Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

Name: Novus Clive


1. BPC&C (Blue Pegasus' Crash & Chain)

2. The Disheveled Princess (Negative)



-Oriental is her preferred style of clothing-

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Amber

Race: Human

Character Strengths: Focused and serious when it comes to completing the tasks at hand. With an eye for seeing what needs to be done; she has no qualms about starting things off. Novus is also fearless; however, it stems not from the confidence a person has in themselves, but from a plucky & heedless nature, developed from spending so much time in the wilds.

Character Flaws: Can be seen as overbearing and touchy when something is bothering her. Has the tendency to storm off on own, if the ship begins sailing with too slow a speed. Persistent questions about last name or family history, is quick to draw out anger. Under extreme stress, instinctively slips back into long abandoned feral tendencies.

Personality: She is a woman who first and foremost, loves looking nice. Though she was left to wilds spanning a period of 4 years, she still maintains a vague sense of kemptness. Normally relaxed and receptive to her surroundings; a stark personality change can be seen when there's something to do. It is then she becomes high-strung, tense, over-bearing, and mute, as the need to do, takes over her being.

Likes: Gifts from the Orient. Hugs. Spas. Joking with friends during down-time. Using "Crash" properly.

Dislikes: Using "Crash" improperly. Getting blown off. People with no respect. Clothes getting torn beyond repair. Silliness during inappropriate times. Magnolia Town. Fairy Tail.

Biography (3 Paragraphs minimum):

Novus, had the good fortune of being a daughter born into the family of Clives. Everyday growing up consisted of lavish meals, moonlight canoeing down a local river, and other various activities being the staple of a rich and famous life. It was nice at first, being admired and fussed about all around Magnolia; but eventually, all the constant focus and attention began to wear on her. Questions soon started arising in her mind as to exactly why the family was so famously regarded. "It's because of that man Gildarts, and that's all we can say," they would always respond. It annoyed her to no end. Even repeated attempts to find out who Gildarts even was, were denied by her parents saying, "Not until you're older Novus. That's not something you have to worry about now." This never-ending, cycle re-did itself for years and years until one day, an answer finally came.

On the eve of her 13th birthday, she was jolted awake in her sleep by a rough shake. It was dad. Putting a finger to his lips, he grabbed Novus' hand and pulled her to the doorway, stopping in front of a man with crossed arms, leaning into the frame. "If she dies...I'll never forgive you. All of you. It's bad enough this has to be done behind my wife's back. But losing Novus would leave her absolutely crushed."

He was crying now...But why? "You know this has to be done. We don't like it as much as you do, but it has to be done. The safety of Magnolia's citizens come first, and it is the duty of FairyTail to see to that." Duty of Fairytail? Dad?..Where is he taking me?...Novus' bewildered face said it all as the unknown wizard whisked her away, but all her father could do was turn his head. "Close your eyes okay," the wizard said. She was then blindfolded and taken into what sounded like a machine. The engine roared to life, and shot away into the jaws of darkness.

They drove for what seemed like hours. Hitting rocks, sliding into dips, and taking unending turns. It was only a sigh from the man, that signaled a nearing to the end of the line. He stepped out the car, walked over to the passenger's side, and opened it. Moments later, Novus could feel the cool breeze of a starless night, making its way through the slits and seams of her FairyTail pajamas. "Okay. Let's play a little game Novus. You count to 30, and then take your blindfold off. When you do that, you can open your eyes, and you'll see the birthday present we all got for you."

Ah! That's what it is! This isn't scary! Daddy is so silly. This is all for my birthday! Happily, the girl started to count to thirty, and when it finally came up, she hastily ripped off the blindfold to find...a bookbag...full of vitamin pouches...with a letter attached to it...it read:

[sweetie. You don't know how hard it was to do this to you..but it was. You won't understand why now, but it needed to be done. Over the next few days, weird things will start happening to you. But don't be afraid.You are not alone. Your mother and I have not abandoned you. We will still be here thinking about you, each and every patiently awaiting for your safe return. Please, when it's all over, come back to us. We'll tell you everything.]

The next few years were torture. Everyday consisted of the same routine: drinking a pouch of liquefied vitamins, vomiting it back out, touching things that randomly exploded, and coughing up streams of blood. It was pure madness. But she was fortunate that it wouldn't stay that way forever. As her mind matured and she was able to understand what her father meant; Novus took an active role in taming her "outbursts".

It was by the age of 17, random explosions at the touch of a finger were now a thing of the past. The words from the letter came surging back.

