with Gray, Natsu and Happy. She smiled at them while saying, "Ah the train, can't wait, right Natsu?" she added with a giggle.


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue could only tense up as he felt Akari tighten to hug way more tight than necessary. He felt the blood spread from his cheeks to the tip of his ears and down his neck. He let her go a long time ago but she kept her hold on him, that was until Frosch intervened. Rogue was frozen as a stone while he was mentally thanking his best friend and Exceed for the help. He was too caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Akari standing right next to him until it was too late. He blinked a coupe times when he felt something poke his cheek. His crimson eyes shifted to stare into blue orbs. Rogue felt his face heat up even more, though thankfully Sting came to the rescue by calling him over. 


Rogue directed his gaze from Akari to listen to what his friend and now new master of their guild speak up. He nodded his head and began to make haste to be prepared immediately. Both Sting and Rogue smiled at Akari's rather sweet and innocent comment about wanting to be together with them. Rogue shook his head while saying, "I don't know about that Sting...I mean this is a mission that we were summoned for...plus we don't even know who of Fairy Tail is going..." Rogue was always one to be logical and more calm headed. Though it seemed like Akari already made her decision. Rogue let out a sigh as Sting cheered along with Akari and thus the three began to head towards Hargeon. Though Rogue and Sting froze when they realized where exactly they were standing by, it was the train station and that could only mean one thing. Motion sickness, both Rogue and Sting paled at the thought of that. Sting stuttered out, "A-ah, maybe...we can walk there?" Rogue merely nodded his head in agreement. 


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Akari Kaya


Akari had the feeling that Rogue was going to try to stop her from coming with them. "Your concern is cute, Rogue, but I can take care of myself. Besides, I'll have the Twin Dragons protecting me, right?" She high-fived Sting and followed the boys out of the Sabertooth guild hall toward Hargeon or, more specifically, the train station. The Dragon Slayers paled at the thought of having to ride a train, and Sting immediately suggested they walk. Akari put her hands on her hips and pointed at the--very much taller--older boys. "Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney! You are the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth, who faced off with dragons attacking Crocus and survived a battle with Natsu Dragneel! And you're telling me you're afraid of trains?" With a wicked smirk, she looped her arms through theirs and marched them into the train station. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not. Besides," she added with a much kinder and sweeter grin, "you two can lean on me if you two feel really sick, okay?"


With that, she bought the three of them (Exceeds excluded since they didn't actually require tickets) tickets to Hargeon and dragged the boys onto the train. She made sure to sit in between the two boys, in case they actually took up her offer of leaning on her. Looking out the window, she wondered how this mission would go. What exactly would cause an island to have a dark aura? Was it a similar situation to Galuna Island that Natsu's team went on? And who would come to represent the other guilds? It seemed like there would be three wizards not only from Fairy Tail and Sabertooth, but also from Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Mermaid Heel. Hopefully they'd all be able to work together to solve this problem. Although, knowing Fairy Tail, Natsu would be going and would most likely charge in without a second thought. Provided he wasn't sick from the boat, that is.


Barrels of fun, she mused, a smile creeping up her face.


Gray Fullbuster


Gray struggled to carry Natsu out of the guild hall. On the way, he turned to Sakura and explained, "Basically a number of the guilds who competed in the Grand Magic Games have been summoned to investigate this island. For some reason, it's giving off a dark aura, and somebody asked for help from the most powerful guilds in Fiore. It must be really concerning if they're asking for so many wizards at a time." He paused as Juvia and Lucy came over to send them off. Ignoring Juvia's nonsensical ramblings, he said to Lucy, "Don't worry, I won't rough him up too much. Somebody needs to keep him from getting killed." Natsu didn't dignify this with a response, as the thought of traveling on a vehicle was still making him feel sick. 


He couldn't help but smile at Sakura's teasing as he led the way to the Magnolia train station. "This reminds me of when we took on the Oracion Seis, eh, Natsu?" he said to the Fire Dragon Slayer, hoping to get some sort of response out of him. It didn't really work. He looked up at Happy, flying overhead and said, "Will he be okay going on a train?" The Exceed shrugged. "Alright, then." Maybe we should've brought Wendy... At least she could help with his motion sickness. Oh, wait, didn't the effects of her spell weaken on him. Damn. As he pondered this, Natsu's weight started getting heavier. "Hey, Sakura? A little help here? Pyro's a dead weight." They finally reached the train station, though, despite Natsu's lack of help.


Once on the train, Gray looked out the window, mentally preparing himself for the mission ahead.



(Trying to move it along a bit so we're not stuck in the guild halls forever XD )
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~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura nodded her head at Gray's explanation. Well that makes a lot of sense, though instead of being worried about so many strong mages being called to one small island, Sakura was in fact rather excited for this. She walked alongside Gray as Natsu was completely incapable of walking himself at this point and could only giggle more when she got no response from the Dragon Slayer. Sakura snapped out of her small fit of giggles to help Gray with Natsu. She looped one of Natsu's arm around her shoulder and helped Gray walk/drag Natsu to the station. Once they got on the train, Sakura took a seat next to Gray as she was definitely not one to want to get barf on herself. Sakura wrapped her arms around Gray's neck to peer over his head to get a better look out the window since she sat next to Gray, "Oh wow, the sky is so pretty today~" meanwhile Natsu was weakly reaching an arm out to Sakura to help him out but failing oh so miserably. 


After a couple hours the four of them finally arrived at Hargeon. As they finally got off the train, Natsu was on the floor recuperating while Sakura stretched her arms. "Ah~! We're here finally! Shall we get going?" she smiled over at Gray and Natsu and Happy. She walked ahead of them towards the large mansion where they were supposed to be meeting in and upon reaching the large double doors, it opened before she could even touch the knob. Sakura blinked a bit but she still went in, or well she tried. Suddenly a wind of roses attacked Sakura's vision and she heard three masculine voices speak up, "Welcome~! We have been awaiting your arrival~" Sakura blinked a few times until her vision was cleared of roses and instead it was filled with three handsome men. She tilted her head to the side in confusion until she saw the insignia on their clothes, "Ah Blue Pegasus..." was all Sakura could say before they began to bombard her.


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Both Rogue and Sting were already making a bee line away from the train station when they felt slender arms wrap themselves around their shoulders with an iron death grip. Rogue paled while Sting began to resist. Or well he tried. Of course the comments about their success definitely did make them stop and that was their mistake since Akari caught them then. Sting was crying as Akari continued to drag them and barely heard her comment about leaning on her while Rogue heard it clearly and he was blushing red like a tomato at the offer. Immediately the two began to feel their motion sickness when they boarded the train. They allowed Akari to sit in between them, or more like they had no choice when they just felt too sick already. Sting leaned against the window while Rogue was trying his best to keep composed. During the train ride, Sting was already passed out while Rogue was barely hanging on to his own consciousness. At his limit, Rogue leaned against Akari for support. From there on out it was just darkness and he was quite thankful for that since he would be still blushing red like a tomato if he knew of what he did on the train.


After a bit, Rogue felt himself waking up and realized that the train finally stopped. He quickly jumped to his feet and looked around as if making sure he was still alive. He noticed that Sting was being slapped awake by Lector and looking over at Akari he hesitantly asked her, "Um, did I do anything on the train by any chance...?" Though that was when he noticed one more presence missing. Looking around frantically he asked the group, "Hey did anyone see Frosch?!" Rogue was beginning to panic when he heard the familiar voice of Frosch, his head snapped towards that direction so fast that he probably has whip lash and saw Frosch already leaving the station. The group followed after Frosch or more like Rogue ran after him and soon they started making their way to the meeting spot. Rogue was weary of leaving Frosch alone and so he kept Frosch in his arms for the meantime. 



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Akari Kaya


Akari had closed her eyes to doze during the train ride, when suddenly, she felt a pressure on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she glanced over at Rogue, who had--without his own knowledge--taken up her offer of leaning on her. He seemed to be barely conscious, and Akari's eyebrows furrowed worriedly. She'd always found the Dragon Slayers' motion sickness comical, but this? It was concerning. One look at Sting leaning against the window confirmed this. Though she knew they wouldn't remember it, Akari held their hands as a show of solidarity. She loved her Sabertooth friends almost as much as she loved her Fairy Tail friends...maybe even more. Worry came naturally to her, no matter how much she teased them. Closing her eyes again, she leaned her head against Rogue's, a tiny smile coming to her face as she did so.


