Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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LeSoraAmari said:
I want Ophelia and Mavis to have cute little girl time, you know?
We'd need to keep Mizuki away though. Speaking of Mizuki...

LeSoraAmari said:
I want Ophelia and Mavis to have cute little girl time, you know?
You can't leave Mizuki out. She's cute, right?

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]We'd need to keep Mizuki away though. Speaking of Mizuki...

It's more the other way around.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Also, I edited Ophelia's CS a bit to match what she's done IC (I promise I won't give her anything else), so if anyone wants to go through and reread her magical abilities. they can. :3

Guess you could say she was a bit lake-luster.
Kayzo said:
You can't leave Mizuki out. She's cute, right?
It's more the other way around.
I'm sure Mizuki would appreciate the company of Mavis and Ophelia, she can join;0

Metaphysics said:
Also don't forget Sweet.
Of course not. She's an adorable cherub too.
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Rhodus said:
Just finished a major overhaul on Ryu's history for whoever might be interested:

Miyamoto Ryu was born without a fuse. He was constantly getting into fights with the other children, and he would quickly resort to violence. As early as the age of 5, he was seen breaking another child's jaw over an argument. No one really knew why the young child was filled with so much hate. Theories ranging from hormone imbalances, to cries for attention were put forward, but all were eventually dismissed. It seemed to all that Ryu had come into this world hating everyone and everything.

His rage fueled outbursts eventually caught the attention of one Saito Hajime, the current master of Lightning GodsBane Magic. At the time, Saito had been searching for youths who might be worthy of his teaching, and Ryu, aged 6 at the time, had piqued his interest. He approached Ryu and offered him a chance to compete against two other boys for the honor of becoming his apprentice. Not one to be outdone, Ryu immediately accepted, and so, the training began.

Saito's training was brutal, pushing the three to their mental and physical limits. He taught the three of them in physical combat, as well as basic magic. Ryu worked non stop during the training, letting the rage within him fuel his efforts, seeming to get stronger with each agonizing task.

At the end of a month, Saito gathered the three of them together to address all of them. He informed them that it was time to deem which of them was worthy of his apprenticeship and that only one could win. The three youths were pitted against each other in a free for all, anything goes fight. Without hesitation, Ryu mercilessly beat the other two boys within an inch of their lives, not even using the basic magic Saito had taught them.


Once Ryu had been officially accepted as Saito's apprentice, his training only got more arduous. No part of the day was wasted, with mornings being devoted to physical training, midday to Magic training, and evenings to academic training. He was allowed just 10 minutes for lunch, and if he took any longer, he would face severe penalty. Ryu's training continued uneventfully, until the day he met Hanekoma Sanae.

Hanekoma, like Saito, was a master of one of the styles of GodsBane Magic. He'd heard of Ryu through his correspondence with Saito. With each letter, he'd gotten more and more interested, until he simply had to see the boy for himself. He approached Ryu during one of the extremely rare times when he was allowed a break, as Saito had other business to attend to. He managed to start a conversation with Ryu, although reluctantly on Ryu's part, and the two continued to talk for a while. As he spoke with Ryu, he noticed something within the youth. Although he did exude a strong aura of hate and anger, Hanekoma saw another, more caring and gentle side, buried deep inside him, underneath all of the animosity. He brought this up with Ryu, to which he predictably reacted with hostility. He completely went off on Hanekoma, enraged by his audacity to say such a thing. Hanekoma listened calmly and, when Ryu had finished his outburst, thanked him for his time and told Ryu that the door at WildKat, Hanekoma's cafe in Crocus, would always be open to him.

At first, nothing changed. However, as the days went on, Ryu just couldn't get what Hanekoma had said out of his mind. It still enraged him, but he'd slowly grown curious, until he simply couldn't let the matter go.

