Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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Happy Red Mage] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/ said:
@Colt556[/URL] What about person take over?
Eric can use take-over to become another person. Hence the reason why he can't copy the same spells... He can only copy their looks and physical traits
Colt556 said:
My issue with Kelica isn't that she's weak, there's plenty of weak(ish) characters. My issue with Kelica is her overall personality. The whole "the forest talks to me" and "I'm queen of the forest" are already things I dislike but they can work if you have the right personality. Kelica's just too dumb and hapless that it comes off more as delusions and mental illness then any sort of grand druidism. Beyond that is her general lack of common sense. The whole spring thing, the whole animal characteristics in general really.
Basically Kelica's taking a concept I already dislike and then piling on personality traits I dislike to cobble together an entire character I dislike. I really do just want to start a forest fire right in front her.

Fuck off Gemini.
I'd like to mention Kelica never actually calls herself Queen that is what the Forest calls her. She comes of as dumb only to people because she never grew up around them. See any conversation about animals or her cell regeneration and you'll find she is actually not as airheaded as she appears. Her intellect is focused on one area as that's all she's had to learn.

It's not Kelica you hate, what it boils down to is I have turned a concept of animals and plants into an organic, living, common entity and for whatever reason you don't think that is so. Thus why you believe her more delusional.

If demons/arcane/shadow realms exist, why can it not be possible for the Plant Kingdom to be it's own living consciousness? How do plants all know when to pollen together? How animal packs all move as if one in response to a threat?

I've added a magical soul/essence to explain that but you are cynical and therefore see all the wholes. God slayer magic is ok but plants can't have a conscious? Mavis can live but plants can't have a soul? You can't pick and choose elements at your leasure.

If your characters don't believe her that is fine and at their disgression. But dismissing magic powers because you don't believe in the source is a bit far fetched.

@Isune Said it would take too long to Master and that is a perfectly acceptable critism.

((Did I just really spend all that time debating that?))
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Zuka said:
I'd like to mention Kelica never actually calls herself A Queen that is what the Forest calls her. She comes of as dumb only to people because she never grew up around them. See any conversation about animals or her cell regeneration and you'll find she is actually not as airheaded as she appears. Her intellect is focused on one area as that's all she's had to learn.
It's not Kelica you hate, what it boils down to is I have turned a concept of animals and plants into an organic, living, common entity and for whatever reason you don't think that is so. Thus why you believe her more delusional.

If demons/arcane/shadow realms exist, why can it not be possible for the Plant Kingdom to be it's own living consciousness? How do plants all know when to pollen together? How animal packs all move as if one in response to a threat?

I've added a magical soul/essence to explain that but you are cynical and therefore see all the wholes. God slayer magic is ok but plants can't have a conscious? Mavis can live but plants can't have a soul? You can't pick and choose elements at your leasure.

If your characters don't believe her that is fine and at there disgression. But dismissing magic powers because you don't believe in the source is abit far fetched.

@Isune Said it would take too long to Master and that is a perfectly acceptable critism.

((Did I just really spend all that time debating that?))
My simplest answer to this plant take over thing is ents and dryads.
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]My simplest answer to this plant take over thing is ents and dryads.

I was planning on doing that anyway. :)
Zuka said:
I'd like to mention Kelica never actually calls herself A Queen that is what the Forest calls her. She comes of as dumb only to people because she never grew up around them. See any conversation about animals or her cell regeneration and you'll find she is actually not as airheaded as she appears. Her intellect is focused on one area as that's all she's had to learn.
It's not Kelica you hate, what it boils down to is I have turned a concept of animals and plants into an organic, living, common entity and for whatever reason you don't think that is so. Thus why you believe her more delusional.

If demons/arcane/shadow realms exist, why can it not be possible for the Plant Kingdom to be it's own living consciousness? How do plants all know when to pollen together? How animal packs all move as if one in response to a threat?

I've added a magical soul/essence to explain that but you are cynical and therefore see all the wholes. God slayer magic is ok but plants can't have a conscious? Mavis can live but plants can't have a soul? You can't pick and choose elements at your leasure.

If your characters don't believe her that is fine and at there disgression. But dismissing magic powers because you don't believe in the source is abit far fetched.

@Isune Said it would take too long to Master and that is a perfectly acceptable critism.

