Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

White Masquerade

QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)




"Huh..? Just who are you?"



Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):




Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission):

Character Strengths:

Character Flaws:

Personality (1 Paragraph minimum):

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

Likes (What makes you happy?):

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):



"Hey! Where are you from?"


Guild Rank:

Guild Mark:

Guild Tenure:

Opinion Of Guild:

((Reference Guilds and Government in the Roleplay Overview for Info and Lists))



"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability:



Level Of Expertise:

((Reference Bottom of this Post for Magic Rules, Magic in Roleplay Overview for Info))



"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"





"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):



Magic Abilities

Dragon Slayers/God Slayers Limitations: Dragons and Gods are incompatible with other forms of magic; therefore, Dragon and God Slayers are limited to only that magic and may not use any magical weapons or armor. Furthermore, these mages cannot be healed, boosted, or affected in a cooperative way by any magic other than another Slayer's.

New Magic: If you decide to create your own type of magic distinct from those in Fairy Tail canon, you must message a moderator beforehand.

Additional Magic: You may have up to two magical styles if you're not a Slayer.

Slayer Restrictions

At this time, there is only 1 Dragon/God Slayer slots available. There may only be one slayer of each element for either Dragon or God Slayers. If you want to reserve a spot beforehand, message a moderator.

Current Dragon Slayers:

Fire Dragon Slayer: Saul

Water Dragon Slayer:

Sky Dragon Slayer:

Earth Dragon Slayer: Refaulted

Iron Dragon Slayer: Archdemon

Lightning Dragon Slayer: Verhiron

Ice Dragon Slayer: Infinities Lover

Poison Dragon Slayer: Blur

White Dragon Slayer:

Shadow Dragon Slayer:

Blood Dragon Slayer: Kirito1337

Current God Slayers:

Fire God Slayer:

Water God Slayer:

Sky God Slayer:

Earth God Slayer:

Iron God Slayer:

Lightning God Slayer

Ice God Slayer:

Poison God Slayer:

White God Slayer:

Shadow God Slayer:

Celestial Spirit Claims:

With the new addition of a Celestial Spirit section, we've decided to create an official Celestial Spirit claimant board! This will only apply to Gold Key spirits, of which there are limited quantities, but not to the unlimited Silver Key ones, so there's no need to claim one of those! If you would like to reserve a Celestial Spirit, message one of the moderators.

Astrological Zodiac:

Aquarius: Infinities Lover

Taurus: The Leader [NPC]

Cancer: Infinities Lover

Virgo: Infinities Lover

Sagittarius: Nekoni

Leo: Infinities Lover

Aries: Infinities Lover

Scorpio: Infinities Lover

Gemini: Infinities Lover

Capricorn: Infinities Lover

Pisces: Infinities Lover

Libra: Infinities Lover

Oriental Zodiac:

The Rat:

The Ox:

The Tiger:

The Rabbit:

The Dragon:

The Snake:

The Horse:

The Sheep:

The Rooster:

The Dog:

The Pig:


Fairy Tail (Legal Guild) (4 members)

Saber Tooth (Legal Guild) (4 members)

Raven Tail (Legal Guild) (2 members

Blue Pegasus (Legal Guild) (3 members)

Lamia Scale (Legal Guild) (4 member)

Crime Sorcerie (Independent Guild) (1 members)

Silver Linings (Independent Guild) (1 member)

Guildless (4 people)




((Reference Guilds and Government for More Guilds and Info))

Accepted Characters:

Geis Draemon - Mintsong

Ryos Delmora - BLUR

Donald 'Dusty' Hauns - Refaulted

Jacob Foles - Refaulted

Skiá D. Amatari - MythsAreRealLoveGem

Kono Iradel - Saul

Daiki Ikeda - Saul

Lex Kaito - Verhiron

Blitz Gordon - XxToxicGoldxX

Drake Spiral - Archdemon

Ajax Wellington - David Van Aken

Shin Yakamoto - Kirito1337

Lewai De Marc - Traceless

Myla Romanav - NPC

Qwillia LeBlanc - Moonsetter

A'den Kandosii - NPC

Isanna Calwyn - Infinities Lover

Sora the Windrunner - Lexielai

Alyssa Gardner - Infinities Lover

Alexandra Neverlong - Lusamer

Ayame Yamada - Kirito1337

Vaiya Kandosii - Lexielai/NPC

Michael Verten Whithand - The Gil

Rei Gladiolus - Unyielding

Novus Clive - Kinesthetics

Dakora Aura - Nekoni

Current Moderators:

Kinesthetics - http://www.rpnation.com/members/kinesthetics.16550/

Lexielai - http://www.rpnation.com/members/lexielai.17155/

((Remember to Contact a Moderator if You Need Help))
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Geis Draemon

Nickname: Geis

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):





Hair Color:Silver

Eye Color:Silver

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission):Human

Character Strengths:He is very strong and and expert in combat. He is in a rank of his own

Character Flaws:Does not like fighting underwater.

Personality:He's pretty normal but will not hesitate to kill.

Likes:Being alone, plants

Dislikes:Comrades, Friends, Love, People who get in the way

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum): Geis is in a crusade against evil. He doesn't remember where he was born but his first memories were about evil. Every time he saw evil he would get the urge to hurt them. At first he ignored these urges but as he grew older, so did the urges. Until finally he gave in and killed a Dark Guild on his own. He was named a Dark Mage for this act. After that he started to make a name for himself by slaying a Wizard Saint who he found guilty of raping children and enslaving them.

He then joined Echidna in an attempt to destabilize the organization and eventually finish his master plan. Killing Echidna. He suceeded by blowing up their entire base and making it crash into the ground. He was last seen jumping out a window in an attempt to escape the flaming fortress.

Currently, he is traveling around the country, slaying Dark Guilds that he encounters and making a name for himself. His silver hair and eyes and his silver blades garnered him the nickname Lord of Silver Linings.

Guild:Silver Linings

Guild Rank:Master

Guild Mark:A stylized S on his shoulder

Guild Tenure: 6 years

Opinion Of Guild:His guild is inconsequential, despite having garnered several followers, which he has no need for and ignores.

Magic Ability:Uncraft Magic

Advantages:Let's him uncraft anything into components and store them in a sub dimension

Disadvantages:Cannot be used on living beings except plants and pure magic

Level Of Expertise:Mastery

Magic Ability:Craft Magic

Advantages:Let's him craft anything from the components he has. Other items count as components

Disadvantages:Cannot be used to make living beings except plants

Level Of Expertise:Mastery

Equipment:Silver Linings- a pair of twin blades that can absorb his magic

Silver Knight-armor that can absorb his magic


Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):Destruction of evil

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):Destruction of all evil
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Ryos Delmora

The Toxic Dragon of Lamia Scale

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):

Ryos has 3 scars on his body, normally hidden by his clothing or in the case of one, bandages. He sustained these scars on his latest mission. One goes down the front of his trap muscle to the bottom of his left pectoral. Another is a horizontal scar that starts with his abdominals and goes to the beginning of his back. The final scar goes down the length of his right arm, starting from his shoulder down to the back of his hand. His right arm is fully bandaged.




Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission):

Character Strengths:

Has a large amount of magic power. Experienced in battle. Very adaptable, especially in the face of adversity.

Character Flaws:

Can be too arrogant in battle for his own good. Tends to underestimate those who are thought to be weaker than him. He

tends to have a poorer showing against weaker opponents.


Typically, Ryos is a very irritable character. This is due to his devotion to nothing but his training, and his goals. He trains very often, and will usually talk about needing to go train some more. Because of his intense focus on becoming more powerful, Ryos tends to have a very arrogant demeanor in battle, unless he faces a highly-reputable opponent. He doesn't give out his respect often. Overall, he can come off as cold and apathetic to everyone else's problems if they are not similar to his own. He just gets his jobs done and thats that. On the contrary, however, Ryos harbors great care for his guild and his fellow Lamia Scale mages, especially Carrie Ulstream, who endured the loss of her dragon parent like Ryos himself. He is very proud, often going shirtless to show off his guild mark. Ryos always carries with him a few vials of poison, which he drinks when thirsty. This comes off as strange to those who don't know him well. Since the event with Echidna, Ryos has become friendlier towards mages of other guilds. He is grateful to the other mages for taking care of him when he was hurt. His favorite guild other than his own, Lamia Scale, is Blue Pegasus.

Likes (What makes you happy?):

Battle, challenges, guild mates, strong wizards, meeting other dragon slayers.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

Slackers, traitors, those who stand against his guild or country.

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Ryos was born in the country of Bosco. An orphan since infancy, Ryos, like most first generation dragon slayers, was raised by a dragon. More specifically, he was raised by the poison dragon Ventalia. Ryos learned his dragon-slayer abilities through tough training with Ventalia. But one day, he came home to find his dragon, who he considered a mother, missing. Instead of falling into a depression at the loss of his only friend, Ryos vowed to find Ventalia. Going West, Ryos realized he didn't have what it takes to bring his dragon home. He decided he would have to become much stronger. He met the Guild Master of Lamia Scale during his travels. She had convinced him that Fiore was the right place for him if he wished to become more powerful. She explained to him that Fiore was a nation with many powerful magic guilds, in which wizards came together to accomplish tasks and get stronger. Putting his faith in the woman, Ryos followed her back to her guild, Lamia Scale, where he essentially grew up. He sees the master as his second mother, after Ventalia, and has a very close relationship with her.

Once he joined Lamia Scale, Ryos trained hard all the time, and took the toughest jobs he could take, and slowly built a name for himself as one of Lamia Scale's top wizards. At the age of 14, Ryos became an S-Class mage, the only one in Lamia Scale at the time. Once he became S-Class, he started taking any job that could possibly involve dragons. He has since been attempting to find out the secrets of Dragon Force. At the age of 17, while on another S-Class quest, Ryos achieved Dragon Force for the first time through means he hasn't understood quite yet, completing his quest with ease. Since that time, he has been given the title, Toxic Dragon, by both friend and foe alike. Currently, Ryos is considered the top wizard on Lamia Scale.

Since the event with Echidna, Ryos has undergone extreme physical training, hoping to become strong enough to be able to hold his own without magic, should he ever be put in a similar situation to that of fighting magic resistant golems. With the destruction of Fairy Tail and Raven Tail, as well as the damage done to Sabertooth, Lamia Scale had risen in rank of the guilds of Fiore. In the past month, in addition to training more than ever, Ryos has also received more job opportunities than ever, being the ace of arguably the top guild in Fiore. He barely been inside the Lamia Scale guild hall since the destruction of Echidna, either training or out on a S-Class quest. Most recently, 2 weeks ago, he undertook an SS-Class job. On this job, he encountered a wizard named Akira Granmarg, an infamous dark wizard notorious for his killing sprees in the country of Seven. Ryos' mission had simply been to bring the man in, to pay for his crimes. Being the first SS-Class quest that Ryos ever accepted, he wasn't exactly sure how difficult it would be, though he was excited for the challenge.

Since he has accepted the job, Ryos has not made any contact with anyone from Lamia Scale, though he is currently on his way home. He had managed to defeat the man, through unlocking Dragon Force for the second time, but he sustained injuries, most notably 3 large scars on his body. He had not been able to bring him in, since his poison magic took far too great a toll on the man's body, killing him after a day of being in his system. Ryos is a little traumatized by the experience of killing someone, but is ready to get back to training to make sure he never has such a close call with death himself again. He is not ready to go out on another job yet though, still a little hesitant due to his recent experience, and might need some help if he is required to do so.


Guild: Lamia Scale

Guild Rank: S-Class Wizard (Considered Guild Ace)

Guild Mark:
Right Pectoral (Chest)

Guild Tenure: 12 Years

Opinion Of Guild:

"There is nowhere else I would rather call my home, it is really that simple." -Ryos Delmora, in his interview for Sorcerer Magazine.


Magic Ability: Poison Dragon Slayer Magic


Can incorporate the element of poison in his body. He can use this poison in the form of poison gas to freely produce and manipulate his element. Said gas seems to be "tangible", and can thus be used as an effective blunt weapon, inflicting physical damage to foes while at the same time infecting them. Along with being a powerful offensive magic type, it is also known to be very afflicting. Being hit with attacks of a poison dragon slayer will not only damage a person because of it's offensive nature, but it will also poison them, causing them to become slower and weaker. If left untreated, the poison could prove fatal, killing a person in a less than a full day's time. A Poison Dragon Slayer can consume toxins, in fact, it replenishes their magic energy to do so. Also, Poison Dragon Slayer's are immune to disease and illness.


Poison Dragon Slaying Magic is naturally weak to Poison God Slayers, as they can consume the poison gas without consequences, where as a Dragon Slayer would not be able to do the same to the God Slayer's poison. Poison Dragon Slaying Magic is also weak to Air or Wind magic, with both it's healing nature and the fact that the poison gas of a Poison Dragon Slayer can be blown away by a Wind/Air mage.

Level Of Expertise:

Ryos is essentially a master of his trade, being able to utilize advanced spells. He is also able to use the Poison Dragon Slayer Secret Arts, the ultimate in Poison Dragon Slaying Magic spells.



Items: Several vials of Liquid Poison


Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):

To become extremely powerful, enough to match the power of a real dragon. To protect his guild and his friends.

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):

For Lamia Scale to be considered the greatest guild in Fiore. To learn all that there is to Dragon Slayer Magic, and to become a master in that regard. To one day be reunited with his mother, the Poison Dragon Ventalia.

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Character Sign-up Sheet

Huh..? Just who are you?"

Name: Donald 'Dusty' Hauns

Nickname: Monster of the Earth

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted): Dusty has a large amount of vicious scars on his chest from Boulder training him, and more on his arms from fighting a God Slayer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-29_1-21-15.jpeg.5664aa77a1b096f95340daab2a11e68f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-29_1-21-15.jpeg.5664aa77a1b096f95340daab2a11e68f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Human

Character Strengths: Very athletic, not easily scared

Character Flaws: His attitude can put him in dangerous situations

Personality: Dusty is a determined, defiant, and over-all stubborn in nature. He can be easily provoked, and his overconfident in his abilities. But, when it comes down to it, Dusty is as loyal as man's best friend. He can be overprotective of his friends, putting his life on the line a lot.

Likes: Sleep, any type of meat

Dislikes: Heights, swimming, cold climates

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Dusty never knew his birth parents. He was abandoned at the bottom of a mountain, or so he was told by his adoptive father, Boulder. Boulder was like the typical father, except he wasn't human. He was a dragon, more specifically, the Earth Dragon, and he was old. And very lazy. When Dusty was taken under Boulder's wing (HA! Puns. Gotta love 'em), Dusty was taken to the top of the tallest mountain in the range, and lived there for quite a few years. Everyday was excruciating training, Boulder teaching him how to defend himself, survive in the wild, and fight. When Boulder wasn't pushing Dusty to train, Dusty was training himself. He would run miles a day, and lift rocks from one side of the oasis they lived at to the other. Dusty eventually learned the Earth Dragon Slayer magic.

One day, after Dusty had turned what he had assumed was 7, he returned from hunting food for them both, only to find Boulder taking off. Before Boulder left, Dusty made the promise to surpass Boulder, even if he died in the process. Boulder then made it a deal, and would claim Dusty as his official son if he beat him. After Boulder left for good, Dusty started to travel around his homeland, which turned out to be the land of Bosco. He traveled for a few years, never stopping his training and always looking for Boulder. He would challenge any mage he saw, and defeat them. He received the name Monster of the Earth after Dusty leveled an entire force of Dark Guild members without breaking a sweat.

When Dusty reached Fiore, he heard of strong Mage Guilds in the region, and decided to test his ability on them. He kept travelling until he found the first official Mage Guild, Blue Pegasus. He entered the Guild, and asked to fight the strongest mage there. No one stood up except a mage the same age as Dusty, accepting the challenge. After hours of fighting, the two mages fell to the ground, having exhausted their magic power. It was Dusty's first ever draw. After the fight, he befriended the mage, who was named Jacob. He joined the Guild and quickly became A-Rank, and quickly becoming the strongest mage in Blue Pegasus. He eventually became S-Class after the Echidna issue.

"Hey! Where are you from?"

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Guild Rank: A-Rank (Training to become S-Rank)

Guild Mark: Brown on the palm of his right hand

Guild Tenure: 6 years (joined when thirteen)

Opinion Of Guild: "My Guild isn't the strongest, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have potential. As long as we all have the heart to work to become stronger together, then I can safely call this place home." - 'Dusty', interview by Sorcerer Magazine on Blue Pegasus

"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability: Earth Dragon Slayer Magic

Advantages: Can be used for extreme defense or can hit target's heavily.

Disadvantages: Not able to be used easily in the air.

Level Of Expertise: Could be considered an expert at the magic, but claims he still has far to go before he can master it.

((Reference Bottom of this Post for Magic Rules, Magic in Roleplay Overview for Info))

"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"

Equipment: Nothing

Items: Nothing

"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

Motivations: His overwhelming desire to protect everyone and everything he holds dear.

Aspirations: Too become the strongest mage in Earthland, and to defeat Boulder.

"Huh..? Just who are you?"

Name: Jacob Foles

Nickname: Warden of the Fog




Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Human

Character Strengths: Very deductive, can keep calm in tough situations

Character Flaws: Easily pressured, also easily put down

Personality: Jacob is a kind teen with an optimistic heart. He can be sensitive when being judged, and prefers to stand by his friends in a fight than tackle challenges on his own.