All too soon, they reached Hargeon, and Akari lifted her head and stretched her arms and legs, which were stiff from travel. She giggled at Lector slapping Sting awake, and as he came to, she teased, "Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty~!" Then she heard Rogue's hesitant question, and turned toward him, her blue eyes wide as she stared up at him. "No, why? All you did was lean on me..." she trailed off as Rogue scurried off to find Frosch, and she smiled. Grabbing Sting's hand--and sharing a playful eye roll with him--she followed Rogue, who had taken Frosch in his arms. Akari patted the adorable Exceed on the head. "Silly Fro, you know how much Ro worries about you when you run off." Folding her arms behind her head, she looked up at the sky, noting that it was only mid-afternoon. "I think we're near the place where we meet the other guilds, including Fairy Tail! It was at a mansion, right?"


In the distance, near the mansion she had pointed out, Akari saw the shapes of six people. One of them were two familiar heads of pink hair... "Sakura-chan! Natsu!" Akari called, flouncing over to them. Only then did she realize who the other three wizards were. She barely had time to think, Aw, crap, before the men of Blue Pegasus folded her into their world of beauty.


Gray Fullbuster


Gray startled as Sakura's arms wrapped around his neck, but then he grinned when he realized she was just looking out the window. A part of him was embarrassed, but for the most part, he was just amused. No wonder she and Natsu got along so well. Or, for that matter, she and Akari. The Elemental wizard was a lot like this, too, but she mostly did it with Rogue and Sting from Sabertooth. Seeing Natsu weakly reaching for her, he laughed. "Wow, pyro, you really are weak sometimes, aren't ya?" Though his words were harsh, he was seriously concerned Natsu might actually throw up. Happy was a brave one, sitting beside him. He went back to looking out the window, his thoughts swirling around the mission at hand.


They reached Hargeon, and Gray bent down to pick Natsu up off the floor. "Geez, Natsu, lighten up. You have some time before you have to get on a boat." Natsu's face went slack as it paled again. Oh, boy. He followed Sakura as she led the way toward the client's mansion, pausing only when its double doors opened themselves. He knew that method of swirling roses and wind. Oh no... Hearing a familiar voice calling out, he turned to see Akari prancing over with Rogue, Sting, and the Exceeds of Sabertooth. "No, Akari, don't--" he tried to say, but it was too late. 


Ren, Hibiki, and Eve of Blue Pegasus swooped in and immediately began to try to woo the two female wizards. They dragged the girls over to two couches and began pouring them drinks, occasionally striking poses and saying flattering things. Gray was so shocked by the absence of Ichiya that he dropped Natsu hard on the floor, gaping. Ichiya was the pride of Blue Pegasus, as well as the leader of The Trimens. Where was he? (Not that Gray missed him, but still...) The Ice Mage glanced over at Rogue and Sting to see how they would react to Akari's being dragged into this. They were usually so protective of Akari, he expected them to be punching the Blue Pegasus guys in the face at any moment.


A voice behind him said, "Well, well, Gray. We meet again," and he stiffened. Lyon. So Lamia Scale has also appeared.



(I just had to get Lyon up in this~ XD )

~Sakura Sylvia ~



Sakura heard someone call her name and turning her head, she saw Akari-chan along with the two Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth. She smiled and was about to wave back when she felt herself being pulled into the mansion. She blinked back and remembered her situation, right...Blue Pegasus. She blinked a couple more times as she realized she was being gently led to a couch and now sitting next to her was Hibiki of Blue Pegasus. Sakura was confused as to why they were doing this. Hibiki smiled at her and presented her with a drink while saying, "Ah you must be Sakura Sylvia right? Wow, I have heard of your beauty but seeing it in the flesh just compares to nothing at all...my name is Hibiki. It is a pleasure to meet you, my Princess." Sakura's hand was being held by Hibiki as he placed a chaste kiss on it. Sakura could only smile lightly as she was confused beyond words, "Um...Hibiki-san...um, is this some sort of welcome for today's meeting...? But then what about the guys...?" 


She then heard another voice from besides her. Glancing over she saw it was another from Blue Pegasus, the younger male looked up at her with admiration in his eyes before he spoke up, "Um hello, my name is Eve...I've been a fan of you for a while now Sakura-san...can...can we shake hands?" *this was Eve before he went to Akari's side* Sakura titled her head to the side but merely smiled and said, "Sure, nice to meet you too, no need to add the -san to my name!" Sakura tilted her head as she saw Eve blush and turn his head to the side while he hesitantly spoke up, "T-then...can I call you..Sakura-sama...?" Sakura sweatdropped as she didn't understand this but still with a friendly smile she said, "Um...if that's what you really want to call me...?" 


Lyon approached Gray and Natsu with a cocky smirk adorning his face. He glanced over at the scene where Blue Pegasus was courting the two Fairy Tail female mages. He snickered while saying, "You're allowing your female mages to just flirt with Blue Pegasus? I thought you would have stopped them by now, Gray...ah you too I guess, Natsu." Lyon really did wonder how Gray and Natsu would react, ah but the usual Lucy or Erza wasn't there, perhaps that's why? 



~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue froze when Akari mentioned that he leaned on her during the train ride. His mouth was open agape and it kept closing and opening like a fish out of water. He then stuttered out, "I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean anything by doing that!" He lowered his head so she can't see just how red his face was burning up. He never really was one to be able to handle girls well. Or more like he just never had the experience nor knew how to behave around girls. After a while, Rogue was back to normal and the three including the two Exceeds were on their way to the mansion. Sting nodded his head, "Yeah! It should be up that hill!" Rogue also added, "There isn't just Fairy Tail there of course...there's other guilds too, strong ones at that." Rogue wondered why they were all told to gather...it wasn't a trap or anything was it? Rogue shook his head, no, he was probably just getting too paranoid again. He snapped out of his thoughts when Akari pointed towards the mansion up ahead and the figures also. Rogue squinted his eyes to see who they were exactly.


Sting spoke up first, "Oh, its Natsu-san and Gray-san? Along with someone else?" Rogue continued on,"Oh and I think that's...eh wait! Akari!? Don't g-!" it was too late and by the time Rogue distinguished who the other three were, Akari was already captured along with Akari's friend. Sting and Rogue could only watch in shock as the guys of Blue Pegasus began to pamper and basically flirt with Akari. Sting was shaking as he glared at the three and likewise Rogue was also glaring at them. The only reason the two weren't out beating the three from Blue Pegasus was due to Rogue holding the two back. He spoke to Sting, "Calm down Sting...we can't...fight them...we're here to work alongside them..." Rogue grit his teeth as Sting also held him back while gritting out, "I know...you calm down too..." And so they did the one thing they can think of, they sent their Exceeds to go and pick Akari up. Sting basically threw Lector at them and Rogue while apologizing to Frosch did the same. The two exceeds landed on the faces of Ren and Eve, the two who were talking to Akari at the moment. Lector spoke up, "Hey you! You can't touch Akari-chan like that!" Frosch added, "Fro thinks so too!" 


Ren and Eve were standing by Akari with gentle looking eyes and were speaking sweet nothings to her. Ren looked to the side while offering her a drink while saying, "I didn't do it cuz I like you or something! Don't misunderstand!" while Eve said to her sweetly while holding her hand, "Ne, you're Akari Kaya of the Kaya twins right? Wow, you're so cool~!" 


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Akari Kaya


Akari was unimpressed. The Blue Pegasus wizards' charm did not work on her, to say the least. She looked on with a bored expression as Ren offered her a drink and Eve complimented her. "Yeah...I am. Your point?" It was then that Lector and Frosch literally came flying in and landed on Ren and Eve's faces. For a moment, she was frozen, and then she started laughing. Gently picking the Exceeds off of the boys' faces, she petted them, cooing, "Aren't you two sweet? But I can take it from here." Her face morphed into a furious expression as she turned to Ren and Eve. "Last time I checked, actually unsuspecting girls off their feet isn't very polite." With that, she kicked both boys hard in the gut, turning on her heel to walk back to Rogue and Sting. Both were seething with rage; she was surprised they hadn't flown at the Blue Pegasus wizards right away.


Still holding Lector and Frosch in her arms, Akari smiled up at them. "It's sweet of you to send these two in to rescue me, but you know I can take care of myself." Her grin turned teasing as she added, "After all, I'm still able to beat you two in a fight without breaking a sweat." Glancing around at all the guilds that were present, and noticing Lamia Scale's arrival, she remarked, "Looks like we're only waiting for Mermaid Heel, and then we can begin!" Spotting Lyon talking to Gray, she looked up at her two best friends earnestly. "If anyone asks, I'm an honorary member of Sabertooth, 'kay? I don't want them trying to separate me from you boys. You might try to wreak havoc on the world when I'm not around!" She had meant to soften the blow, but despite her teasing tone, she couldn't help but think of the incident at the Grand Magic Games, and Future Rogue, who'd tried to make Akari his queen when he took over Fiore. She had yet to tell Rogue of this, however, as she feared it would make their friendship awkward. The thought made her blush slightly, and she stared off into the distance, her smile slipping from her face.


