Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Kyuubey said:
Basically, he's being lazy like usual.
Tbh I sort of understand if I was as busy as him I would probably just break apart like a Mr. Potato Head from the stress alone D:
Mitchs98 said:
For the new master
Metaphysics said:

Aleria Feathersaint


Gender: Female

Race(PM Me before making a race that hasn't been accepted):Human

Height: 5,7 feet

Weight: 140 pounds

Guild and Guild Mark Location:Blue Pegasus, Back of her right hand

Appearance:(Picture is required, textual description is optional, anime preferred)


Class(C, B, A, S, etc.): Guild Master

Magic(Please give a semi specific description of what they can do, this includes spell titles. Make stuff up, etc.):

Radiant Wings Magic: This magic focuses greatly on maneuvers and mobility and damage. She brings aerial superiority to the table, allowing her to survey the grounds and purify heathens. She can call on her wings with ease.​

Feather Rain: When her wings are out feathers start to rain on the battlefield. The falling feathers slow down opponents who get hit with the feathers.

Sonic Assault: With a sonic boom she drives her sword through her target.

Envelop: Her wings grow and shield her or anything she chooses.

Superior Edge: Her sword is passively enveloped in light magic, allowing her to cleave through material with ease.

Transcendent Wings: Unlocks her ultimate form and gains an entirely different array of spells.

Feather Storm: Feathers constantly flurry the battlefield, damaging enemies hit with it.

Supremacy Air: The skies are her realm. Furious winds come under her command, allowing her to create tornadoes and bat away those she chooses.

Bathe In Light: She Heals in an area around her.

Fervent Flame: She deals damage every time she heals.

Radiance Edge: She heals every time she deals damage.

Personality: Aleria is a patient and understanding guild master to her guild. She's very hard to dissuade from anything she focuses on and gives of an aura of innocence. However when angered she loses herself quickly in battle, never holding back and never surrendering. She holds members of the guild in high regard and trusts them completely.

Bio: Aleria was born in a far off village in the woods, both her parents were mages that regaled her with the stories and legends of mages that they had either heard of or traveled with. Her best friend growing up was a blacksmith named Flan who's parents were also mages. He looked after her when her parents didn't return one day and armed her for her future.

She soon left the village in order to make a name for herself, starting off with bandits and the like she encountered on her journey, looting their stuff and cash before moving on. She then got robbed on the first town she got in and became horribly broke. A member of Blue Pegasus took pity on her and brought her into the guild where she was cared for, given food and clothing. Suffice to say, Sweet fell in love with the guild itself.

She soon decided to become a member of Blue Pegasus and she prospered. She went out on missions with her team, Team Black Forest, and slowly grew both in fame and in frame. She was an amazing person to all of them, helping them when she can, assisting in missions and was soon given the title of Angel of War when she became an S-Class Mage.

Later on, during the previous master's deathbed, she was entrusted with the responsibility of caring for the guild the way it cared for her back then. With tears and a heartfelt promise, she accepted the position of Guild Master.

Likes:Birds, swords, collecting stamps.

Dislikes: Dark guilds and their ilk.

Skills:Graceful Poise: She cannot be knocked down.

Absurd Strength: Despite being a girl she is absurdly strong, at the very least she is capable of causing a decently sized fissure to appear when she stomps.

Battle Prowess: She is an expert in combat and can use her weapons proficiently.

High Speed Maneuvering: She has high levels of reaction and agility allowing her to maneuver around things easily

Other:Her clothing is enchanted with runes that boost her speed and allow her to jump great heights. She is also very very strong.

Kazehana said:
Tbh I sort of understand if I was as busy as him I would probably just break apart like a Mr. Potato Head from the stress alone D:
I'd agree with you if he didn't admit to being lazy all the time.
Kyuubey said:
I'd agree with you if he didn't admit to being lazy all the time.
That is true

I'm just stressed because finals are next week and here I am talking about how little I apparently know about this fandom d:
Kyuubey said:
Don't make me quote all the times you have admitted to being lazy. :c
I admit I am. That's why it took 3 days for me to make an opening post for an RP. Lazy and forgetful are not a good combo.

Isune said:
Maybe I will make a reboot...I'm not sure though @Mitchs98
Do et. I'll tottally join. I'm lacking RPs atm

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