Likes: Reading, swimming, music

Dislikes: Peer pressure, lack of organization

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Jacob was a child born into nobility. He always got everything he wanted, from food to pets to clothing. His parent's loved him, and he loved them back. He especially loved his older brother, Kyle, who was supposed to inherit everything from the family once his father passed. Jacob stayed in his quiet little life, either reading in his room or swimming in the family pool. As he got older though, he started to meet the mages that came into Fiore and went about it. His family shunned them, but Jacob and Kyle were intrigued, and decided, under secret, to study this thing they had seen. They both chose a prefered element, and Jacob decided on water, while Kyle chose fire.

Jacob was 12 when his parent's finally caught wind of their antics, bringing them both severe punishment. Mr. Foles took pity on Kyle, though, since he was heir to the family fortune, and ended up removing Jacob from the family tree for good. Jacob was heartbroken, and left to wander Fiore as a homeless child. He would occasionally return to his past home, and meet Kyle, and exchange news and magic knowledge. This happened for a year, until Kyle warned Jacob to never return. His father was planning on killing him, so Jacob never returned to his home.

Jacob ended up joining the Guild Blue Pegasus, becoming a favorite for his magic ability to manipulate fog to his advantage in a fight, and condense it into water and use it offensively on his enemies. He met Dusty a few weeks after joining, and after their large fight, they became close friends, working their way up the Ranks, aiming for S-Rank status. Jacob stuck to Dusty as his friend for the continuing years, never turning his back on his new friend.

"Hey! Where are you from?"

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Guild Rank: S-Rank

Guild Mark: Dark blue on the palm of his left hand

Guild Tenure: 6 years

Opinion Of Guild: "I have no complaints. They accepted me with open arms, and they treat me like not only their friend and partner, but as a son or a nephew. I love this Guild, and they love me back." - Jacob Foles, interview by Sorcerer Magazine on Blue Pegasus

((Reference Guilds and Government in the Roleplay Overview for Info and Lists))

"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability: Water (mainly fog or mist) Magic

Advantages: Can be used to disorientate foes or as a quick escape

Disadvantages: Not very powerful, and can easily be countered by lightening

Level Of Expertise: Intermediate, but working harder on his skills.

((Reference Bottom of this Post for Magic Rules, Magic in Roleplay Overview for Info))

"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"

Equipment: A staff that allows him to release a plume of fog if his magic is low, but needs to recharge for 10 minutes before being used again.

Items: None

"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?): The thought of his Guild as his family, and the pain if he lost them like his real family.

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?): To become a family with his brother again, and make up for what he lost.

(Sorry about the length.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-29_1-54-44.jpeg.7a2d64e03981f5b063a55ffb2fccb8b1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-29_1-54-44.jpeg.7a2d64e03981f5b063a55ffb2fccb8b1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"The one who shall bring you mercy on the day you die"

Name:Skiá D. Amatari

Nickname:Demitra, Demi, Amata, Ski, Demon Princess

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):


Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Hair Color: Golden Blonde

Eye Color: Crimson Red

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Human

Character Strengths:

Secluded places.






Character Flaws:



Running away

Anger issues.

Personality: She is very sweet and loves to help people but has a problem understanding if she should do what she want because she would usually get yelled at for it. So she tends to ask before doing so. She tends to run off but not because she dislikes something but because she feels like she is being pulled to the place. Skiá is also scared of getting hurt so she runs away from a guy who may like her doesn't mean she doesn't like guys just means she is sensitive. Skiá is also one of those people that always has hope even after all hope is lost, she also believes anything can happen but this cause some people get annoyed at her. She gets embarrassed easily and has an anger streak. Skiá if in pain or someone hit a soft spot on a conversation is almost like a psychopath. She sees blood and gore and only knows death and suffering, and maybe destruction. She gets a evil laugh but half time goes back to normal before her evil side does anything to someone unless she agreed with it. It's not her fault she has a evil side it really isn't. Anyway this causes her go through a lot of depressions so she can't cry anymore. Skiá loves everyone and everything but....Demeter (her middle name) wants everything living to die a slow painful death.



Animals especially exceeds.



Sharp objects.


Nice people.






Thought of her dragon being dead.

Hits to the head.



Manipulative people.


Angels (they are annoying to her).

Doors(she has a problem with doors).

Motion Sickness.

People who think girls are delicate creatures that need help with everything.

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Skiá the best friend of the princess of fiore and the daughter of a demon and a angel. (She is still human it just gave her take over magic) Gaining symptoms or showing signs of her powers when she was young she was banned from leaving the house at 7. Now the princess of fiore forgot all about her and her parents were dead when she was 9. Then the 'people in blue' as she called them, they then took her away to a foster family wher she actually has a twin sister now the family was great except the parents because her real parents will never get replaced!

Few years later she had become a major Loner known in her town to be 'different' to be 'avoided at all times' in her school she was a all a student always eating on the trees branch but later on near the end of her school year she began going through some visions, visions of her demon self taking over if she didn't find help soon. So she ran off to the woods, her foster family sent out missing posters all over the world especially her sister since she's the only one who knew everything about her sister.

But they never found anything even when Skiá was 15 but as the days went she never found help either so she tried to go on with her life finding all this posters, worried she would lose her self and go evil Skiá hid till she found Sabertooth who for some reason decided to hide her so she thought as she waited for them to forget about her she would join Sabertooth.

"Classified, why do you ask?"


Guild Rank: A-Class

Guild Mark: Back of her neck, crimson colored

Guild Tenure: 3 years

Opinion Of Guild: "It's awesome, everyone is so nice and cares for each other I'm so happy to be here!!"

"Many things, but what would you do to change the future?"

Magic Ability: Demonic angel take over magic

Advantages: it allows her to easily gain advantages against demon or angel Because she is both technically And gives her the advantage of flight.

Disadvantages: she can cry easily and can't be around anything really religious like a cross or a hexagon. She has major anger issues

Level Of Expertise: About moderate she knows a lot of spells but not the really strong ones like demons recall or angels faze

"Nothing be worried about, just essentials like my bazooka"

Equipment: A chain used as a belt she sometimes uses as a weapon

Items: A Chain

"My past....but that's not gunna get in my way!"

Motivation: She does it to hope to find her friend again

Aspirations: To become a singer, and to help anyone in need.
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I'm just reserving the fire dragon slayer slot, I'm doing the character sheet now 
Name: Kono Iradel

Kono the phoenix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00191251_Konofire.jpg.6b2efa44322c5181ab550c3e742ffeea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00191251_Konofire.jpg.6b2efa44322c5181ab550c3e742ffeea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gender: male

Height: 6'1

Hair Colour: white

Eye Colour: greenish brown

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

  • Kono is highly skilled in fire dragon slayer magic
  • He has a lot of experience from years worth of jobs and training
  • He knows some extremely powerful fire and fire dragon slayer spells.

Character Flaws:

  • Kono's anger can get the better of him
  • Sometimes he may come off a little arrogant
  • Kono has a priority of finding his dragon parent, and so if any leads come up on the search he'll abandon everything to follow it.
  • unlike iron or water or earth there is a significant lack of fire in most fights, however Kono is quite creative when it comes to creating it in a fight with other objects too.

Personality: Kono is young and brash, and things tend to fly over his head without a second glance from him, however he isn't stupid, and has studied magic quite extensively. He can appear arrogant at first glance, but if you get to know him it's evident that it isn't intentional, and that it is kind of unavoidable. Kono also seems to never give up hope quite like everyone else, and will keep fighting a battle until it is either won or he is dead, which tends to almost happen too much.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

  • Giving up
  • lazy people
  • awkward/suspicious silence
  • People with split personalities
  • Fakes
  • Magic fakes even more than normal fakes
  • Travel (Like every other dragon slayer)

Likes (What makes you happy?):

  • Cats
  • Dragons
  • First generation dragon slayers who share his experience
  • Fire
  • Food

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Kono was born to a loving mother and father in Magnolia town, Fiore. He lived there quite happily with his parents until the age of 3. At which point a dark guild attacked the resident guild of fairy tail. The attack killed his mother and father both, the only spared person was Kono. A few days later the great fire dragon Volos found Kono. Volos had three options, kill Kono, give him to Magnolia town or keep him and raise him. The first two options weren't really valid, or at least in Volos' opinion, and so he chose to raise Kono as his own son. From then on Kono learnt many skills from Volos, like the english language, mathematics and most important of all the ability to perform Fire dragon slayer magic. he also taught Kono that there were other dragons, and other dragon slayers, all of whom had particular elements they have control over, and he always encouraged Kono that fire was the best and most useful.

One fateful day Volos disappeared and left Kono, he didn't say anything to Kono before he left. At this time Kono was still young, however he was already very exceptionally powerful and so he went into the care of the guild fairy tail. Kono was accepted in with open arms, he felt like he had a second family, which was what he really needed after the disappearance of his only other parent. Kono spent many years training hard and never resting, his biggest motivation was and still is to find Volos, and he'll do anything to find him.

Kono's biggest achievement would probably be the completion of a particular S class mission when he was 15 years old, however he didn't have the permission to perform it, and actually stole it. His reason for performing it was it was telling of a dragon sighted near an old village and that the village mayor wanted it disposed of. Believing it could have been Volos Kono stole the the job and went to perform it. He still remembers the bitter disappointment and terror that was finding out the dragon was in fact a powerful demon, which fought by himself. By some miracle Kono managed to defeat the demon and made it out alive. For this terrible breach of rules Kono was punished badly, but a year later he was also promoted to S class

Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: S Class

Guild Mark: to the right of the chest

Guild Tenure: 8 years

Opinion Of Guild: Kono's opinion of his guild is extremely high. He considers them family like any other self respecting sane guild member and would give up his life to protect them.

Magic Ability:
Fire dragon slayer magic

Advantages: Fire dragon slayer magic is extremely powerful and can take down even the most powerful of enemies.

Disadvantages: Kono has no ability with physical weapons (Like swords) or other forms of magic.

Level Of Expertise: Kono is extremely skilled in in dragon slayer magic, being able to take down the most powerful of enemies, this is why he is S class.


Items: Only a necklace with a tooth from Volos hung on it.

Kono has many motivations, like protecting his friends, but probably his biggest and most influential motivation is finding Volos

Aspirations: Kono's biggest aspiration is finding his dragon father Volos, but he also wants to become a wizard saint, which he isn't far off from achieving.



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Name: Lex Kaito

Nickname: The Magician

Age: 19

Height: 174 cm (5'8") tall

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Brown

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

  • Kaito is very intelligent
  • He has learned how to use Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
  • He has learned to use electricity at his own will.

Character Flaws:

  • Kaito loves women special very beautiful women his age, and he will lay down his life to save them.
  • Breasts- Seduce him with those and you can beat him any day.
  • He will only fight if he need to he he doesn't see the point of fighting he won't.


Kaito is a very sweet young man but he has a big tendency of flirting with 'cute' girls. If he sees a 'cute' girl in danger he will go out of his time to save them. He is also a very forgiving guy, if you apologise to him if you have done something wrong he will accept it unless you hurt him personally (e.g if you hurt a girl he like or one of hi family members, he might not be so forgiving). From this your probably wondering he looks like he can be beaten very easily... well your quite wrong once you start a fight with him, he will get very serious and fight you till he falls.


  • Weak people
  • Ugly women
  • Women beaters (anyone who picks a fight with a woman)
  • Losing (which obviously never happens)


  • Women
  • Chocolate
  • Flirting
  • Drinking


Lex was born an orphan, he never knew his real mother or father instead he lived in an orphanage for three years of his life until some dark magic users came and destroyed the village that he lived in. Somehow he survived the attack and a dragon saw him laying on the floor helplessly the dragon decided that he should live and he took him back to the mountain where he lived. Lex grew up learning Lightning Dragon Slayer magic from his newly found father.

Unfortunately that newly father and son love didn't last long because one day the dragon that looked after him all those years disappeared. Lex again was left all alone to wonder the spiteful world However when he made it to the first village people were shocked to see a young teenager walking around in rags, Lex had to find a job to be able to afford some clothes. When he finally gained enough money (after working several months) he could finally afford some clothes but the only clothes he could afford were brand new magician clothes and cloak. Eventually the magician equipment did grow on him and he ended up just getting the same clothes every time.

When Kaito made it to Fiore he was amazed all he could do was look at all the beautiful women until he accidentally started flirting with a magic users wife, her husband was not happy and challenged him to a fight, Kaito refused at first until a crowed gathered around the two so he had no choice but to fight. In the first few seconds it looked like the guys was winning because he was throwing magic punches around however what people didn't really see was Kaito was dodging the very well until... kaito put a fist out and winded the guy. All Kaito did was smile and walk away. Fortunately for Kaito a guild saw his fight and he was offered to join the guild Sabertooth.

Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Rank: S-Class

Guild Mark:Blue and is on the Right side of his back

Guild Tenure: 5 Years

Opinion Of Guild: "Needs more girls"

Magic Ability: Lightning Dragon Slayer

Advantages: He can use lightning and electricity at his own will, if he is very angry is aura becomes yellow and electrified

Disadvantages: If he gets too angry sometimes he can hurt people he may love or trust.

Level Of Expertise: He is very equipped with spells for his age and he can deal a lot of damage too.

Equipment: A deck of cards

Items: His hat

Motivations: Women and his willingness to learn about magic

Aspirations : To find his father again and to get get married with a beautiful woman.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Anime-boy-free.jpg.505d1096afaaef8853d357d28f086692.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Anime-boy-free.jpg.505d1096afaaef8853d357d28f086692.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Blitz Gordon

Nickname: Little-Red

Age: 17

Height: 5'6"

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Pink

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

Athletic, Mobile, Aware

Character Weakness:

-Doesn't know the meaning of retreat, Angered easily when a certain dark guild is involved.


Blitz shows himself as a happy, hyper-active boy to everyone but he is only doing this to hold in the sorrow he faced when he was little. He also has a hard time making friends and trusting others.


Being Touch

Dark Guilds





Tricking people


Blitz's mother died when she gave birth to him, leaving his father to be the only one to care for him. While growing up, Blitz traveled with his dad to find ancient artifacts and research them. His father introduced him to magic on their travels and told Blitz that he will someday find his. That day came when they discovered an ancient ruin and were forcefully separated, leaving the boy to wander alone in a dark maze. After what seemed like hours, he came across an empty room with a book that was placed on an alter in the middle of the room. After taking it the whole place started to illuminate markings that pictured what seemed to be a man that transforms into a monstrous beast.

When he found his way out and reunited with his dad, he showed the book and discovered it to be a lost magic which his father deciphered the name of it to be "Primal Soul". Blitz was fascinated by this and took little convincing to his dad to let him learn it if only he promises to be careful. Years after finding the book, Blitz learned how to control some of the beast he could turn into but his anger is what could cost him to lose control of them.

The first time he lost control was when a dark guild came to take his dad research and discovered Blitz's magic. He tried to fight back but stopped when they held his dad hostage, so he allowed them to chain him up in order to save his dad only to get cheated when the mage blew up his father right in front of him. Blood was the only thing he could remember after what happened, the smell of it, the feeling, the sound how it drips out of a lifeless body. When he finally woke up he finds himself covered in blood and bodies all around him, That day traumatized him and the only way he could get rid of the feeling was to hide behind a mask of happiness. He joined a magic guild in hopes of one day finding the master of the dark guild that killed his farther and burned them to the ground but until then, smile.

Guild: Raven Tail

Guild Rank: A

Guild Mark: Red and located on his chest

Guild Tenure: 5 years

Opinion of Guild: "It's a great place to be in, especially with all the food and freedom I get to have!"

Magic Ability: Lost magic: Primal Soul

Advantages: Take over magic that uses Prehistoric Beasts

Disadvantages: Each form is weak against a certain element, also is easily tricked when he's a beast

Level of expertise: Expert

Equipment: None

Items: None

Motivations: Discovering the fossil of the most predatory beast known back then

Aspirations: Take down the dark guild that took his dad



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(Here's my second character I won't be using as much. I wasn't going to create a second but I've changed my mind that's why it's so far from my first. I'll put at the top of a roleplay post if I'm using this one. basically my reasoning is I wanted there to be a Mystogan kind of character and I wanted to be the Mystogan kind of character, I won't use him that much though)

Daiki Ikeda

Nickname: Keilin (it's more of an alias than a nickname. Not many people know his real name.

Appearance: (masked)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Keilin_edited-1.jpg.09874fe658fe39dacd5513c4fb6de979.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Keilin_edited-1.jpg.09874fe658fe39dacd5513c4fb6de979.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

around 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Hair Colour:
Unknown at the current time

Eye Colour: Unknown at the current time

Race: Human

Character Strengths: Keilin is an incredibly powerful wizard, and wouldn't be counted among, or possibly higher than the wizard saints.

Character Flaws: Mentions of Keilin's past cause him to lose his cool and rush fights, he loses his advantage that is his calm, calculating manner and so he doesn't pay attention to the enemies next moves or threats.

Personality: No one knows much about Keilin's personality. He is certainly quiet, and when the time comes that he has to speak he goes about it in as few words as possible. However Keilin is loyal to his guild, and wouldn't abandon it for his life, and will come hurrying back to it in times of need where ever he is.


  • Mentions of his past
  • Anything related to his past
  • Attacks on his guild
  • Attacks on innocent people/bystanders
  • People seeing his face
  • people seeing any of his skin

He doesn't let on any from this point onwards

  • womanisers
  • man-isers(what is the equivalent name?)


  • The quiet


Daiki started off life in the town of Oshibana in Fiore. He was abandoned at birth by his mother who had birthed him out of wedlock and couldn't face the oppression and hate from her family because of it. He spent may years there, 5 to be precise, begging for money every day by Oshibana station, surviving on the measly amounts given to him by the passing passengers. After these many years the dark guild Eisenwald had recruited a secret weapon, a powerful dark wizard named guildaf. They needed but one piece to complete the weapon, an apprentice for him, to improve upon his ability. The trembling, pathetic, but powerfully magically gifted boy by the Oshibana station fitted the bill extremely well, and he had no objections as the offer of training, food and shelter was more than Daiki had ever dreamed of.