Ren and Eve, having recovered from Akari's attack, got up and dusted themselves off, sliding over to where Hibiki was. Hibiki stood up, winking one last time at Sakura before turning to his guildmates. "Ah, well, boys, looks like we'll pick this up again later. Now let's focus on the task at hand." Eve nodded enthusiastically, while Ren pretended not to notice Sherry entering the mansion with Lyon and Jura.


Gray Fullbuster


Gray wasn't in the mood to deal with Lyon, not after having to deal with Natsu's motion sickness for a couple of hours. Glancing at the Blue Pegasus wizards and then back at Lyon, he smirked. "You should know that our girls know how to take care of themselves, Lyon. I don't need to butt in at all." And he was right, as Akari kicked two of the boys and then casually strode over to Rogue and Sting with two Exceeds in her arms. Gray's eyes flitted from Akari to Sakura, who was now abandoned on one of the couches that the Blue Pegasus wizards had pulled out of nowhere. He walked over to her and offered her a hand. "You alright, Sakura? They didn't bother you too much, did they?" Though he was usually cool and collected, he did have genuine concern for his fellow Fairy Tail wizards.


Natsu at this point had finally stumbled to his feet, with Happy perching on his shoulder as always. With a dangerous grin, Natsu yelled, "All right, I'm all fired up now! Where's the guy who posted this mission anyway? I wanna go as soon as possible!" The presence of wizards that weren't from Fairy Tail registered, and his face brightened. "Oh, hey Akari! What'cha doing here? Rogue, Sting, long time no see! And the guys from Blue Pegasus are here? And Lamia Scale? What is this, a party?" In the midst of his motion sickness, he hadn't retained any of the explanations Gray had given...classic Natsu. Happy slapped his face with a paw and sighed, shaking his head.


Gray rolled his eyes. "Just a minute, pyro, we gotta wait until Mermaid Heel gets here. Then I'll explain what we're doing here--again."



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura merely smiled at Hibiki and waved bye to him while Hibiki winked at her. She turned to Gray as he approached her and tilted her head in confusion, "Hm? I'm fine, they were just welcoming us, right?" she smiled innocently up at Gray as she had no clue the guys from Blue Pegasus, especially Hibiki, was hitting on her. She took his hand and stood up straight. She barely reached his shoulders as she glanced over at Akari with the people from Sabertooth. She then walked over to Natsu and before Natsu and Gray could fight, she placed a hand on either of their shoulders and sent a little of her crystal powers to make little crystals appear on their shoulders while saying with a smile, "Maa. Let's not fight now you two..." Natsu was about to complain more this time about Akari and Sakura butted in, "Natsu, stop. Plus...we should let Akari-chan have her fun." She would have said more if someone else didn't interrupt. 


Lyon noticed the concern that Gray showed to the pink haired girl and so with his interest piqued he spoke up, "And who is this, if I may ask?" Sakura's sky blue orbs flitted to Lyon in question and was about to reply when the door opened and in came the last of the group, Mermaid Heel. She turned back to Gray and said to him cheerily, "Guess now is the time for you to explain to Natsu again about this whole job~" She watched as Blue Pegasus began their welcome with Mermaid Heel this time. See? It was just a simple welcome. Sakura was getting bored of waiting and so she tried to find something to do, she saw that Natsu had a bedhead and so she began fixing it to relieve her boredom. 



~ Rogue Cheney ~


Sting and Rogue calmed down a bit when they saw that Akari was coming back to their side with Lector and Frosch in her arms. They visibly calmed down as their shoulders were no longer tense and there wasn't a death glare coming from either of them. Sting took Lector into his arms and merely replied with a scowl, "You don't have to go mentioning that..." it was somewhat true, Akari was strong there was no doubt about it. Rogue let Akari hold onto Frosch as he merely glanced over at Akari and murmured out, "Are you okay? I mean...I don't think any girl would like being hit on..." he tried to ignore the comment about her being stronger than the two Dragon Slayers though he did comment, "Well...Akari is strong Sting." Sting pouted at Rogue but he didn't say anything as he couldn't deny it. 


As everyone began to gather into their respective groups, Rogue was a bit surprised to hear Akari saying that she wants to stay with them. It warmed his heart up really. This time Sting spoke up with slight concern, "But what about those three? I'm sure Natsu-san would feel hurt of you doing that to them?" Rogue nodded his head but said to Sting, "Just let her do what she wants, if those three know her as much as we do, than they would understand." He began to look at the other groups arriving and when he turned back to comment about it, Rogue noticed Akari was spacing out and was blushing slightly. He was confused, but curious as well. And so he asked her, "Something the matter, Akari?" Frosch poked Akari's cheek as well  and said, "Fro thinks so too." 




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Akari Kaya


Akari glanced up at Rogue, surprised he'd noticed she'd been spacing out. Was it really that obvious? Her blush deepened when she realized she couldn't explain what she was thinking about to him. Not even her brother, Akar, knew about what happened on the back of that dragon, and she didn't plan on telling Rogue about it anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter. She petted Frosch's head and smiled up at Rogue. "Nothing's wrong. Just thinking about this mission, is all. As for Natsu, Sting," she continued, turning to the blond wizard, "he knows how much you two mean to me. If anything, he won't even notice." She had a point; Natsu tended to not really notice small details, in favor of the big picture--which he always saw as a fight.


Seeing that Natsu had gotten over his most recent bout of motion sickness, Akari rolled her eyes playfully. "You're hopeless, Natsu. We're all here to see what's going on with an island that has a dark aura around it." The members of Mermaid Heel had just arrived and, spotting Kagura, she waved. "Hey, Kagura! Want me to say hi to Erza for you when we're done with this job?" Kagura nodded curtly, a slight blush appearing on her face. Akari grinned. Erza had become a sisterly figure to Kagura after the Grand Magic Games, and it was clear that they really did care for each other.


With all the guilds gathered, Akari wondered where exactly the client who had submitted the request was. Had they been waiting until all the guild's representatives came? If so, why hadn't they shown themselves yet? She watched the Blue Pegasus wizards attempt to flirt with the girls of Mermaid Heel, who instead took no notice of them and instead began talking to Jura and Sherry of Lamia Scale. Quite the team we have here, Akari thought, absentmindedly stroking Frosch's head.


Gray Fullbuster


Gray and Natsu stopped their bickering when Sakura made crystals appeared on their shoulders, though they still stuck out their tongues childishly at each other. Natsu glanced over at Akari and the Sabertooth wizards, a smirk creeping up one side of his face. Gray followed his gaze, and he smiled, too. Everyone in Fairy Tail knew that Sabertooth was practically a second home to Akari, and getting between her and the Twin Dragons was a bad idea. He nodded at Akari's explanation and looked at Natsu again. "That's basically it. Now with all the guilds here, all we need to do is wait for the client to show up, and we can head out."


Lyon slid up to Sakura to introduce himself, and Gray scowled at him. "What is it with you and flirting with Fairy Tail wizards, Lyon?" he muttered, thinking of the times Lyon had unashamedly flirted with Juvia. He had to admit, though, that at least she was getting a taste of her own medicine there. Sakura, however, had done nothing of the sort. "This is Sakura, Lyon. And Sakura, this is Lyon. We trained under Ur together." The mention of Gray made something in Gray crack, and for a brief moment, sadness flashed across his face. It was soon replaced with his usual indifferent expression, and he gazed around the mansion's foyer, wondering where the client who had requested the job was.


Suddenly, Natsu perked up. "I smell something!" The other wizards waited for him to specify, but he just pointed at a grand door at the other end of the room and exclaimed, "I think our mystery man's coming!" Leave it to Natsu to announce other people's entrances.



(Wasn't sure who you had in mind for the person requesting the job XD )

~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura smiled at the Fire and Ice Mage and letting go of their shoulders she also looked around. Gray was right, where on earth was their client? Though her thoughts were soon cut off when she felt someone approach her. Turning her blue eyes towards the person, Sakura noted it was the guy that was speaking with Gray earlier. Ah were they perhaps friends? He was from Lamia Scale she noted when she saw the logo and she smiled up at him though she did tilt her head at Gray's rather grumpy comment. Sakura gave a little wave as she said, "Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Sakura Sylvia. Ah, so you guys are like rivals in a sense?" Sakura knew of Ur and how she had died saving Gray. She saw the pain and sadness flit pass Gray's eyes and feeling it hurt her as well, Sakura glomped Gray and hugged onto him as a way of comforting him.