[Please, when it's all over, come back to us]. "No," she spat. Leave me away. Now want me back? No! No! No! Going home was not an option; and it probably never would be.

After finally summoning the courage to leave her home of 4 years, Novus wandered through the open plains, following any and every clue that pointed to signs of life nearby; human life. It was a few days later she stumbled into the arms of Blue Pegasus. Or rather, the arms of its master. Seeing a young, fresh-faced girl caked in dirt made his heart.

Soon, she was nursed back to "health" by the eccentric man, and taught to speak like a normal human once more; but this time with regal sonority. He claimed it was all out of concern, but what did tailored dresses and kits of make-up have anything to do with that?
It seems I have become someone's doll.

Though being "beautified" brought up memories regarding the untouchable subject of her parents; fashion grew on Novus; especially outfits emerging from a distant land known as the "Orient". It was not long after, that the question of whether she wanted to make Blue Pegasus her new home, had come to roost.


Guild: Blue Pegasus

Guild Rank: A-Class Wizard

Guild Mark: Middle of Forehead

Guild Tenure: 5 Years

Opinion Of Guild: "Yeah, I love my guild. But why are most of these questions on Gildarts? I have no idea who he is." During an interview for Sorcerer Magazine.


Magic Ability: Chain Magic

Advantages: Able to summon a slew of chains to aid the user in a variety of situations. Uses range from binding enemies and grabbing objects, to creating protective walls and breaking falls.

Disadvantages: While binding; the chains can be broken by an enemy that possesses high physical strength. Besides throwing and slamming into targets, chains have rather weak offensive abilities.

Level Of Expertise: Completely Mastered. As the only other alternative to her sometimes shaky use of Crash Magic, Novus had no other choice.

Magic Ability: Crash Magic

Advantages: Capable of large scale destruction. Greatly enhances physical prowess. Lethal in close proximity.

Disadvantages: When used improperly; can cause unwanted destruction. It also damages the cells and internal organs of the user if good form is not maintained. Best used up close and near a target.

Level Of Expertise: Intermediate. Though she has decent control of what it affects; it is tenuous at best. The slightest miscalculation could bring about undesired consequences.


Equipment: None

Items: None


Motivations: Finding out the secrets of my family. The need and desire to prove myself a capable person.

Aspirations: To master Crash Magic. To be known as one of the Beautiful Vixens of Blue Pegasus. To one day face her parents and tell them how she really feels.

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Dakora Aura

Age: 19


Queen of the Heavens


Wears her long hair into twin pig tails so they don't get in the way, often in a spiraled form due to winds swirling around her.

The garments she wears are those that she has owned for many years as a traveler, her frugality with money also reason for this.

She refuses to buy shoes, since they never last for more than a month due to the terrain in her travels. So instead of

shoes, she cushions her feet with air as she walks, but even without air under them, her feet are calloused enough to

withstand the heat of burning coals, glass and even walking on thorns.

Dakora wraps her chest with bandages to hold her girls in place as she fights, she finds this tactic more helpful than

wasting money on a bra. Her shins and calves are also wrapped by thick bandages to compress her muscles and reduce any pain when she kicks.

The ruffled skirt she wears makes it hard for others to notice the emergency weapons strapped to her upper thighs, it's the newest addition to her wardrobe and most definitely the most troublesome since she practices air caster magic.





Hair Color:


Eye Color:




Character Strengths:

Coordinated, focused and swift as the North wind, calm even in the most dire of situations, powerful when motivated. Never holds a grudge.

Character Flaws:

  • Will stop in a middle of a fight to drink a smoothie if the chance comes.
  • Petrified of the thought of ghosts.
  • Often distant with her emotions.
  • Difficult to impress.
  • Stingy with money.
  • Practically blind without her contacts or glasses


Dakora's personality is calm and controlled even when beaten in a fight. It's very hard to impress Dakora or to get her attention, she's not much a romantic but this young lady can be easily swayed by a smooth talker. Is easily bored, and dislikes small talk that have no value to her. She is shy and often uses this calm facade to hide it, secretly she enjoys the attention of others.

Dislikes: People commenting on her hair color, wearing glasses, vanity, wasting money, shoes, pointless conversation, not fond of Blue Pegasus members, thieves, clothes that cover more than 50% of her body

Likes: Win her heart with a banana smoothie.