Daiki trained in the guild, led by the cruel wizard for 11 years. Learning to control illusion and the arc of embodiment magic to a higher level than anyone before him. He was feared and respected by his guild, and they felt that they had completed their task in creating their secret weapon, and so they began their ritual. Daiki's power was great enough for Zeref to take, and so the guild performed a secret ritual, now lost, that was meant to resurrect him into Daiki. However they did not succeed. Daiki fought the magic and broke away from the ritual, though the resulting explosion destroyed the entire guild and everything around for many miles. erasing all traces of the knowledge of the ritual in question, and Daiki himself. Daiki felt no remorse however, as the guild had treated him incredibly badly over the years, and forced him into excruciating training all for Zeref. Daiki then, at the age of 16 left the guild, adopted his mask and alias and left to travel EarthLand.

Daiki was known as Keilin as he travelled the entirety of EarthLand for 4 years. He explored every country imaginable, honing his skills in both illusion and the arc of embodiment to amazing levels, achieving the absolute peak that anyone could achieve in them, however there was one year, and one village within those 4 that changed Keilin's life drastically. The village was a small nomad convoy that had settled in a lush grassland. Keilin only originally went there to request food, but an old man he met there, named Yozai, showed him stave magic, which interested Keilin greatly. He decided to stay for a while and learn the art of using a stave, as well as fashioning a functioning one. However Yozai died, and on his death bed told Keilin to go back to his home of Fiore and join a guild, as he believed this to be the best path for Keilin. He obliged, and headed off, not taking long to get there.

Keilin arrived in Fiore and immediately took to the guild of sabertooth. The master accepted him in with open arms, observing his great power. Keilin never left in the five years he took jobs in the guild, and protected it in the echidna attack. However most of the time he was never there, and never participated in the community that was held there, taking on the longest, hardest and highest paying jobs, the jobs that honed his skills even higher to the point of perfection.

Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Rank: S class (higher wizard saint level though not officially)

Guild Mark: His palm, the only place he was willing to show for it to be applied

Guild Tenure: 5 years

Opinion Of Guild: He doesn't let on his opinion about anything really, but he does think highly of his guild and his guild mates.

Magic Ability:
Illusion magic

Advantages: Illusion magic is a powerful and useful form of magic, the ability to control a targets senses is of course sought after.

Disadvantages: to perform illusion magic the caster must be strong willed and have good magical control, otherwise the casting will fail.

Magic ability:
Arc of embodiment

Advantages: The arc of embodiment is an extremely powerful lost magic with the ability to create anything the user can imagine, which of course comes in very handy.

Disadvantages: The arc of embodiment creations only last 20 seconds, leaving only the time space for quick offensive or defensive creations like a shield or a flurry of knives to throw and ruling out the possibility of imagining a creature or otherwise. Also there are some exceptions in the arc of embodiment magic which cannot be made, this includes currently living or dead people.

Level Of Expertise: Complete mastery over all spells in both illusion and arc of embodiment magic, as well as mastery of the use of magic staves. His extensive knowledge and power means is one of the most powerful wizards in the magical world.

Equipment: Magic staves

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00431842_staff1.png.22ed4d6cca5d259dc714fbf87285aa99.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00431842_staff1.png.22ed4d6cca5d259dc714fbf87285aa99.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> stave 1: the first stave can fire beams of magic energy at the target.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c004336fd_staff2.gif.a74feeceb7b417d606e6c7de01b32541.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c004336fd_staff2.gif.a74feeceb7b417d606e6c7de01b32541.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 2: the second stave is used to induce the feeling of terror and pain in the target.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00436255_staff3.jpg.b1b17027e2842b1cad3f0ba1f8d74214.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00436255_staff3.jpg.b1b17027e2842b1cad3f0ba1f8d74214.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 3: the third stave is used to create a magic shield to protect against physical and magical attacks. However it is not a lasting spell and when used only last a couple of seconds before disappearing, at which point it cannot be re-summoned for another few seconds.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00438921_staff6.jpg.21610e0d8c52fb69b0ca869910cf705d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00438921_staff6.jpg.21610e0d8c52fb69b0ca869910cf705d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 4: the fourth stave when used is used to temporarily take control of a target animal, the being must not be of higher or equal intelligence to that of a human.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c0043aff1_staff7.jpg.706900d36eaf2e9b5e3c369edfae329a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c0043aff1_staff7.jpg.706900d36eaf2e9b5e3c369edfae329a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 5: the fifth and final stave is used to create a flurry of blades that are thrown towards a target, if they miss the target they disappear however if they hit the target they remain and do not disappear at any time.

Stave magic advantages: There is a wide variety of different spells available

Stave magic disadvantages: Stave magic cannot be performed without the staves.

Items: None

To continue surviving

Aspirations: He has no long term aspirations, which may sound depressing but it is simply his way.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/keilin.jpg.a6c85bcbd4808319e63fc540e868c8b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25864" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/keilin.jpg.a6c85bcbd4808319e63fc540e868c8b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Drake Spiral

Nickname: Drake

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Emerald

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Human

Character Strengths: Intelligence, Strength, flexiblity, fast, is a good speaker

Character Flaws: he doesnt trust many people, he rushes into combat without thinking sometimes, can be angered easily.

Personality: Drake is a caring person to those he trusts even though they wont know it. he means well but is driven by revenge so he yeah he might not show it but he really cares about those he trust.

Dislikes (What irritates you?): someone who complains, people who are way too confident, people who bug him a lot.

Likes (What makes you happy?): animals, forests, quiet places, looking at the night sky.

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum): Drake was once the son of a noble family who was well known for their compasion and kindness. One day his entire family was brutally murdered and the estate was burned to the ground. He ran through the woods to escape his families murderers. He was rescued by a traveling merchant who was nearby and gave him a place to stay.

The merchant gave Drake the gift of charisma and how to talk and persuade people. Drake like the merchant and showed his Gratitude by helping him with many things. Drake had seen many cities and met many people because of the merchant. It has been two years traveling with the merchant and Drake had turned ten.

A few months later the merchant died by his families killers and Drake ran.

A few days of running he stumbled on the lair of the Iron dragon and was adopted by him. For many years the Dragon has protectected and trained Drake in the Iron dragon slayer magic and Drake kept practicing and one day the dragon was gone. Drake then gathered some supplies from the local merchant and set on his merry way to find those who killed his family. Onhis journey he found a dog who became his loyal compainion. The dog which he named Amaterasu traveled across the world hunting the murderers!

Magic Ability: Iron scales,Iron Armor


Iron Teeth

Super long Iron Sword

Super Long Iron Axe

Super Long Iron Mace

Super Long Iron any weapon

Iron Spikes

Iron Claws

Advantages: gives the user the ability to turn their own skin into Iron which gives he/she a lot of defense and can cause a lot of damage in hand to hand combat.

Disadvantages: the user is slowed and can be hit more easily and it ruins stealth because any light that hits his skin is reflected.

Level Of Expertise: skilled

Equipment: Two longswords strapped to his back and some chainmail under his cloths

Items: a necklace from deceased mother and a ring from deceased father.

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?): to avenge his family

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?): to kill those who murdered his family

Other: he has a traveling wolf compainion which he calls Amaterasu.
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Name: Ajax Wellington

Nickname: The Frostbitten Prince (of Fairy Tail)

Appearance :


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Hair Color: Dark Blue

Eye Color: Hazel

Race: Human

Character Strengths: Very intelligent, Charismatic, Somewhat Handsome, Good With Field Tactics, Almost Never Cocky, yet Brave.

Character Flaws: Hotheaded, gets too into competition, fighting, and most of all, his obsession with the beauty of magic and his own appearance, enjoys to beat up people taller than him who mock him for his height, thinks almost everything to death, and sassy

Personality: He's usually pleasant to be around, but gets way too into arguments and competition. He is somewhat sassy, and loves to outwit people. He puts time into researching the arcane, and he can't stand wizards who just fight and do nothing to advance their magic in a significant way. Likes to dress stylishly. He loves beauty to an obsessive point. He fancies himself as a tactician, and he's quite a decent one.

Dislikes: Battling fire wizards, getting swarmed by fans at a bad time, losing, celestial and ring wizards, bullies, hempen rope, and wizards who lack intelligence.

Likes: Beautiful magic of any kind, ancient architecture, history and patterns, fighting, being recognized without being swarmed by people, competition, dressing stylishly, tabletop RPGs, and magical research.

Biography: When he was young, he lost both of his parents to plague that swept through the city that he lived in. His family gave their lives to keep him out of harm's way, and they did so successfully. He left the city, uninfected and began on his journey. He trudged through freezing terrain for many days until he was found by an ice mage, Celtus. He took in young Ajax and brought him back to the Fairy Tail Guild, where he became a member of at age six. Celtus taught ice magic to Ajax and the other guild members also taught him a bit of what they knew. Ajax remembers one day in his training very vividly, the day that Celtus gave him dress clothes as a reward for doing so well. Ajax grew very attached to these clothes, because never in his life did he think that he could be anywhere even close to as beautiful as his magic. As he grew older he earned a reputation for being hot headed, a brawler, and a skilled researcher.

He has grown close to most members in his guild, since he has been a part of the guild since he was six. Over the years, he has been taken on a wide variety of mission, and now leads many as well. His jobs range in anything from deciphering script to defending a town from an incoming horde of Lycans. He is not one to take on jobs alone, no matter what the class of quest, because he always likes to have someone there to pick up the slack if he's having an off day. He is one of the more recognizable faces of Fairy Tail because of how many jobs he usually takes, his appearances in
"Sorcerer" magazine, and from his skill. Also, he's up and coming. There is a whole lot of talk floating around about how Ajax may soon be promoted to an "S" ranked wizard.

Recently, he has proved his aptitude in magical skill by hands down winning the magical beauty portion in the Grand Magic Games. Because of this he was also featured with a full body shot and bio in the magazine, "
Sorcerer" (Well, that was the first time that he was featured anyway). He now has legions of fans that are constantly trying to see his beautiful appearance and magic. (Think of it like a legion of modern fangirls). In a way he fears them, because he can't injure them, and it can get very hard to get away from fans when they surround you completely and begin to tear at one's attire.

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: A

Guild Mark: Left Palm

Guild Tenure: 16 Years

Opinion Of Guild: "This is home, where else would I want to be, eh? The people here for the most part are smart and kind hearted, the work pays well, and the work is fun! Please do tell, how could my life possibly be any better than that? Living and working with great people doing work that I love? Please, go on, tell me, what could be better than that?"

Magic Ability: Inanimate Ice-Maker Magic

Advantages: Very good for keeping enemies at bay with defensive spells such as with icy shields and armors. He doesn't shy from fighting up close, but he does so tactically in a fight that he takes seriously, usually waiting for an opening in his opponents defense when he does so.

Disadvantages: As difficult as it is to melt his ice, it is possible to do for stronger wizards with a bit of time or a strong enough spell. It takes him a bit longer than most ice wizards to make inanimate objects with moving parts, such as cannons. He can create them, but usually will have to step back for a few moments to do so. Sometimes involuntarily discharges his magic, by icing over the what he holds and things of that sort.

Level Of Expertise: "Ladies and Gents! I'm a pro, no question about it! I can but heads with anybody in my guild, except for the master, of course.... And give them a real challenge at the least! At most, well... It may take a while for the glacier that they're trapped in to thaw out."

Other: His magic is somewhat dependent on runes, so icy runes form on his skin or around him when he casts a powerful spell.



-His cloak gives him a very small resistance to all magic (allegedly, he's never noticed the cloak help him in that respect, when he's hit in the back by a bolt of lightning, it still really hurts him) and it gives him a noticeable, moderate resistance to fire magic when it hits the cloak before it hits him.


He keeps on his person a shield, there's nothing too special about it other than that it's extremely hardy, and takes damage from force very well. Made primarily of steel, painted over in a special kind of paint that can only be peeled from the shield with specific acidic compounds.

Motivations: "Well, money is a big one. I enjoy buying book and just owning things in general. I'll rent from the library when I'm a bit broke, but yea, money is a big one. I am also motivated by the drive of those in my guild. Almost everyone there is just so supportive and kind that I wouldn't even consider doing something away from them.

Aspirations: "I want to create the most beautiful magic that anyone in this world or any other will ever see."
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Shin Yakamoto


Fairy Tail's Blood Sucker, Dracula

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):








Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission):


Character Strengths:

Shin has many strengths. He is very agile and strong. He is also quite intelligent. Shin is also a very quick thinker and can think of many possible way to beat his foe's.

Character Flaws:

Shin's main flaw is that he doesn't like to work with a team and he prefers to work by himself. He also has many anger management issues so he tends to fight a lot with other guild members. He is also obsessed with finding his real human parents and he will do anything to find them. He also suffers from extreme motion sickness.


Shin is a very headstrong guy. He doesn't listen to anyone and he hates to take orders. But aside from that he is also a very brave and courageous man. He pushes himself to extraordinary limits for the sake of his guild, although most people don't realize it and would probably laugh if someone were to tell them that he worked so hard for the guild. Shin is very honest and trustworthy, but only to the very sparse people he likes. He can also be very kind and loving to these people but he's usually down right cruel and mean to other's.

Shin has one major flaw to his character, He hate's being alone. He is separated from the guild and labeled a outcast by them, mostly because of his powers and because of his lack of interest in other's. Another flaw is that he hate's dragon's. If he ever had to hear someone speak of a dragon he would kill them. Shin also will do anything to protect his loved one's and they can sometimes be used against him.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):


Certain People

Other Dragon Slayer's

Reckless People

Being Called A Outcast

Being Alone

Spiced Rum

Likes (What makes you happy?):




Certain People (Different people from the certain people in the dislikes)




Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Shin was originally the son of two powerful mage's who worked job's all around the world. When he was born his parent's thought he would be a burden so they left him in the forest to die a quite death. But a woman found him, lying peacefully on a tree stump. She picked him up and brought him to her home. The child born into the world of magic and war, was left in the world of pain but now brought to the world of hope.

From then onwards Shin grew up in a small village in the province of Fiore where life was nothing but a waste. Not a single person in his village knew any sort of magic and just made their living off of fishing and weapon making. He had always been told that he was found in the woods and that he was never the woman's and her husbands son, and he was grateful to them for taking him in. But one day there were sounds of a fierce roar coming over the hills, the elder of the village said it was a dragon but no one seamed to believe him and just told themselves it was only an earth quake. Then it attacked, the blood dragon that went by the name Ketsueki slaughtered everyone in the village except Shin. He saw Shin kneeling before his dead fake parents and remembered the times when humans were the ones killing dragons, and took pity on this young boy telling him " I will train you, and when the time comes and you complete your training and you surpass me in battle, you will have your revenge". After 5 years of harsh training in the art's of the blood dragon slayer magic Shin finally got his revenge as he had sliced Ketsueki's head from his neck.

From that point forward shin had been on his own. Shin had been wondering from city to city for year's looking for a place to call home and he was also looking for his biological parents but no lead ever did show up. He eventually came across a few mage's, Their leader named Tora who invited him to join fairy tail. After completing the mission Tora was already on Shin was invited to join fairy tail, as Tora had recommended him to the master of the guild. Shin finally had a place to call home and a family to go with it. After a while Shin grew fond of Tora and eventually Tora grew fond of him. At only age 18 Shin Proposed to Tora who was 17, even though they were still young she accepted.

A few days after the wedding ceremony Tora was pregnant with Shin's first born. And suddenly a lead popped up for Shin's biological parent's. The map they sent showed they had been in eastern Fiore. Of course Shin wanted to go but he didn't want to leave Tora behind. Tora then suggested to take her with him, even if was pregnant. Shin was hesitant at first but he let her go with him, after all it was only his parents, how bad could it be. It was a three day journey to the place where they were last seen. When Shin and Tora had gotten there they saw nothing, then Magic circle's lit up around them. A ambush was launched against them. Shin did everything he could to protect Tora but there were to many of them. Tora was killed and Shin went on a rampage activating his Dragon force out of pure anger slaughtering the works of the ambushers. Three day's later he walked into the guild and laid Tora's dead body onto a table and left to walk home in the rain not saying a word to anyone else in the guild. He never talked to anyone for months on end, he only ever went to the guild to accept missions.


Fairy Tail

Guild Rank:

S-Class wizard

Guild Mark:

Left chest

Guild Tenure:

3 years

Opinion Of Guild:

"I hate everyone and I hate this building and I hate the Master and I hate the symbol and I hate the guild" or so he says but really he's just lonely.

Magic Ability:

Haven't you already guess..... But Just incase you haven't Shin is the Blood Dragon slayer... Oh never heard of it well here is a little description:

The blood dragon slayer magic uses the users blood as his or her source of power. But opening a wound on a persons body it can be used. This can cause some obvious problems but I'll get to that later. It's distinctive element is blood (obviously) which is made up of different elements including Water, Air, and Earth (Iron, sulfur, proteins....). The user must eat blood to gather the power, this includes blood from humans and animals, so usually the user will carry blood bags or another source of blood. The user's Dragon Force ability can be gained by drinking the blood of a dragon or something similar, A.K.A a Dragon slayer, although it is significantly weaker (Of course I will not drink the blood of any character with out the permission of the owner). The known abilities of this magic include:

Roar of the Blood Dragon: Basic Dragon Roar Attack, Currents of blood spew from the user's mouth with a powerful force

Blood Dragon Wing attack: Basic Dragon Wing attack, Currents of blood surround the users arms with a cutting edge as he swings downwards onto a enemy.