Sakura completely ignored Lyon as she hugged Gray. Sakura made a gasp sound as she realized what she just did. She just looked around as if she just didn't hug onto Gray and instead she stayed on his back as she looked around. That was when her attention was on Natsu. She titled her head and was about to ask him what was wrong when the doors began to open. Well that was a good excuse for her as she 'hid' behind Gray while peering over to see who it was behind the doors. Her eyes slightly widened as she realized who it was. Sakura let out a small smirk as she said, "Well well, guess this job sounds like a lot more fun than I thought." When Hsu asked if anyone wishes to leave, Sakura spoke up, "Well I for one shall take this job~" she had a smile on her face as she raised her hand. 


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue tilted his head in question at Akari's rather sudden blush but as she spoke while holding Frosch in her arms, he had no choice but to accept her answer and merely nodded his head. He can't go full out interrogating her about this when they were about to face a mission together. Rogue let out a small smile as he agreed with Akari, "Akari is right Sting. Natsu-san will be too busy focusing on the job at hand." he glanced over at the flaming pink haired Dragon Slayer as he looked clueless about the entire situation. Rogue looked around as he noted that everyone have finally gathered. He wondered who their client was and just how much of a powerful person he or she was to be able to summon this many mages and on top of that all of them were of top class. Just as Rogue was wondering this, he also smelled something just as Natsu announced.


Looking over at the large double doors that have remained locked slowly open up, Rogue looked on in anticipation. He stood closer to his two friends and petted Frosch on the head once as if to calm himself down. He was excited no doubt, he just wanted this mission to start though he was a bit concerned of how dangerous it might get. He didn't want to see anyone of his friends get hurt again. His mind flashed back to the fight with the dragons, Rogue shook his head and focused on what was in front of him. The doors soon opened and out stepped an elderly man. Rogue blinked a bit, this was their client? Though he soon looked shocked as he recognized who it was. He muttered out to Sting, "Sting...isn't he...?" Sting could only nod his head as he too have recognized the older male. 



The male who stood in front of them was none other than the former Council member, Hsu. Hsu was one of the more neutral members of the council, one who would only give out fair opinions regarding the mages. He smiled at the group and spoke up, "It seems like all of you have gathered. Thank you all for coming...now let me get straight to the point here. The reason why I called so many of you is because the aura that the island is giving off is strong dark magic...it almost reminds me of the darkness we have felt during the Grand Magic Tournament...I'm sure you all remember that time. This is the reason why I called so many of you here! To prevent another happening of sorts, I wish for you all to go to that island and get rid of whatever is manifesting such evil! One thing I can tell you is that this island has not been there before...it was as if it suddenly appeared overnight. That is also something that worries me...now I know this mission sounds dangerous...so I am giving you a choice, will you take this job or not?" 



Akari Kaya


Natsu's announcement drew Akari's gaze over to the grand doors at the other end of the foyer, where formal Magic Council member Hsu stood and greeted them. Since she was still petting Frosch, she felt Rogue's hand gently touch hers, and she startled. Looking down, she realized he was just petting Frosch, and she drew her own hand away, the blush on her cheeks deepening as she averted her gaze. Ignoring the small tingle that had passed through her when their hands touched, she focused her attention on Hsu. His explanation made sense, though his mentioning of the Grand Magic Games made Akari wince. The Games had been one of the most traumatic experiences of her life, which was saying a lot, considering she'd lost seven years of her life on Tenrou.


At Hsu's question, she nodded in determination. No way was she going to pass up a mission like this. Glancing up at Rogue and Sting, she murmured, "You two are in, right?" If the boys refused to go, then she'd renege on her own decision, but she really wanted to have the opportunity to do this with them, despite the danger. As it was, they didn't get to spend as much time together, and she missed the days when they'd been traveling together, back when she was older than them. Looking around, she saw Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus all agree to take on the mission. Biting her lip, her gaze returned to her best friends, as she squeezed Frosch a little tighter.


Gray Fullbuster


"You could say that," Gray muttered at Sakura's question about he and Lyon being rivals. That was when she hugged him tightly. Surprised, he glanced down at her, unsure how to respond to the sudden embrace. He was just about to wrap his arms around her when she pulled away, choosing instead to stay on his back. Gray chuckled and shook his head. There was no stopping her. The doors of the foyer opened, and Gray widened his eyes slightly at the new arrival, a former Council member. Natsu, meanwhile, tilted his head in confusion, so Happy quietly explained about him.


Hsu's mentioning of the Grand Magic Games made him grit his teeth. He wanted to forget just about everything that had happened during that tournament, including Ultear's sacrifice for his sake and the rest of Fiore. His hands absentmindedly balled into fists, and when he looked at Natsu, he noticed the Fire Dragon Slayer had done the same. Sakura raised her hand to accept the mission, and Gray and Natsu immediately followed her example, shouting in unison, "We're in!"


{Sorry that took so long! I was sorta sick yesterday. ^^" }

~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura smirked as she heard the unison voices of Gray and Natsu. She squeezed lightly against Gray before she got off his back and linking arms with Natsu and Gray, she smiled up at the two and let out a small giggle, "Hehe, can't wait for the job to start~!" Sakura was quick to distract the two's attention as she knew the topic of the Grand Magic Games was a bit touchy for both. Sakura herself didn't exactly have fun herself during that time. Sakura could only recollect several fragments of that time since half of the time she was kidnapped and unconscious and suddenly she woke up to dragons. Yeah that was a fun time, it never helped that it gave her head a dull throb whenever she tried to remember. Feeling the dull throb begin, Sakura shook her head and held on a bit tighter to Natsu and Gray's arms.


After Sakura spoke up, soon the other guilds spoke up, agreeing to go as well. She glanced over at Sabertooth for they were the last ones to answer, but soon she smiled as the answer she expected was heard. She faced Hsu again, awaiting for further instructions when Hsu almost broke down crying, in an almost comical way. Sakura could only sweatdrop when Hsu composed himself just as quickly and spoke up loudly, "I am proud to know you all, each and every one of you are what a true mage of Magnolia should be. I am glad to have picked you all, now if you go through these doors, there will be a boat awaiting for you to take you all to the island. But before that, I was hoping that you would not mind being split into different teams and not in the team you are all in at the moment?" Sakura furrowed her brows in confusion before she spoke up, her arms getting tighter and tighter around the boys as she did not want to be separated from them, "Huh? Why do we have to do that? I don't want to." Hsu spoke up, "Well it's because mixing you all into different groups of three would be for the best possible outcome." Sakura frowned and looked towards Gray and Natsu for help, her eyes lingering on Gray for a tad longer her blue orbs holding a sense of sadness.


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue didn't seem to have noticed that his hand brushed against Akari's as he was too focused on the doors that were opening. Sting and Rogue both glanced down at Akari whom stood in between the two as she spoke up. How she murmured it out instead of speaking in a normal tone got Sting raising an eyebrow while Rogue looked at her silently. He knew that regardless of what him and Sting would say, Akari would most definitely go. Rogue let out a small sigh and shook his head before smiling lightly at Akari. He spoke up in a soft tone of his own, "Of course I am in, this job already sounds like a challenge...and it is piquing my interest." Sting added in while gently ruffling Akari's head, "Yup, yup! Of course we're in! I'm totally pumped for this! Plus we can't let you go by yourself! Right Rogue?" Sting turned to Rogue and Rogue blinked a second before smiling down at Akari and said, "Yes, we'll go where you go." He didn't really think much to his words and then focused back onto Hsu.


Two small voices piped in, "Hey, please do not forget about us. We are also in this too! Right Frosch-kun?" Lector turned to Frosch and Frosch raised his hand in the air while saying, "Fro thinks so too!" Lector hugged onto Akari and hanged off her shoulder while Frosch stayed comfortably in Akari's arms. Both Sting and Rogue could only smile at their best friends the Exceeds getting along so well with their best friend, Akari. Sting laughed lightly while saying, "Sorry sorry, we can't forget you two!" Rogue smiled down at Frosch while saying, "Sorry Frosch, but you are always with us, right?" Sting turned to Hsu and raising his voice he said, "Sabertooth is in!" Though when Hsu spoke again, Sting and Rogue froze as they definitely did not expect that to happen. Instinctively, Rogue stood in front of Akari as if to shield her from Hsu and Sting added on to Sakura's comment, "She's right, why must we? Plus I think we all can agree that we will work better with the people we are more familiar with, don't you think?" 





