Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

but that would not work because, i'm new to the rp entirely. The amount of knowledge i would have to know pre-hand would be crazy. So my plan is to do something big, to make you notice me.
Guess I wait for somebody to post first after that post from Lexielai, otherwise my whole post will be Michael saying: WUT? WUT? WUT? WUT?
Isanna may be a member of Fairy Tail, but Alyssa will GLADLY help kick FT's ass! x3 
@Refaulted are you working on a post?
I was thinking about it, but if you're gonna make one now, then I'll wait. I just woke up, so if I make one, it'll suck. So no, I'm not in the process of making a post.
lol no I was just wondering. Shall I just assume that Jacob is recovering energy inside Horologium? x3

i'm working on something but once i'm done i'll work on a post
Yes. Yes there is x3

Big Dark Guild Alliance, stuff's starting to happen is the gist of it I think lol
:five: Ya'll are some good Rpers


Show us a sneak peek of your person? I know only one other person who does that and...she's really good! I'm tempted to ask if I could borrow her work sometime ^^
Lol. I find it cute. It's not like the drawings I'm used to seeing (head-shots with color), but I must say, it's extremely better than anything I could have done >.>. I can only do animals, and need to be looking at a picture of one.

But she's female right?? Where's her HAIR?? It's so short..
With the amount of punishment she has, and will take, im surprise she even has hair lolz.

Remember she is a tank who built to get barrage with a billion spells with the hopes of landing an empowered strike of her shield or sword. Long hair would get burned, zapped, or damage by poison dragon slayers.

But if you think i should be nicer and give her longer hair im sure she wouldnt mind

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