Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Colt556 said:
I suppose some silly contrived "this base is nothing but dungeon corridors and cell blocks" is always an option.
I do believe that's what it's been based off tbh
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss

Team Bravado

The Shadow Mage was thankful for his emo fringe when he suddenly turned with mouth agap towards Ferra. The flirting thing with Tanari was warranted although Ferra and Emmerich should realize he was just joking yeah? I mean he wasn't going to object had her shirt slipped off and he got a front row seat, he did just have that pervert personality. But it was just a verbal quip more then anything... People around him were way too uptight.

Then Ferra continued on talking about his rather impressive magazine collection, he narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Ferra by the back of her neck to lift her up like a puppy dog. "How did you even manage to find that? And break into the dark shadow spell I put over the edge? It would have alerted me the moment you broke into that box with your grubby hands...." Try as he might to stay angry he was weirdly impressed with Ferra. Getting under a Master of all this Ninja and Spy was no mean feet afterall.

Eventually Valkens face paled with the threat and he oddly gently placed Ferra on her feet and quickly patted her down of dirt, readjusting her probably scrunched shirt in a half panicked manner. "Y...You won't tell her right?" Eyes half pleading. Afterall he probably could bs some excuse but that was the harder option. "How about we call it even yeah? Clean slate as it where..."

Valken idly watched Emmerich run head long and start taking out the mass of mages with less then a care, afterall this was a man so close to the edge of Light/Dark with his powers.... If any of them saw what he did to get information out of victims... But that's why his jobs were all hush hush, under the table, but paid a fortune. His clients had to find him personally rather then grabbing posters off the Guild Wall. Not even Lloyd or Maya knew where he went half the time.

He heard Tanari mention Emmerich's brutality and the Magic Council, followed a moment later by Lavender defending them. This made him snare suddenly and approach the purple haired mage, his posture seething rage while the very shadows at his feet seemed to slowly seep outwards, crawling, like outstretched eager hands.

He spoke up so all three girls could hear.

"They have the Grimoire Heart symbol burnt into their very flesh! Their symbol is not just pressed down like ours do... it is physically branded with wicked magic that few manage to uplift. If they were innocents they could have come to us for help, or the Magic Council to protect them, but they chose their own path. They chose this direction." Letting his hand sweep out towards the army. "Do you see any of them refrain from attacking Frosty? Look closely! Watch his body language! Every punch or kick he does he stops a half second and exposes himself to them, he drops his arms and legs. He gives them one full, unprotected opening for them to back down and they chose that opening to swing at him. They would kill him without a second thought! They don't have the same Chilvary we do. They are out for blood. Would you like us all to lie down and die?"

He stopped as he turned his head quickly to Emmerich as more and more seemed to be flooding the corridor. "If you want to stay behind, just turn around and look away! Some Fairytail protector you are!" His gaze turning to Tanari. "If you don't want to fight then stay here and look after Ferra. I won't let a single one of these idiots escape till I have Millie back...."

With that the Shadow Mage had already turned on his heels and was sprinting to engage the enemies right behind Emmerich. Only unlike Frosty crashing head long, Valken was using a sort of duck and weave approach, using the mages own body weight and momentum to spin them to hit each other.

Finally he came up behind Frosty and pressed his back against his, unslinging both daggers to point down along his forearms like razor sharp elbow blades. While Frosty was almost glowing with fire and ice, the area around Valken was darkening like the very air was being sucked of light, heat and life. His eyes starting to glow purple once more.

"...Maybe slightly less on the brutality Frosty..." He whispered. "..But then I know you like a challenge...can you try to make these wounds seem at least half in self defense?...I know Maya is in the Magic Council but still... she'll have some explaning to do.."

Though he had to grin at the absurdity of those words.
Do I have to keep tagging you two in my Valken posts or will you just assume valken = Millie/Maya? @Kayzo
Pfft I already was gonna have her help either way, I was just making sure so I didnt look stupid xD
@Zuka I found a video that perfectly details what would happen if Chris tried to cook for kelica's parents who are most likely unapproving of Chris right now.


[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]Excuse me. But isn't this basically two girls deep-throating a food item.

That it is. :o
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