Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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LeSoraAmari said:
I'll get a post going after I've prepared dinner, sorry for the wait everyone! ^-^
It's fine. I'd much rather everything slow down a bit instead of lose players due to it. I'm sure everyone else will agree that it's a bummer to form a relationship between characters then the owner of one just drop off the face of the earth. Even worse if it's a romantic relationship. Makes stuff awkward.
Sorry! I fell asleep way too early yesterday! I'll make a post now since I'm on the PC anyway, but it won't be too long! I'm at school and my period of computer time will be over in, like, twenty minutes! D:
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Sorry! I fell asleep way too early yesterday! I'll make a post now since I'm on the PC anyway, but it won't be too long! I'm at school and my period of computer time will be over in, like, twenty minutes! D:

Its fine man, dont freak out :P I'll delay moving things along if need be for everyone, I doubt anyone would drop out if we had to slow things down.
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Hmm, I was thinking and I think we should pick up the pace and keep a consistent pace. The roleplay is 2 n a half weeks old, on page 27, and I can summarize everything that happened, in detail, in literally two paragraphs. I think the sheer lack of anything happening is the main reason people drop out. We don't have to blast through at breakneck speeds, but literally faffing about in some mansion for nearly three weeks is too much. Since you're in the rp, Mitch, I'll use it as an example. We should move along like the digimon rp. That's moving at a good pace, not too fast and not too slow, and we should emulate that pace here.
Kyuubey said:
A small yawn erupted from a pile of flour bags in the kitchen of the Fairy Tail HQ's, followed by two arms stretching out helplessly to plop onto one of the bags. " Namiiiii, I ate too many pastries. " Another soft groan escaped Sora's lips as she attempted to roll about and bring herself to a stand, hands sleepily sliding up to rub at her eyes. She blinked a few times before the entirety of the kitchen came into view, the blurriness subsiding as she searched for Nami. " Na-- " Sora began to speak but quickly squeaked instead as a small figure popped out a few feet from her. Jam and frosting was smeared all over the exceed's face and Sora couldn't help but erupt into a fit of giggles, picking up her best friend and grabbing a nearby cloth to wipe off Nami's face. " It's good to see those table-side manners pay off, " she said with a grin. " Let's go see what horrid trouble the rest of the guild has gotten themselves into. " It's always safe to assume Fairy Tail was not on their best behavior.
The two emerged from the kitchen and stared into the guild hall, standing there in an awkward silence. Wait, silence? That isn't right. A small spread of panic coursed through her petite frame before a slip of paper on the ground that resembled a job flyer was seen. She knelt down to pick it up, eyes skimming it to get the jist of what information it contained. Just then a small clatter caused her to dart around, swiveling in place to come face to face with a younger child. " Oh, hello there. " Must be one of the older member's kids she thought to herself, a warm smile spreading on her face. It slightly bothered her that she was the same height as someone probably five years younger than her. " Do you by any chance know where all the loud ones went? " She asked in a curious tone as the child cutely stared at her with big eyes, nodding. " Big house up the road, I think. " Sora seemed more confused now but she thanked the kid, a hand ruffling up his hair before she ran off to shove some things into her bunny backpack and headed out the front doors, emotion being drained from her face. " What... why? Why does this always happen when I'm sleeping. Nami, let's head to the sky and find this big house. " She wasn't even going to dwell on why Fairy Tail had been moved, she'd seen stranger things.

" You owe me a pastry for this. " Nami always blackmailed her. " Okay, okayyyyyy. " Frustration crept into her voice as Nami picked her up and rose up into the sky, Sora sighing in relief as she searched the rooftops and her eyes fell on the mansion. " I think that qualifies as the big house, let's go there. " Nami literally dive bombed towards the mansion but alas where she should've stopped at the doors, she instead went bursting through them and into the foyer. Sora's arms had quickly crossed in front of her face to defend herself from almost face planting into the door. The two remained hovering in the air after their almost destructive entrance, thankfully the doors happened to open instead of being annihilated by the small girl. Her eyes slowly opened and darted from person to person in the room, an awkward smile spreading on her face, cheeks slowly obtaining a red hue. A small scoff was heard from Nami as she dropped Sora, only for Sora to slow her fall by manipulating the air at her feet as she landed gracefully on the ground. The young exceed sprawled out atop Sora's head and stared at everyone in an uninterested manner before she dozed off to take a small nap. A hand was raised to rub at the side of her neck as if to try to distract herself. " So this is where you all went. At least I had the right place... " Her words trailed off before she grabbed the brim of her skirt with both hands and curtsied cutely. " It's a pleasure. " Mostly directed at those she hadn't seen before.
>When you find detailed posts in casual roleplays...
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]>When you find detailed posts in casual roleplays...

I've seen longer or just as long posts from different people in this roleplay. It was my first post, clam yourself. Yes, clam.

>tfw people complain about petty things

And good morning to everyone. ;D
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Kyuubey said:
I've seen longer or just as long posts from different people in this roleplay. It was my first post, clam yourself. Yes, clam.
>tfw people complain over petty things
I have been clammed.

>tfw people complain over people complaining about petty things
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I have been clammed.
>tfw people complain over people complaining about petty things

Now give me your pearls, clam.

>tfw nobody complained
I got to bounce out of this rp. Its not that its not fun, I am having trouble keeping up. So, I thought I would give a heads up instead of just disappearing. I might cnae back to this later, but for now I have to bounce. Hope thats okay thst I come back later.

TheMADQ said:
I got to bounce out of this rp. Its not that its not fun, I am having trouble keeping up. So, I thought I would give a heads up instead of just disappearing. I might cnae back to this later, but for now I have to bounce. Hope thats okay thst I come back later.
@@Chara Angel of Death @ScarlettRose16 @Defective Kitten @Zuka If you guys could post sometime today, that'd be great. I'll be moving things along in a few hours.
I bet if everyone in the RP got angry at "Lucian Gray" they'd;





-Have a mosh pit at



-Set fireworks off inside

-Flirt to

-Give Nightmares to


-Clean but put things back in the wrong places

The Mansion
Goldencurls said:
I bet if everyone in the RP got angry at "Lucian Gray" they'd;




-Have a mosh pit at



-Set fireworks off inside

-Flirt to

-Give Nightmares to


-Clean but put things back in the wrong places

The Mansion
Goldencurls said:
I bet if everyone in the RP got angry at "Lucian Gray" they'd;




-Have a mosh pit at



-Set fireworks off inside

-Flirt to

-Give Nightmares to


-Clean but put things back in the wrong places

The Mansion
Question is who does what?
Ferra would most definetely take the task of eating it. Jaymes would freeze it. As for everything else idk but... How the hell do you drown a mansion.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra would most definetely take the task of eating it. Jaymes would freeze it. As for everything else idk but... How the hell do you drown a mansion.
How wouldn't you drown a mansion? A over flowing bathtub, getting soap in your corners, definitely worth letting the water end you.

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