Claw of the Blood Dragon: Basic Dragon Claw attack, currents of blood surround the users foot as he kicks upwards

Blood Dragon Blades: Forms a sword of blood or two swords that harden and the user can use to fight with.

Blood Dragon Shield: Forms a shield of blood that either hardens or stays as a liquid, depending on the attack.

Blood Dragon Wings: Forms wings made of hardened and flexible blood on the users back allowing him to fly

Hail Mary: projects bullets made of blood from the users body, most effective when in conjunction with the blood dragon wings


Secret Blood Dragon Slayer Art: Dracula's shot: Advanced Dragon Roar attack, Projects a large bullet of blood from the users mouth with up to about ten times the power and speed of a regular roar attack

Secret Blood Dragon Slayer Art: Dracula's Blade: Advanced Blood Dragon blade's attack, Forms a large two handed sword that is stronger and lighter than steel.

Secret Blood Dragon Slayer Art: Dracula's Fang's: Advanced Dragon wing attack, Solid blood forms around the users arms as he swings downwards onto a enemy.

Passive abilities:

Advanced mitosis: Shin's blood cells are more advanced than a regular human's because of his magic and his dragon blood. The can reproduce through mitosis much faster than a ordinary human's can, making it so he can use tremendous amounts of blood without running out as fast. This is even more relevant when his Dragon Force is active.


The main strength of the Blood Dragon Slayer magic is that there is a limitless supply of blood. Blood runs through every human and animal on the planet. Another strength of the blood dragon slayer magic is that it is strong against many elements such as water, earth, and air. It's mainly strong against holder magic's though and it is usually on par with soul magic's and Re-equip magic's. It's also very easy to control as it comes from the user body and is sometimes directly connected to the user's body.


Blood Dragon Slayer magic also has many weaknesses. It is greatly weak against Elements such as Fire, Ice, and Poison. It is also weak against disease and infection. Blood dragon slayer magic is strong against lightning magic but seeing as blood is a liquid that conducts electricity it will only increase the effects of the lightning element rather than weaken them, so when fighting a lighting mage the user must be careful to use all long ranged attacks. There is also a limit to how much blood they can use, because if they run out of blood they will die (obviously). It is also very easy for a Blood Dragon Slayer to get a disease or infection as they always need a open wound to use their ability.

Level Of Expertise:

An Expert but not mastered, There are always new abilities coming up in his magic and new strengths and flaws so it's hard to consider him a master at his magic.


He caries a knife and a couple other hidden blade's to cut himself with so he can use his magic. He also carries this sword that Tora once used, although it has no magical properties.


Usually just caries blood bag's and food.

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):

Shin's Motivation is just to find out why his parent's left him and he also want's to help out the guild as much as possible, as it was Tora's will for him to do so.

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):

Shin just hopes to achieve answer's and hopefully some form of love or friendship in the future.

(was going to make a second character but didn't wanna go through the work...)​
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Name: Myla Romanov

The Immortal One

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):

Her normal everyday attire consists of a long dark green robe with white trim, which bears the mark of Lamia Scale on the back. Underneath the robe she wears long, white pants tucked into black combat boots. She also wears a light, sleeveless black shirt under her robe. The robe hangs around her shoulders, as she typically doesn't put her arms in the sleeves. (Kinda like Laxus Dreyar and his coat)




Hair Color:
Dark Brown

Eye Color:

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission):

Character Strengths:

Expert at physical combat. Master of several different styles of martial arts. Amazing with a sword and spear. Very respectful of others, and makes a point to teach that to her guild. Great leadership qualities. She is on par with the strength of a Wizard Saint.

Character Flaws:

Tends to brag about her guild to other guild masters often. Doesn't use magic very commonly, preferring to rely more on her physical skill. She gets very cocky in battle.


When one first meets Myla, they would not be able to guess she is a guild master. Her happy-go-lucky, fun-loving demeanor makes it difficult for anyone to believe she is a powerful wizard who runs her own guild. Myla is easily awed by the wonders of the world. She acts childish from time to time, and is not always mature, but only in the comforts of Lamia Scale, surrounded by people she considers her children. She doesn't take many things seriously, and even prefers for her children to have fun rather than achieve victory. When the most recent Grand Magic Games ended, she purposely asked Ryos Delmora, one of her Lamias, to head over to Fairy Tail and offer congratulations because she knew he had been upset by their loss. She hoped to make her Lamias realize it was just a fun event for wizards to gather around and show their skills. Though she is easy-going and rarely serious, Myla is a warrior at heart. When she helps to train her guild members, or when she is in battle, a completely different person emerges. She becomes completely focused on her task. She stresses perseverance in her guild, making her Lamias do a task over and over until they get it right. She loves to be asked for help regarding training, and takes it very seriously.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

"I hate to see my babies [Lamia Scale] hurt. Anyone who messes with them will have a very high price to pay!" -Myla Romanov, in Sorcerer Magazine Weekly.

Likes (What makes you happy?):

"There are too many things to talk about. I just love sightseeing. You never know what amazing things are in this world until you really go out there and see them! I guess other things I like could include travel, all sorts of foods, and meeting new people. More than anything though, I love my guild! My little babies are so cute, have you seen them?" Myla Romanov, in that same issue of Sorcerer Magazine Weekly

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

9 months prior to the birth of Myla, the previous master of Lamia Scale, Hans Romanov, had journeyed to the country of Bosco, a neighboring country to Fiore, where he met Myla's mother, Aura. Though they did have a romantic time together for a short amount of time, both parties knew they couldn't stay together, and so Hans returned to his home. Little did he know, Aura had become pregnant with his child. She decided not to send him word, realizing he was very busy as a guild master, and chose to raise Myla by herself.

Even in her childhood years, Myla showed great potential. She had amazing magic capacity for a child, and yet, she barely ever used magic, preferring to train her athleticism, speed, and strength. By the age of ten, she had already picked up swordsmanship and acquired her mother's Spears of Gaia, as Aura had decided she was skilled enough to use them. Around this same time, Hans, Myla's father, had gotten word of the fact that he had a daughter. He returned to Bosco to meet Myla, and in their first meeting as father and daughter, he had told her about the wonders of Fiore and Lamia Scale. He told her about magic guilds, and how they were very common in Fiore. He told her about his own guild, and how he would be delighted to have her as a member. Myla, awed by the stories, easily accepted. Both Aura and Myla moved to Fiore, and Myla joined Lamia Scale.

Once she became a member of Lamia Scale, Myla quickly honed her magic abilities, and became incredibly strong. She was only twelve when she was promoted to the rank of S-Class, the youngest Lamia to every accomplish such a feat. At the age of thirteen, she had heard a rumor of a massacre in Bosco, her old country. Disobeying direct orders from her father, Myla led Fiore and headed back to Bosco, only to find that Bosco was overrun by numerous Dark Guilds. They had formed a non-aggression pact, and had gone on to kill many citizens of Bosco*. Disgusted by the sight, Myla outright refused to return to Fiore until she had cleansed Bosco of the evil that now plagued it. She went into hiding, training as hard as humanly possible for two years. In hiding, she actually met 3 other very powerful wizards, 20 year-old Rolo Walturn, 23 year-old Amia Bayern, and 28 year-old Tengo Assiah. All three were also in hiding, teaming up and waiting for an opportune moment to strike back against the Dark Guild Alliance of Bosco. Myla had begged for them to allow her to help them, and though they were reluctant at first, when they she proved how serious she was, they agreed to take her in.

The fearsome foursome took action the following year, declaring war on the DGAB. The were simply named "The Rebellion" by the citizens of Bosco. With their unbelievable magic power, they instilled hope within the people of Bosco, taking down Dark Guild after Dark Guild, slowly making their way to the top of the food chain. After a year of fighting, The Rebellion finally cut the DGAB down to the two guilds that had started everything, Dark Guilds Crimson River and Tyrant's Rage. In an legendary battle, the army of four fought the two most powerful Dark Guilds of Bosco. All but the 17 year-old Myla Romanov fell that day. During the early parts of the battle, she almost lost her life at the hands of the Crimson River Guild Master, however, Rolo Walturn had gave up his life to make sure Myla continued living. His dying words to her were "You still have somewhere call home Myla, somewhere to go back to. You can't die here. You can't die today. Promise me you'll live on."

Rolo's last action was handing his precious sword, Eternal Spring, over to Myla. That day, she used Eternal Spring to avenge every life taken in Bosco by a Dark Guild by taking the lives of Dark Wizards. Though her other two comrades had been unable to survive through the injuries they sustained in battle. Being the only person surviving the battle, Myla was nicknamed "The Immortal One" by all of the people of Bosco. They had been saved, and Myla was showered with love, becoming a hero there. However, she could not stay long.

Myla returned to Lamia Scale and Fiore after her 4 year hiatus. Many wizards had heard about her feats in Bosco, and she had become somewhat famous in the magic world. Her father was incredibly angered by her, and had even threatened to expel her from Lamia Scale, when all of her guild mates had decided to stand for her and support her. Realizing the potential his daughter had as a leader, Hans knew that in a few years, when he was to finally retire from his position, he had a successor ready to take on his position.

3 years later, at the young age of 20, Myla Romanov had become the newest Guild Master of Lamia Scale. She decided that before she would officially take over, she should visit her roots one last time. Returning to Bosco once more, Myla was gratefully welcomed by the people. In fact, she began wearing a cloak to hide her appearance so she could just enjoy her country in privacy. She met 7 year-old Ryos during her travels, and brought him back home with her. Once back in Lamia Scale, Myla officially took over as master. Her difficult adolescence had not hardened her much, as she retained a very cheerful demeanor as Master, and soon fell in love with her guild in a way she had not experienced before. Since she had brought in many children to the guild, Lamia Scale had become a very young guild, with few experienced mages, but a couple of mages with extreme potential. Under her watch, two Dragon Slayers had risen in Lamia Scale and made names for themselves as well as boosting the reputation of Lamia Scale. Since Lamia Scale had seen the addition of a decent amount of children in her era, Myla began to feel like a mother to these young mages, and she began to see them as her children. She retains a very close, maternal relationship with most of her wizards.

Guild Info

Lamia Scale

Guild Rank:
Guild Master

Guild Mark:
Left Thigh

Guild Tenure:
22 Years (On & Off)

Opinion Of Guild:

There is nothing on this planet that Myla cherishes more than her guild. She would risk her life 100 times over if it meant protecting her children from any harm.


Magic Ability: Sound Magic


This Magic allows the users to perceive, generate and manipulate any type of sound, attacking the opponents with sounds of various intensity. Depending on how much sound is generated, and the pressure in it, Sound Magic can easily deafen the caster's opponents. In addition, the sound waves can even be strong enough to destroy buildings with ease and can kill multiple people.


Since Sound Magic users have a much stronger sense of hearing than even Slayer Magic users, loud noises, not generated from their own magic, when in use of the hearing element of Sound Magic, can be quite painful to their ears.

Level Of Expertise:

Myla has completely mastered Sound Magic, and is able to utilize the highest level spells without much difficulty. For this reason, many believe her to be at the level of a mid-ranked Wizard Saint.




The Spears of Gaia are a collection of 5 different magic imbued spears that Myla uses in battle. All 5 can be seen attached to her back by a leather strap when she goes off on a mission. Their respective magical elements include Fire, Water, Lightning, Darkness, and Light.


Eternal Spring is the name of Myla's longsword. She was given this sword by her late teammate, Rolo Walturn. It is unclear to Myla why the name is Eternal Spring, but legend has it that a dark wizard had committed many murders with this sword on the spring of every year, until Rolo Walturn defeated the man and took the sword for himself. This is Myla's main weapon of choice. She summons it with magic.



Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):

To make sure no one close to her is ever hurt again, especially her beloved children.

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):

Keep Fiore safe from Dark Guilds. See her dear Lamia's grow up to become powerful wizards, and live happy, peaceful lives.

Ryos' parents were actually killed this way.
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Name: Lewai De Marc

Nickname: The Beast Knight / Lew


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/IdeaRP4.jpg.f4cbe8737d5a6a997d9e1789b22d75bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/IdeaRP4.jpg.f4cbe8737d5a6a997d9e1789b22d75bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes: A large scar is covering the entirety of her back, almost like a burn-mark. Appears as fragile and short.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2''

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Bright Blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

- Very flexible, athletic in general

-Persistent, capable of ignoring pain to a certain level

Character Flaws:

- Acts without thought if emotional

- Brutally honest

- Clumsy

- Willing to put her own life on the line to save innocents/friends without further thought

- Reckless

- Won't stop fighting unless stopped by force/unconcious


Lewai is the kind of girl most people would be annoyed at for asking
"Why?" too many times. She's very curious. Her curiosity combined with her being brutally honest, may turn out fatal. Even though she knows this, it is in her nature to ask too many questions if a subject, or a person, peaks her interest. Even through the darkest times, Lewai will not give up. She may not always be optimistic, but if push comes to shove, hope will never be frail. During a fight, Lewai is fierce, even if it is only a practice-battle and will not stop until her opponent is defeated or she falls unconcious from depletion or injuries. "Dont hate the player, hate the game."


- Injustice

- Sexists

- Misery

- Hopelessness

- Cowards

- Losing

- Prejudice


- Animals, any sort

- Justice

- Equality

- Crowds

- Family/Guild/Friends

- A proper challenge

- Training/Progress


Lewai was born into a poor family in Fiore, and soon after her birth, her father passed away from illness. She never knew her father other than by name and stories told by her mother.
"Lando De Marc.". Her mother taught her early on the power of love, caring and kindness. How it could bring you happiness when sad, and power when defeated. This marked the later years, and personality of Lewai. They lived in a small cottage outside the city of Fiore, making a living by selling bouquets and trading whatever they could. Their profit each day were not always enough for the two of them to eat. Mostly, her mother gave Lewai her share to keep her healthy and well. "If you have a cause or someone to fight for, there's always hope. Remember that, child." - Waina De Marc, mother of Lewai

Lewai figured early on her abilities as a user of magic. Despite her attempts of hiding it from her mother to avoid conflict, Waina soon found out. This revealed a side of her mother Lewai had never seen before. Waina became more protective over her daughter, and found ways to show her how to control her power instead of developing it. The strong bond between mother and daughter was amplified, and despite their lives in poverty, they were happy. This would all change. Lewai's mother fell ill soon after Lewai's 12th birthday. This left her to deal with the daily income herself, to provide food for both her and her mother and to spend as much she could on medicine to cure her mother's illness. It was a tough year, as she did not know a life beyond the one she had lived peacefully and happy.

A year after, her mother passed just a month before Lewai's 13th birthday. Lost in grief, she made a silent vow to herself; To never lose another one she cared about without a fight. After her mother's passing, she left the woods and made her way to the city. Starving and lost, she felt like all hope was gone. She had given up, despite her mother's words of hope and happiness. On the verge of starvation, she found Fairy Tail. Fighting her way back to health, she soon became a member of the guild and finally found people to help her develop her magic powers. By the time she turned 19, she got the rank of an A-class wizard.

Guild Info


Fairy Tail

Guild Rank:


Guild Mark:

Back of her neck.

Guild Tenure:

6 years

Opinion Of Guild:

"This is my home. And they are all my family. I'd do anything to keep them safe. Anything."

Magic Info

Magic Ability(1):



Allows her to store items(armor/weapons etc.) in a pocket dimension, letting her to choose what weapon or armor would be the most efficent, and resistant, to a certain type of magic. This gives her a certain advantage in fights with any opponent and throw lethal attacks.


Limitation of the pocket dimension, and the drain of magic power to change armor/weapon during combat or several times. This is a skill Lewai has yet to obtain, leaving her vulnerable if there's a change in the opponents magic.

Level Of Expertise:

Master. She still needs to obtain the ability to Requip in battle.

Magic Ability (2):

Take Over (Satan Soul)


Grants her incredible strength and powers of demons, all depending on which one she takes in use.


Very high draining of power, can be lethal to herself if over-used. Also the loss of anger-management can be a disadvantage.

Level of Expertise:

Close to expert. Needs to extend the duration of Take Over as well as obtain the powers of more.


(Does not include her pocket dimension.)


The sword and armor she carries on the appearance-photo. It is her daily-basis armor/clothing.

This will be placed in her pocket-dimension if she changes armor.


To have hope, and be able to keep her guild, friends and family safe.


The ultimate safety and happiness of her loved ones. To become a master of her powers.

- Surprisingly strong for her short and weak appearance

- Self aware

- Observant (both of personalities and opponents)

- Her strength (and weakness) in battle is given by the love for her friends



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Qwillia LeBlanc

Qwillia LeBlanc

Nickname: Q, The Pathless One, The Wonderer Of Water

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Hair Color: Aqua Blue

Eye Color: Right: Blue/ Left: Red

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Human

Character Strengths:

  • Qwillia is a experienced tinkerer.
  • She is very educated and can easily develop strategies.
  • She puts her trust in water and allows it to take it's will through her own hands.

Character Flaws:

  • Since she was captive for a large majority of her life, she isn't well at socializing.
  • She has a poor sense of direction.
  • She hates fighting for no good reason and will avoid battle without a purpose.


