Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

But you posted right when I started to make one, and I was like Dangit! >.<'

Cause I had the perfect idea for Libra's gravity magic... lol

But now Alyssa is pissed off :3
Haha. Sorry. There needs to be a way to make sure nobody posts at the same time. :/

And I'm in Pinnacle, Arch. And depending how things go, Dusty might be fighting someone, while Jacob sticks with Ryos and Alyssa.
@Infinities Lover


I'm sorry I couldn't help myself
LOL Saul! x3

Huh I thought her character was talking about your wolf...

I dunno but there are a few others who are wandering
We're not doing anything though, that's what I'm saying 
Plus, I was just telling you what I thought. In her last post, I only skimmed it, I thought she was talking to a wolf! You're the only one with a wolf that I know of, so I got confused. No need to get snippy or anything. -_-
No Amaterasu was giving her a look to help give her master a tour around town and myths character rejected it and left

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