Loves fruit, smoothies, small animals, traveling, new things, cheeses, wing fish and all wing fish dishes, being barefoot, smooth talkers

Biography :

Dakora had been a wandering mage for 12 years, exploring through the countries of Earthland to see all of it's wonders. She has crossed along many terrains of deserts, mountains, forests and tundras throughout her travels, and has seen many examples of wealth and poor. But due to her lack of jewels to live on alone, she had decided that moving on to a guild would be the best thing to do.

Dakora was born under the shadow of a new moon of an early autumn night. Her father had abandoned her and her twin sister Aryll when they were barely nine months old, and her mother passed away a few years after due to starvation. Dakora had lived a frugal life will little in her pockets, and had learned not to waste a single coin or leave a grain uneaten.

At a young age, Dakora had discovered their talents for air magic and her sister Arll had taken interest in celestial magic, from then on they performed on the streets with the titles 'Queen of the Heavens and The Golden Eyed Angel'.

The young girls trained themselves throughout the years to tumble gracefully onto glossy stages in different towns, shooting small bullets of air to burst down fine china plates and confetti filled balloons from the sky. They made coins float on snake-like streams of air, and created small gusts to cool off travelers. They even wore white wings on their backs and lept off buildings to land on cushions of air for show. Their life was slowly growing better, but it ended as soon as it started.

On a blizzard night, they were attacked by bandits hiding within the snows. The twins escaped into the mountains with little left, just like how they began. Arll, they younger, and weaker of the two died from her injuries on the frozen night.

But she made Dakora promise to tell her all about the world that she didn't see the next

time they met.

Guild: Raven Tail

Guild Rank: A-Class (Has the ability to be an S-rank, but is annoyed by the tedious trials)

Guild Mark: Grey, Left (Exposed) shoulder

Guild Tenure: 2 years

Opinion Of Guild:

"There are too many rules to follow."

Magic Ability(1)

Air Caster Magic


  • Able to compress air into whip-like forms, blades of wind and even short whirlwinds.
  • In tight situations she can expand the surrounding air into thick clouds to hide much like a smokescreen
  • . Most commonly, she can uses the air to aid her speed by pushing from behind, heighten her jumps or cushion her landings.
  • Can be cast without blurting out a spell.


  • Debris withing her currents can recoil and damage herself.
  • Extreme colds or extreme heats can affect her powers as well, either by making the air too hot for her to work with or freezing air particles causes her winds to slow.
  • If her long hair is put down, it often whips violently against her skin in the wind.
  • The wind often causes her light cotton skirt to flutter violently, many times forcing her to use one hand to keep it down.

Level Of Expertise: Advanced, highly skilled.

Magic Ability(2):

Celestial Magic


  • Can call on spirits with various abilities to aid her.
  • Often is supported, never having to fight alone.


  • Will not work without her keys,
  • if the metal of the key is too hot or cold to touch, she will not be able to summon.
  • Since it's not her natural talent, it uses much of her energy to summon a strong celestial spirit.

Level Of Expertise: Lower Intermediate


  1. Two belts that hold her Celestial keys.
  2. A foreign hat that holds various small items such as her glasses, contact case, bottles of fruit smoothies and fruit.


  1. Twin ivory daggers strapped to her thighs, hidden under her skirt.
  2. Glasses, contact lens case, smoothies and various fruits within her hat.

Celestial Keys

Silver keys

  • Ursa minor
  • Leo minor
  • Canis Major
  • Horologium

Gold keys:

  • Sagittarius

Ursa Minor

A small bear-like celestial spirit that is a little more than a foot tall. Stubborn and moody. Dakora's favorite spirit, often seen by her side even when not summoned. Makes soft 'Mar mar' sounds.

Appearance: It's body is soft and the texture of a marimo moss ball with thicker, green vegetation growing over its upper body like a hooded coat. On top of it's head grows a large red mushroom that emits puffs of spores.

Known Abilities: Can produce puffs of spores from the mushroom on it's head, yellow spores for paralysis, blue spores for sleep, green spores for poison. All effects are temporary and fairly weak, lasting no more than an hour depending on the person. Uses long branch-like claws to cling onto the target's head, then releases spores.

Weaknesses: When put near water it gorges itself till it grows up to 8 feet tall. Becomes slow and lazy and too big to be flung at a person's head. The mushroom on its head remains the same size.

~~Other keys will be uploaded soon~~

Motivations (Why do you do what you do?):

To live up to the promise that she had made to her sister.

Aspirations (What dreams do you want to achieve?):

To see everything this world has to offer.​
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