Qwillia is very distant and be quiet for long periods of time. It is rare to get a few words out of her even if she is happy. Others may find her a bit 'robotic' when it comes to her personality. She rarely speaks unless she is spoken to. She is polite and speaks clearly and respectfully to anyone she sees fit to. She isn't afraid to show her emotions; which isn't that rare. She embraces the emotions she has since, at one point in her life, she wasn't even able to show anything but sadness. She cant easily recognize evil and will never side with it no mater what.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

  • Getting lost
  • Meaningless bloodshed
  • Extreme hot places
  • Closed spaces
  • Being alone

Likes (What makes you happy?):

  • Technology
  • Large bodies of water
  • Rain
  • Books
  • Moon
  • Stars

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Qwilla was born to a loving father and mother who unfortunately died during child birth. Her father, who was most devastated about his now dead wife, was a traveling tinkerer who worked on anything he could get his hands on. He didn't know much about the world but all he wished to do was provide what he could for his child.

One day, after stopping to rest, her father was attacked and she was taken away from him as he laid unconscious. She was taken to a underground laboratory where she spent the first 16 years of her life. She was certain that her father had forgotten about her and was now prepared to spend the rest of her life in a steel prison underwater with only books, tools and machines to keep her company.

Within the few books she had to read, she had found a book covering the magics of water. She read the book regardless of the guards constant watching of her. Sure, they had fed, clothed and kept her safe for the years but they were still goons who were in charge of watching her by whoever hired them.

After a year of practice and secret readings of the book, she was able to utilize the god power she had studied. She successfully escaped from the lab before destroying it completely to prevent it from being used. Being released to the water as her first sight of freedom seemed very fitting.

After making it to the surface, she saw only one thing fit to do next; begin searching for her father. Unfortunately, with only her last name and the pendant around her neck that he gave her at birth as leads, the odds of doing so seemed slim. However, she did not give up. She now spends her time wondering and defeating any opponent that dear crosses her path. She has little to no leads and barely knows how the outside world works. She isn't even aware of the guilds and their purposes. This, however, does not stop her and only motivates her to continue on the path. The path to no where.

Magic Ability: Water God Slayer Magic

Advantages: Qwillia is very skilled in water god slayer magic and it is shown very well in her combat skills.

Disadvantages: She can mentally feel weaker in hotter places.

Level Of Expertise: She has been practicing and advancing for years but still feels she has much to learn.


Sea Trident



Her fathers pendant

Motivations :

The will to find her father and bring her captive to justice


The hopes of one day finding her purpose and the perfect path to take for it.


She has a enhanced jellyfish companion that follows her where ever she goes.



"Huh..?Just who are you?"

Name: A’den Kandosii

Nickname: Sheriff, Onii-chan, Scary Bastard

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 6’ 1” (185 cm)

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths: Immense Physical Ability, Highly Experienced, Expert with Guns, Persistent, Calm & Decisive.

Character Flaws: Loses Composure with Guilds, Arrogant, Tends to Act Alone, Fears for His Little Sister and Family, Often Overprotective.

Personality: A’den is an experienced Sheriff, unfazed by most of the troubles in life and is able to retain his cool in a majority of situations, with the exception of when faced against a Guild or a person affiliated with one. He’s often overconfident in his own abilities after having been unchallenged for so long, and tends to work as a lone wolf with the belief that others might get in his way. Furthermore, he’s a workaholic that rests little, and hates to lose control over any situation, often acting overprotective over those he cares about, especially his little sister.

Likes: Vaiya, Guns, Arresting Criminals, Sunsets, Beaches, Steak.

Dislikes: Guilds, Criminals, Troublemakers, Hiking, Flying, Seaweed, Rookies.​

Biography: Sheriff Kandosii was born in the port city of Pinnacle, a large trading center situated on the precipice of a prominent triangular trade route. He and his younger sister, Vaiya, grew up listening to stories their father told of treasure hunting and adventure, becoming fascinated with the idea of exploration and magic.

Having retired from treasure hunting, A’den’s father had taken up a mercantile position in the city, eventually becoming one of the top merchants in the entire port. While that brought wealth and fortune to the family, it also brought back the unfortunate attention that such influence gained. While A’den and Vaiya were grooming to become future businesspeople, dreaming about becoming mages, joining a guild, and adventuring in the world, a dark guild named Raccoon Seeker began plotting take over their city of Pinnacle.

Their world was flipped upside down when Raccoon Seeker gathered an alliance and finally acted on their goals, sending an army to capture the port in search of its treasures — particularly those Magical artifacts that belonged to A’den’s father. In desperation, the Magic Council called forth their own army to defend the city, resulting in a massive battle that eventually led to Raccoon Seeker’s retreat; ironically, the damage caused by the defending guilds devastated Pinnacle far more than Raccoon Seeker ever did.

It was during this ‘First Battle of Pinnacle’ that A’den’s father was killed defending his family from a crossfire between both legal and dark guilds. Angry, confused, and grieving, A’den decided that the guilds were a at fault for his pain, and vowed to protect his remaining family and city from them all, whether they be legal or dark. Determined, A’den gathered the few magical weapons his father had gathered among the artifacts and sought the Sheriff of his city, an old geezer named Jenkins.

Originally the man was skeptic when young A’den came demanding training from him, but the Sheriff begrudgingly accepted after just a little prodding. Jenkins was growing old after all, and the city was in shambles, no thanks to the legal guilds and Rune Knights that fled immediately after the battle, leaving crime to soar and a distinctive lack of officers to keep the peace.

Over the years, A’den grew to become the pride of Pinnacle, a shining beacon of light in the darkness that led their people through a wave of poverty, depression, and rebuilding; however, Pinnacle was only a shadow of its former self, reduced from a large city of 500,000 to a fifth of that with a population of only 100,000. Even then, crime was hard to crack down on in-between dueling with any guild member that dare approach the city of Pinnacle.

In time, Pinnacle remembered peace and prosperity once again, although now as a minor trade port in the grand scheme of things. That was fine with most of the city’s population, who still remembered the devastation wrought out because of its former strength. A’den became a hero in the port, loved by its population as their unofficial leader. Pinnacle’s state of neutrality actually allowed a significant foreign population to settle in the town, and while they were skeptical of the Sheriff’s ability, they were easily proven wrong when he and his deputies rendered the crime rate of Pinnacle to an all-time low.

Now, A’den remains the head Sheriff of Pinnacle, having abandoned his dream of joining a Guild even though his younger sister has not. With more practical things in mind, Sheriff Kandosii has begun to struggle under the weight of a new wave of crime from the influence of Raccoon Seeker, and is desperately trying to find a link to cut off before the criminals spread out too far and too wide.

The addition of abhorred Guild presence has only added on to his stress, and it’s now only a matter of time before he either explodes under the pressure, or finally agrees to work together with the Guilds just one more time…

"Hey! Where are you from?"

Employment: Sheriff of Pinnacle

Rank: Head Sheriff

Job Tenure: 6 Years

Opinion Of Work: “I’d be damned if I let someone else clean up this mess of a city.”​

"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability: Guns Magic​

Advantages: The main strength of Guns Magic lies in its pin-point accuracy, sheer variety of magical bullets, and nigh-unlimited ammunition. Furthermore, when paired with another magical weapon, the power of Guns Magic can be significantly amplified, sometimes exponentially. All in all, a user of Guns Magic can adapt to any type of situation, limited only by their creativity in creating new types of bullet-shaped responses to any threat.

Disadvantages: Its nature as a holder-type Magic means that without a gun or similar weapon, Guns Magic is unusable. Additionally, the number of bullets fired is limited by the type of weapon the user is using, and the caster can only utilize one type of bullet at a time; switching between types of bullets takes a downtime of three seconds. Also, while Guns Magic bullets cannot be dodged, they certainly can be blocked, and will typically stop after impacting the first object they hit unless specially designed otherwise.

Level Of Expertise: Sheriff Kandosii is one of the few masters of Guns Magic, and his skill makes him a force to be reckoned with. In fact, A’den magical ability is credited with having some of the most firepower in the world, and has refined his bullet-switching time down to only one second.

Magic Ability: Requip

Advantages: The easiest way to describe a Requip Magic user is simple: a walking armory. By having their own portable pocket-dimension, users will never have to worry about carrying their equipment ever again, and will often have an item to use for any situation. Their varying apparatus make Requip Magic users skilled in adapting to any situation, and are often jacks-of-all-trades that can perform well in any role.

Disadvantages: While versatile, users of Requip Magic are only as effective as they are skilled with their weapons. At the end of the day, Requip is only a Magic that allows for swift storage and outfitting of equipment, meaning that it’s as much about the caster’s own ability as it is about the strength of their weapons and armor. Furthermore, switching between equipment takes about a downtime of ten seconds for skilled users, making its usage in combat impractical.

Level Of Expertise: A’den is also a master of Requip Magic, and has so seamlessly linked it with Guns Magic that he’s considered one of the top weapon master wizards in the world, able to utilize any type of gun with expert proficiency. As a testament to his skill, he’s able to Requip in combat with only a downtime of one second.

"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"


Revolver: A’den’s trademark weapon is his .45 Coyote revolver, a weapon personally imbued with magical energy by the Sheriff himself. The most impressive of A’den’s achievements with his Coyote is the development of a separate magical bullet type for each chamber in his gun, allowing for switching between six different classes of bullets with a flick of his thumb: normal, stun, armor-piercing, explosive, freezing, and bouncing.


Shotgun: A high-profile weapon for noteworthy circumstances, A’den’s eight-barreled shotgun ‘Grizzly Wolf’ is usually reserved for special cases where maximum destruction is preferred; using strong magical strength, this weapon can fire eight high-powered bullets at once in a short spray of incredible firepower.


Sniper Rifle: The longest ranged out of all his weapons, A’den’s ‘Snake’ sniper rifle is a deadly one-shot weapon with the most firepower out of all his guns. Requiring a build-up time of five seconds to gather magical energy, the release of the ‘Snake’ rifle allows a bullet to be carried several kilometers in distance and striking with almost ridiculous strength.



Sheriff's Star: A Golden Star with the words "Sheriff of Pinnacle" embroidered onto them, it is a sign of A'den's status and rank in his hometown.

"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

Motivations: Keep the peace in Pinnacle; Protect his little sister, Vaiya, and the rest of his family from any future threat.

Aspirations: Restore Pinnacle’s former glory; Destroy Raccoon Seeker Alliance.​
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Hair Color


Eye Color

Ice Blue



Character Strengths

єχтяємєℓу ℓσуαℓ - Refusing to leave a friend or family member behind, Isanna cares for and will do everything to protect those close to her. Caring for others gives her more strength than her magic can give her, and she accepts and welcomes that fact, knowing that caring or loving others is not a weakness, but a strength.

υηєη∂ιηg кιη∂ηєѕѕ - Willing to give anyone a second chance, Isa's kindness is similar to a double-edged sword. As she cares for everyone, she tends to put their well-being above her own, leading her own health to slowly deteriorate. She's a true friend that will do anything to help others and won't stop until she's physically unable to do so.

ѕтяσηg - Even though Isanna is of a petite stature, she does have plenty of strength. Though she's also another form of strong. Emotionally, Isa has trained herself to try and handle just about anything thrown at her. Not to say she isn't vulnerable or sensitive, because she can be extremely sensitive at times, especially when it comes to her past.

ηιмвℓє - Being fairly petite and small, Isa tends to be light on her feet, while fast and agile, as well as flexible.

Character Flaws

вαввℓιηg - Isanna loves to be surrounded by her friends, and enjoys talking and joking around. On a normal day, there's a fairly high chance that she could talk your ear off, but she really starts to babble when she's nervous and trying to hide it. She hates not knowing what to do, and her babbling is her way of trying to cover it all up.

υηєη∂ιηg кιη∂ηєѕѕ - Again, as a double-edged sword, Isa's kindness also gets her into trouble, even if she's trying to do the right thing. She won't always listen when someone tries to warn her against doing something, wanting to help someone. Many people have often tried to take advantage of her kindness, because she so willingly gives it out.

ѕєℓƒ ѕα¢яιƒι¢ιηg - Always ready to protect her friends, Isanna is willing to sacrifice herself for any of her friends, not caring what happens to her. All that matters is that her friends are safe.

вιт σƒ α мσυтн - While Isa is many smiles and all about kindness, she also likes to joke around, and tends to use sarcasm. Though when she's caught in a tough situation, she's been known to mouth off in anger, gaining her more trouble than she needs.


When first meeting Isanna, she seems to give off an icy front, seeming calm and cut off from the world with her pale and cool features. That is obviously not the case. While Isa can act that way, she often doesn't, preferring to be a nice, kind, and silly girl, causing people to laugh and have fun. She's brave and loyal and loves a good adventure with her friends, and isn't afraid of a little dirt or danger. She enjoys joking around with everyone she meets, and staying 'cool' with everyone. While she does take things seriously, she doesn't like to force herself to do anything she doesn't believe in, feeling that it goes against her nature.


× Extreme Heat

× Dry Air

× Idiots

× Jerks

× Bugs





Cold Air




Isa was born into a lower upper class family who hated the idea of magic and cast out anyone who either supported the idea or practiced it. The Calwyn's were a medium sized family and Isa's direct family was the Head. Being the only child born to the Head of the family, Isanna was the heir.

For the first five years of her life, Isa lived a fairly normal life, being home schooled by a tutor and any important decisions being made by her father and mother. While at a young age, the girl didn't know what other childhoods were like, she was fairly unhappy with how her life was already being carefully planned out.

It was the night of her fifth birthday. The party was over and Isanna had already been put to bed by the maids when there was a break-in. The Calwyn's had been fairly lucky, as in five years since their daughters birth, there hadn't been any attempts on the young girls life or tries of kidnapping, though it seemed as if that luck was about to run short.

A group of mages that had been wronged by the higher class family had broken in silently, easily using their magic to get passed everyone and into Isa's room. It was there that she was taken and the small group quickly escaped. Though all the running had woken the raven-haired five year old.

Startled at being jostled so much, she started squirming and trying to get away. When that had no effect, she started to scream, kicking and punching with her little hands and feet.

The men were unable to keep going with her acting like that so one of them started casting a spell. The others tried to restrain her, but Isanna was able to get away, just barely. Although the spell had already started to take effect, the girl stumbled blindly through the forest she'd managed to escape to, growing drowsier by the second. Despite what had recently happened, she had made it pretty far before she finally collapsed.

When the five year old woke, she was leaning against the slightly cool scales of an animal. Still drowsy from the left-over magic and a bit wary, Isa was fairly sluggish in her movements as she managed to sit up and look around.

Not finding anything in front of her, the girl was a bit startled when she heard something large shift and a shadow suddenly loomed over her. Forcing her body to move quicker then it wanted, she turned, gazing up in awe at the large pale teal colored dragon.

The dragon had made a type of laughing noise, causing Isa to giggle, they introduced themselves, quickly learning that the five year old no longer held her memory. She remembered many basic things, like math, writing, reading, etc. She remembered her name - Isanna was all she could recall - age, manners, and other small things.

Upon learning this, the dragon, Tsurara, offered to take her in and teach her magic. Informing Isa that she was the Ice Dragon, she wanted to know if Isanna would like to learn to be an Ice Dragon Slayer. Tsurara had no student or family currently to care for. She was alone, just like the raven-haired girl in front of her. Knowing she didn't have anything else to do, or a place to go, the girl agreed, finding herself intrigued at the idea of using magic.

So together for the next six years, Isanna stayed with Tsurara, learning all she could about the arts of Ice Dragon Slaying. The two quickly found Isa to be a natural with the element, and a determined student. They had fun and lived a simple and happy life, like they were a mother and daughter.

Over time, the spell that had been cast over Isanna the night of the kidnapping attempt, wore off. Throughout the six years the girl had been gone, she started to regain her memories in her dreams, though she never understood them until after the day Tsurara, her adoptive mother vanished.

Devastated about the fact that her mother figure was gone and the fact that she now remembered and understood what had happened to her before she stumbled upon the majestic dragon, Isanna wasn't sure what to do.

For almost a week, the now eleven year old remained in the forest at their camp site, hoping that Tsurara would return. During her wait, the raven-haired girl would venture deep into the forest, gathering food for her to eat. She tended to do this daily, seeing as it kept her nourished and gave her something to do, she was startled when on her normal route of berry picking, she found a large white egg with two brown spots.

Confused yet intrigued at the sight of it, Isa gathered it up into her arms and took it back to the clearing with her.

It was on her seventh night of waiting that she finally gave up on the idea that her mother would return. It was with a sad heart that the girl accepted this.

It was when she started to pack what few things she had by the light of her fire, seeing as there was no moon visible in the sky, the egg had started to shake. Curious, Isa hurried over, though stumbled back when the shell cracked, revealing a small white cat with a brown tail tip and spot covering it's left eye and ear. Though the startling fact was that it was flying.

That night, Isanna made her first friend ever. Naming the flying cat Tsukina, without the moon, in remembrance of the hidden moon that night, the certifiable Ice Dragon Slayer started her trek through the forest, teaching and getting to know her new companion.

Seeing as she now remembered her past, the Calwyn heir made her way to the nearest Town, hoping to find a way back to her relatives.

While traveling amongst others, Tsukina would be perched on Isa's head, meowing when they weren't alone, surprising the girl when she learned that her cat could talk as well.

Amazingly, it hadn't taken long to find their way to the Calwyn residence.

Upon their arrival, they'd been searched and brought before the Head, her father. Fairly angered at the fact that someone would claim to be his missing daughter from six years ago, he ordered her possessions to be taken and her shirt removed.

Embarrassed beyond belief, Isanna complied with any demands given, knowing her father wanted to see her unique birthmark of a flower on her right shoulder blade.

Amazed to actually find the mark, the man gave her her things back and gathered her and Tsukina up and took her to see her mother.

Once her mother learned that her daughter had returned, she demanded to know what had happened, leading Isanna to explain all of what she remembered of her fifth birthday. Soon after she was told to tell what had transpired over the last six years.

