Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

Yeah, she is at Pinnacle. most of that after the beggining was mainly filled information from earlier in the day :P sorry for the confusion I may have caused.
Toxic she's bond in steel chains so you have to edit your post... Also Neko were you talking to Drake or Amaterasu?
I am night owl as well, I can stay up all night and not move from my branch unless if there is food or video games involved.
I also refrain from moving from my position for those same reasons. 
Amaterasu is the Goddess of the Sun, right?
I see we have much in common. Yeah, but the one he is referring to is a celestial wolf goddess from a game called ookami
Yes yes best!! I actually cosplayed a human version of her this year for a photoshoot, didn't find one Waka T^T
@kirito1337 ah okay, I'll fix that. 
@kirito1337 actually I won't now because I'm still on mobile because pc is playing up :(

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