Akari Kaya


Sting ruffling her hair made Akari laugh. The boys were taller than her, so whenever either of them did something like that, she couldn't help but be amused. He and Rogue agreed to join her on the job, but Rogue's statement of them going wherever she went made her smile and stare down at the ground. Maybe he didn't understand the magnitude of his words, but to her, they meant the world. Lector latched onto her shoulder, and she laughed again. Both Exceeds were clearly very fond of her, almost as much as she was of them. Glancing up at the Twin Dragons, she couldn't help but grin a little at the thought of how much her Sabertooth friends meant to her. It wasn't every day you reunited with the best friends you'd been separated from nine years ago, after all.


However, at Hsu's suggestion to split up into different groups, Akari's smile turned into a scowl. Her blue eyes flashed, even as Rogue stepped protectively in front of her. "If you think I'm going to separate from these two again, then you've got another thing coming," she snapped, her expression dangerous. The very idea of splitting up from her two best friends was a very touchy subject to her, especially since that was what caused their previous dispute at the Grand Magic Games. Nine years before, she and the boys had separated, and when she returned from Tenrou and went with Fairy Tail to the Games, she met them again. However, they were now technically two years older than her, and had changed drastically from the little boys she knew into arrogant jerks. Of course, they weren't like that anymore, but Akari still hated the idea of having to separate from them. She wasn't going to do that ever again, as long as she lived.


Gray Fullbuster


Gray blinked as Sakura deftly hopped off his back and linked her arms through his and Natsu's. His expression softened sympathetically. The Games hadn't exactly been the most fun of times for her, so as her grip on his arm tightened, he gently squeezed back as a show of support. It didn't take long for Sabertooth to agree, naturally. Pretty much wherever Akari went, Sting and Rogue were sure to follow, so he wasn't surprised by their easy agreement. That meant all the guilds had agreed to take on this mission, which made Hsu very happy. It was then he suggested they mix up their groups, which completely overrode any thought of boats for the Dragon Slayers present.


"I'm not agreeing to that, old man!" Natsu interjected. "I'm staying with Fairy Tail whether you like it or not!" Sakura looked up at him, and then looked at Gray, her blue eyes sad.  Gray nodded slightly, conveying that she had nothing to worry about. He wasn't about to let this guy separate their team, especially since he and Sakura were probably the only ones who could actually handle Natsu.


"Working with other people might actually weaken our chances," Gray reasoned, his gaze shifting to the former Council member. "With all due respect, I say we should stay in the teams we're used to." The mages from the other guilds slowly nodded, very much in agreement with what he said. He could only hope Hsu would see the reasoning in his words.



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura's eyes slightly lit up in hope as Natsu spouted out his disagreement and even Gray said something! She smiled, happy to know the two. She also let a small smile pass her lips as she saw just how much the other two Dragon Slayers were at the idea of not being able to be in the same group as Akari. She'll have to tease Akari about that later thought Sakura with a small chuckle. Sakura pulled Natsu and Gray's arms and she said happily, "Yup~! Can't think of a better group than with you two hehe." she smiled up at the two but soon she was bombarded with Happy in her face saying what about him. Sakura let out a small laugh as she turned her head to pretend as if she just didn't forget about Happy. 


However, her small little chat with Happy was soon cut short when Hsu spoke up after hearing everyone disagreeing with his idea. She was unusually silent as she listened on carefully. She knew Hsu was quite a tricky person, after all he was a former councilmen. When she heard Hsu's original group ideas, she blinked a couple times. She looked over to see Hibiki and Lyon, she was supposed to be paired with them? But for what reason? What made them a good group? That was when the men from Blue Pegasus spoke up, Eve spoke up first, "Oh, if it's like that then I don't mind." he shyly glanced over at Akari. Ren spoke up rather agitated, "I...think we should pick our own groups..." he averted his gaze from Sherry and lastly Hibiki spoke up rather happily, "Oh? I'm in the same group as Sakura-chan? I would love that actually ahaha." Lyon made a thoughtful face as well before he spoke up, "That might not be a bad idea..." Sakura felt nervous when more people were considering it, she spoke up calmly, "Well calm down everyone. Just as Hsu-san said, we have time to think this all over so let's not fret too much now." she gave a light smile and added rather cheerily, "Plus, some of us needs to prepare ourselves for the upcoming boat ride..." she felt Natsu visibly cringe right next to her. 


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue stopped himself from arguing to Hsu when he heard what Akari said. He stared at her speechless for a moment until a small smile formed on his face. Akari...was his thoughts as he stood straighter and spoke up alongside her, "I agree with what Fairy Tail is saying. Please think about it Hsu-san...You wish for us to succeed on this mission, don't you? Then leaving the group choice to us would be for the better of all I believe." Sting piped in, "I definitely agree with that! We know each other the best, so with that in mind, I think our strategies during the mission would be for the best, no?" The rest of the guilds made their own opinions. Rogue looked around and realized that perhaps the trigger was the mentioning of the Grand Magic Games...no one wants to recall that day much. He smirked as he stared confidently towards Hsu.


Of course, Rogue doesn't really remember everything since at one point he fell unconscious, though when he awoke, he was greeted by the sight of a beaten Gazille. Even now that was a mystery...was that really his doing? Rogue shook his head as he felt a shudder course through his body. Really, the Grand Magic Games was something that woke him from a blinding fantasy and also reunited him with someone that was dear to him yet had to be separated from for many long years. At this thought Rogue glanced down at Akari as he remembered the day he and Sting met Akari after nine years during the Grand Magic Games. He was surprised at first to see her so much younger than them especially when she is a couple years older than Rogue or Sting, but after hearing her explanation about Tenrou Island, well it made sense now. He averted his gaze back to Hsu as he spoke up in regards to what all the guilds said.



Hsu was a bit astounded by what everyone was saying, but he composed himself before speaking up again. "Yes, I understand that each of you know the other very well..but does that not only apply to those within the same guild? At least hear my groups out, and then if you are still dissatisfied...then you may do as you like, how about it?" Hearing the silence of everyone, Hsu continued on, "Well the plans I had were to form the following into groups. Group 1 would consist of Kagura, Sting and Natsu. Group 2 would be Ren, Sherry and Arana. Group 3 would be Gray, Rogue and Milliana. Group 4 would be Lyon, Hibiki and Sakura. Group 5 would be Jura,  Eve and Akari. I don't need a response now, the boat will be leaving soon...so please think and discuss amongst yourself during the ride to the island...well then everyone. I wish you all luck." with that said Hsu turned around and left. 


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Akari Kaya


The support from the boys strengthened Akari's resolve. No way was she going to let anyone--former Council member or otherwise--separate her from her best friends. Beside her, she felt Rogue shudder, probably from the memory of the Games. Shifting Frosch to one arm, she put her other arm on Rogue's comfortingly. But Hsu still insisted they split into different teams, even suggesting a certain way they could do so. While Akari respected Jura, one of the Ten Wizard Saints, she wasn't about to walk away from Rogue and Sting to work with him and one of the Blue Pegasus boys. In response to Eve's shy glance, Akari glared. No amount of flirting on his part was going to convince her.


Her calming hand on Rogue's arm tightened as she gripped his sleeve in her hand, stepping closer to him. She grabbed Sting's sleeve (while still holding Frosch) and dragged him over to. "I'm not budging. We have a lot of time to make up after being apart for nine years. Wherever they go, I go." In all honesty, though, Akari couldn't shake the tinge of jealousy that went through her at the thought of Milliana being teamed up with Rogue. The girl barely wore anything as it was; there was a lot to be jealous of, in Akari's opinion. She tried not to let this show, though, as she continued, "If everyone else wants to split up into teams like that, I say go ahead. But no way am I allowing myself to be on a team that doesn't include Sting and Rogue." Peering up nervously at them, she added, "I guess, uh, we should continue this conversation on the, um, boat?" Akari prepared herself for the bout of motion sickness that was bound to overcome the Dragon Slayers.


Gray Fullbuster


Classic Happy, flying into people's faces just to feel included. Gray chuckled and shook his head, his smile both from the Exceed as well as from Sakura's agreement to his and Natsu's protests. Hsu's announcement of who he'd recommended as teams only served to further annoy him. Pairing Sakura with Hibiki and Lyon, two flirty wizards? What kind of farce was this? He had no personal problems with Rogue or Milliana, other than the Tower of Heaven incident and the Grand Magic Games, but he didn't want to take Rogue away from Akari. And pairing Natsu with Sting and Kagura? Two Dragon Slayers? Poor Kagura would be dealing with constant motion sickness. Then again, wasn't Akari already dealing with that? Ah, well.