Somehow the raven-haired girl managed to spin a believable tale, making sure to leave out the fact that Tsurara was, in fact a dragon, and not a kind woman who took her in, seeing as she could now easily recall the Calwyn's hatred for magic. She explained how as time passed, the block started wear down before it was finally gone and the girl had all her memories and soon after started back towards her home, finding her new cat along the way.

Her parents accepted her story and quickly tested her on her remembered manners, which, luckily, she retained and they soon after went back to living normally.

For a year Isanna and Tsukina lived this way. Tsukina would stay with Isa at almost all times and only speak when the two were completely positive that they were alone, and whenever she had the chance, Isanna would practice her magic. Amazingly their system worked for a year, though it was sometime after her twelfth birthday that they were discovered.

Tsukina and Isa had simply been in her room, talking when her mother had passed by. Wondering why she heard her daughter talking to someone, she entered the room only to find her daughter talking to her cat.

Her flying cat.

Outraged the woman stalked forward, alerting the two to her presence. Grabbing Tsukina by the tail, she yanked her away from her daughter, ignoring the twelve year olds protests. Knowing that her mother would be planning on taking her companion to her father to be killed, Isanna reacted, knowing that nothing good would happen.

Summoning her magic, Isa created a small clump of ice the size of a pebble in her palm. Reaching back she threw the ice at her mother's wrist, watching as the woman dropped Tsukina and grabbed onto her wrist. Looking around the woman narrowed her eyes at her daughter, catching sight of the fading teal magic circle. Demanding answers, Isa's mother glared at her former daughter and her cat.

Wincing, the girl finally admitted to what she'd never told her parents, knowing there was no point trying to hide it. They'd already tried that and failed.

Their yelling and shouting had drawn the attention of many other family members and staff, and her father was enraged at the sight of a flying Tsukina near his daughter who was admitting to practicing magic.

Unanimous, the parents ordered their former daughter to leave before she was killed. Shocked, Isanna could only stare before they started to come closer, as if to grab her. Slightly worried for her life now, the two took off, jumping out of the bedroom window, Tsukina catching onto the young Isa and carrying her safely down to the ground where they took off running, never looking back.

It was perhaps a month later when they stumbled into the town of Magnolia. Having had no previous knowledge of what Magic Guilds were, Isanna learned quickly when she first learned of the loud guild, Fairy Tail. Entranced, the twelve year old asked for directions and the two quickly took off, ignoring the fact that she probably looked a mess, her long raven hair sticking up everywhere and in knots.

The moment they arrived, she threw open the doors, looking around curiously. Around half of the members inside stopped and glanced at the newcomer. They were pretty curious as to why a young girl would show up looking like a mess, but plenty ignored her, while half of the female population dashed for her, wanting to know why she looked to be in such a disarray.

Hesitantly Isanna explained the basics of her circumstances, telling them of her magic, even showing them some of what she could do, starting off by making a floating copy of the Guild Insignia. By the time she was finished, the Master had already arrived and agreed to let Isanna and Tsukina join the guild, giving the two girls a home and a new family.


Fairy Tail

Guild Rank


Guild Mark

Ice Blue, outside of right thigh

Guild Tenure

6 years

Opinion Of Guild

"An amazing place to live out an adventure!"

Magic Ability

Ice Dragon Slayer


Ice is as solid as a diamond, and unable to crack, freezing anything in it's way


While able to freeze small amounts of fire, the ice can still be melted

Level Of Expertise

Almost mastered




ƒяσzєη ѕтσηє - A necklace containing a piece of eternal ice directly from Tsurara. She gave it to Isanna as a way to always have a way to protect herself.



Become stronger

To keep moving forward

Protect those close to her


Find Tsurara

Master her Ice Magic

Create a world where everyone can live in Peace​
Sora, the Windrunner

"Huh..? Just who are you?"

  • Sora_Full.png

    Name: Sora

    Nickname/Alias: Sky – Sora’s codename in the guild ‘Crime Sorciére.’ Sky is an infamous international criminal most recognized for her vigilante actions against dark guilds; while her true identity is unknown, she is easily identified by her tattered brown cloak and white mask, shaped into the imprint of an animal hunting cat.

    Eagle – Sora’s former codename while an assassin. Only certain circles in dark guilds remember this name, but in the past Eagle was a popular choice for assassination requests. Sora doesn’t want to ever use this name again, but accidentally let it slip while fighting Echidna.

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’ 6”

    Weight: 136 lbs

    Hair Color: Viridian

    Eye Color: Emerald Green

    Race: Human

    Skin Color: Lightly Tanned

    Likes: Friends, Books, Cakes, Training, Daydreaming, Rainbows, Destroying Dark Guilds, Flying

    Dislikes: Dark Guilds, Slavery, Embarrassing Situations, Betrayal, Killing Innocents, Trains, Mean People.

    Character Strengths: Hand-to-Hand Combat Expert, Flexible, Fast, Strong-Willed, Stealthy

    Character Flaws: Awkward, Horrible Liar, Vulnerable, Insecure, Emotionally Unstable, Lacks Restraint

"Hey! Where are you from?"

Guild: Crime Sorciére

Guild Rank: A-Class

Guild Mark: Stark White; Located just below the neck, on her collarbone

Guild Tenure: 3 Years

Opinion Of Guild: "Money, connections, and a place to heal; can't ask for much more. All I can repay them with is keeping our association under-the-radar, you know?"

"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability: Incomplete Sky Dragon Slayer Magic

  • Advantages and Abilities:

    Enchantment: Manipulates air pressure within the magical aura of the user to increase the speed, strength, and agility of target. Effects range from mild to dramatic improvements, depending on how close the target is to the user and the amount of magic expended. All enchantments applied to the user will be significantly more powerful, and have the additional effect of reinforcing his or her body with a protective coating of magical energy.

    Windrunner: This user's ultimate enhancement technique. Utilizing an outrageous amount of magical energy, the user requires an immense build-up of power into their legs and surroundings over a period of twenty-seconds. When released, the user is propelled like a rocket at supersonic speeds. Characterized by it's sonic boom, this technique literally allows the user to break the sonic barrier and strike with incredible power and strength. However, the user will be exhausted completely after usage, and without proper bodily reinforcement beforehand their body will sustain lethal injuries from the stress of travelling at such speeds.

    Air Cannon: Compresses air into a specified shape, ranging from a sharp and narrow bullet to a broad, ball-like structure. This technique allows the user to fire these pressurized air particles like a projectile from bodily joints encompassed by the user’s magical aura. Most commonly used in conjunction with punches or kicks for unexpectedly ranged attacks.

    Healing: Allows the user to heal any other living being but the user with magical energy. The more severe the wound, the more magic is required, increasing exponentially from minor to lethal wounds. Also allows for the curing of certain bodily conditions such as motion sickness or poisoning.

    Dragon Slaying Magic: The user of this magic is able to collect magical energy from the surrounding air and manipulate it into heavy attacks designed to deal with dragons.

Level Of Expertise: Master of Enchantment and Simple Wind Attacks; Novice or Worse in Other Dragon Slayer Magical Abilities

Equipment and Items
"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"

  • Equipment:

    Typical Outfit: Sora's standard attire is a revealing outfit made of tough, enhanced leather for increased durability and flexibility. It consists of a black, modified sports bra that extends to surround her neck like a collar, similar to a turtleneck. Sora uses a firm, leather belt to encase her bust and keep it still, decorating the binding with a skull pin — just for fun!

    Both forearms and hands are also covered in resistant leather, acting as a fusion of both bracers and gloves; these are particularly useful when travelling at high speeds to reduce personal damage. Below her exposed midriff is a set of brown cargo shorts. An array of belts and pouches are aligned along her waist and thighs, creating the intricate network of equipment and grocery bags she keeps at all times. Most of her legs are bare and uncovered, but her feet and ankles are equipped with a set of dark boots designed for increased sticking potential on flat surfaces. They are secured to her legs by more leather, ensuring that they do not slip off in an emergency.

    A skull pin is attached to her waist-belt, as is another skull hair-pin used to decorate her luscious green hair. The following information is rare to come across, but because Sora purposely leaves her guild-mark covered up with her clothing, these skulls are coded markings that show her affiliation with the guild 'Crime Sorcière'.

    Throwing Knives: During her stint as an assassin, Sora often ran into difficulties silencing guards at a range. To remedy this she picked up the art of throwing knives, eventually becoming an a silent and effective expert at dealing with enemies at a distance.


    Dagger: Crafted by strong steel, this dagger has served well to supplement Sora's fighting style as a close-range combat expert, allowing her to cleanly deliver lethal strikes with ease.


Character Bio Expanded
"Tell me more about yourself. What keeps you up at night?"

  • Character Strengths (Expanded):

    Martial Arts Specialist: Sora is a highly-trained and dangerous master of close-quarters combat in any environment. She is an experienced fighter, and her repertoire of fighting styles allow her to deal with weapons, magic, and her opponent’s secrets alike. However, she favors a unique kicking style that takes full advantage of her natural strengths and enchantments.

    Adept Acrobat: Being natural flexible, Sora has refined her gymnastic abilities to a level that would put professionals to shame. And awe. Probably both.

    Supah-Speedy: Even without her enchantments, Sora is considered a fast and nimble fighter that can deftly dodge and outmaneuver the average wizard. When she does utilize them though, Sora convincingly earns her place among the ranks of Earthland’s speed demons.

    Strong Will: Sora was born with strong will. There was always a burning, emerald fire within her, one that would do anything no matter the odds. Even dimmed, her spirit remained strong. Strong enough to resist mind control and memory erasure; tenacious enough to become the strongest and protect all. She has no yet tapped into the full potential of her strength, and has yet to realize that she does not possess a lake, but rather an ocean of willpower.

    Stealthy: As a former assassin, Sora has practiced and refined the art of stealth to near-perfection throughout the years. Both through her natural cat-like steps and the manipulation of air particles to encapsulate released sound waves, Sora was virtually undetectable when she was a professional. Now she's a bit rusty and prefers a blunt-force frontal approach, but her muscle memory has not waved even if her magic has.

    Character Flaws (Expanded):

    Awkward: Due to her unfortunate circumstances, Sora is by no means an expert at communication or people-management. As far as she’s concerned, ‘subtlety’ is not in her vocabulary, and has an annoying habit of bluntly speaking the unpleasant truth.

    Can’t Lie for S***: Anyone that tries to put Sora on an infiltration mission is a moron. The second she starts telling a lie, her face lights up, she gets nervous ticks in her eyes and the corner of her mouth starts twitching like crazy. At this point, she doesn’t even try.

    Sleep-Talker: It’s not a commonly known, but Sora is often most vulnerable when she’s sleeping. Not necessarily in the attacking sense, but more in that she tends to spill secrets while she’s having pleasant dreams.

    No Restraint: She may look self-controlled and uncaring, but the moment someone pushes her, admittedly few, buttons, Sora’s unstable emotions are furiously released upon her enemy; often with extreme prejudice.

    Insecure: Although strong and aware of it, Sora also realizes that many people in the world are far more powerful than she is, and is afraid that she can't achieve her goals because of that. Furthermore, she's very insecure of herself as a person, believing that she's an irredeemable scum and a horrible woman. For that reason she works herself into the ground as a lame attempt to atone for her sins, even when her contradictory opinion believes that she'll never be a good person again.

    Emotionally Vulnerable: Sora is nearly always teetering on her breaking point, and its only her strong will that barely keeps her gripping onto the edge between depression and insanity. With that in mind, she distracts herself by acting distant to people and being a workaholic, only just meeting the minimum standards her body needs to survive. She's always afraid of opening herself again, but if she ever does, she's a fragile, afraid, nearly-broken young woman that can quite easily shatter once more.

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Lyssa, Aly

¢єℓєѕтιαℓ ѕ¢яιρтєя







Hair Color

Dark Green

Eye Color

Pale Green



Character Strengths

вσℓ∂ - Alyssa is always ready to speak her mind. She has no problem with sharing her thoughts, whether they're nice or not. She's almost always honest, finding that telling the truth is easier then coming up with lies to spare feelings. This gives her the courage to be bold and just step out and do what she wants/thinks is right to protect those close to her.

вяανє / υηαƒяαι∂ - Along with her bold nature, Lyssa is a very brave individual, always putting others before herself, wanting to protect them from any danger. If she can do something to spare her friends and family, she'll do it, no questions asked.

ιηтєℓℓιgєηт - Even at a younger age, Aly would jump at the chance to learn something new, never wanting to be caught in a bad situation. By increasing her knowledge, Aly knows she can increase her chances of escaping or avoiding a bad situation.

Character Flaws

яυ∂є - Because of Lyssa's bold and honest nature, she can also be very rude. Since she refuses to spare other's feelings, many label her off as a rude individual who cares nothing for others. This isn't true, but she does enjoy making fun of her family members at times.

вяαѕн - When it comes to a fight, Alyssa can be slightly tactless and charge forward, but in the end, she'll come up with some type of plan to finish things of. Along with this, she's also very energetic, never really wanting to stay still when on a job.

¢αяєℓєѕѕ - Aly can often be careless, even to a point of forgetfulness at times. Unless something has completely snatched her attention, she often puts it to the back of her mind. As well as when she's meeting people, if she doesn't care for how they act, she's often careless in her actions or responses to them.


At a quick glance, Alyssa appears to be a confident individual who has some sass. It's completely true. Lyssa is the type of girl whose not afraid to stand up for herself and others. She has no problems telling people off or just being outright rude. It doesn't bother her conscience at all. Although, while she is a bit rude at times, she's definitely caring and protective. Once someone's gotten to know her, Lyssa is willing to die to protect them. She's kind to those she trusts and considers family, ready to joke around and have a good time, never letting the views of the world bother her. As long as she has her family, she'll be fine, even if the whole world is against her.













Alyssa was the product of a one-night stand. When her mother learned she was pregnant, she tracked down the father and told him. Startled, the man agreed to be a father to the baby once it was born. Happy that he would be there, her mother left to go home. That was the last time Cynthia Gardner ever saw him.

Cynthia was not a wealthy girl. She had already lost her parents in a train-wreck and she was stuck in a small, one-bedroom apartment. She had a low paying job as a waitress and could barely make ends-meet. Throw a baby into the mix, and things were pretty bad.

As Alyssa grew up, she tended to eat left-overs from the diner her mother worked at. Luckily for the two, the boss at the diner was a very kind man, and allowed Cynthia to take whatever left-over food she found home to feed them.

Seeing as they didn't have much money, Lyssa didn't get much of an education, though her mothers only Celestial Spirit, Libra, tried to teach her as much as possible. Alyssa soaked up the knowledge, and always enjoyed the nights when her mother had a day off. The two would climb up onto the roof, and Cynthia would teach her daughter what she knew about the stars, sometimes summoning Libra to help. Even going so far as to teach her the basics of summoning a Celestial Spirit. Because of these nights, the green-haired girl enjoyed increasing her knowledge, as well as making her mother proud, proving to the unforgiving world that she could be someone, despite where she came from.

By the time she was 10, Alyssa had managed to find a small job of delivering Magazine subscriptions around town. With the money she made, she secretly help her mother pay for the bills, leading her view of the world to darken slightly. With the extra money she saved, Alyssa would occasionally treat herself or surprise her mother by getting her a gift. One day she'd been walking by the local magic shop and saw a pen in the window. It drew her interest and she went in, buying it, interested in what she learned about the item.

Once she'd finished her deliveries for the day, she'd gone to the park and started practicing, finding that she was more or less a natural at using Script Magic. Excited, she hurried home to tell her mother, only to find that she had become ill. Her mother told her that she'd slowly been receiving notice of the illness but hadn't wanted to worry her daughter so she kept quiet.

It was about a year later that her mother died, leaving Alyssa alone with only her Script Magic and Libra for company. At the Spirits advice, the green-haired girl started forward to other town nearby, looking to join a guild. It was then that she stumbled upon Lamia Scale. Once she became a member, Alyssa furthered her control of Script Magic and even started looking into taking jobs that offered Gate Keys for rewards, wanting to honor her mother's memory as a Celestial Spirit mage.


Lamia Scale

Guild Rank


Guild Mark

Dark Green, right bicep

Guild Tenure

8 1/2 years

Opinion Of Guild

"Why the hell are you asking me about my Home?! Buzz off and leave me in peace!"

- Alyssa Gardner in her interview for Sorcerer Weekly Magazine

Magic Ability (1)

Solid Script


Can create any type of element or object needed


Takes time to write some words

Level Of Expertise


Magic Ability (2)

Celestial Spirit Keys


Other beings to help fight Opponents


Too many Spirits at once drains power easily

Level Of Expertise

Perfect relations with almost all Spirits


ѕ¢яιρт ρєη

(Seen in Appearance)

Keys -

ριѕ¢єѕ, gємιηι, αяιєѕ, ℓєσ, νιяgσ, ηιкσяα, ¢яυχ, нσяσℓσgιυм, ¢αρяι¢σяη, ѕ¢σяρισ, αqυαяιυѕ, ℓιвяα,

¢αη¢єя, ρуχιѕ, ¢αєℓυм


ѕтαя ηє¢кℓα¢є - Gift from her mother before she died, a reminder to always aim for the stars


кєу ρσυ¢н - Black pouch, used to hold all her keys; attached to a hidden belt at her waist


Honor her mother

Prove to the world she can be something that came from nothing


Become the strongest Celestial Spirit Mage out there

Be someone her mother could be proud of

Make Lamia Scale proud of her

Push Lamia Scale to be the Top Guild​
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Name: Alexandra Neverlong

Nickname: Alex, Weapon Breaker


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/6u62eit.jpg.c7689ed6a263b6d5a87be0294f2d3b72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/6u62eit.jpg.c7689ed6a263b6d5a87be0294f2d3b72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Grayish Blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths: Great Amount of Endurance and Strength, Skilled with just About Any Weapon but is an Expert with a Scythe, and Excellent Tactician.

