Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Ahhhh ahhh siblings???

Ehh. Maybe. I can't really think of a bio either way atm tho.

She'd be the older sister tbh.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]That's fine idm

Last name is Rezonai, I could change it if you want.

I doubt I write out a bio rn still tho.
The moment your character doesn't save and you have to start all over.. *screams while yanking at my hair*
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Her names fine I didn't give Marik a last name so yeah.

Marik? I thought Kam-

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Lol Marik I just called my guy by the name of the character im using for his appearance xD I meant Kami.


Mythicana said:
The moment your character doesn't save and you have to start all over.. *screams while yanking at my hair*
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Lol yeah my bad that's a first xD I'm usually good with keeping names right at least on rps. So are they traveling together or what?

Well, I mean. Probably not. She's going to be in Blue Pegasus and stalk Kasumi *shrug*
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Tfw, Christina is going to start a movement to destroy all Dark guilds.

tfw Lucian will bitchslap Christina.

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Mkay im cool with that they'll still be siblings, and it'll give me a reason to visit xD

Works for me ^-^.

Ugh I don't even have a personality yet D:. I can't think of anything ;-;
Mitchs98 said:
tfw Lucian will bitchslap Christina.
Works for me ^-^.

Ugh I don't even have a personality yet D:. I can't think of anything ;-;
Well since there siblings try and take some stuff from Kami
Solemn Jester]Well since there siblings try and take some stuff from Kami [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11325-lesoraamari/ said:
@LeSoraAmari[/URL] Wants her to be semi-edgy tho. I don't do semi edgy good to put in words for a personality. It's either edgy asf, slightly psychotic, kind, or etc. .-.
I just realized how scary Chris would be as a S class. Everyone's sitting at the grand magic games and the roof suddenly starts falling:
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Just take a bit from Kami, you don't need to make her exactly like him

It actually does help a bit tbh. I'll base it loosely off of it.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Meh, That was a bad post. But i needed to vent my emotions into a post.

*Soothingly pets your head* it's alright tell Solemn all about it.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]*Soothingly pets your head* it's alright tell Solemn all about it.

I will explain in a short story bc i am complicated

The ball has begun, monsters hiding behind painted smiles and fake laughs fill the room. All but one wore a masque, a magician. He caught my eye as I danced with a Marionette, I passed her to the next and found myself dancing with him. His eyes showed untold adventure and his smile filled me with the warmth of a roaring hearth. He flourished his cloak and when he finished we stood on the ramparts. The fear of falling was gone as he showed me how to fly across the sky; my masque was snatched away as he tossed it. We soared the blue expanse and saw waterfalls and deserts, we saw life and death. But alas all good things must end, and as we landed back upon the stone prison that captivated me. I felt sadness wash over me, as he said his goodbyes as he had to leave for the ball was over. As he soared away on wings of gold, my heart dropped as I heard my Father call my name. The grand masquerade that is my life continues, and my masque is drawn back over my face hiding what lies beneath.

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