Hsu left, and Gray let out a "Tch!" of annoyance. "Whatever. Let's just go catch that boat already." Glancing over at Natsu, he saw the Fire Dragon Slayer was already looking a little green. If he was already like this, he could only imagine Rogue and Sting's reactions. Turning on his heel and beginning to leave the mansion, he called back over his shoulder, "I guess we should all just get going. It's not like we're going to get this done if we just stand here arguing about this. The situation might change, anyway, as soon as we get there." Hearing some of the other guilds prepare to leave as well, he shoved his hands in his pockets and stepped outside.



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura felt relieved when most of the guilds quieted down with her suggestion and all began to slowly make their way towards the dock where the boat would be waiting for them. Sakura glanced curiously over at Gray as she heard a small 'tch' come from his direction. She tilted her head in question but she stayed silent as she became distracted with a green faced Natsu. Sakura held back a giggle as she poked Natsu on the side and said, "Oh it won't be that bad." she couldn't stop the giggles from coming when Natsu's legs began shaking and he could barely stand on his own. She would have continued her little tease if she didn't see Gray walking off. Grabbing Natsu's arm, Sakura began to drag a green faced Natsu, following Gray. She called out to him, "Ah! Wait up!" but before she could go any further, Milliana approached the two with hearts in her eyes as she saw Happy standing next to Natsu. Milliana said rather happily, "So if I am in the same team as Rogue and Gray, does that mean that kitty is there too!?" Happy hid behind Natsu's leg as he said with a pointing finger, "No! I'm with Natsu! If anything Frosch over there of Rogue's would be in the same team!" Happy pointed towards Rogue so as to save himself from any harm from Milliana. Milliana skipped over to Rogue and Frosch as she cheerily said, "I don't mind being on the same team!" she was staring at Frosch with hearts in her eyes. Sakura watched Milliana walk off towards Sabertooth and shook her head. She never had anything against the girl, but when she spoke of Gray like that, Sakura couldn't help the slight squeezing feeling she felt in her chest. She wondered if she just didn't like Milliana, but then there was no reason for her to hate Milliana either? Sakura shook her head as she felt confused with herself. 


Meanwhile, Lyon stopped in front of Gray, successfully blocking Gray's path. With a smirk Lyon spoke up, "Well well Gray...why such a long face?" Lyon then turned his attention towards Sakura and called out to her, "Hopefully we will be on the same team...ah, I will talk to you later." Lyon sent Sakura a wink as he walked back to Jura and Sherry as he began to head towards the dock. Sakura blinked a couple times confused as to what happened, but her attention was quickly back on Natsu as she called out to Gray, "Oh my gosh, help me Gray! I...can't...hold him any longer!" with that said Sakura dropped Natsu to the ground but luckily Happy caught him in time. Sakura let out a breath of relief and began to walk alongside Gray. while saying with a small smile, "Don't worry Gray, I won't leave you two hehe." She kept on walking until they finally reached the dock. Sakura stared up at the large boat and turning to face Gray and Happy holding Natsu, she cheerfully said, "Alright! Let's get on~" 


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue listened to what Hsu had to say and was actually honestly surprised about the pairings for each team that Hsu had in mind. He glanced around for said people that would have been in the same team as him, Gray from Fairy Tail and Milliana of Mermaid Heels...Rogue knew of Gray since he was part of Fairy Tail, but the other person he wasn't very familiar with. He looked over at the girls from Mermaid Heels and saw a cat-like woman who barely wore anything. Rogue averted his gaze from her as he wasn't one to stare though a small blush formed on his face from embarrassment but it quickly went away just as quick as it came.  He instead focused on what Akari said back to Hsu. He shook his head as a small smile formed on his lips, no matter how long it has been, Akari is still the same. She was so stubborn at times and wasn't afraid to just face someone as great as Hsu without any fear. That was something Rogue always admired about her. Plus at the same time, Rogue glanced at Eve as his eyes narrowed when he saw Eve glance shyly over at Akari. He stood a little closer to Akari as if to block her from Eve's view. He wasn't familiar with those from Blue Pegasus, but he knew enough to know that they were complete flirts and the idea of one of them trying to flirt with Akari was something that Rogue did not find pleasing one bit. 


Rogue placed a hand on Akari's shoulder gently and smiling down at her before facing Hsu, Rogue spoke up, "There you have it Hsu-san. I'm sorry but us three will stay as a team." Sting also came by and swung his arms around Akari and Rogue as he said rather cheerfully, "Yup! I wouldn't have asked for it any other way." he grinned at Rogue and Akari. Both Rogue and Sting froze from their confident aura to something a bit more shaky. Both Dragon Slayers faces' turned pale as Akari just had to mention their weakness, riding something and this was a boat on top of that. Rogue although pale in the face spoke up quietly, "Yes...let us...urgh...hey Sting...what do you think about a swim...?" he turned to face Sting who nodded his head rather energetically, "I totally agree with you there! I'm sure Natsu-san would join us too." The two were trying their best to not face Akari as they knew if they did, they would end up on the boat, though inwardly Rogue knew that there was no way that he and Sting were swimming all the way to the island. He tried to mentally prepare himself for the upcoming boat ride...emphasis on the word tried. 

(Sorry it's late, I've been trying to post but something kept coming up site updates to more)


Akari Kaya


Still holding Frosch and carrying Lector, Akari smiled cheekily as Rogue put his hand on her shoulder and Sting threw his arms around the two of them. She stiffened, however, as Milliana neared them, staring at Frosch almost hungrily. Akari's arms instinctively tightened around the Exceed as she stepped closer to Rogue and pressed herself against his arm. It didn't matter to her if the Mermaid Heel wizard was okay with the team arrangement; what mattered was that it seemed she wanted to take Rogue away from her. Not to mention how scantily clothed she was. True, she was probably just in it for Frosch, but still. After all their arguing, Akari wasn't just going to let go of Frosch like that.


This thought stayed with her as she watched the Dragon Slayers grow pale from the thought of the boat ride, Sting suggesting a swim. With a sigh, she interjected, "As tempting as that is, I doubt even you three boys could swim that far. Come on, you two. Let's get this over with." Still pressed against Rogue, Akari nudged Sting with her shoulder and led them through the town toward the boat, noting the other guilds following them. A few times, Eve of Blue Pegasus tried to get close to her, but she quickly drew him away with a frosty glare. Even though it probably embarrassed him, she clung to Rogue's arm, desperate to let everyone know that she wasn't going to be pulled away from her best friends.


Gray Fullbuster


Gray was not in the mood to argue with Lyon. When his fellow student stopped in front of him, Gray just gave him a blank, uninterested look. "Long face? You mean to say you don't remember this is what my face looks like? That's sad, Lyon." The wink the other ice wizard sent Sakura made Gray set his jaw and grit his teeth. Why couldn't Lyon just leave Fairy Tail girls alone? What was his problem? However, he heard Sakura call out to him, and he abruptly turned around and threw Natsu's arm over his shoulder. "Sorry about that," he grunted as they neared the boat. "I got distracted."


Once on the boat, Gray set Natsu down somewhere on the deck far away from the sides of the ship, in case he tried to escape. Looking out at the sea, Gray thought for a moment that he saw something resembling dark smoke around a tiny speck of land. "I guess that's where we're going," he mused, his expression growing thoughtful. Over his shoulder, he saw Akari dragging Rogue and Sting onto the boat, and chuckled sympathetically. At least he didn't have to deal with two Dragon Slayers. But she was probably used to it by now. "Let's get this show on the road," he said with a smirk.


{I totally get it! ^^ }

~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura was about to ask him what was distracting him when she saw the large boat up ahead. The three got on along with Happy and Sakura was instantly looking around. It looked like it was a cruise ship what with the pool and the different levels of decks. She helped Gray set Natsu down on one of the many benches and left him in Happy's care. Sakura was looking around when she heard Gray's comment about the island. Curious and excited, Sakura hopped over to where Gray was and leaning on the railings she also commented, "Oh wooow, that sure looks like a fun place, don't you agree?" she grinned over at Gray. She really held no common understanding of fear as Lucy would always depict Sakura as. Sakura's eyes were shining in excitement.


Sakura noticed Akari with the pale Rogue and Sting and could only let out a small giggle. She knew it was a hard task to care for not only one but two Dragon Slayers, but knowing Akari Sakura knew that the other girl did not mind one bit. She looked over at the sea and smiled leaning her head on her arms as she stared off into the sea. She heard someone approach her and heard a voice, "A beautiful view is it not? How unfortunate that we must go to such a dreary looking island." Sakura looked over to see Hibiki approaching her with some kind of tropical drink in hand. He handed the drink to Sakura who took it with a small thanks and said, "Hm? Yeah the view is nice...but I for one am excited for the island. It looks pretty nice in it's own way. I wouldn't really call it dreary." she smiled over at Hibiki though she glanced around to see what Gray and Natsu were up to. She looked over her shoulder and seeing Gray she called out, "Right Gray?" 