Character Flaws: Her Over Confidence in Her Ability to use Her Weapons, Slow to Trust

Personality: Can get Along with Just About Anyone, Comes off as lazy at the first meeting but is actually works hard when on a missions, very loyal friend, and always fights all out.

Dislikes: Cocky People, Dark Guilds, Jerks, and Idiots.

Likes: Friends, Food, Snow, Stars, Sleeping, and Adventure


Guild: Lamia Scale

Guild Rank: S

Guild Mark: Shoulder

Guild Tenure: 6 Years

Opinion Of Guild: It's Home

Magic Ability:Weapon Requip.

Advantages: Able to Change weapon to match situation

Disadvantages: Can not Requip Armor

Level Of Expertise: Expert

Magic Ability: Earth

Advantages: Able to Manipulate earth to a Point

Disadvantages: Unable to use When There is no Earth N

Level Of Expertise: Moderate

Equipment: A Pair of Twin Scythes That are Rumored to be Unbreakable are Her Preferred Weapon in her Arsenal

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/TheReaper1.png.1b825a73b99aa4aea911a150a1037d43.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/TheReaper1.png.1b825a73b99aa4aea911a150a1037d43.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Motivations: Trying to get Stronger Everyday

Aspirations: To One Day Prove to her Father That she is a Great Mage



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Ayame Yamada

The Wandering Demon



15 (although she looks a fair bit younger)





Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission):


Character Strengths:

-Her younger looks get her out of trouble

-Her younger looks also help her get her way with everything

-Her Demon power's give her abnormal strength even as a young girl

-She also has a very high endurance

Character Flaws:

-Her demon power's exhaust her

-Her anger gets the better of her

-She tend's to take thing's too far

-She is usually very gullible

-She is Bipolar


Ayame has a Bipolar disorder. The first and original Ayame is a very sweet and nice girl who like's to laugh and play around. She's really sweet to most people and enjoy's helping them a lot as well. She is also very interested in love despite her age and she usually talks about love. This side of Ayame is also very trustworthy and honest. She also tend's to get a little too curious and interested in things for her own good. The other side of Ayame is her exact oppisite. Ayame's evil side is very rude and self righteous. She only cares about her self and hates all other people. this Ayame is never willing to help anyone and rather just kill than do anything else. She also has a killer instinct, she tend's to go a little crazy and overboard sometime's as well. Although if someone had to say they liked this Ayame she would probably blush a lot in embarrassment and call them a idiot.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

Ayame 1:

-Mean people

-Getting Hurt

-Having to fight

Ayame 2:

-People in general

-Sweet and kind thing's


-Cute thing's

Likes (What makes you happy?):

Ayame 1:



-Nice people



Ayame 2:



-Burning thing's


- Pain

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

When Ayame was born, in the country of Seven, her parent's didn't like her nor did they want her. Her parent's of hated her for many year's while she was alive living with them. By the age of 5 her parent's were making her do chore's around the house that involved cleaning and washing. She was also abused on a regular basis, she was never given new clothes, she was never given a pair of shoes and was forced to work bare footed. At the age of seven she was doing chores like cooking and polishing weapons and she was abused even more, and more on a physical level, anywhere from being whipped half to death or being kicked into the dirt. She was becoming a slave and she didn't even realise it, this was how she thought ever one lived. Then she went into her parent's study one day and found a book, a book about magic. She looked through it, although she was a slave she was taught how to read but only the basics of reading. She flipped through through the pages of the book and realised that she was nothing like a normal person and that there was something wrong with the way she was growing up.

One night Ayame left her house through her room window in the basement and ran away from home never to go back again. She lived in the woods for many year's of her life and the only humanity she had left was the books she had stolen from here father about magic. She read through them on a daily basis not realising that she was learning a very powerful magic, The Satan Soul. One day she eventually developed a alter ego, which was known as her first demon. This was her other personality, the second Ayame. The fact that she was a kid and she was all alone lead to the fact that she's bipolar, the fact that she has a alter ego. Ayame needed someone to talk to, to hunt for her, to kill for her, to protect her, and the second Ayame offered all of this. the two personalities lived within her body in harmony from then on forward.

Eventually Ayame's magic grew stronger and stronger as the day's progressed. She took over a few demon soul's that made her more and more powerful. She also happened to one day stumble across some books on fire casting magic, which she decided to learn. Although she is still not very good at it she knows the basics.

One day when the clouds covered the skies and everything looked dark Ayame when crazy. Her second personality took over and went into a total rage fit and went on a destruction spree, destroying everything in her path. Ayame awoke about 5 hours after it happened and wondered what had happened. After about five days she found out exactly that while looking at a new's paper. "THE WANDERING DEMON LEVELS TWO TOWNS AND LEAVES THOUSANDS INJURED" (that's where she got her nickname) the headline screeched. And in a picture down at the bottom of the page you could see the faint image of Ayame taken by a lacrima. Ayame went into a deep worry after that and she decided to keep on wandering the land's until she eventually made it to where she is to now, in the country of Fiore



Guild Rank:

None although would probably be considered A-class or higher.

Guild Mark:

None, but she does have a @Kinesthetics)​
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"Huh..? Just who are you?"

Name: Vaiya Kandosii

Vai, Imouto




Hair Color:
Golden Blonde

Eye Color:
Cerulean Blue


Character Strengths:
Kind, Sociable, Loyal, Talented, Responsible, Curious

Character Flaws:
Inexperienced, Fearful, Insecure, Naïve, Gullible

Onii-chan, Tora, Adventure, Fairy Tales, True Friends, Chocolate, Sunbathing, Oceans, Beaches, New Foods, Cooking

Fake Friends, Criminals, Death, Scary Things, Ghosts, Jerks, Fighting, Shrimp, Nosy People, Pressure to be Successful, Living an Ordinary Life

To the displeasure of some (namely, A'den), Vaiya is a curious and adventurous young woman who aspires to explore everything Earthland has to offer her. Her formative years in Pinnacle have molded her into a respectable girl, one who's polite, sociable, interesting, compassionate, and responsible. Yet, while she has experienced some of it, she doesn't truly understand the unfairness of the unsympathetic world, and still truly believes that she'll achieve a happy ending. Perhaps she will, perhaps she won't, but she's nonetheless ignorant about the struggle to achieve her goals.

Furthermore, after being compared to her super-powered older brother for years upon years, Vaiya's developed a sort of inferiority complex, wherein she believes she's a lot weaker than she really is, often downplaying herself and her achievements, also looking to see how she stacks up against her famed Onii-chan, A'den. Hint: it's almost always depressingly bad.

: When she was born, Vaiya's father immediately recognized that she was destined for great things; events far more significant and momentous than being a being a merchant like her mother, or a treasure hunter such as her father. No, her father realized, she would be important to the ever-shifting future. For that reason, he would entrust his most valuable magical artifact to her when the time was right.

In the first six years of her life, Vaiya was enamored by the stories of a magical world far beyond Pinnacle's borders. A world that once held fearsome dragons, and a world of new mystery with so much to offer. Both her and her brother, A'den's, dream was to one day adventure and explore the entirety of what this amazing place had to offer. On her sixth birthday, Pinnacle was attacked by the dark Raccoon Alliance. In the ensuing struggle that followed, her father was killed while protecting her and her family. While her brother's dreams of travel were extinguished in favor of protection, Vaiya's desire only grew stronger: she wanted to explore this world that her father had died for so that she see it.

Growing up after that, Vaiya lived a relatively sheltered life under the watchful eye of her A'den. As the younger sister to Pinnacle's rising star, she was now considered prestigious by her fellow peers, who never dared to harm or upset her in fear of retaliation. She was almost like nobility in that sense, being surrounded by swarms of children that all wanted to be her friend, although few were interested in her, per se.

Among the many challenges of growing up in the shadow of an extremely successful brother included a deep feeling of insecurity, the doubt rising when her first attempts at Magic were more challenging than it had been to her elder sibling. In fact, Vaiya simply couldn't get a handle on any of the Magic that her brother presented to her, which ended up making her a dabbler with many interests, but few commitments. For the most part A'den was fine with that, considering he only tried teaching her Magic to end her insistent whining on the subject; he'd much rather she just know the basics to survive and let him handle all the big bad monsters.

She remained lonely for the first decade of her life, surrounded by fake friends, the impeding pressure of her neighbor's expectations, and the depressingly realization that she would always be the lesser child of the Kandosii family.

That happened to all change when she turned ten years old, and her older brother handed Vaiya her birthday present: mysterious and magical gold key, one embedded with an amber stone holding an ancient, slumbering power. On that day, while A'den was running ragged with his new Sheriff's position, and the town busy in celebration of its survival, one criminal had escaped the guard's watch. He harbored a grudge against A'den for foiling all his plans, and sought to take out the boy's family in revenge.

On that day, while fearing for her life from a crazed man, Vaiya accidentally plunged Magic into her golden key. The result: a (short) young girl with furry ears and a tail abruptly appearing a flash of golden light, who promptly beat up the criminal with a single swipe of her magical claws for disturbing her nap. Her name? Tora, the Tiger Spirit.

Vaiya and Tora had a rather strange relationship after that. Tora was a Celestial Spirit, part of the forgotten Oriental Zodiac, and a girl who hadn't been called upon in centuries. Yet, her new master was this wimpy little girl who couldn't even defend herself? Pathetic! So, they had a rather rickety partnership for the first few months after the event.

Tora would never admit it, but after a while the young blonde had grown on her, and their polite (or impolite, in Tora's case) association soon turned into a genuine friendship. One that completely blew Vaiya away; she never really remembered what it was like to have a true friend, but boy was she glad she got the chance to recall it again. Speaking of boys, Tora had a habit of scaring away all her potential suitors, so Vaiya became quite the awkward duck when it came to romance in her teenage years after that.

Several years later, Tora and Vaiya have become the closest of friends. One would not find a certain blonde without the presence of a furry girl, or vice versa—albeit in the latter's case, it was physically and magically impossible to appear without her summoner around, but the sentiment was still there.

With her seventeenth birthday coming up and the Raccoon Alliance making their move once again, Vaiya's time to shine is finally coming around for the first time...if she gets around her fears, that is.

"Hey! Where are you from?"

Employment: Waitress

Mage Rank:

Significant Marks: N/A

Job Tenure:
1 Year

Opinion Of Work: "Well, it's not exactly glamorous, but it pays the bills, right? Anyw- Shut up, A'den! I don't want your stupid money!"​

"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability: Celestial Spirit Magic

Advantages: Celestial Spirit Magic allows Vaiya to call upon the abilities of powerful beings known as Celestial Spirits. With this Magic, and a strong bond with her companions, she is constantly supported by formidable allies in combat, each with their own sets of specialties and strengths. Furthermore, the stronger Vaiya becomes, the more powerful her Celestial Spirits grow; with the right amount of personal strength and bond with her Celestial Spirit, her ally can grow even greater than the most powerful Mage.

Disadvantages: Celestial Spirit Magic suffers from its status as a Holder Type Magic, requiring the use of special keys to summon her companions at will; although, in some occasions, the Celestial Spirit is able to appear by themselves. Nonetheless, the majority of the time, Vaiya will be limited to only her natural abilities, and without the use of any other type of Magic, being limited to relying on her Celestial Spirit to make up for it. Defeating her is often easier than taking out her summon, making it more reliable to target Vaiya instead.​

Level Of Expertise: Journeyman (But Prodigious). Vaiya is not very experienced with most Celestial Spirits, and only possesses a one key to her name. Nonetheless, she has displayed incredible talent with her one magic, and is regarded as having the same potential as another certain blonde Celestial Spirit Mage from long past.

"Stop right there! Who's your friend?"


Celestial Spirit Name:
Tora, the Tiger

Tora is a rebellious, impatient, temperamental (and short) girl that conflicts with seniority and authority. She has a hasty mind and frequently makes quick (yet foolish) decisions without consulting others, which confined with her overconfident nature make Tora a poor communicator. Not only that, but her rebellious nature means she often argues or conflicts with summoners, even refusing to work with them if she doesn't like them. Further, her impatience belittles her natural intelligence by virtue of the fact that she's too hasty to listen to her brain at all. Nonetheless, she has an easy time expressing her desires and emotions, rather loudly in fact, and is a very emotional and sympathetic girl. Tora's favorite things are her friends, and she's deeply loyal to those she pledges herself to, however few; her bravery and valiance means she'll dive herself straight into hell to pull her precious people out if need be. Despite her great passion, she is unwilling to show love, and often insults or acts rude to these people instead. Her enjoyments are any contest or challenge, particularly fights, which is where she thrives. It’s also known that she does not appreciate jabs against her height.

Magical Ability: Fighting Spirit

Strengths: Tora's Magic allows her to channel and project her Magic Power both through and outside her body, allowing her to manifest energy claws, blades, armor, skates, fans, cat-toys, and whatever else the hell she wants. Not only that, but channeling energy into her body enhances her already strong physical capabilities, giving her increased athletic potential in all aspects. In addition, the more determined or emotional she is at the time, the more of her spirit and Magic Power is unleashed into her abilities; arguably, when possessing an extremely strong bond with her summoner while the latter is in danger, Tora becomes the undeniable strongest of the Oriental Zodiac by a large margin.

The energy weapons Tora can project range with a variety of properties, but are always extremely effective at her intended purpose. For example, her trademark weapon, energy claws projected from the ends of her fingers, are remarkably sharp and can cut through even magical steel as if it were butter.

Her Magic, speed, and natural, cat-like dexterity serve to increase her deadly capabilities, making her a fast and agile opponent at any dimension, able to traverse up, down, to the side, diagonally, through the air, and generally be so damn maneuverable that her opponents have a hard time keeping up before they're surgically defeated by her claws.

Weaknesses: Although her physical abilities are top-notch, Tora's volatile personality makes her vulnerable to taunts, insults, and mental attacks. Her impulsive nature means she’ll often attack head on without a sense for tactics, making it easy to lure her into traps and unfavorable situations.

Furthermore, her Magic can only project one item at a time, meaning her constitution will be weaker when she’s using her claws and vice-versa. While her Magic projection remains out indefinitely, the larger the object she’s creating the more Magic Power it costs exponentially, limiting her to smaller projections. In addition to that, her Magic is limited to a three-feet radius around her, forcing her to fight only in those ranges. For aforementioned reason, she’s vulnerable to wide, area-of-effect ranged attacks that are difficult to dodge, and generally ranged Mages have an advantage against her so long as they can keep her at bay.

It takes Tora three seconds to create her projections if they’re something she’s not intimately familiar with – namely, her claws. In that period she’s vulnerable without magical enhancement or projections to fight with, weakened only to her natural abilities.

All in all, Tora’s combat strength remains exceptionally strong, with her primary weakness being a lack of utility and defensive capabilities, being pretty useless at jobs that don’t require fighting. Furthermore, because of her weak supportive defense, it’s simpler to take out Tora’s summoner to dismiss her, as he or she will almost certainly be an easier target than Tora.

tl;dr – Tora, the Tiger, is a rebellious, impatient, and short Spirit who excels at fighting, but not so much at thinking and other roles. Her defining quirks are her Napoleon-complex, obsession with fighting, and her nature as a total tsundere.

"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"


Sword-staff: Is it a sword with a staff handle, or a staff with a sword-edge? Vaiya doesn't really know, but she does remember that it was one of the many powerful relics her father had gathered during his time as a treasure hunter. So far it's been proven to be indestructible, able to stand up to a powerful strike from Tora's claws, but otherwise has no apparent special properties. Ancient Magic Runes are encrusted along the metal case surrounding her crystal blade, but their purposes are unknown and don't appear to have any relation with the polearm's incredible durability. Nonetheless, Tora has insisted that Vaiya learn to use a weapon to protect herself, and she has since become proficient in using this mysterious and ancient piece of equipment. ((Depicted in Appearance))


Celestial Spirit Gate Key of the Tiger: While the name's a mouthful to say sometimes, Vaiya swears that this was the best birthday present she's ever had. It is her primary means of summoning Tora, and is so regularly used she keeps it on a special necklace around her neck for safekeeping.​

It is a bright golden key, shaped into a heart-like top. Behind it, two unfolding wings are spread out at 45 degree angles, making the key reminiscent of a 'Y' shape. Tora's Magic is laid into the golden metal itself, of which is made of a Spirit World element that's nearly indestructible to anything but a Celestial Spirit Mage.

Inlaid into the center of the key is an amber jewel of contained Magic Power. Although Vaiya's not sure how much is stored in there, she realizes that the strength of its seal is most likely incredibly powerful. Add that to the small leaks in Magic that allow the eternano to even be detected, and the Magic in there must be a ludicrous amount for something amazing.

Strangely enough, Tora's clueless about the purpose of this amber jewel as well. According to her, it was probably made in a time when she was too young to remember; a bold statement for a Celestial Spirit, making it an very, very old container of a powerful Magic. What could it be?

"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

Motivations: Learning New Things, Having the Company of Friends, Becoming Stronger

Aspirations: Surpass Onii-chan(A'den Kandosii), Explore Earthland, Join a Guild, Find a Happy Ending​
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Name: Michael Verten Whithand

Nickname: Mikey, Milky, Snowflake​



Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Character Strengths: Smart at battles, friendly, usually quite honest.

Character Flaws: Taste for chaotic situations (he changed a little bit after the events on the first RP, but still xD )

Personality: Michael is curious and a student of all the arts and subjects. He likes to tell tales, paraboles and paradoxes to analyze people responses and see if something about it surprises him. He tries his best to not annoy people with all his questions and dark humour. Sometimes he likes to create slightly chaotic situations to amuse himself with, or tell people wrong life lessons to see if they would follow the things as he said.

