Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

dont worry i will make sure to make everything is formated, readable, and unstoppable. 
ok i'm almost done, Most of what i put will not change (beside for slight grammar errors i may fine later) and the picture. If i edit the artwork i will re post the pic but the overall idea will not change. I may even color it if i have time lolz.

but my character sheet is done. also i have some questions about the story right now.

1st, are we in episode 3 or 2?

second, The way i set up my character is that she had just freed her self and is in
Pinnacle right now. So how do you want my character to enter in? i just read and it seem you just had a tough fight. with the "weakest of the elite 4 and the sheriff has just been captured. From my analysis it seems like the city is being attacked by Raccoon alliance and you guys could use the assistance. Do you want my character (still in berserk mode) to just start causing trouble or what?
Do whatever you want. We're currently in Episode 2, and the big highlight is a dark guild ambush at the Sheriff's Office.
uhh not me... My toon survive a Magic nuke... at the age of 5... im almost positive there is no magical explosion that can kill me.
Nooo... >.> i didnt say she got out unscathed

it still hurt like hell... and knocked her unconscious

and i am still affected to things like burns, cuts and bruises.

for example if toxic dragon where to poison me, the affects would still take place, it would just take longer to activate because of my magic resistance.

and there are people who can control eat fire, turn anything into little atoms *cough crash magic* Summon demons who can do ungodly things like raise the dead... people who can turn to water at will, go into your body and reform insta killing you... but its op for someone to be able to "Survive" magic explosions...

i think i want to know whats op about not being able to "Die" from a magic explosion:question:

Added... matter of fact im almost positive that that the dragon slayer magic people are almost complete immune to there element unless its a level higher

Dragon -> god -> Demon

So as it stands right now, Demon slayers are complete immune to there own element no matter what kind of magic you use.

And it is already shown that dragon slayers could eat elements that are not their normal element

Nastu and lightning, Steel guy and shadow... so logic dictates that if they could eat 2 elements, whos to say they cant eat more... which means there will be eventually somebody who can eat and be immune to every element in the world. Given the current dragon/god/demon slayers cannot do that already.

So tell me again, how am i OP:question:

-yea i read the manga-
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I'm pretty sure Lex is saying that's OP cause you said she survived it at 5.

I highly doubt a 5 year old could survive a what was it, magic nuke?

There's like no way a 5 year old could have the strength magically or physically to survive it. Like an adult, sure maybe but a 5 year old? To me that sounds OP :/  

Unyielding said:
uhh not me... My toon survive a Magic nuke... at the age of 5... im almost positive there is no magical explosion that can kill me.
Sounds a bit OP for a 5 year old to me
Everyone has their extent to posts. Don't worry about it, Gil and Gold. I made posts that were way shorter when I first joined. ALmost two sentences at max. So you don't need to worry about it. :)
Lol it also gets people to stop posting one liners x3

Cause that's just awful. Paragraphs give you insight to EVERYTHING!

Exactly. I like reading something and knowing whats happening and how everyone is feeling and what their feeling and what they see, hear, smell, or taste. I dunno. I feel weird saying that. x3
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]I'm pretty sure Lex is saying that's OP cause you said she survived it at 5.
I highly doubt a 5 year old could survive a what was it, magic nuke?

There's like no way a 5 year old could have the strength magically or physically to survive it. Like an adult, sure maybe but a 5 year old? To me that sounds OP :/  
Sounds a bit OP for a 5 year old to me


if thats the case, then i completely understand,

she just got lucky, thats all. nobody knows how she survived, and she never had magic powers before hand either, Hmm... i wonder what happen on that day lolz:cool:

i love it when i can write a long post, sometimes it so hard to write one when your not given enough information lolz:unsure:
Yeah cause after fully reading your bio I understand a bit more, but still x3

To me it'd make more sense if she was hit by the edge of the attack or something lol

I dunno. Lol :)
maybe she was maybe she wasnt, i think the past should stay the pass. And now we have to destroy raccoon city with our endless horde of UNDEAD MAHAHAHA

... wait wrong series:cross:

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