((Did I just really spend all that time debating that?))
You misunderstood a bit. I'm not saying her magic isn't valid, I'm not saying they can't have some weird plant kingdom. I'm saying I hate that sort of thing. I don't like druids and I especially don't like druids that are all "I have no experience with people, only the wild". You're simply RPing a character concept that I've hated for years. You have to hit very very very specific keynotes for me to like this type of character and Kelica doesn't hit any of them. It isn't the character itself, it's the entire concept of druids that I hate. You could get anyone here to make a druid and I'd hate them just as much, unless they happened to get lucky and hit those keynotes for me.
Colt556 said:
You misunderstood a bit. I'm not saying her magic isn't valid, I'm not saying they can't have some weird plant kingdom. I'm saying I hate that sort of thing. I don't like druids and I especially don't like druids that are all "I have no experience with people, only the wild". You're simply RPing a character concept that I've hated for years. You have to hit very very very specific keynotes for me to like this type of character and Kelica doesn't hit any of them. It isn't the character itself, it's the entire concept of druids that I hate. You could get anyone here to make a druid and I'd hate them just as much, unless they happened to get lucky and hit those keynotes for me.

I thought it was unique, at least to this rp.

Eventually I'll do a Valken post when my rl demon spawn goes to bed
Jackaboi said:
Eric can use take-over to become another person. Hence the reason why he can't copy the same spells... He can only copy their looks and physical traits
Is that not just transformation magic then?
Zuka said:
I thought it was unique, at least to this rp.

Eventually I'll do a Valken post when my rl demon spawn goes to bed
Sorry to disappoint but you are not special.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado


Valken kept looking for any parts of the Golem he could see that held some sort of weakness other then the fact it was Stone and he made a half grunt when he discovered there didn't seemed to be any quick and easy fix to kill it. Truthfully that was clever on the Dark Guild's account as over complication leads to more flaws in overall design, however a simple design combining brute strength and an unwavering constitution seemed to fit the bill for this group of Mages. It was only his keen eye vision that whirled oddly in time with the actual Golem as he spotted Emmerich charging in like a fist flaming missile, did Valken have to grin. Better late then never eh Frosty? He mused.

His kick working a treat and as the Golem was sent crashing with Emmerich following suit, Valken, crouched down before vaulting himself up into the air into somewhat of a beautiful somersault. As he spun he deftly reached down to clasp at the hilts of her daggers to slip them from his hip holsters, and with barely a thud the man landed on the ground like he had been standing there the whole time. He saw the creature grasp at Frosty before throwing him unceremoniously at the wall, and he might have shown more concern if he figured the guy couldn't take the hit. Landing pretty much right behind Lavender with his jump. Having a half grin, the guy slung his arm around her like they were best pals as he leans in to whisper into her ear. "You know, if you're scared you can let the big kids take this one..." His voice soft like a passing breeze. And before she could respond he had side stepped her to walk back towards the creature. But before he could do anything else the girl Damn near ran straight past him with some heavy set armor and a black whip? Well...to each their own he assumed. He wasn't one to talk with the Sadist tenancies that got him all fired up.

She seemed to get a few hits in that damaged it but then the Golem's attention turned towards her. Or at least it would have if not a moment later something really bright and pretty was aimed straight at his face and like a bug drawn to a lantern he fully turned to face Tanari now. Valken only assumed her attack would do damage considering the time, effort and demands she gave before firing it and frankly at this point it was the only sensible solution he could think of to destroy it apart from dragging the whole thing under the Shadows as he had Millie's guard.

Thus when the Golem's statue turned to her, Valken realized he had to hold the Damn thing still long enough that her attack would do some damage. Already Valken was bent low to the ground and was dashing at an unbelievable speed coming right up underneath the creatures huge set legs. Now this creature was BIG. With an equally huge Shadow for him to control. So he thrust a Dagger down into the ground right behind the creature's foot, the blade sinking half into the deepest Shadow behind it before in another instant he had barrel rolled to the other huge set foot and slammed his second Dagger in much the same way as the first.

With those two points secured, he flipped back onto his hands then onto his legs much like a Gymnast before squatting down at the very top of his elongated Shadow, made longer by Tanari's flame attack... like it needed to be any bigger or longer really. He thrust his arms out with fingertips sliding into the ground, before they clenched, like he were literally fisting the edge of a carpet rug. Even despite Valken's control over the Shadow Realm he could already feel his muscles bulging to keep the damn thing in place.