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue heard a female voice calling out to him and when he turned around he found it to be Milliana. He blinked a couple times and finally registered what she was talking about. He took a step back in surprise at her sudden willingness to join the same team as him and saw hearts in her eyes. He felt a bit nervous and unsure of why she was acting like this but the closer she got to him, the more he saw just how...little she was wearing and averting his gaze he mumbled out, "I'm sorry, but Akari, Sting and I are a team already." He felt someone pressing against his arm and looking down he saw it was Akari. This time his face did bloom full in red as he stiffened and began to walk robotically towards the dock while stammering out, "E-excuse us!" to Milliana and left with Akari and Sting in tow. 


Rogue stopped shortly afterwards after making sure Milliana was no longer following them. He remembered the initial reason why he was so stuck on not moving towards the dock and paled in reminder of the impending doom up ahead. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, Akari was there to push him and Sting towards the boat. The two followed her unwillingly though having gotten used to her antics, the two did not put up a fight and instead began to prepare as much as they can for the ride that is ahead. The moment they have gotten on the boat, the two were instantly pale and green. Sting was already hanging off the railings as he did his best to not throw up while Rogue tried to toughen himself but the pale look and shaky legs made him look like a new born fawn. Rogue was worried about the Blue Pegasus boys trying to flirt with Akari during the boat ride, but it would be hard especially with how him and Sting were at the moment. 




Akari Kaya


Shaking her head at how weak her best friends got once on the boat, Akari tried to pull Sting off the railing. The last thing they needed right now was someone falling off. Once she'd succeeded in doing that, she turned to Rogue, who seemed to be trying to look stronger than he was. He must've been worried about the Blue Pegasus boys flirting with her. Her expression softened as she walked over to him and put her hand on her arm. "Come over here, Rogue." Walking him over to where Natsu was, she smiled up at him. "Just sit down here. We should be there soon." She returned to Sting and brought him over to them, looking down at all the motion sick Dragon Slayers. Heaving a sigh, she murmured, "As much as I love you boys, you're really high maintenance sometimes." Despite her words, she leaned down and kissed Sting on the cheek, and then Rogue, her blue eyes warm. "But you two are worth the hassle."


Akari stood up and returned to the railing, noting the island in the distance. That's one dark aura, she thought, setting her jaw. As she stared out across the water, one of the Blue Pegasus boys came over, intending to flirt, but without looking, she elbowed him in the gut. Her mind raced with all the possibilities for the cause of the dark mist around the island. Glancing over her shoulder at the Dragon Slayers, Akari vaguely wondered if perhaps this had something to do with them. It was unlikely, but not impossible. It wouldn't be the first time something had to do with them. After some time, the boat neared the island, and Akari turned her back toward it and leaned against the railing, her arms crossed and her expression serious. She was in the zone, and she wasn't getting out of it anytime soon.


Gray Fullbuster


Hearing Sakura call out to him, he turned his head. "Huh? What?" Walking over, he noticed that she held a fruity drink in her hand, and, looking for the source, saw Hibiki from Blue Pegasus. Of course. He tried not to let his irritation show on his face, but it was hard, considering the flirty wizard. "Hopefully whatever the cause of that smoke is will be fairly easy to find. That island looks pretty big." Having been on Galuna and Tenrou, Gray had experience with large islands. That didn't mean he was especially fond of them, considering both times something bad had happened. Gray looked over at Lyon, wondering if he was thinking of Galuna as well, and then at Akari to see if Tenrou was on her mind. She seemed more concerned about Rogue and Sting, though, so maybe not.


Finally, the boat reached the island, stopping a little ways away. The captain explained to the wizards that he couldn't get any closer due to the dark magic radiating from it. With a smirk, Gray took off his shirt (which he'd somehow managed to keep on this entire time) and looked over at Natsu. "C'mon, pyro, we got a job to do!" With the boat mostly still, Natsu managed to stand up and stumble over to the railing. He unceremoniously fell over the edge into the water, and Gray, rolling his eyes, followed soon after. Shaking the water out of his hair, he looked up at the other wizards on the boat. "It's now or never, guys! Let's get going!" The wizards from Mermaid Heel and Blue Pegasus immediately dove in after him, with Lamia Scale close behind. All that was left was Sakura and the guys from Sabertooth. Happy flew down and hovered above Natsu, glancing up at Sakura. Gray held out his hand. "You coming, Sakura?"



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura smiled over at Gray while saying, "Mmm, yeah you're right! Hehe this is so exciting." she pulled Gray over so that he was  next to her and she smiled over at Hibiki while saying, "Hey can Gray get a drink too?" Hibiki looked hesitant for a moment and explained sweetly to Sakura, "Sakura-chan, I made that drink especially for you, so if I make one for Gray, then it won't..." his words were cut off as Sakura pondered then answered him, "Hmm okay, then Gray, sorry but we can share this?" she held the drink out for Gray as she smiled towards him completely oblivious to Hibiki's approaches. For the remainder of the ride, Sakura sat on the railings as she stared off at the island in contemplation. She was spacing out by now and could have easily fallen off the boat if it weren't for her trust in her teammates and that she was more than capable of handling herself just fine. The boat finally came to a stop a bit away from the island. Sakura was estimating the distance when she heard someone call for her. Looking around she spotted Gray and his hand held out for her as he asked her a question. She could already hear Natsu's revived yelling in the waters and grinning Sakura reached out and held onto Gray's hand as she said, "I'm coming~" 


She let out a small squeal as she jumped into the waters alongside Gray all the while still holding onto his hand. Her head broke the water as she took in a breath of air as she looked around. Everyone was already swimming towards the island. She smiled as she too began to swim towards the island. It took a bit longer than she expected, but soon enough her feet touched the ground and she came walking out of the ocean. Her hair was drenched and sticking to her face as she began to wring her clothes to get rid of the excess water. Sakura let out a small pout as she complained lightly, "Aw man, the clothes are sticking to my body, it feels so uncomfortable." her black shorts and white top were clinging to her skin as she tried to get the hair out of her face. Sakura either ignored the many stares or just simply didn't notice as she came to a stop next to Natsu and Gray. She glanced at the two males and muttered out, "Lucky that you guys can just take your tops off, wish I can do the same." She was joking of course...well half joking. If she could, she probably already would have taken off her shirt by now. 


~ Rogue Cheney ~


Although he was feeling sick beyond anything, he still watched on in amusement as Akari dragged Sting off the railing and towards a bench. Oh how he wished he could be on still land. He watched the dock getting further and further away as the boat rocked their way towards the island. Rogue let out a small grunt, why did bad things always happen on islands? Why must they always go on some sort of transportation just to reach places? Back in the days, there was no such transportation, Rogue wished that they had that option still. While he was musing all these thoughts bitterly, he felt someone touch his arm gently. He looked over to see that it was Akari and seeing her kind smile made his heart skip a beat. Perhaps it was due to him feeling motion sickness though he was soon snapped out of it when he felt her begin to lead him towards where the other two Dragon Slayers were. He sat down next to them and made sure to put some distance between him and the other two since it looked like Natsu is going to barf any moment. 


Rogue was about to thank Akari when he felt a soft touch on his cheek. He looked at her wide eyed as she murmured out such affectionate words. His face turned beet red as he was speechless and didn't know how to react nor what to say. Though he was soon trying his best to not throw up as his face paled even more. He turned his head away so that Akari can't see how red his face was and also so that he won't throw up on her or anything like that. Sting on the other hand didn't even notice Akari kiss his cheek as he was nearly passed out from the rocking of the boat. Or maybe it had something to do with Natsu crushing him by lying on top of Sting. It might just have been the combination of the two. Rogue would have been proud if he saw Akari unconsciously reject the Blue Pegasus Eve but he was too sick to notice anything anymore. When the captain of the boat finally stopped slightly away from the island, Rogue became conscious once more as the motion was a bit more tolerable. He shakily stood up and walked towards the edge of the boat while looking over at Sting and Akari and asked while holding a hand out for Akari, "Care for a quick swim?" he was more than eager to just jump off the boat and swim to the island than stay in this rocking boat any longer.  



Akari Kaya


As soon as the boat stopped, Akari checked Rogue and Sting to see how they were feeling. Still sick, but not in a way that prohibited movement. Rogue stumbled over to the railing and held out his hand to her. For a moment, Akari blinked, wondering briefly if he remembered her kissing him on the cheek earlier. Though she'd done the same to Sting, she felt a bit embarrassed that she'd been so bold. All the same, she was happy to take Rogue's hand and dive into the water with him, Sting falling close behind. Akari immediately began swimming toward the island, trying not to let the waves sweep her away. Her short stature didn't really allow for activities like these, but that didn't mean she couldn't keep up with the rest of them. Frosch and Lector flew overhead, and Akari noticed that Happy was doing the same.