During another of Saito's errands, he went into the city of Crocus, where Hanekoma had told him that his cafe of WildKat was located. He talked with Hanekoma again, this time a great deal more willingly, and he listened intently to what Hanekoma had to say. When Hanekoma had finished, Ryu asked, hypothetically, what could be done to unearth his buried personality. Hanekoma smiled and said that he could help, if he came to train under him instead, but he stressed the point that it could only be done if Ryu himself wanted, truly wanted, to change. He told Ryu to think it over and to get back to him in three days, whatever his decision may be. Ryu spent a long time mulling the decision over, and returned to Hanekoma after the agreed three days. He'd decided that he did want to change, and that having Hanekoma train him in GodsBane magic instead of Saito. It took some convincing, but Saito begrudgingly agreed to the arrangement, departing to find another disciple.

Ryu's training under Hanekoma was radically different. All of his time was still devoted to his training, but Hanekoma was much more forgiving, taking care not to push Ryu too far. He was patient with Ryu and would always listen quietly whenever Ryu had one of his outbursts. Slowly, he began to make progress. Ryu's outbursts started to become less frequent, albeit slowly at first, and he eventually started to listen Hanekoma's advice on more than combat and magic. In addition to magic and combat, Hanekoma mentored Ryu in academics as well, teaching him mathematics, literature, and sciences, among other things.

Post training life

After nine long years, Ryu had finished his training. He had mastered Kasai Uzuken-ryu, and had succeeded in his transformation as a person. He had become caring, compassionate, and had learned to care about others. His anger had been brought under control, and although he hadn't managed to remove that side of himself completely, he'd buried it deep within his soul, similar to how his caring side had once been. Seeing his growth as a Mage and swordsman, and as a person, Hanekoma told Ryu that he'd taught him all he could. He said that true mastery of GodsBane Magic required a full understanding of nature, and that such understanding could only be attained alone, and not taught. Ryu simply nodded and gave a knowing smile. He'd come to expect something like this as the final step, and as such, he was ready for this. He gathered what few possessions he had, and bid Hanekoma one last farewell before departing to live the life of a wanderer.

For a year he wandered, learning of the world. As he traveled he heard many stories of a guild known as Fairy Tail, so, the next time he passed through Magnolia, he decided to check it out. He was immediately taken aback by the sheer amount of people and the rowdiness of the guild, having become quite shy as his anger had been sealed away. Although he didn't feel like he could deal with the chaos of the guild, he joined anyway, having been moved by the strong bond between the guild members. He once again took up the life of a wanderer, taking jobs he would find wherever he was.

Finished adding the history into Ryu's CS, as well as updating his personality section.

[QUOTE="Britt-21]How did you know she was a virgin!? O: xD

Cause I know the taste of a virgin's blood? haha , I just assumed, really. And it worked. :D
xD !!
She's a pure woman. She prefers marriage first :3 then the babies xD

hahaha. Old school. :) And Mika's pretty old than that. Hahaha
rbshinichi said:
Looks does not matter, he's several decades older than her. And I really think a triangular love affair could be brewing here. :D Shall we wait for @Mitchs98 post before we do anything again?
*Insert witty and humorous comment about age from a guy pretending to be high while in actuality is just enjoying some good lemon pie*
Metaphysics said:
*Insert witty and humorous comment about age from a guy pretending to be high while in actuality is just enjoying some good lemon pie*
Damn, you could share dude you know. hahah

Britt-21] xD wtf and sure thing [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11466-rbshinichi/ said:
okay okay cool. :D
Kyuubey said:
My posts. I keep telling myself I'll work on making them shorter. >: But then I listen to music while I'm writing and I just keep writing.
Longer is better. I'm envious of you.
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Kayzo said:
Longer is better. I'm envious of you.
I'm trying really.... extremely... excruciatingly hard not to make a perverted comment about this.

really.... extremely... excruciatingly hard


Wait, my response was dirty in itself.

Kill me.
Kyuubey said:
I'm trying really.... extremely... excruciatingly hard not to make a perverted comment about this.
really.... extremely... excruciatingly hard


Wait, my response was dirty in itself.

Kill me.
I was thinking the same thing.

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