The Golem made as if to take a huge step towards Tanari but instead made a half roar as it realized he couldn't step anywhere. Like his feet were planted solid somehow. Though that didn't stop him trying desperately to lift his feet to try and charge forward more to attack her.

"Emmerich! Lavender! He can't move his feet so now would be a great time to Wail into that Stone Golem to distract him while Tanari finishes her attack! So hop to it Princesses!!" All said in a light tone, but already sweat was rolling down his face.

Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Siren Battle


The Forest Mage couldn't believe what she was seeing. Ryu had hardly even looked at her, like her presence didn't even register in his vision. He was just pacing in that Dome, like some sort of cold-hearted killer. The Siren's wails didn't even effect him at all. She'd seen him around the Guild Hall, mostly sitting by himself, but she never dreamed he could be so cold as to kill something so easily! Not something screaming in pain as that woman was! Her thoughts only momentarily taken aback when a heavy set of arms wrapped around her and lifted her completely off her feet, emerald eyes going massive as panic dawned on her face.

It was Chris still covered head to toe in her own blood, but she didn't know he was still functioning normally! Wincing as per usual his hug was far to strong for her petite frame. "C...Chris let me go!" Though the nuzzle into her hair took her aback. Still his hot breath washing over her neck brought back bad memories, memories of when he had that sickening sharp teeth grin and he was literally drooling over her before he slammed his jaws around her neck. The second her feet touched the floor, Kelica thrust her hands out to create some space between them. At least till he grabbed her shoulders and she took another sharp intake of breath, fear still half flooding her face. But his eyes vision seem to be focusing on the Siren who's screeching only seemed to intensify with every passing moment.

Kelica looked to face Adrian now as he spoke, though his calm words did little to calm her. How could everyone just stand around without even acknowledging that she was being tortured! Did they not hear her very screams? Did they not care? She listened to every word her resolve slowly dwindling, but it didn't feel right. Fairytail didn't just kill people like this.

"Yes I know what a Siren is... a creature not protected under Human law.... But need I remind you that Fairytail's own Guild has a S-Class wizard who is a Vampire. A creature, but definition, who sucks the blood from it's victims in much the same way that a Siren does? So... a vampire in our own ranks is acceptable, but a Siren is not? Why? What difference is there? Sera has learned to control her urges, over many many years.... but long ago she was not much different from this creature!! But someone took pity on her and she changed! She has to feed to survive! If she does not feed she dies... would you not eat simply because herbivore's may look at you as some sort of disgusting Meat-Eating Monster? How is this different! You say she doesn't want to change.... that she can't be redeemed but I disagree!! How do you KNOW that?! Maybe she has known no other way! Maybe she had killed for her own survival!"

"Her words may not be trusted but they could very well be... will you sentence her to a Painful Death on maybes and conjecture? Guilty till proven Innocent, am I right!?!? WHO MADE YOU JUDGE AND EXECUTIONER! THAT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, AND I'll BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE OF FAIRYTAIL BE THE KILLING BLOW ON ANYONE!"

Oh she was well aware of the growing Sun inside the Dome, and she was aware if the Arcane Barrier broke they would be hit with the full force of that heat. She was aware Ryu probably didn't give a Damn about anyone else here other then some sick and twisted revenge. One creature doing one bad thing in his past condemned an entire race of Immortals. NOT ALL IMMORTALS WERE THE SAME! Just as no two humans, or no two creatures were the same. Did they not see that? How did they turn a blind eye to this! Did they feel no remorse at all! Kelica had tears in the corners of her eyes. She didn't know what to do! She slammed a fist against the Dome. Finally her gaze turned as she faced Noah with a hopeless in her eyes. What could she do? Sit here and let some creature screech in agony? How could she? "This isn't right...." She whispered but her eyes kept locked to the Djinn Mage, like she hoped he might see her reasoning. If he agreed with the others.... then there was nothing more she could do...

A weak C-class mage out ranked and out numbered.

@Embaga Elder @Rhodus @Mitchs98 (mention) @LeSoraAmari
*Happy Claps and sniffs*

Bravo! This post was so beautiful that it gets my
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Zareh said:
*Happy Claps and sniffs*
Bravo! This post was so beautiful that it gets my

IN 30 odd years....

my Not!Lucy
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Hmmm no Not!Natus... the closest we have is Tanari and she's a girl. :) Or Ryu who is currently being a meany poo bum face and so not Natsu

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