Dislikes: Alcohol, Richness, Plans that work, Honey, Love.

Likes: Milk, Swords, Science, Studies of Magic, Stars and Trouble

Biography: Michael was always his parents little boy, and a prodigy. His parents were rich, his grades on school were always great, the girls always thought he was beautiful and clever. He never had to work to get money or anything on his life, but that somehow made him wonder how would he be if he hadn't been born on that family. In his teenage years, he had all the girls he wanted, started to write books about the uses and advances in magic, but all the praising, money and lust didn't satisfied him. He always felt like he was being overvalued, and that people reactions to him were mechanical and the only reason to why he was so highly praised by everyone was the name of his family. He decided be a more rebel like teenager and study the reactions of the people around him.

He tried to use magic to develop drugs (unsuccessfully), used his charm to seduce married women, helped a few friends to rob a bank and got himself in a lot of mess. He got arrested many times, but always freed himself using his family lawyer and name. People started to say how much of a shame he was to his family, and that he should be the "good boy" he was before. Michael accepted this. However, he remembered that he felt some weird pleasure everytime he put himself in some of those chaotic situations. The thrill of chasing and being chased, of doing something wrong and fearing to be caught. He decided to pull out one last scam, making the mistake of trying to pull it on one of the others famous rich families of his country (far off the peninsula where Fiore is located).

He got caught and was arrested, and to free him, his family had to pay an enormous ammount of money, more money than they have ever spent. They kicked him out and said that he was on his own now. He took his remaining cash and set sail to Fiore, where he had heard of the mages jobs and guilds, and was interested to be a part of it with what he knew of Lightning Magic and sword skills. He was accepted in Sabertooth during the attacks of Echidna guild and was well taught by Sergei, his guild master.

Guild: Sabertooth​

Guild Rank: A (Well look at that, he got something after all that hard work)

Guild Mark: Back of the neck

Guild Tenure: 1 month

Opinion Of Guild: He loves it to death.

Magic Ability: Lightning (Caster Magic)​

Advantages: Destructive and fast.

Disadvantages: Fails against enemies using certain kinds of armour and gets weaker/stronger depending on the climate and location.

Level Of Expertise: High.

Equipment: Katana.​

Items: Silver coin (and that's it)

Motivations: What moves Michael is the joy of living. He just likes to have fun and have a life full of adventures.​

Aspirations: He doesn't have many dreams, but he hopes that one day he can visit the skies and go even further away from the land, going up and up and up...

Additional Magic: Golden Lightning (used for healing)

Other: (You didn't thought I would be out of this, did ya?)

Name: Yami Rose

Nickname: Yo-Yo

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.321b31de6007d3dd0dc586fbb0ad49cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.321b31de6007d3dd0dc586fbb0ad49cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Yellowish brown

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Demon

Character Strengths: She is so powerful, she even uses her second origin.

Character Flaws: If someone harms a child, she would do anything to stop the person. Even maybe kill herself.

Personality (1 Paragraph minimum):Personality: Yami is quiet, and doesn't have much friends. Only a few but she has been at Sabertooth since she was ten. She loves reading, drawings and painting. But she acts a little silly in front of her friends. And she craves affection but she lets no one notice that.

Dislikes (What irritates you?): Herself, Her Past, Toads, Goons.

Likes (What makes you happy?):Sabertooth, Children, Saving people, helping people, helping friends, eating, cooking, drawing, painting and reading.

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):Yami was a lonely child growing up. She had no friends, no parents and just a orphanage. But the kids there made her life even more miserable. She was bullied and picked on and everybody thought she was weak. Until she began to study magic, and that lead her on the path of darkness. She killed ten children in the orphanage that day when she used dark force. She was trying to control her anger when suddenly a magic circle surrounded her and then an hour later ten kids were reported dead. She hated herself. She hated herself going on the wrong path. She remembered what they said that day...

"Hey! Look at the loser! I wonder why nobody's likes her... Oh yeah, because she is a freak!" The two idiots laughed, three more came to join them. Yami was curled up in a corner, trying not to let a whimper of fear leave her. The 'leader' of the pack so to say stepped out and walked toward Yami, then he yanked the doll from her arms and threw it elsewhere, he then kneeled over to her pulling on her right arm. "Lil brat come out and...PLAY!" He growled and with his freakish strength he threw her aside, making her fly through the air for a few second and crashing into the wall near by, she whimpered and stood up. Her beautiful curls flowed down her face, and her yellowish eyes seemed to glow. Tears fell off her chin and onto the floor. The boy came up to her, pushing her back onto the wall. She whimpered. "Weak. Loser. Freak.." Yami then had enough courage to push him back and growl.

"NO.YOU ARE WEAK. YOU ARE JUST BLIND." She smiled creepily and a magic circled surrounded her,


She used her hands to throw them around in the air, throwing them aginst the walls, hearing their skulls cracks and making their ribs go out of place.

That was the day she would always regret.

She ran away from the orphanage and found Sabertooth. A haven. Even though she has been there since she was ten, she never made lots of friends. Now she uses her magic when the time is right.

Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Rank: S-Class

Guild Mark: Her black fairy tail mark is on the right side of her stomach.

Guild Tenure: Ten years

Opinion Of Guild: "I love Sabertooth. It gave peace to my mind and heart."

((Reference Guilds and Government in the Roleplay Overview for Info and Lists))

Magic Ability:Magic Ability: Dark Magic [Jellal's magic ]

This is just some magic Yami can use.

Heavenly Body Magic (???? Tentai Mah?):

It is a powerful form of
Magic that allows the caster to use the properties of many astronomical objects for battle, preferably in offense. The properties of Heavenly Body Magic rely primarily on astronomical objects like meteors[1] or the generation and manipulation of the energy of stars from their own body.[2] The caster can create powerful light blasts or beams of high destructive power, reminiscent of starlight, at their opponents.[3][4] This light is not the only substance used, however. The caster is also capable of using the power of gravity against the opponent for destructive usage; the strength can be comparable to the effects caused by a black hole.[5]The use of such Magic can be used to enhance the caster's own skills drastically for various purposes, such as shrouding them in Magic that can increase their speed significantly.[1]

Jellal's speed with Meteor active

  • Meteor (??, ?????, M?tia): Jellal's body is surrounded by a cloak ofHeavenly Body Magic, allowing him to move through the air at incredible speeds. Even if someone could detect his trajectory, it is nearly impossible to catch him. With his speed, Jellal assaults his opponents with quick, but powerful, melee attacks. Jellal wears a special suit under his robes to better utilize this particular spell.[166] During Jellal's battle with Jura Neekis, the speed granted to him by Meteor amazed even Jet, a Mage specializing in speed-enhancing Magic.

Jellal's Grand Chariot

  • Grand Chariot (???, ???????, Guran Shario): While in the air, Jellal places both arms on top of each other, with the top hand having only the index and middle fingers spread out. Seven Magic Seals are then summoned in front of him and connect, creating a constellation of sorts. Each Magic Seal then releases a powerful light blast down on the opponent, forming the same pattern on the ground before exploding. According to Jellal, this spell's destruction capability rivals that of an actual meteor.[168]

Jellal performing Sema

  • True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema (?????????? Shin Tentai Mah? S?ma): An attack in which Jellal bows down and points his hands downwards, with all the fingers closed except the index and middle fingers. He then begins to slowly move his right hand until it points upwards, causing the clouds above Jellal to begin circling, creating what appears to be a cyclone.From the center of the swirling formation, a glowing orb begins to form, growing in size until a humongous meteor emerges, falling quickly to earth towards the intended target. When the meteor hits, the force is strong enough to create a large explosion, which engulfs a wide area and releases a strong hurricane of air, also leaving a large crater in its wake.This spell was used to defeat the 4 members of Oracion Seis.

Darkness Magic (???? Yami no Mah?): Jellal, due to his "possession" at the hands of "Zeref", is an expert in the usage of Darkness Magic. He was shown using almost exclusively this form of Magic for all of his fight with Erza, in which he proved himself capable of creating the ghostly entities characteristic of this form of Magic, using them to both hit and immobilize the woman with great skill.[171] In addition, as a child, he could employ Darkness Magic in other, more unusual ways.

Dark Force

  • Dark Force: During Jellal's first use of Magic as a child, he has proven himself capable of moving a target around in any desired manner. By moving his hand in the direction he wants it to move, he blows the target away as if he were hitting them. This will seemingly produce an invisible, powerful blunt attack to strike the target; an attack which is strong enough to kill opponents, causing their blood spilling out

  • Dark Grab: Jellal moves his hands towards the opponent, far away from him. This will prompt a pair of strong, dark-colored arms to appear from a nearby surface and grab the opponent, immobilizing or choking them according to the movements performed by Jellal himself, who, after grabbing the target, is capable of controlling the spell with a single hand.[178] In the anime, the spell instead takes the form of a large amount of red glyphs, which surround the opponent, swirling around them and then grabbing them. Such glyphs can also be used to lift the target in the air and bring them to Jellal.

And many more..

( she is capable of everything jellal can do.. )

Advantages:Uses the Stars and Celestial magic for even more power

Disadvantages: The Daytime

Level Of Expertise: Complete Mastery

((Reference Bottom of this Post for Magic Rules, Magic in Roleplay Overview for Info))

Equipment:Magic Staves, She has Magic Knifes with her at all times, and sometimes Staffs all of her magic knives and staffs have ancient magic circle engraved in them. She usually wears a long silky cloak to cover her clothing that enhances her Heavenly body magic.

Items: One Katana, some money and a water bottle at all times.

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?): I do what I do, for the victims and witnesses at the orphanage on the day of the killing..

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?): To make everyone around her happy, and no one will call her dark killer anymore..



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Rei Gladiolus the Unyielding


"Huh..? Just who are you?"

Name: Rei Gladiolus

Nickname: The Unyielding

Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted): (See pic)


Gender: female

Height: 5'4''

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Blue

Race (For Exceed Or Demon; PM a Mod For Permission): Human

Character Strengths:

Extremely durable

physically strong

more resilient to magic then most mages

Character Flaws:

low pain tolerant

easily angered

Cannot restore her magic without help from an external source like Pulse or another mage

Personality (1 Paragraph minimum):

Rei is an energetic girl who would be willing to take a bullet for you (literally). She has a protective mindset and is always ready to jump into harms way to protect others. She is caring, loving, and carefree. She lives life in the present never planing for the next day.

Despite her outward appearance, inside she not filled with rainbows and buttercups. She is sensitive, very defensive, and not trusting of others. She cries easily and also has the habit of being extremely gullible. If you say something it is safe to jump into a volcano (and you established a bond with her) she would do it no questions asked, survive, and then proceed to hunt you down to the end of the earth, for lying to her. Remember she is the Unyielding, so she never stops or falters.

This brings us to the last important trait of her personality. If anyone where asked what was Rei strongest trait, it would be her willpower. When ever she aims to do something, she never gives up. Like you probably will have to knock her out, and even then, her body will move unconscious to achieve her goal. This on top of her crazy endurance, high resilient to magic, and shield makes one hell of a monster to fight or deal with if angered. And she has one nasty temper.

Dislikes (What irritates you?):

Pain (she can take a punch but she is quick to whine and cry about the pain)

Mean people (they make her cry too much)

Fire and ice magic (just because you block attack doesn't mean your free from the temperature changes) have you ever touched metal when its hot or extremely cold?

Blood (the site of her own blood makes her go into a frenzy)

hurting her fairy friend Pulse (oh god dont hurt Pulse)

(all of these things have a good chance of putting her in berserker mode)

Likes (What makes you happy?):

Pretty flowers

cute things

people who make Pulse happy

her shield (she loves her shield)

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Rei has no memory of her parents or her past family. All she can remember is being in an orphanage. however even those memories are limited. She has always dreamed of using magic when she was little, just like every other kid in the world but little did she know, she would get her wish. When she was 5 the orphanage was attacked by a group of criminals. They where testing a new magic weapon which eradicated the orphanage. The only survivor was Rei. No one knew why this little girl survive such a attack so they took her away and ran test. To their and her surprise, this little girl add an amazing power. Her body could not absorb magic from the air like normal wizards but instead could absorb it if she where to make contact with it. This was a great discovery.

They ran test on her bathing her in unrefined magic (which was painful), injecting it into her body (even more painful), but they found her absorption rate was at its highest when she was attacked by said magic. This lead to years of her being attacked by different magics to see their effects. Fire magic, ice magic, lighting magic, even Crash magic. No matter the power she would survive and could absorb its energy. It was the worst years of her life. Every day she would be attacked by a new magic, every day she would experience a new pain. Even worst, she had to bare the migraine from storing to much magic. Her days were spent with her screaming and crying for hours, until the criminals got what they wanted and drained her of her magic. Using her ability as a blueprint. They created 4 items. A shield, sword, pendent, and a revolver.

As time progressed she learned how to release her magic and by the time she was 13, she had decent control over her abilities. With this she decided she was not going to endure the torture anymore and she was going to escape. Everyday she looked for an opening to run away and everyday she would fail and be punished for it. The punishment was grueling but it did not break her will, instead strengthening it. The criminals watched as nothing they did stop her. This is where she got the nickname, the Unyielding. Still no matter how much she tried, she was not strong, fast, or smart enough to escape the security. When she turn 15, she learned it would not matter.

The criminals were getting desperate with their 4 inventions. They worked but they where not nearly as efficient as the real thing. The only device that worked as intended was the pendent which created a creature that could collect and store magic for the user, but even that did not work well. the worst thing about it was that it always flew to Rei and when they were together, Rei would smile. They were running out of time and money since the dark guild that was supporting them was getting inpatient. The day of Rei birthday, they would do something desperate. They gave her the shield Rune Eater. They thought, if they could study how she would use the weapons, they could make the proper modifications and what could she possible do with a shield. They blasted her with fire magic and, using Rune Eater, she absorbed the magic and a rate even higher than normal. And they where excited, until they the shield started glowing. The magic build-up in the shield was not normal and they concluded that she was about to pull something. They blasted her with magic hoping to overload her but it only made the shield glow stronger. Then she took a step forward. They increased the power, but it did not slow her down. She was Unyielding and she plowed through the walls. She found the other 3 items and equipped them. One man tried to stop her but she let out a roar while banging the shield with Rune Breaker. Her eyes were complete blue and she, for the first time, went berserk and released the painful excess magic. Tears flew down her face as the magic pulsed from her body. Then she proceeded to plow through every wall until she was completely free of that place. She cared not for doors, shortcuts, or even if someone got in her way. She held her shield up and ran through them all until it happen. Rei Gladiolus the Unyielding was free. She ran and ran never stopping, never slowing down. She kept her shield up until the very end.

"Hey! Where are you from?"

Guild: No guild (But always dreamed to join one)

Guild Rank: she would probably be ranked A/B (S/A if in berserker mode)

Guild Mark: Is that a tattoo...Those hurt... i don't do well with pain

Guild Tenure: 0

Opinion Of Guilds: "I never been in a guild, but someone once told me they are a place where the people are family... My only family is Pulse, but it would be nice to be apart of a big family like that"

((Reference Guilds and Government in the Roleplay Overview for Info and Lists))

"So, what can you do exactly?"

Magic Ability:

She has the ability to break down magic into its purest form and and store it in her body.

She use the store magic to create barriers, empower( herself, weapons, or other people), and fire out the magic in different ways.

She pretty much a walking magic battery.

Her sword has the ability to steal magic energy from her enemies and empower its self with said energy.

Her shield acts as an safer way for her to absorb magic.

Her revolver allows her to shoot her magic in a more efficient way.


This ability is one of the reasons she so resilient to magic. When she is hit by a magical attack, part of the attack.

Shield: absorbs most magic and prevents most damage- all damage depending on the attack

Barrier magic: blocks all magic but uses up a lot of magic energy and absorbs no magic

Sword: Absorbs very little magic, but can block all the damage
(most difficult way)

Body: She absorbs halve the magic but takes full damage.


She has no way of gather magic without being hit by magic or having Pulse gather it for her. And Pulse gathers magic VERY SLOWLY, so she not really reliable in mid combat, except for like maybe 2 spells.

Her battle plan usually involves blocking and countering, and she has a very limited use of her abilities when it comes to offence.

Her barrier has to use at least the same amount of magic as the the attack being block else it breaks
(which wastes magic) The barrier also is useless against physical non magical attacks. If the attack uses both magical in physical The barrier will nullify the magic portion of the attack only.

If she shoots her magic without the revolver it wastes a lot of energy, and the shots are unrefined. They are not accurate. But they do hit hard if they do happen to make

Also if she stores up too much magic, She gets headaches which only get worst the more magic she absorbs. She has to release her excess magic in order for the pain to stop (and she typically just releases all of her magic. or gives it to pulse)

Level Of Expertise:
Novice without her magic gear, but with the magic gear help, she skilled. If she in berserker mode her level of control rises to master with the use of her gear.

"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"


(Rune Breaker)

(Rune Eater)

(Rune Cannon)


A pendant that acts as the home for Pulse

"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):
Rei lived her life as an experiment. Being blasted with magic everyday and abused. The only thing she could bare it, and move forward, and used their power against them. This has earn her, her freedom and she lives life with that model.

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):
She wishes to experience the joys of life, like having a pet, finding love, joining a guild, fighting in a magic tournament, pissing off the council, and other things she heard normal people do. Although she was kidnapped she knows she would not be the person she is today had it not been for them, so she dares give them another second of her life. She is free from them and shall experience the world
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