Finally, they reached the island and Akari shook her head, scattering water everywhere. Her once brown hair now looked black, and her clothes were dark and dripping. She shivered and rubbed her arms. "I should've brought an extra set of clothes," she muttered, summoning a flame to her hand to try and dry off. Even with the added benefit of the sea breeze, she was still wet and cold. Not a good feeling. Casting her gaze up at the forest before them, Akari murmured, "So this is the island..." Now that they were here, it was time to truly begin figuring out the source of the dark smoke. Hopefully it won't be something too sinister...


Gray Fullbuster


Gray scratched his hand through his hair once he was standing on the beach of the island. At this point, he was very much reminiscent of Galuna, except the fact that they swam to the island instead of crashing on it. Sakura's comment about him and Natsu taking their shirts off made Gray blush slightly. He never really thought about that, considering it was a bad habit of his (thanks, Ur). But now that she'd mentioned it, he felt almost embarrassed. Oh, well. It was too late now; his shirt was somewhere back on the boat. Natsu was drying himself off with his fire, so Gray walked over to him and stood close enough that his clothes would dry from the heat as well. He'd done this before, so Natsu didn't quite mind. "Sakura, come over here. You'll dry off quicker if you stand near Natsu." Happy hovered above them, inspecting the island.


Reminded of the task at hand, Gray stared into the forest. There were no immediate signs of danger, but the dark smoke seemed to be hovering just above the trees in a sort of dome. Glancing at the members of the other guilds, Gray asked, "So where do we go from here? Should we split up and search the island or go as a team?" He looked especially to Jura from Lamia Scale, as he was one of the Ten Wizard Saints and therefore more qualified to be leading such a mission. But the older wizard was thoughtful, and cast his gaze over all of their surroundings. Gray exchanged a look with Natsu and shrugged. They had to come up with a plan, but what exactly were they supposed to do when they had no idea what was happening to this island?



~ Sakura Sylvia ~


Sakura glanced up from her meager attempt to dry herself to see the rather large fire that Natsu was standing in front of . Her face lit up and happily she accepted Gray's offer and went to stand between Gray and Natsu. Sakura let out a happy sigh as she felt the warmth begin to heat her body up. Her shivering was now completely gone as her clothes began to slowly dry up. Sakura's happy thoughts were cut short when she heard Gray's question. She looked towards the island in question and noticed that most if not all the mages were currently looking at Jura for some sort of guidance. She too tilted her head and watched the Lamia Scale Mage. He began to speak and so Sakura listened. After he was done, Natsu immediately raised his hand while shouting out, "I'm definitely going to scout!" in which Sakura happily agreed saying, "Count me in for the scout too! That sounds like fun, Gray, you'll be joining us, right?" she smiled over at Gray in question. She wanted to stick with Natsu and Gray for sure and she knew that once Natsu set his mind, there was no changing his mind.


She heard everyone else begin to pitch in their wanted positions. So far it seemed like Mermaid Heel along with Jura and Ren were going to make shelter, well with Jura's magic that would be a good idea and as for Ren Sakura wasn't exactly sure but she could see an odd tension between him and Sherry of Lamia Scale. Then Sherry of course took the easier job left and now Sakura, Natsu and Hibiki were in the scout team. She hoped that Gray would join, though she wasn't expecting the next person to speak up to want to join, "Well I think that instead of Gray I should go for the scout, what do you think, Jura-san?" it was Lyon who spoke up and he was looking at Gray with a smirk while saying so. 




~ Rogue Cheney ~


Rogue jumped in along with Akari and Sting soon followed the two. Lector and Frosch opted to fly over the water instead of joining them for a swim. He briefly wondered if it was due to the Exceeds being cats? Or perhaps they just rather not swim since Rogue knew both Lector and Frosch can swim since the two Exceeds would often join them at the pool. Shaking such random thoughts aside, Rogue began to swim steadily towards the shore though he would send occasional glances towards Akari to make sure she was doing fine. Soon they reached the island's shore. Rogue took his shirt off and began to squeeze it so as to get rid of the excess water and turning he was about to ask if Akari was fine when he saw the state she was in. 


Rogue turned his head around so as to not stare at Akari and instead he asked her, "Are you okay?" of course she wasn't not in her, well more like everyone's state of wetness. He glanced around then saw that Natsu has started a fire and he told her while pointing in that direction, "Oh, let's go over to where Natsu-san is, we can dry ourselves faster?" he walked over to see if the three can join and soon he was standing by the warm fire. He looked towards the island and saw that there was a dense forest up ahead. He wondered briefly how the condition of the island really was. Then his attention was focused on Fairy Tail's Gray as he spoke up about the teams. He wondered whether it would be a good idea to split up the teams, though he wasn't sure himself and so he opted to wait until someone else spoke up.



Luckily it seemed as if Jura had a plan in mind as he spoke up, Rogue decided to listen since Jura was one of the Ten Wizard Saints. Jura said, "Well, I think that splitting into several teams will save us some time though it will be a bit riskier, though I'm sure everyone here is more than capable of protecting themselves?" he received several nods from various wizards and a shout from Natsu. Jura continued on with a small smile, "I was thinking that we can split into three main teams. One team will stay on the shore and create a shelter for everyone, another will scout the island to find the source of our mission, and the last team will be sent to go and find food for us. Now the problem is how to split the teams up...anyone want to volunteer for any? It'll be teams of five just saying." He waited to hear what the rest had to say. It seemed like Mermaid Heel were offering to make the shelter and Jura nodded his head and offered to stay with them and Ren also offered. Sherry also spoke up, "Well I don't want to scout, so I rather search for food." to which Jura nodded to and then turning over he added, "I will say this, I think that Hibiki should go along with the scout team so that he can use his Archive magic to see if he can find out anything about it." 



Akari Kaya


Still rubbing her arms, Akari blushed when Rogue removed his shirt. Normally, she wasn't one to notice these things (except with Gray, since it was hard not to notice with him), but it was hard to deny that Rogue looked...very nice...without his shirt. Looking away, Akari followed him over to Natsu, who was wreathed in flames to dry himself off. She huddled close to Rogue as he stood near the fire, her shudders slowly fading away along with her feeling of being cold. In her daze, she was too distracted to inspect the island, but once she was dry, she lifted her gaze to the forest, and the dome of smoke above it. It was odd that the smoke didn't seem to affect the island physically. Maybe it did something else to the island?


Jura's suggestion almost made Akari go into her rage mode again. Didn't they just have this conversation about splitting up? Then again, he did have a point. Hibiki was a good idea for scouting. His Archive magic was extremely useful. Linking her arm through Rogue's, Akari blinked up at him. "Want to go scouting with me? Someone's gonna have to make sure Hibiki comes back alive." With a playful grin, she added, "And someone has to make sure he doesn't flirt with me." She wasn't quite sure how effective her words would be, but she'd really rather be with someone she knew. And, well...she did have a certain fondness for Rogue. Not that she didn't love Sting, but something about Rogue was just...more alluring. Or something. She hadn't really figured it out quite yet. Looking over at Hibiki, she called, "I'll come with ya, Hibiki!" The Blue Pegasus wizard grinned, and Akari glanced up at Rogue again, hoping he'd agree to come with her.


Gray Fullbuster


Sakura's enthusiasm to go scouting made Gray smile. "Of course I am." Hearing Lyon cut in, however, he turned to his old rival and smirked. "Let Fairy Tail do what it does best, Lyon: stick together." He nodded to Hibiki, who turned to lead the way into the forest, and then quickly glanced at Rogue and Akari. It seemed like they were coming, too, but it was unclear. Natsu said something about looking for food, and jogged over to Sherry to go with her. Stepping forward to follow Hibiki, Gray realized that Sting would be alone if Rogue and Akari came scouting. Would he go search for food, too? Or stay on the beach and help set up camp? It wasn't any of his concern, but he was curious.


Entering the forest, Gray looked around. "This is darker than normal forests. And it definitely doesn't feel right." Hibiki, ahead of them, was using his Archive magic. Gray asked, "Find anything?" But the Blue Pegasus wizard shook his head, scratching the back of it in confusion. It seemed his magic wasn't of any help. So much for that. If even Archive couldn't find out anything about this island, then they were going into this blind. "I say we find the source of the black smoke. Then we might be able to figure out how best to dispel the dark aura from around the island." He cast his gaze over the other members of the scouting team. "Does that sound good to all of you?"



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